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Opowieść o pojazdach używanych przez Armię Krajową w Powstaniu Warszawskim. Były to samochody, motocykle, pojazdy pancerne i czołgi zdobyte przez powstańców oraz przygotowane przez nich przed 1 sierpnia 1944 roku. Zdjęcia realizowane były w autentycznych wnętrzach i plenerach Warszawy i okolic. Użyte zostały bogate materiały filmowe z archiwów oraz ikonografia ze zbiorów instytucji i osób prywatnych.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12

„Walka beznadziejna, walka o sprawę z góry przegraną,
bynajmniej nie jest poczynaniem bez sensu.
[...] Wartość walki tkwi nie w szansach zwycięstwa sprawy,
w imię której się ją podjęło, ale w wielkości tej sprawy”.

Prof. Henryk Elzenberg

z chomika Stopek85

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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Oddział, a właściwie zgrupowanie oddziałów mjr. Hieronima Dekutowskiego „Zapory”, to jedna z największych i najbardziej bitnych jednostek partyzanckich z okresu walki z komunistami. Prowadzona przez charyzmatycznego dowódcę, cichociemnego, w okresie okupacji niemieckiej dowódcę oddziału dyspozycyjnego Kedywu w Inspektoracie Armii Krajowej Lublin - Puławy, mającego w swoim dorobku bojowym kilkadziesiąt wystąpień zbrojnych przeciwko Niemcom, latem 1945 r. liczyła blisko 400 partyzantów. Operowała w kilku pododdziałach na terenie województwa lubelskiego, kieleckiego i rzeszowskiego. Bilans wystąpień zbrojnych Zgrupowania to kilkaset akcji zbrojnych, z czego kilkadziesiąt o poważnym ciężarze gatunkowym (bitwy z grupami operacyjnymi komunistycznych służb policyjnych i wojskowych, ataki na posterunki milicji).

Działania oddziałów podległych „Zaporze” wytraciły swój impet dopiero w okresie amnestii
z lutego 1947 r., w ramach, której, zgodnie z zaleceniami dowództwa podziemia poakowskiego (Zrzeszenie WiN), któremu podlegało Zgrupowanie, znaczna część partyzantów „Zapory” ujawniła się i zaprzestała walki. Sam „Zapora” nie skorzystał z „amnestii”, dzieląc los swoich nieujawnionych podkomendnych. Jak zeznał przed komunistycznym sądem w toku procesu: „ [...] ta propozycja [złożona przez jego konspiracyjnych przełożonych propozycja ujawnienia na korzystnych dla niego warunkach, - przyp. aut.] nie odpowiadała mi, ponieważ byłem związany ze swoimi ludźmi trudem i walką, byłem przecież ich dowódcą, więc nie chciałem umyć rąk i zostawić tych ludzi jak grupy bandyckiej w terenie, bez dowództwa. „Zapora” został aresztowany16 IX 1947 r. podczas próby przekroczenia granicy. Przeszedł nieludzkie śledztwo. Został skazany wraz z pięcioma swoimi żołnierzami na karę śmierci i 7 III 1949 r. zamordowany wraz z nimi w więzieniu mokotowskim w Warszawie. Przed podjęciem próby wyjazdu na zachód, „Zapora” przekazał dowództwo nad nieujawnionymi partyzantami Zgrupowania kpt. Zdzisławowi Brońskiemu „Uskokowi” (zginął 21 V 1949 r) i por. Mieczysławowi Pruszkiewiczowi „Kędziorkowi” (zginął 18 V 1951 r.). Ostatnim podkomendnym „Zapory”, który zginął od kul komunistów był sierż. Jóżef Franczak „Lalek”, zabity przez grupę operacyjną SB-ZOMO 21 X 1963 r. W sumie, w okresie walki z komunistami, zginęło lub zostało zamordowanych ponad 200 partyzantów „Zapory”. Miejsca Ich pochówku, poza kilkoma wyjątkami, pozostają nieznane.

Warto dodać, że piosenka, którą podajemy tu jako Marsz oddziału „Zapory” znana była, w różnych wersjach, także w innych oddziałach partyzanckich na terenie Polski, m.in. w zgrupowaniu partyzanckim AK-WiN do-wodzonym przez kpt. Mariana Bernaciaka „Orlika” - śpiewana była jako „Orlika piechota”.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Maszerują cicho niby cienie
Poprzez lasy, góry i pola.
Niejednemu wyrwie się westchnienie,
Idą naprzód, taka ich dola.
I idą wciąż naprzód, bo taki ich los,
I ani żal, ani tęsknota
Z tej drogi zawrócić nie zdoła ich nic,
Bo to jest „Zapory” piechota.

A gdy księżyc wyjdzie spoza chmury,
I nastanie cicha, piękna noc,
To leśnej piechoty ciągną sznury,
Widać wtedy siłę ich i moc.

Piechota, piechota.
Bo to jest "Zapory" piechota.
Piechota, piechota - "Zapory" piechota.

Choć twardą im była germańska dłoń,
Do boju ich parła ochota.
I zawsze zwycięstwo musiało ich być,
Bo to jest „Zapory” piechota.
Teraz za drugiego okupanta,
Jeszcze nam nie oschła jedna krew.
Po zdradziecku sięga nam do gardła,
I w tajgi Sybiru chce nas wieźć.
Pomylił się Stalin, pomylił się lud,
Zawiodła się ruska hołota.
Za Sybir, za Katyń, za Wilno, za Lwów,
Zapłaci „Zapory” piechota.

Piechota, piechota.
Bo to jest "Zapory" piechota.
Piechota, piechota - "Zapory" piechota.

Piechota, piechota.
Piechota, piechota.
Piechota, piechota.
"Zapory" piechota.

Piechota, piechota.
Bo to jest "Zapory" piechota.
Piechota, piechota - "Zapory" piechota.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12

Plunder, The Crime of Our Time (Rabunek, Zbrodnia naszych czasów - 2010)

Filmowe śledztwo w sprawie prawdziwych przyczyn globalnego kryzysu. Przyjęto, że światowy kryzys ekonomiczny rozpoczął się od zapaści na amerykańskim rynku nieruchomości, a konkretnie - od fatalnych skutków wadliwego finansowania. Ceniony dziennikarz i niezależny filmowiec, Danny Schechter, postanowił zbadać zależności między tą katastrofą a Wall Street. Rozmawiał z bankierami, ekonomistami, ekspertami i publicystami, a wśród jego rozmówców znaleźli się m.in. laureat Nobla Paul Krugman oraz Sam Antar, skazany w jednym z głośniejszych "przestępstw białych kołnierzyków". W wyniku półtorarocznego wnikliwego dochodzenia powstał ten film - szokująca analiza przyczyn kryzysu, którego skutki wciąż odczuwamy.


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The global finance system can be regulated to prevent massive credit fraud, tame capitalism, confront the sovereign debt crisis, and move towards investing in the real economy and full employment. "Obamanomics", and American reinvention can lead to a sustained economic recovery but only together with major domestic, European, and global monetary reforms in cooperation with emerging nations.

For decades, the U.S. dollar has served as the world's reserve currency. But after the global market meltdown and the resulting massive stimulus spending meant to keep the Great Recession from becoming an even Greater Depression, confidence in America's ability to make good on its growing debt is at all-time lows.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12

Warren Buffet remarked that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. "If you think about that, you'll do things differently." Journalist Tim Phillips turns his eye toward the most avoidable business disasters of recent history. In each case, the story begins at the point where a disastrous decision was made, and then it examines what happened, why it happened and what could have been different.

Each story highlights a flaw that could affect any organization -- for example, overexpansion, failure to do due diligence, or blindness toward an economic bubble. Phillips then isolates the moment, meeting or decision just before the failure, and asks "What were they thinking?" Engaging and informative, he offers insights on why smart people make bad decisions, as well as on the process of management and decision-making in today's business world.

Using first-hand accounts of the people involved, Fit to Bust discusses business collapses such as Enron, Polaroid, WorldCom, and Woolworth's and explains how changing one decision could have helped avoid disaster.

“Fit to Bust… explores the failure of not just any companies, but what are widely regarded as “great” companies. Phillips casts a critical eye on many big names of international stature, offering engaging sketches of each… Fit to Bust offers readers an insight into failure on such a large scale that it is almost inconceivable it is repeated time and again. But failure is a way of life that has been all too common in the business world for hundreds of years. Sadly, this is a book that proves it.” - ForeWord Book Reviews

“…Phillips takes us deeper into the psyche of the business world and exposes some of the unpalatable truths about ourselves as managers, employees or investors.” –Chartered Management Institute

“…provides an excellent and engaging investigation into the typical causes of business failure, and goes beyond the popular news to examine back-room boardroom decision-making processes and how such decisions can contribute to a company’s success or failure.” -Midwest Book Review


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12

Jason Manolopoulos - Ohydny dług Grecji: Grabież Republiki Helleńskiej przez Euro, polityczną elitę i inwestycyjną wspólnotę. (2011)

Jason Manolopoulos combines his experience of the global financial system, European politics and Greek society to demonstrate how one of the EU’s smaller countries played a catalytic role in a crisis that threatens the future of the euro, and possibly even of the European Union itself.

He explores the historical legacy and psychological biases that have shaped an on-going drama. While leaders of the European Union criticise ‘the markets’ for destabilizing the single currency, Manolopoulos interrogates the shared beliefs of the EU and the investment banking community – and how they colluded for a decade in the illusion that lending huge sums to peripheral eurozone countries was safe.

Policy and investment errors bear marked similarities with earlier financial crises – in particular the Exchange Rate Mechanism system and the Argentine debt crisis. This inability to learn history’s recent lessons begs fundamental questions of policy making, which this book discusses.

Greek society also comes under scrutiny, as shocking details of a kleptocratic political class and a wasteful public sector are revealed. Manolopoulos traces these developments back to dictatorship and civil war, but argues that there is no excuse for their continuation in a modern democracy.

'The graphic portrait of a deeply troubled country and the shocking story of the failure of past and present economic experts to grasp the nature of the problems.' —Thomas Mayer, Chief Economist, Deutsche Bank

'A fascinating account of the crisis-ridden saga of Greece and a wider European economy prompted by the superficial nature of Europe’s political process, its institutions, and the impunity of its leaders. Psychologically insightful and gritty in his practical recommendations, Manolopoulos possesses a knack for chiselled and punchy prose – all of which make the read a pleasurable must.' —Guerman Aliev, CEO of Altpoint Capital Partners

'Incisive and engaging, this book provides a unique perspective on the Greek crisis by combining a thoughtful analysis of Greek society and economy with one of politics at the EU level and of global financial markets.' —Dr Dimitri Vayanos, Professor of Finance

'Manolopoulos brings the Greek debt crisis into historical perspective, providing an insightful analysis of what went wrong. This book is essential reading for everybody who wants to understand the challenges the Eurozone is facing.' —Michael Ganske, Head of Emerging Markets Research, Commerzbank

'Through a critical but accessible discussion of key conventions in economics and finance and ample presentation of anecdotal material, this book offers a unique introspective look into Greek socio-political culture and how this, combined with the fallacies and excesses of the international financial system and the EMU architecture, led to what the author calls ‘Greece’s Odious Debt’.' —Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis, Hellenic Observatory, European Institute, London School of Economics


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12

Sarah Bracking explores the role of governments and development finance institutions in managing the markets in which the poorest countries operate. These institutions - the 'Great Predators' - are trapping the populations of the south in a permanent cycle of austerity.Bracking examines the political economy relations between states. She shows how pseudo-public 'development' institutions retain complete economic control over Southern markets, yet the international system is itself unregulated. Operating in the interests of North America and the European Union, they have a political purpose, and yet serve to cloud the brute power relations between states.This book will be of interest to anyone studying debt and development, global financial institutions, and the way the world economy is regulated and governed.

"A committed, thoughtful, closely and rigorously-argued work. This book explains the most important constraints to economic development today. An essential contribution to understanding economic 'development' in our troubled times. The most relevant analysis of how money and capitalist power reproduce poverty in today's world."

--Professor Alfredo Saad Filho, Head of Department of Development Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12

The collapse of the Argentine economy in 2001, involving the extraordinary default on $150 billion in debt, has been blamed variously on the failure of neoliberal policies or on the failure of the Argentine government to pursue those policies vigorously enough during the 1990s. But this is too myopic a view, Klaus Veigel contends, to provide a fully satisfactory explanation of how a country enjoying one of the highest standards of living at the end of the nineteenth century became a virtual economic basket case by the end of the twentieth. Veigel asks us to take the long view of Argentina's efforts to re-create the conditions for stability and consensus that had brought such great success during the country's first experience with globalization a century ago. The experience of war and depression in the late 1930s and early 1940s had discredited the earlier reliance on economic liberalism. In its place came a turn toward a corporatist system of interest representation and state-led, inward-oriented economic policies. But as major changes in the world economy heralded a new era of globalization in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the corporatist system broke down, and no social class or economic interest group was strong enough to create a new social consensus with respect to Argentina's economic order and role in the world economy. The result was political paralysis leading to economic stagnation as both civilian and military governments oscillated between protectionism and liberalization in their economic policies, which finally brought the country to its nadir in 2001.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12

Financial bubbles have at least two things in common: they have always existed, and they always burst. The recent collapse of the American housing market points to our failure to learn the policy lessons laid out in the onset and resolution of previous bubbles. Is more government regulation the answer—or was such regulation part of the problem?

In the aftermath of the American housing collapse in 2007, many ask why. The Great American Housing Bubble: The Road to Collapse asks a different and more fundamental question—how the bubble was created in the first place. To answer that question, it examines the causes, both political and economic, of the American housing bubble, created between 1940 and 2007.

Those causes encompass everything from federal income tax subsidies for housing to local exclusionary policies, banking, accounting, real estate appraisal, and credit agency rating practices and policies. The book also takes into account the impact of greed, government regulation, speculation, and psychology—including blind faith in investment advisors—on the creation of the greatest asset bubble in the economic history of the world. The author takes a comparative historical approach, examining the current crisis in the light of notorious bubbles of the past. In the end, he concludes that the events precipitating the most recent collapse can be traced, at least in part, not to too little government regulation, but to too much.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12

Over the past three decades, governments have ceded economic control to a new elite of free-market operatives and their colleagues in national and international institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization. They promised economic stability but have delivered chaos. Their speculation has left the global economy more vulnerable to a financial collapse than any time since 1929.
Two leading financial journalists dissect this financial elite, tracing their origins to a secretive gathering of free-market economists in 1947, and propose a series of far-reaching reforms that can save us from a new depression.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12

2012 will bring another global economic crisis. It could have been avoided if America and other deficit countries had embarked on currency devaluation and tighter domestic policy to sustain recovery and growth, boost exports and savings, while cutting excessive debts built up in the pre-crisis 'gilded age'. But they didn't. Instead they continued to run large government deficits, effectively transferring debt from private to public hands, rather than reducing it through rising national savings rates.

Savings-rich countries, notably China, have not helped. To get the global economy in better balance they needed to reduce exports by revaluing their currencies and encouraging domestic demand. Instead,the second, third and fourth largest economies in the world have continued to increase their net exports, thwarting recovery in the United States, Britain and southern Europe. This economic imbalance, say Dumas and Choyleva, is going to cause another global economic crunch.

And afterwards? Perhaps surprisingly, but with impeccable reasoning, Dumas and Choyleva go on to argue that America will emerge from the slump in the strongest shape, China will struggle unless it takes steps to tackle its structural problems, Eurozone countries like Spain, Portugal and Greece are in for a depressing decade, while Britain, because of its labour market and exchange rate flexibility, will be in better shape to emulate America's recovery. These are precarious times. To understand and prepare for them, this book will be invaluable


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