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Andrew M. Lobaczewski - Political Ponerology, A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes (2006).jpg

kosa39 / Andrew M. Lobaczewski - Political Ponerology, A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes (2006).jpg
kosa39 - Andrew M. Lobaczewski - Political Ponerology, A Science ...the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes 2006.jpg
Download: Andrew M. Lobaczewski - Political Ponerology, A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes (2006).jpg

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(306px x 500px)

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
A great book that should be read by everybody as it provides valuable information in understanding why our society has seen a disappearance of human values and an increase in hedonistic behaviours with little care for others.
Lobaczewski's great contribution is in showing the process by which people with psychopathic personality disorders congregate and slowly take over organizations, political parties, businesses to finally stifle the whole of society.
It goes to great length in explaining the phenomenon of psychopathy on a macro scale. It deals in a non-judgmental way with the subject of evil. The author clearly lays out the various types of psychopathy and what happens when they combine their various talents and manage to take over a society from the inside and start to rule over normal people in the form of a pathocracy. Though the author primarily deals with examples from his own life experiences under the rule in the former Soviet Union, the parallels to today's world are chilling and very spot on. The book has many footnotes from the editor Laura Knight Jadczyk which clarifies and brings added information to some of the issues dealt with.
The book not only describes the process by which evil takes over but also how it progresses and how normal people can stand up to it. In order to do that, knowledge of the system is needed and that is what this book gives. As the author says at the end of the book then more research is needed, but it is a very profound seminal work that should inspire many to take up this important subject and continue the research.
After reading this book I read 'The Sociopath next door' by Martha Stout, 'In Sheeps Clothing' by George Simon, 'The Mask of Sanity' by Hervey Checkley and 'Without Conscience' by Robert Hare, all of whom deal with different aspects of the phenomenon of psychopaths but on a micro scale. Very complimentary!


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