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English for your future: Cambridge ESOL certificates for the world of work
The Business English Certificates
The Business English Certificates (BEC) are internationally recognised qualifications that show employers your skills for using English in the workplace.
BEC is an ideal English language exam if you are preparing for a career in business. There are three different levels of BEC: BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage and BEC Higher.

BEC is officially recognised by more than a thousand educational organisations, employers, ministries, government bodies and professional organisations throughout the world as a suitable qualification for business use.
Leading international companies such as Sony Ericsson, Shell, Vodafone, Bayer, Coca-Cola and HSBC have all recognised BEC in their offices around the world.


SWPS jest Wewnętrznym Centrum Egzaminacyjnym British Council oraz Univeristy of Cambridge na egzaminy BEC. Zapraszamy wszystkich studentów do skorzystania z możliwości zdobycia tego uznanego w świecie certyfikatu potwierdzającego znajomość języka angielskiego dla potrzeb środowiska pracy.

Cambridge English Certificates (BECs) to najpopularniejsze egzaminy międzynarodowe potwierdzające znajomość języka angielskiego biznesowego jako obcego na całym świecie. Egzaminy BEC oceniają zdolność posługiwania się językiem angielskim w szerokim zakresie sytuacji zawodowych, takich jak organizowanie spotkań i zebrań, prowadzenie korespondencji, operowanie informacjami na temat zagadnień związanych z działalnością firmy, a także umiejętnościami zdobywania i udzielania informacji na temat produktów i usług, obsługi klientów, rozmów na tematy finansowe etc. Zdający wybieraja jeden z trzech poziomów:

* BEC Preliminary - poziom podstawowy
* BEC Vantage - poziom średnio zaawansowany
* BEC Higher - poziom zaawansowany

Na egzaminach oceniana jest umiejętność czytania, pisania, słuchania i mówienia w języku angielskim w miejscu pracy.

* Egzaminy BEC są międzynarodowo uznawanymi egzaminami z języka angielskiego.
* Dyplomy BEC są respektowane przez większość anglojęzycznych uczelni i instytucji edukacyjnych przy rekrutacji studentów.
* Dyplom BEC uznany jest przez organy administracji państwowej i pracodawców za wiarygodny dokument poświadczający umiejętność posługiwania się językiem angielskim w środowisku zawodowym.
* Dyplomy BEC Vantage i Higher są uznawane przez Urząd Służby Cywilnej jako kwalifikacje językowe wymagane od pracowników polskiej służby cywilnej.
* Dyplomy BEC Vantage i Higher są honorowane przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej jako kwalifikacje językowe wymagane od przewodników wycieczek.

[HASŁO DO PLIKÓW: englishtips.org]
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
The only exam-preparation course for the international business English examination, Business English Certificate (BEC) at Higher level. The Business English Certificate (BEC) is an international business English examination which offers a language qualification for learners who use, or will need to use, English for their work. As an important component of the course, the workbook provides a language-focused supplement to the course book. Each four-page unit is split into a grammar and a vocabulary section. W PACZCE: * Student's Book * Workbook * Self-Study Practice Tests with CD * Class Audio-Cd Pack
This practical course bridges the gap between general English and the professional world of working adults. The syllabus is based on the needs of people in work who use English as an international means of communication. International Express Intermediate, New Edition - is a new edition that retains the successful combination of general and work-related English with over 70% new material. Grammar presented through authentic international contexts, for students to analyze and formulate the rules. Focus on English for socializing, telephoning, and participating in discussions, enabling learners to communicate confidently in work-related situations. It recognizes adults as active, resourceful learners, with regular review units, Workbook and Audio CD. There is an integrated Pocket Book with grammar summaries, social phrases, and other key information for quick reference.
BEC Vantage Masterclass is ideal for pre-service and in-service learners. This course is ideal for learners at the beginning of their business career, or those about to enter the business world. The course has a practical approach and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. With a ‘real world’ practical approach, the course forms a complete package with the BEC Vantage practice tests. Online materials include extra activities, Unit and Progress tests.
The BEC Vantage Testbuilders is designed to improve exam performance and increase language competence for success in the Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) exam. - Thorough preparation for the BEC exam and a full range of typical BEC-type tasks. - Accompanying Audio CD contains all four Listening Tests. - Test-specific exercises to develop exam techniques. - Pointers to common problem areas in the tests. - Tasks to build confidence in all exam question types.
Business Benchmark is a Business English course for BEC or BULATS and can also be used independently of these exams for general Business English courses. This course book provides upper-intermediate level students with essential business language and vocabulary and provides training and practice for the BEC Vantage exam, using real BEC exam tasks provided by Cambridge ESOL. Self-study Books, Teacher's Resource Books and Audio CDs (2) are also available
Business Benchmark Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate BEC Preliminary Edition Business Benchmark helps students get ahead with their Business English vocabulary and skills and gives them grammar practice in business contexts. The Student's Book provides lower-intermediate level students with essential business language and vocabulary and provides training and practice for the BEC Preliminary exam, using real BEC exam tasks provided by ESOL.
Four complete past papers from University of Camb ESOL Examinations. Cambr BEC Higher 3 contains four complete practice tests for the BEC examination from University of CambESOL Examinations (Cambr ESOL). These past examination papers provide the most authentic exam preparation available. They allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the examination and to practise useful examination techniques. The Student's Book also contains a comprehensive section of keys and recording scripts, making it suitable for self-study. The Self-study Pack contains the Student's Book with answers and Audio CD.
BEC 4 Higher provides a set of four complete practice tests for the BEC Higher exam. These past examination papers from University of ESOL Examinations ( ESOL) provide the most authentic exam preparation available. They allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the examination and to practise useful examination techniques. The Student's Book also contains a comprehensive section of keys and transcripts, making it suitable for self study. The Audio CDs contain the audio material for the Listening paper.
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