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  • 19,5 MB
  • 14 lip 24 12:09

Nawet po legendarnej ewakuacji z Dunkierki we Francji w czerwcu 1940 roku nadal przebywały znaczne siły brytyjskie, które walczyły ramię w ramię z sojusznikiem. Aby przypieczętować zwycięstwo, Niemcy przeprowadzili Fall Rot (Wariant czerwony). Ofensywa w ciągu kilku tygodni doprowadziła do całkowitego załamania alianckiego oporu i kolejnej ewakuacji, tym razem z portów w Hawrze, Cherbourgu, Breście i Saint-Nazaire. Gdy Francja upadała, politycy planowali zawieszenie broni, a część żołnierzy zamiast kapitulacji wybierała ucieczkę do Anglii lub Afryki Północnej.

Robert Forczyk szczegółowo opisuje cały przebieg najazdu na Francję, łącznie z rzadko analizowaną w opracowaniach drugą połową kampanii. Przedstawia ignorowane często przez historyków działania polskich jednostek lądowych i lotniczych w czerwcu 1940 roku. Demaskuje mity o niekompetencji francuskich żołnierzy i ich braku chęci do walki. Ukazuje w nowym świetle wojskowy, polityczny i ludzki dramat upadku Francji i wyjaśnia, jak ta katastrofa wpłynęła na stosunki między aliantami na dalszym etapie wojny.

Powyższy opis pochodzi od wydawcy.

  • 104,8 MB
  • 10 paź 23 16:58

Photo chronicle of the German invasion of France in the spring of 1940.

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  • 15 wrz 23 20:11

Provocative look at the battle for France in May and June 1940
Explains how the French were caught off guard, how the Germans swept into the country, and how the British battled the blitzkrieg
Recounts the evacuation at Dunkirk
Shows how the fall of France changed the course of World War II

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  • 15 wrz 23 19:58

First published in 1958, this first German-perspective account of Dunkirk is available in English for the first time.

The German Army invaded France on 10 May 1940, and in just over ten days their rapid advance, led by three panzer corps, had left three French field armies, Belgian forces and the British Expeditionary Force with their backs to the sea, trapped along the northern coast of France. General Gort realized that evacuation was the only option, and so began a chaotic withdrawal towards the port of Dunkirk.

While the Luftwaffe continued to attack pockets of Allied forces, the German ground forces were ordered to halt their advance on 22 May. These orders were changed four days later, but these crucial four days of inaction allowed the Allies time to retreat into Dunkirk and prepare a defensive perimeter.

The fighting during the last days of May was desperate, with the remnants of the French First Army surrounded at Lille, holding off seven German divisions until finally forced to surrender, and the Belgian Army forced to capitulate to the east of Dunkirk. Though the cost was devastatingly high, Dunkirk was held long enough for over 300,000 Allied troops to be evacuated back to England, with the remainder of the rearguard of French troops surrendering on 4 June.

The British narrative of the retreat and evacuation that prompted perhaps Winston Churchill's most famous wartime speech has always been well-known; however only now is Hans-Adolf Jacobsen's detailed account of the battle from the German perspective available in English.

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  • 15 wrz 23 19:58

While much has been written about the Battle of Britain, the air war over France and the Low Countries from September 1939 to June 1940 has been largely neglected - until now. As expert aviation author Jerry Murland reveals in this fascinating book, there may have been little ground action until May 1940 but the war in the air was far from phoney'. In contrast to their adversaries, the Allied air forces on the mainland of Europe were poorly equipped, regardless of increased development from 1934 onwards. But in spite of this, when the German invasion began, the Low Countries of Holland and Belgium fought back tenaciously. While development of the Spitfire, Blenheim and Wellington was continuing at a pace, the RAF with only four squadrons of Hurricanes among a force of outdated bi-planes, was a little more prepared than the French, but still woefully outgunned by the Luftwaffe. While the Allied air forces of Britain, France and the Low Countries may have been inferior, the gallantry and tenacity of their pilots makes for inspiring reading. This is a work that will enthral and inform all those interested in the history of the Second World War, particularly aviation enthusiasts.

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  • 15 wrz 23 19:54

In this compelling new study of the disastrous 1940 campaign in France and Flanders, Matthew Richardson reconstructs in vivid detail the British army’s defeat as it was experienced by the soldiers of a single battalion, the 2nd/5th Leicesters. These men typified the ill-equipped, under-trained British battalions that faced the blitzkrieg and the might of Hitler's legions. They were thrown into a series of desperate, one-sided engagements that resulted in a humiliating retreat, then evacuation from Dunkirk. This is their story.

Matthew Richardson is curator of social history at Manx National Heritage and was formerly assistant keeper of the Liddle Collection at the University of Leeds. He has a long-term interest in military history and research, focusing in particular on the First and Second World Wars and on the history of the Leicestershire Regiment. In addition to writing many magazine articles on military history, he has published the following books: The Tigers and Fighting Tigers. He is currently working on 1914: Clash of Empires.

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  • 15 wrz 23 19:54

The National Book Award–winning historian’s “vivid and moving” eyewitness account of the fall of France to Hitler’s Third Reich at the outset of WWII (The New York Times).

As an international war correspondent and radio commentator during World War II, William L. Shirer didn’t just research the fall of France. He was there. In just six weeks, he watched the Third Reich topple one of the world’s oldest military powers—and institute a rule of terror and paranoia. Based on in-person conversations with the leaders, diplomats, generals, and ordinary citizens who both shaped the events and lived through them, Shirer constructs a compelling account of historical events without losing sight of the human experience.

From the heroic efforts of the Freedom Fighters to the tactical military misjudgments that caused the fall and the daily realities of life for French citizens under Nazi rule, this fascinating and exhaustively documented account brings this significant episode of history to life.

“This is a companion effort to Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, also voluminous but very readable, reflecting once again both Shirer’s own experience and an enormous mass of historical material well digested and assimilated.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

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  • 15 wrz 23 19:54

For sixty years the dramatic story of the Dunkirk evacuation and the defeat of France—the story of the German conquest of northwest Europe—has been the focus of historical study and dispute, yet myths and misconceptions about this extraordinary event persist. The ruthless efficiency of the German assault, the 'miracle' of Dunkirk, the feeble French defense—these still common assumptions are questioned in Geoffrey Stewart's highly readable and concise account of the campaign. The German victory was not inevitable

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  • 15 wrz 23 19:53

An engaging narrative of the small-unit actions near Sedan during the 1940 campaign for France

Reconstructs the fighting in and around Sedan by German panzer forces under the famous Heinz Guderian and their French opponents
Examines both sides of the battle, from privates up to generals
Recommended reading by the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps
"Doughty's lively study should appeal to soldiers and civilians." --Journal of Military History

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  • 15 wrz 23 19:53

Here is an original and up-to-date account of a key period of military history, one that not only links the two World Wars but also anticipates the more complex nature of conflict following the Cold War. Black links the two World Wars, between the overcoming of trench warfare in the campaigns of 1918 and the fall of France in 1940. This was a period when militaries, governments and publics digested the lessons of the Great War and prepared for another major struggle. Black also locates the period in terms of long-term questions in military history, including the relationship between symmetrical and asymmetrical warfare, the tensions surrounding innovation, the pressures and possibilities created by technological change and the impact of ideology on the causes and conduct of war. Black's book devotes particular attention to the Far East as part of his worldwide coverage. He also assesses the role of the military in internal politics and establishes the importance of civil wars.

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  • 15 wrz 23 19:53

The Fall of France in 1940 has been well chronicled but numerous misconceptions remain.This fascinating and thought-provoking collection of essays on wide-ranging issues covering the politics and fighting on land, sea and in the air will be greatly welcomed by academics and military history enthusiasts.Topics covered include the preparations of the BEF, the failure of allied counter attacks, the air war, the Royal Navys's role in the campaign, the influence of the Battle on British military doctrine and the repercussions from the British, French and German angles.

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  • 15 wrz 23 19:53

During six weeks in 1940, Hitler's blitzkrieg shattered the redoubtable Maginot Line and, shortly thereafter, the French army. No historian has written a more definitive chronicle of that disaster than Alistair Horne, or one so emotionally gripping. Moving with cinematic swiftness from the battlefield to the Reichstag and the Palais de l'...lysée, To Lose a Battle overspills the confines of traditional military history to become a portrait of the French national soul in its darkest night.

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  • 9 wrz 23 12:45

Od 27 maja do 4 czerwca 1940 roku alianci, w obawie przed potężną niemiecką ofensywą, ewakuowali z Dunkierki ponad 300 000 angielskich i francuskich żołnierzy.

Ta skomplikowana akcja militarna, którą Winston Churchil nazwał cudem, przeszła do legendy i stała się tematem najnowszego filmu Christophera Nolana. W bohaterów tamtych dni wcieliły się takie gwiazdy kina jak Kenneth Branagh, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy i Mark Rylance.

Dunkierka to dramatyczna opowieść o długich godzinach pod obstrzałem wroga, bez racji żywnościowych i amunicji, o niebezpiecznej przeprawie przeładowanymi łodziami, o bohaterstwie tych, którzy wspierali akcję z morza, lądu i powietrza. Bez ich poświęcenia losy wojny potoczyłyby się zupełnie inaczej.

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  • 9 wrz 23 12:34

Sedan 1940 – przełomowa bitwa o przełamanie frontu. Sforsowanie Mozy pod Sedanem przez XIX Korpus Pancerny Guderiana było kwintesencją Blitzkriegu. W ciągu zaledwie 6 dni niemieckie siły pancerne przeszły przez Belgię, pokonały, jak się zdawało, niemożliwy do przebycia dla dużych ilości pojazdów zalesiony masyw ardeński, zepchnęły belgijskie i francuskie oddziały na linię rzeki Mozy, a następnie po niecałym 8 godzinnym bombardowaniu lotniczym sforsowały rzekę, aby później całkowicie przełamać wszystkie francuskie linie oporu i wejść na tyły wojsk przeciwnika. „Cud” przerwania linii frontu o jakim myślano na froncie zachodnim w latach 1914–1918 ziścił się w zaledwie kilka dni. Bitwa, która do tego doprowadziła kosztowała stronę atakującą około 120 zabitych i 400 rannych. Jakże inna była to walka w porównaniu do wielkich operacji przełamujących I wojny światowej, kiedy nieprzynoszące żadnego rozstrzygnięcia boje potrafiły pochłonąć dziennie nawet 50 000 ludzkich istnień.

Sedan 1940 – bitwa ta obrosła w wiele mitów: nacierające przez rzekę niemieckie czołgi? uciekający w panice na samą myśl o nich francuscy żołnierze? Opis działań wojennych pozwala zapoznać się z przebiegiem całej operacji przełamującej, a zamieszczone liczne relacje osobiste zarówno dowódców jak i zwykłych żołnierzy pozwalają lepiej zrozumieć charakter tej niezwykłej bitwy.

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  • 3 wrz 23 20:37

In the early morning of 10 May 1940, the sky literally fell on the heads of the defenders of Fort Eben-Emael, considered to be Belgium's most powerful fortress. This huge structure, with its powerful artillery and infantry weapons, was the key to the Meuse and Albert Canal defences. In the darkness of the pre-dawn, German DFS 230 gliders drifted silently over the southern Netherlands, landing one by one on top of Eben-Emael. Within minutes German Special Forces troops destroyed most of the fort's weapons and observation capabilities. The following day, the garrison surrendered, and the door to Belgium and France was open.

But, as Clayton Donnell relates in this perceptive and meticulously researched study, Eben-Emael was only one of the nineteen forts of the fortified positions of Liège and Namur attacked in May 1940. Three new and sixteen refurbished forts held out for several days, and fought to the death. The story he tells contradicts the common assumption that these static defenses were rolled over or bypassed -powerless to resist the overwhelming force of the German combat engineer's assaults, Stuka bombs and heavy artillery shells. In vivid detail he demonstrates that their importance in the 1940 campaign has been seriously under reported, and he gives clarity to some of the legends that have grown up around the capture of Eben-Emael itself.

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  • 3 wrz 23 20:35

What was it like as a French soldier to defend the Maginot Line when the Germans invaded in 1940, and was the line really a strategic and tactical disaster a massive waste of resources? Clayton Donnell's expert, finely detailed and graphic account of the role of the Maginot Line in the defence of France gives the reader an inside view of life in the bunkers, casemates and forts the sights, the sounds and the terror of the German attacks. And it questions common assumptions about the effectiveness of the resistance offered by the defenders and the impact the line had on the German assault. The layout of the line from Dunkirk to Switzerland, along the Alpine passes to the Riviera, and on the island of Corsica is described in expert detail, as is its history, construction and development. But the narrative concentrates on its performance in combat and the experience of the soldiers who manned it as the German offensive broke over them.

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  • 15 sie 23 20:49

Although the story of the German Fall Gelb offensive against France, Belgium, and Holland in May 1940 is well known, most accounts tend to stop with the conclusion of the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) from Dunkirk on June 4, 1940. The German operation that actually conquered metropolitan France, Fall Rot (Case Red), is usually glossed over in brief. Nor are many people aware today that there was a second BEF in France, which was also successfully evacuated by sea. The current literature on the Western campaign of 1940 essentially spotlights the German drive to the English Channel and the Dunkirk evacuation then skips ahead to the French armistice, skipping over the military, political, and human drama of France's collapse in June 1940.

Indeed, some of the most interesting military operations of the 1940 campaign were conducted in June 1940, as the Allies mounted a vigorous counterattack at Abbeville (including the British 1st Armoured Division--the first time that the British Army employed an armored division in combat) and then mounted a tough defense along the Somme River. Unlike the easy breakthrough at Sedan, the Germans had to fight hard to break through the Weygand Line. Churchill decided to send a second BEF to France to support the French, but the Germans finally achieved a decisive breakthrough before it could be effectively deployed. The British were forced to mount a second evacuation from the ports of Le Havre, Cherbourg, Brest, and St. Nazaire, which rescued over 200,000 troops, although the transport RMS Lancastria was sunk by German bombers, with the loss of over 4,000 troops. While France was in its death throes, politicians and soldiers debated what to do--flee to England or North Africa or to seek an armistice.

The drama of the final three weeks of military operations in France in June 1940 has never effectively been captured on paper, but this is a story that needs to be told since it had great impact on the course of World War II and inter-Allied relations. This book will also address the initial German exploitation of France and how the windfall of captured military equipment, fuel and industrial resources enhanced the Third Reich's ability to attack its next foe--the Soviet Union.

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  • 8 sty 23 19:07

Błyskawiczne zwycięstwo Hitlera nad mocarstwami zachodnimi nie zostało zaplanowane jako „blitzkrieg”. Przywódcy państwa niemieckiego liczyli się bowiem z powtórzeniem długotrwałych walk na wzór pierwszej wojny światowej i temu właśnie podporządkowali swe plany gospodarcze i militarne. Dopiero zaskakujące przełamanie pod Sedanem, dokonane przez korpus pancerny Guderiana, spowodowało, że niemiecki atak nabrał nieoczekiwanej dynamiki i doprowadził do „cięcia sierpem” – szybkiego natarcia pancernego w kierunku Kanału La Manche, gdzie alianci zostali zamknięci w kotle pod Dunkierką.

Autor przeciwstawia się obiegowej teorii mówiącej o zastosowaniu przez Hitlera „strategii blitzkriegu” i jednocześnie odsłania tajemnice tego, jak doszło do „blitzkriegu” w 1940 r.

  • 33,3 MB
  • 8 sty 23 19:06

Here, for the first time in English, is an illuminating new German perspective on the decisive Blitzkrieg campaign of 1940. Karl-Heinz Frieser's account provides the definitive explanation for Germany's startling success and the equally surprising and rapid military collapse of France and Britain on the European continent. In a little over a month, Germany decisively defeated the Allies in battle, a task that had not been achieved in four years of brutal fighting during World War I.

First published in 1995 as the official German history of the 1940 campaign in the west, the book goes beyond standard explanations to show that German victory was not inevitable and French defeat was not preordained. Contrary to the usual accounts of the campaign, Frieser illustrates that the military systems of both Germany and France were solid and that their campaign planning was sound. The key to victory or defeat, he argues, was the execution of operational plans—both preplanned and ad hoc—amid the eternal Clausewitzian combat factors of friction and the fog of war. Frieser shows why on the eve of the campaign the British and French leaders had good cause to be confident and why many German generals were understandably concerned that disaster was looming for them.

This study explodes many of the myths concerning German Blitzkrieg warfare and the planning for the 1940 campaign. A groundbreaking new interpretation of a topic that has long interested students of military history, it is being published in cooperation with the Association of the U.S. Army

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