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  • 224 KB
  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Margaret Werner (1921-1997), an American citizen living in the Soviet Union, was 17 years old when the secret police came for her father, whom she never saw again. Left destitute, she and her mother fought extreme cold and near starvation, taking whatever jobs they could find. Seven years later, in 1943, the police came for Margaret. Accused of espionage, she was sentenced to 10 years' hard labor. Tobien, her son, describes the appalling privations and backbreaking work in her Siberian prison camp, but also the prisoners' strong friendships and the dance troupe the women created with their guards' approval. A recurring theme is Margaret's growth in faith, culminating in her conversion to evangelical Christianity in 1991. Tobien tells his mother's story simply and chronologically, as if to a young audience. His use of a first-person point-of-view seems gratuitous, since he rarely explores Margaret's inner life. Despite the ever-present backdrop of Stalinist Russia, WWII and postwar communism in Russia and East Germany, this is less an analysis of cold war politics than a tribute to a woman who survived unimaginable horrors with her optimistic spirit intact.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
ABC Australia

It was the first major sea battle of the 21st century - a savage affair - fought at point blank range - off the coast of northern Sri Lanka last year. This Government gunboat with its 14-man crew is still officially listed as missing in action.
But now their fate is no longer a mystery. As these pictures show - they were fatally mauled by Sea Tigers, the maritime arm of the most sophisticated and successful guerrilla organisation in the world today - the LTTE - The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

For 19 years the Tigers have fought for an independent homeland for Sri Lanka's ethnic Tamil minority. They've proved to be more than a match for Government forces - attempting to blockade rebel-held areas.

The Sea Tigers have destroyed a third of Sri Lanka's navy - more than 40 vessels. With blood quite literally running off the decks - the Tigers board the stricken vessel - stripping off weapons and equipment


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Główne dzieło angielskiego historyka i dyplomaty. Książka jest świetnie napisana, z mnóstwem frapujących szczegółów. Tom pierwszy nosi tytuł "Pierwsza krucjata i założenie Królestwa Jerozolimskiego".

Składa się z pięciu ksiąg:
1. Święte miejsca chrześcijaństwa; 2. Ogłoszenie krucjaty; 3. W drodze na wojny; 4. Wojna przeciwko Turkom; 5. Ziemia Obiecana.

7 map i 61 ilustracji.


  • 291 KB
  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Tom drugi nosi tytuł "Królestwo Jerozolimskie i frankijski Wschód (1100-1187).

Składa się z pięciu ksiąg:
1. Założenie Królestwa; 2. Zenit; 3. Druga wyprawa krzyżowa; 4. Odmiana; 5. Triumf islamu.

7 map i 70 ilustracji


  • 271 KB
  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Trzeci i ostatni tom nosi tytuł "Królestwo Akki i późniejsze krucjaty".

Składa się z pięciu ksiąg:
1. Trzecia wyprawa krzyżowa; 2. Na manowcach; 3. Mongołowie i Mamelucy; 4. Koniec Outremer; 5. Epilog.

8 map i 49 ilustracji


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
In The Great American Stickup, celebrated journalist Robert Scheer uncovers the hidden story behind one of the greatest financial crimes of our time: the Wall Street financial crash of 2008 and the consequent global recession. Instead of going where other journalists have gone in search of this story—the board rooms and trading floors of the big Wall Street firms—Scheer goes back to Washington, D.C., a veritable crime scene, beginning in the 1980s, where the captains of the finance industry, their lobbyists and allies among leading politicians destroyed an American regulatory system that had been functioning effectively since the era of the New Deal.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
The disinformation campaigns with which health insurance companies hide misdeeds and manipulate public policy are laid bare in this searing j'accuse by one of their own. Potter, a former CIGNA public relations "spin-meister" whose whistle-blowing congressional testimony made a splash, takes us into the war rooms where he and his fellow flacks battled bad publicity--their counterattack against the documentary Sicko included employee training in how to weather a Michael Moore ambush--and fought to stymie health-care legislation. (He helped formulate the rhetoric of socialism and death panels that thundered from Republican podiums.) He exposes the PR pros' propaganda tricks--fake grass-roots organizations, bogus scientific studies--and recounts his shame-faced repentance. But he also trenchantly critiques the failure of America's for-profit health-insurance system: the underhanded methods insurers use to "dump the sick"; the skyrocketing premiums and deductibles that put health care beyond the reach of millions; the obscene salaries executives rake in while denying benefits to patients. These criticisms aren't new, but Potter's street cred and deep knowledge of the industry make his indictment unusually vivid and compelling.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
In the midst of this disastrous economic climate, one executive has weathered the storm more deftly than any other: Jamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, considered the dominant fi gure on Wall Street. Dimon's eleventh-hour acquisition, in 2008, of fl ailing archrival Bear Stearns stunned the world. Even more incredible: JPMorgan's continued success in the face of an industry-wide meltdown that has seen its CEO become a paragon of finance.

In Last Man Standing, award-winning journalist Duff McDonald chronicles Dimon's tumultuous rise: from his joining the legendary Sandy Weill at American Express fresh out of Harvard Business School to their building of Citigroup (and Dimon's unceremonious ouster) to his rescue of Bank One and, at the unprecedented age of forty-eight, his ascension to the top post at JPMorgan Chase -- a bank he transformed from a broken institution to the sine qua non of global banking in five short years.

Upon gaining unfettered access to Dimon, McDonald spent countless hours interviewing him and his full circle of family, friends, and colleagues to provide an unprecedented and deeply personal look at this extraordinary figure. Moving beyond Dimon's "fortress" balance sheets, McDonald reveals a dedicated family man whose uncanny facility with numbers and tireless work ethic are complemented by fierce loyalty and an unrelenting aversion to offi ce politics. Dimon, for the first time, shares detailed insights on the heart of his business and management philosophies, and industry titans such as Weill and Warren Buffett offer their analyses of his career.

At a time when Dimon's competitors watch their companies crumble, JPMorgan not only continues to weather the worst period in the history of Wall Street but is growing by leaps and bounds. The defi nitive biography of Jamie Dimon, Last Man Standing is by far the most comprehensive portrait of the only man in finance today who can be called an American hero.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
At first glance, abolishing the Federal Reserve and returning to the gold standard seems a quaintly eccentric idea, but Texas congressman Paul presents a plan to eliminate our country's central bank, and return to a private banking system, that's both serious and plausible. The questionable aspects involve Paul's predicted results: not only will ending the Fed eliminate inflation (the government cannot print more money than it has gold reserves), but also business booms and busts, wars, income inequality, trade imbalances and the growth of government. Further, and perhaps most important, it would "disempower the secretive cartel of powerful money managers who exercise disproportionate influence over the conduct of public policy." Paul tends to gloss over those periods in history, including the Panic of 1907, in which private banking and the gold standard were law: "the bad reputation of nineteenth century American banking... is largely the result of... propaganda agitating for the creation of the Fed." With respect to "secretive cartels," Paul takes up the interesting question of whether J.P. Morgan is in fact preferable to Ben Bernanke. An engaging response to big-government solutions for the financial crisis, this knowledgeable and opinionated look at U.S. economics, from a firebrand public servant, should provoke much thought.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on staging bomb blasts to unravel financial markets while Zimbabwe proposes a gold backed currency. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Gregor Macdonald of Gregor.us about paper versus real as future growth prospects dim on declining energy resources.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
This week Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert, in their weekly dig behind the financial news headlines, report on coffee speculators and crude plunges. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Reggie Middleton of BoomBustBlog.com about the banking industry being the new tobacco industry and about the price of the bailout as the economic future of the United States.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Czasy panowania Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego. W odludnym, starym zamczysku położonym w odciętym od świata rejonie Wołynia mieszka zamożny pan Salomon Dobek. O nim i jego przodkach miejscowi opowiadają tajemnicze i przerażające legendy. Szczególnie straszne tajemnice mają kryć lochy zamczyska. Na dynamicznie prowadzonej działalności handlowej dorobił się olbrzymiego majątku. Najukochańszą osobą jest dlań córka, Laura (Lorka) Dobkówna, która także niezmiernie kocha rodziciela. Lecz sytuacja jej ulegnie zmianie, gdy w dom pana Salomona wkroczy mieszkająca po sąsiedzku pani Sabina Noskowa. To kobieta zła, mściwa i przewrotna. Gdy zostaje żoną pana Salomona, dla Laury oznacza to czas szykan i niemiłosiernych prześladowań. Nie mogąc znieść życia pełnego upokorzeń, Laura - ku rozpaczy ojca - opuszcza dom rodzinny. Po wielu dramatycznych przygodach dociera do Warszawy. Trafia na pana Wojciecha Bogusławskiego, który w stolicy tworzy scenę narodową. Tymczasem przewrotna macocha knuje podstępne intrygi, których celem jest przejęcie majątku Dobków. Czy Laura powróci do rodzinnego domu, czy odzyska ojca i rodzinny majątek? I czy bezwzględna macocha zostanie ukarana?

"Macocha" bez wątpienia łączy w sobie kilka gatunków literackich. To powieść głównie historyczno-obyczajowa, acz posiadająca także elementy "czarnego" kryminału oraz powieści z gatunku "płaszcza i szpady". Czytelnik gości w starym zamczysku, nad którym unosi się widmo złowrogich, tajemniczych wydarzeń z przeszłości. Następnie przenosi się do pałaców magnackich, dworków drobnej i średniej szlachty, kamienic mieszczaństwa warszawskiego, mieszkań przedstawicieli inteligencji i wolnych zawodów w stolicy. Z powodzeniem można określić "Macochę" jako mozaikę społeczno-obyczajową Rzeczypospolitej okresu stanisławowskiego. Utwór daje bowiem charakterystykę średnich i wyższych warstw społecznych państwa polskiego w II połowie XVIII w.

Powieść daje również dokładny opis życia obyczajowego i kulturalnego powyższych warstw społecznych. Czytelnik jest świadkiem uczt, zabaw, rozrywek, sposobów spędzania wolnego czasu przez zamożne warstwy społeczne Rzeczypospolitej za czasów stanisławowskich. Z kart "Macochy" dowiadujemy się ponadto, jaka była geneza i początki naszej narodowej sceny teatralnej, tworzonej przez Wojciecha Bogusławskiego. Na drugim planie autor poruszył także problematykę tolerancji religijnej i stosunku społeczeństwa polskiego do tej problematyki.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
"A pithy and sophisticated criticism of capitalism in the late 20th century." -- Choice

This second edition of Theming of America is an analysis of American society in which the author, Mark Gottdiener explores the nature of social change since the 1960s as reflected in the "theming" of America--from Graceland to Dollywood, from Las Vegas to Disneyworld, from the Mall of America to your local mall. Nowhere can modern Americans escape the profusion of recognizable symbols and signs attached to virtually all aspects of our culture, constantly reminding us that we are on familiar and comforting ground."Just come in, friend, and buy; make yourself at home," these symbols seem to say, thus tying our media culture and the seductions of consumerism to the production of ingeniously designed symbolic spaces. Mark Gottdiener's book is the first to explore the origins, nature, and future of themed environments in our information-overloaded world. This second edition has been revised and updated.Gottdiener begins with a brief historical account of the shifting importance of themes in the construction of built space. He then evaluates the economic basis for the increasing reliance on symbols in the marketing of commercial enterprises and analyzes contemporary trends in themed restaurants, malls, airports, theme parks, museums, and war memorials. Final chapters are devoted to examining such critical issues as the disappearance of public space, the relation between themes and mass media industries, and the future of symbolic spaces.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on “collectivist top down tyranny” (courtesy James Grant) running our monetary system. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Eric Sprott, Chairman of Sprott Asset Management, about precious metals, the ever-increasing margin requirements and the ever-decreasing dollar.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
The author makes some great arguments and points out a few diffrent connections between MTV and American society. It is very easy to lose interest in the first few chapters but keep going and it will become easier to follow. He goes into depth with various songs and breaks down the actual videos. Definitly an intersting view on the importance of MTV in the 80's. But it is also nice to have some background knowledge on the time period.

Author's Note
ONE. Silence! Academics at Work
TWO. From Anarchy to Chromakey Developments in Music Television
THREE. A Musicology of the Image
FOUR. The Structure of Music Video Rethinking Narrative Analysis
FIVE. Metanarratives of Stardom and Identity
SIX. A Televisual Context: MTV
SEVEN. Aesthetics and Politics in Music Television Postmodernism Reconsidered
Concluding Thoughts
Music Television Time Line


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Kosher? That means the rabbi blessed it, right? Not exactly. In this captivating account of a Bible-based practice that has grown into a multibillion-dollar industry, journalist Sue Fishkoff travels throughout America and to Shanghai, China, to find out who eats kosher food, who produces it, who is responsible for its certification, and how this fascinating world continues to evolve. She explains why 86 percent of the 11.2 million Americans who regularly buy kosher food are not observant Jews - they are Muslims, Seventh-day Adventists, vegetarians, people with food allergies, and consumers who pay top dollar for food they believe "answers to a higher authority".

Fishkoff interviews food manufacturers, rabbinic supervisors, and ritual slaughterers; meets with eco-kosher adherents who go beyond traditional requirements to produce organic chicken and pasture-raised beef; sips boutique kosher wine in Napa Valley; talks to shoppers at an upscale kosher supermarket in Brooklyn; and marches with unemployed workers at the nation's largest kosher meatpacking plant. She talks to Reform Jews who are rediscovering the spiritual benefits of Kashrut and to Conservative and Orthodox Jews who are demanding that kosher food production adhere to ethical and environmental values. She chronicles the corruption, price-fixing, and strong-arm tactics of early-20th-century kosher meat production, against which contemporary kashrut scandals pale by comparison.

A revelatory look at the current stat of kosher in America, this audiobook will appeal to anyone interested in food, religion, Jewish identity, or big business.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Through movies such as Forrest Gump and Titanic, The Films of the Nineties offers a reel-to-reel cultural analysis, chronicling the concept of “spin” as a major sociopolitical persuasion strategy.

"This book contains terrific lists of films collected under key thematic headings--history films, films about politics, about sex, about spin. As a dazzling representation of spin, Wag the Dog (1997), according to Palmer, "may be the decade-defining film of the nineties." Bolstered by postmodern theory, the "spin" thesis is interesting, and descriptions of individual films are illuminating."--Choice

Table of Contents
Hollywood and History; The New Historicist Films; The Decade of Spin; The Politics of Spin; The American President; Spin Out: The Gay Nineties; Sex and the Nineties; Neo-Spin; Spinning into the Millenium.

Author Biography
WILLIAM J. PALMER is Professor of Literature and Film in the English Department at Perdue University, USA.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Q: Is global capitalism on its last legs? Q: Has the West begun a decline into a new Dark Age? Q: Does Western civilization even deserve to survive as it is now? These are just some of the unnerving questions raised by the Great Crash of 2009. In Genius of the Beast, visionary thinker Howard Bloom takes readers on a sweeping tour of human history, from the Stone Age to the present, presenting a radical new vision of capitalism and Western civilization. Arguing that underneath the economic mechanisms of capitalism lay hidden imperatives that have allowed man to create material miracles based on immaterial things, Bloom shows that what many believe to be the end of capitalism is merely the beginning


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
WAR IS A LIE is a thorough refutation of every major argument used to justify wars, drawing on evidence from numerous past wars, with a focus on those wars that have been most widely defended as just and good. This is a handbook of sorts, a manual to be used in debunking future lies before future wars have a chance to begin.

About the Author
David Swanson is an American author, blogger, and anti-war activist. He served as press secretary for Ohio congressman Dennis Kucinich's 2004 presidential campaign. He was a key figure in making the Downing Street Memo known across America. The memo, the leaked minutes of a meeting of the British war cabinet, exposed the lies behind the war in Iraq and was a key element in turning the majority of American people against the war in Iraq.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12
Contemporary legal doctrine holds that corporate managers have obligations, first and foremost, to maximize profits for their shareholders. This doctrine is based on the assumption that shareholders alone bear the financial risks and contribute the equity necessary for production. But what if other groups contribute assets and also risk losing their investments? What if other groups actually shelter shareholders from financial risks? Such is the case with the nation's prime defense contractors. By examining the case of defense contracting, where the federal government and, indirectly, the taxpayers assume most of the risks and costs of producing weaponry, Rachel Weber critiques the assumptions underlying our system of corporate governance.


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  • 9 gru 11 0:12


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