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karolsek93 / Android / ASUS TP200SA / IMG_20171113_163101_HHT.jpg
ASUS  TP200SA - IMG_20171113_163101_HHT.jpg
Download: IMG_20171113_163101_HHT.jpg

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(3840px x 2160px)

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
1.Now get yourself a copy of parted magic and create a bootable USB stick or CD with it, now boot to it,
2.remove all the partitions off your drive, so you now have one complete unpartitioned space,
3.now you need to create 2 partitions, 1 at 350mb (sda1) format to FAT32 then when done, right click it, select manage flags and mark as boot, now format the rest of the drive as EXT4 (sda2).

Now reboot and boot off the other USB stick containing Phoenix, select installation to hard drive, when asked where you want to install it to, select sda2, then you'll be asked if you want to install grub2, say yes, and it will ask you to select a location for it, select sda1, also say yes to installing the bootloader, DO NOT format any of the partitions, let it do its thing, at the end it will ask, start phoenix or reboot, I selected start phoenix, once the screen went black I removed the USB stick and phoenix started up, starts up fine everytime now.

That grub2 was the issue, needs to be on its own partition.


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Intel® Celeron® Processor N3050 2GB qualcomm atheros qcnfa435(M.2 2230) https://www.asus.com/se/supportonly/TP200SA/HelpDesk_Download/
ASUS  TP200SA - IMG_20171113_163021.jpg
asus tp200 - phoenix os ------INSTALLATION------ mmcbl ...
asus tp200 - phoenix os ------INSTALLATION------ mmcblk0p2 EFI GRUB 2 = yes mmcblk0p2 Format = no GRUB = skip ready
Use 2 sim  1 Micro SD card  the same time - http-2F2Fwww.android-.jpg
Is not that hard and will be easy for less experienced h ...
Is not that hard and will be easy for less experienced hobbyists So here we go : (pictures are bellow) --Micro-SIM heated above a under cup of HOT coffee or HOT tea or HARIRA for a few seconds until the plastic was soft. --gently bent down the soft plastic then and slide the gold-plated part(chip with contact plate). This part bend in any case! Now you have a MICRONANO-SIM (still smaller than Nano-SIM). --Super Glue MICRONANO SIM on the SD card.the sim card will be a little over the edge of the SD card, as the drawer of the phones it has a recess. (SIM is 90 degrees rotated to the SD card inserted) Had me the exact position of the SIM previously penciled in pencil on the SD card. Recommendation: During the gluing, cover the terminals of the SD card with tape to prevent superglue boils. --DONE
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności