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widziany: 2.07.2024 21:43

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14863 plików
549,53 GB

Ukryj opis
antologie s-f i fantasy
1980-03 - Epic Illustrated (Epic (Marvel))
na wesoło ;)
religia & mistycyzm
1995-08 - Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (Slave Labor Graphic)
2012-01 - Dicks (Avatar Press)
2012-01 - Dicks
2014-06 - Dicks - To the End of Time, Like
2012-09 - Happy! (Image)
1948-11 - Arthur Conan Doyle
1999 - Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century
1984-00 - XIII (Van Hamme & Vance) [PL]
2012-10 - MacGyver (Image)
_gry komputerowe
1929-00 - Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan
1995-01 - Dark Horse
1996-01 - Tarzan versus Predator - At the Earth's Core
1948-00 - The Phantom
1967-03 - Space Ghost
1967-03 - Gold Key
1987-12 - Comico
2005-01 - DC Comics
1981-00 - Blackstar
1981-00 - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
1987-08 - Masters of the Universe - The Movie
1990-09 - The New Adventur es of He-Man
The New Adven tures of He-Ma n - Volum e #1
The New Adven tures of He-Ma n - Volum e #2
1984-00 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
TMNT rip-offs
1984-05 - The Toxic Avenger (Troma Entertainment)
1986-12 - Hero Alliance (Innovation)
1990-08 - Bratpack [King Hell]
1991-03 - Guyver
2005-01 - Hero Squared (Boom! Studios)
2005-01 - Hero Squared
2005-08 - Hero Squared vol. I
2006-05 - Hero Squared vol. II
2008-12 - Hero Squared - Love and Death
2006-01 - Planetary Brigade
2006-01 - Planetar y Brigade
2006-10 - Planetar y Brigade Origins
2006-10 - The Boys (Dynamite Entertainment)
2009-03 - M.I.L.F. Magnet (Moonstone)
2012-06 - Idolized (Aspen MLT)
2012-12 - The Red Ten [ComixTribe]
2012-12 - The Red Ten
2013-08 - Oxymoron
2015-08 - Oxymoron - The Loveliest Nightmare
Avatar Press
Dark Horse Comics
DC vs. Marvel
1996-02 - Amalgam Comics
1997-01 - Elseworl ds
2003-09 - JLA-Aven gers
Detective Comics
DC Comics trading cards
DC Fun & Mayhem
DC Totems
19 90 -1 0 - Sw am p Th in g - Gu ar di an of th e Ea rt h
komik sy
19 64 -0 8 - Th e Do om Pa tr ol vo l. I
19 65 -0 9 - St ra ng e Ad ve nt ur es vo l. I
19 67 -0 1 - Sh ow ca se vo l. I
19 72 -1 0 - Sw am p Th in g - Da rk Ge ne si s
19 73 -0 7 - Ad ve nt ur e Co mi cs vo l. I
19 75 -1 0 - Th e Br av e an d th e Bo ld vo l. I
19 77 -0 8 - Ch al le ng er s of th e Un kn ow n vo l. I
19 79 -0 4 - DC Co mi cs Pr es en ts vo l. I
19 80 -0 5 - Wo nd er Wo ma n vo l. I
19 82 -0 5 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 0 - Th e Sa ga of th e Sw am p Th in g
19 82 -0 6 - DC Co mi cs Pr es en ts vo l. I
19 82 -1 1 - Sw am p Th in g - Th e Of fi ci al Ad ap ta ti on of th e Em ba ss y Pi ct ur es Fi lm
19 84 -0 1 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 1 - Th e Sa ga of th e Sw am p Th in g
19 84 -0 2 - Ac ti on Co mi cs vo l. I
19 84 -0 9 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 2 - Lo ve an d De at h
19 85 -0 2 - DC Co mi cs Pr es en ts vo l. I
19 85 -0 4 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 3 - Th e Cu rs e
19 85 -1 2 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 4 - A Mu rd er of Cr ow s
19 86 -0 8 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 5 - Ea rt h to Ea rt h
19 87 -0 2 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 6 - Re un io n
19 87 -1 0 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 7 - Re ge ne si s
19 88 -0 3 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 8 - Sp on ta ne ou s Ge ne ra ti on
19 88 -0 6 - Ca pt ai n At om vo l. II
19 88 -0 9 - An im al Ma n Bo ok 1 - An im al Ma n
19 88 -1 0 - De te ct iv e Co mi cs vo l. I
19 88 -1 1 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 9 - In fe rn al Tr ia ng le s
19 88 -1 2 - Do om Pa tr ol vo l. II
19 89 -0 1 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II - Br ot he rs in Ar ms
19 89 -0 4 - An im al Ma n Bo ok 2 - Or ig in of th e Sp ec ie s
19 89 -0 4 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II #8 5- 90
19 89 -1 0 - Th e El em en ta l Wa r!
19 89 -1 2 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - De us Ex Ma ch in a
19 90 -0 1 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II #9 1- 10 3
19 90 -0 6 - De te ct iv e Co mi cs vo l. I
19 90 -0 6 - Ju st ic e Le ag ue Eu ro pe
19 90 -0 7 - Su pe rm an vo l. II
19 90 -0 9 - An im al Ma n Bo ok 3 - Bo rn to Be Wi ld
19 91 -0 2 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II - Qu es t fo r th e El em en ta ls
19 91 -0 8 - An im al Ma n vo l. I #3 8- 46
19 91 -0 8 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II #1 10 -1 28
19 91 -1 2 - Ju st ic e Le ag ue Qu ar te rl y
19 92 -0 5 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - Th e Sh in in g Ma n
19 92 -0 9 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - Fl es h an d Bl oo d
19 93 -0 2 - Ba tm an - Le ge nd s of th e Da rk Kn ig ht
19 93 -0 3 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - Wi ld (V er ti go )
19 93 -0 3 - He ll bl az er - Fo rt y (V er ti go )
19 93 -0 3 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II #1 29 -1 38 (V er ti go )
19 93 -0 7 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - To ot h an d Cl aw (V er ti go )
19 93 -0 8 - Ve rt ig o Ja m (V er ti go )
19 93 -0 9 - Bl ac k Or ch id vo l. II #1 -4 (V er ti go )
19 93 -1 0 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - Th e Si le nt Wa lk er s (V er ti go )
19 93 -1 2 - Th e Ch il dr en 's Cr us ad e (V er ti go )
19 94 -0 1 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - My st er io us Wa ys (V er ti go )
19 94 -0 1 - Th e Mi nd Fi el ds (V er ti go )
19 94 -0 2 - Bl ac k Or ch id vo l. II #6 -1 6 (V er ti go )
19 94 -0 2 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II #1 40 -1 50 (V er ti go )
19 94 -0 3 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - Be tt er Re d Th an De ad (V er ti go )
19 94 -1 0 - Pr im al Fo rc e
19 95 -0 1 - Bl ac k Or ch id vo l. II - A Tw is te d Se as on (V er ti go )
19 95 -0 1 - Th e Ve rt ig o Ta ro t (V er ti go )
19 95 -0 2 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - Ho me co mi ng (V er ti go )
19 95 -0 2 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II - Ri ve r Ru n (V er ti go )
19 95 -0 3 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - Wi ld Ty pe (V er ti go )
19 95 -0 5 - Ba tm an - Le ge nd s of th e Da rk Kn ig ht
19 95 -0 6 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - Be dt im e St or y (V er ti go )
19 95 -0 6 - So lo mo n Gr un dy - On e Ni gh t in Sl au gh te r Sw am p
19 95 -0 7 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - An im a Mu nd i (V er ti go )
19 95 -0 8 - Ba tm an - Le ge nd s of th e Da rk Kn ig ht
19 95 -0 8 - Sw am p Th in gs
19 95 -1 0 - An im al Ma n vo l. I - Bi rt h Pa in s (V er ti go )
19 95 -1 0 - Th e Ve rt ig o
19 95 -1 1 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II #1 60 -1 62 (V er ti go )
19 96 -0 2 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II #1 63 -1 65 (V er ti go )
19 96 -0 5 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II - Tr ia l By Fi re (V er ti go )
19 96 -1 1 - Ba tm an - Sh ad ow of th e Ba t
19 97 -0 5 - Aq ua ma n vo l. VI
19 98 -0 3 - Sw am p Th in g - Ro ot s (V er ti go )
19 99 -0 5 - Re su rr ec ti on Ma n vo l. I
19 99 -1 0 - JL A
19 99 -1 0 - Ma rt ia n Ma nh un te r vo l. II
19 99 -1 2 - Sw am p Th in g - Ja ck in th e Gr ee n (V er ti go )
20 00 -0 1 - Sw am p Th in g - So w an d Ye Sh al l Re ap (V er ti go )
20 00 -0 2 - To te ms (V er ti go )
20 00 -0 5 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II I #1 -1 0 (V er ti go )
20 00 -1 1 - Ve rt ig o Se cr et Fi le s & Or ig in s - Sw am p Th in g (V er ti go )
20 01 -0 3 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II I - Re d Ha rv es t (V er ti go )
20 01 -1 0 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. II I #1 8- 20 (V er ti go )
20 03 -0 7 - He ll bl az er - Th ir d Wo rl ds (V er ti go )
20 03 -1 2 - He ll bl az er - St ar in g at th e Wa ll (V er ti go )
20 04 -0 5 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 10 - Ba d Se ed (V er ti go )
20 04 -1 1 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. IV - Mi ss in g Li nk s (V er ti go )
20 05 -0 1 - Co ns ta nt in e - Th e Of fi ci al Mo vi e Ad ap ta ti on (V er ti go )
20 05 -0 1 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 11 - Lo ve in Va in (V er ti go )
20 05 -0 7 - Sw am p Th in g Bo ok 12 - He al in g th e Br ea ch (V er ti go )
20 06 -0 1 - He ll bl az er - R. S. V. P
20 06 -0 1 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. IV - Th e Bl ee di ng Ra co nt eu r (V er ti go )
20 06 -0 5 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. IV #2 5- 26 (V er ti go )
20 06 -0 7 - Sw am p Th in g vo l. IV - Th e Pr is on Tr ee (V er ti go )
20 08 -0 9 - Th e Ve rt ig o En cy cl op ed ia (D or li ng Ki nd er sl ey Pu bl is hi ng )
20 08 -1 2 - Su pe rm an an d Ba tm an vs . Va mp ir es an d We re wo lv es
20 09 -0 7 - Th e La st Da ys of An im al Ma n
20 11 -0 3 - Ga rb ag e Ma n
2 0 1 1 - 0 3 - W e i r d W o r l d s v o l . I I
2 0 1 1 - 1 2 - M y G r e a t e s t A d v e n t u r e v o l . I I
20 11 -1 1 - Th e Ne w 52 !
DC Vertigo
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
2000- 02 - JSA - Darkn ess Falls
2003- 04 - JSA - Princ es of Darkn ess
2008- 01 - JSA - Class ified featu ring Green Lante rn
Legion of Super-He roes
Sentinel s of Magic
The Flash
1990- 07 - Flash - Gener ation s
1993- 04 - Flash - The Retur n of Barry Allen
1996- 05 - The Flash - Race Again st Time!
Time Masters
World's Finest
Marvel Comics
Image Comics
Image Comics
2002-07 - The Pro
2008-06 - A Red Mass For Mars
2009-02 - Jersey Gods
2009 - Volum e I - I'd Live and I'd Die for You
2010 - Volum e II - And This is Home
2010 - Volum e III - Thund er Road
Todd McFarlane Productions
1992-05 - Todd McFarlan e's Spawn
1997- 05 - Todd McFar lane' s Spawn
1997- 08 - Spawn
1997- 12 - Spawn - The Movie (Imag e)
Top Cow
2000-11 - Witchbla de-Alien s-The Darkness -Predato r - Mindhunt er [Top Cow (Image)]
2000-12 - Overkill - Witchbla de-Alien s-Darkne ss-Preda tor [Top Cow (Image)]
2005-06 - Freshmen
independent super-heroes
Parody Press
1977-03 - Judge Dredd
1997-10 - Predator versus Judge Dredd [Egmont]
2003-03 - Judge Dredd vs. Aliens - Incubus [Rebelli on]
2005-12 - The Ten-Seconde rs
1978 - Cheech and Chong
1994-08 - Marvel Music (Marvel)
1994-08 - Bob Marley - Tale of the Tuff Gong
2011-04 - Ziggy Marley's Marijuanama n (Image)
death metal
Cannabis Corpse
Pokazuj foldery i treści
1964-08 - The Doom Patrol vol. I 1965-09 - Strange Adventures vol. I 1967-01 - Showcase vol. I
1972-10 - Swamp Thing - Dark Genesis 1973-07 - Adventure Comics vol. I 1975-10 - The Brave and the Bold vol. I
1977-08 - Challengers of the Unknown vol. I 1979-04 - DC Comics Presents vol. I 1980-05 - Wonder Woman vol. I
1982-05 - Swamp Thing Book 0 - The Saga of the Swamp Thing 1982-06 - DC Comics Presents vol. I 1982-11 - Swamp Thing - The Official Adaptation of the Embassy Pictures Film
1984-01 - Swamp Thing Book 1 - The Saga of the Swamp Thing 1984-02 - Action Comics vol. I 1984-09 - Swamp Thing Book 2 - Love and Death
1985-02 - DC Comics Presents vol. I 1985-04 - Swamp Thing Book 3 - The Curse 1985-12 - Swamp Thing Book 4 - A Murder of Crows
1986-08 - Swamp Thing Book 5 - Earth to Earth 1987-02 - Swamp Thing Book 6 - Reunion 1987-10 - Swamp Thing Book 7 - Regenesis
1988-03 - Swamp Thing Book 8 - Spontaneous Generation 1988-06 - Captain Atom vol. II 1988-09 - Animal Man Book 1 - Animal Man
1988-10 - Detective Comics vol. I 1988-11 - Swamp Thing Book 9 - Infernal Triangles 1988-12 - Doom Patrol vol. II
1989-01 - Swamp Thing vol. II - Brothers in Arms 1989-04 - Animal Man Book 2 - Origin of the Species 1989-04 - Swamp Thing vol. II #85-90
1989-10 - The Elemental War! 1989-12 - Animal Man vol. I - Deus Ex Machina 1990-01 - Swamp Thing vol. II #91-103
1990-06 - Detective Comics vol. I 1990-06 - Justice League Europe 1990-07 - Superman vol. II
1990-09 - Animal Man Book 3 - Born to Be Wild 1991-02 - Swamp Thing vol. II - Quest for the Elementals 1991-08 - Animal Man vol. I #38-46
1991-08 - Swamp Thing vol. II #110-128 1991-12 - Justice League Quarterly 1992-05 - Animal Man vol. I - The Shining Man
1992-09 - Animal Man vol. I - Flesh and Blood 1993-02 - Batman - Legends of the Dark Knight 1993-03 - Animal Man vol. I - Wild (Vertigo)
1993-03 - Hellblazer - Forty (Vertigo) 1993-03 - Swamp Thing vol. II #129-138 (Vertigo) 1993-07 - Animal Man vol. I - Tooth and Claw (Vertigo)
1993-08 - Vertigo Jam (Vertigo) 1993-09 - Black Orchid vol. II #1-4 (Vertigo) 1993-10 - Animal Man vol. I - The Silent Walkers (Vertigo)
1993-12 - The Children's Crusade (Vertigo) 1994-01 - Animal Man vol. I - Mysterious Ways (Vertigo) 1994-01 - The Mind Fields (Vertigo)
1994-02 - Black Orchid vol. II #6-16 (Vertigo) 1994-02 - Swamp Thing vol. II #140-150 (Vertigo) 1994-03 - Animal Man vol. I - Better Red Than Dead (Vertigo)
1994-10 - Primal Force 1995-01 - Black Orchid vol. II - A Twisted Season (Vertigo) 1995-01 - The Vertigo Tarot (Vertigo)
1995-02 - Animal Man vol. I - Homecoming (Vertigo) 1995-02 - Swamp Thing vol. II - River Run (Vertigo) 1995-03 - Animal Man vol. I - Wild Type (Vertigo)
1995-05 - Batman - Legends of the Dark Knight 1995-06 - Animal Man vol. I - Bedtime Story (Vertigo) 1995-06 - Solomon Grundy - One Night in Slaughter Swamp
1995-07 - Animal Man vol. I - Anima Mundi (Vertigo) 1995-08 - Batman - Legends of the Dark Knight 1995-08 - Swamp Things
1995-10 - Animal Man vol. I - Birth Pains (Vertigo) 1995-10 - The Vertigo 1995-11 - Swamp Thing vol. II #160-162 (Vertigo)
1996-02 - Swamp Thing vol. II #163-165 (Vertigo) 1996-05 - Swamp Thing vol. II - Trial By Fire (Vertigo) 1996-11 - Batman - Shadow of the Bat
1997-05 - Aquaman vol. VI 1998-03 - Swamp Thing - Roots (Vertigo) 1999-05 - Resurrection Man vol. I
1999-10 - JLA 1999-10 - Martian Manhunter vol. II 1999-12 - Swamp Thing - Jack in the Green (Vertigo)
2000-01 - Swamp Thing - Sow and Ye Shall Reap (Vertigo) 2000-02 - Totems (Vertigo) 2000-05 - Swamp Thing vol. III #1-10 (Vertigo)
2000-11 - Vertigo Secret Files & Origins - Swamp Thing (Vertigo) 2001-03 - Swamp Thing vol. III - Red Harvest (Vertigo) 2001-10 - Swamp Thing vol. III #18-20 (Vertigo)
2003-07 - Hellblazer - Third Worlds (Vertigo) 2003-12 - Hellblazer - Staring at the Wall (Vertigo) 2004-05 - Swamp Thing Book 10 - Bad Seed (Vertigo)
2004-11 - Swamp Thing vol. IV - Missing Links (Vertigo) 2005-01 - Constantine - The Official Movie Adaptation (Vertigo) 2005-01 - Swamp Thing Book 11 - Love in Vain (Vertigo)
2005-07 - Swamp Thing Book 12 - Healing the Breach (Vertigo) 2006-01 - Hellblazer - R.S.V.P 2006-01 - Swamp Thing vol. IV - The Bleeding Raconteur (Vertigo)
2006-05 - Swamp Thing vol. IV #25-26 (Vertigo) 2006-07 - Swamp Thing vol. IV - The Prison Tree (Vertigo) 2008-09 - The Vertigo Encyclopedia (Dorling Kindersley Publishing)
2008-12 - Superman and Batman vs. Vampires and Werewolves 2009-07 - The Last Days of Animal Man 2011-03 - Garbage Man
2011-11 - The New 52!

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