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widziany: 22.02.2024 20:31

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Ukryj opis
  • 698,4 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Tajemniczo brzmiący tytuł to nic innego jak kod pocztowy Rejkjawiku, miasta słynącego z barów, kafejek i spelunek, w których toczy się nocne życie. Tam właśnie Hlynur spędza swoje dni i podrywa dziewczyny, jeśli akurat nie awanturuje się w mieszkaniu swojej matki i nie czeka na darmowe posiłki. Jego życie zmienia się wraz z przyjazdem Loli, hiszpańskiej nauczycielki flamenco.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 635,0 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Dissatisfied with the family architectural business, a man and his wife pack up and move out to his great-grandfather's old house in the country. While trying to patch it up, the house starts to make it clear to him that it doesn't want him there, but the local church (with some off-kilter practices of their own) seems to take a shine to him...

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,07 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Mario Bava's Italian sex-farce, patterned after Akira Kurosawa's 1950s classic RASHOMON. A man and a woman meet by accident and decide to go out together that very night - wich ends with the girl having her dress torn and the man gets scratches on his forehead! Both of them then recount the way things went - she to her mother and he to his pals. Two more versions of the event are told by an oversexed middle-aged concierge and a psychiatrist.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 237,8 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
The story of 'Loving Girl' is about a young girl So Siu-siu. Siu-siu's mom committed suicide when Siu-siu is young. Siu-siu is being taken care by her aunt and her uncle who own a brothel. One day, officer Mang passes through Elvis's brothel and he saw Siu-siu and he would like to take Siu-siu. However, Siu-siu has no interest in Mang. Instead, she falls in love with another officer's nephew. Diana tried to break the relationship between Siu-siu and her 'Dream Lover' by asking him to get permission from his Dad......

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,42 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
"The Actress" is definitely a "no frills" film - apparently made for just a few hundred dollars. But, it also serves up an assured piece of storytelling from a young director (Zak Hilditch)and vibrant and appealing performances from a novice cast. Maybe the pace flags a little from time to time, but there are many memorable scenes as the comic/dramatic tension generally ratchets up throughout the film. If you're looking for grand production values, look elsewhere - but if you enjoy edgy, contemporary performance-based films give "The Actress" a go. As the other commentary on this site also mentions, Steve McCall's performance is a wonderful (and realistically grounded)comic turn. And Zak Hilditch's direction suggests there are even better things to come in the future. "The Actress" is an entertaining piece of no-budget film-making.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,37 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Film pozbawiony dialogów. Horror opowiadający o krwawej zemście zza grobu.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 690,0 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
The title motel is a place where rich men take their mistresses (or simply prostitutes) and dress up in weird costumes and perform lude acts. Unbeknownst to them, photographs are being taken behind a two-way mirror in the room and then used for blackmailing purposes. Once the money is exchanged, the victims are strangled to death for their trouble. Directed by Mario Gariazzo (The Eerie Midnight Horror Show, Amazonia: The Catherine Miles Story) this entry is a particularly seedy and trashy affair. Hardcore footage involving most of the secondary characters is a little off-putting at first but it's handled in such a weird way that these sex scenes become almost comical. The opening scene, for example, has a man dress up as Satan screwing a girl dressed up as a nun. Even later a giddy old guy gets his jollies by inserting a champagne bottle into his lady friend. Plus, the music played throughout all these scenes is a catchy pop tune of the movie's title. Ray Lovelock does his best with what's available here but seems a little embarassed. The murders are completely dry (strangulations, all) but the story does take some interesting turns in the final 15 minutes or so. There's also a few sexy photoshoots throughout to keep you interested. Overall, a borderline decent giallo that might please fans of sleaze more than fans of horror.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,18 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Problemem siedemnastoletniego Jose Marii ( jedna z pierwszych wielkich ról Victorii Abril) jest jego "zniewieściałość. Kiedy zostaje za to usunięty ze szkoły rodzina postanawia poważnie zająć soę tym problemem. Jednak Jose decyduje się na zmianę płci...

z chomika Gonzob

  • 692,8 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Seksualne fantazje przeżywane przez pacjentkę u dentysty.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 0,87 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Suzuki's sole work of the 70s is actually one of the most peculiar entries of an oeuvre that is already marked out by its peculiarity - a sexy psycho-melodrama based around the popularity of that most bourgeois of sports, golf! "What's so interesting about a game where you hit a ball into a little hole?" asks one of the characters at an early point in the film.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,9 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
"The best scene in this short starts off with Ruby smacking her a** and saying, "This is prime reptilian a**." Then, she is bent over a pool table, hissing and wagging her tongue as she takes a pounding from her man. Misty Mundae may be the face of Seduction Sinema, but Ruby Larocca brings the attitude. She is always paired with Misty. Why? Because she can make a good girl go bad. As for the rest of this, ...what was I talking about? Oh, Chelsea Mundae makes you long for the depth of the original Aunt Margharite with her robotic droll through crap lines. Misty Mundae has a peacock feather sticking out of her butt, Katie Jordan talks through what could have been a bondage scene, and A.J. Khan is wasted playing a bidder who doesn't win! Why was she in this if she wasn't going to get naked? Ruby and Misty deserve better than this uninspired quickie."

z chomika Gonzob

  • 703,9 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
She is an art teacher at a quiet suburban Catholic school, attractive, well-mannered and worldly, yet during the weekend... She rides the overnight express, transforming from teacher to predator, every week changing her appearance, mannerisms, personality and target.

From the youthfully exuberant to the jaded and world weary, she sees them all and they all have a different story to tell.
Her clients pay, and always leave by 3am, a rule that can't be broken. But one is different. Forceful, domineering and elusively charming, he becomes her lover, drawing her into the twilight world of the intelligence operative, a web of seduction, intrigue and murder.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 697,0 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Okazuje się, że wampirzyce piją nie tylko krew. W tym słynnym, soft-core'owym filmie, słynna gwiazda filmów dla dorosłych - Dayle Haddon, wciela się w postać królowej wampirów, która podgryzanie swych męskich ofiar zaczyna niekoniecznie od szyj. Wampirzyca ma jednak niecne zamiary, na czele swych hord zamierza bowiem unicestwić całą męską populację, pozbawiając ją życiodajnych soków.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,1 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Brazylia, późne lata 60. Studentka uniwersytetu Cristiana ma romans z Saulo, swoim profesorem literatury. Miłość w tym związku podsycają wyznawane przez kochanków rewolucyjne idee. W obliczu represji profesor rzuca uniwersytet, wstępuje do zbrojnej organizacji i razem z ukochaną żyje w ukryciu. Kiedy Saulo uczestniczy w akcjach, Cristiana dostaje zadanie opiekowania się poszukiwanym towarzyszem walki, który dla bezpieczeństwa dziewczyny nie pokazuje swojej ukrytej pod kapturem twarzy. Uciekinier jest baletmistrzem, wielbicielem Niżyńskiego. Powoli relacja między nimi zmienia się z powinowactwa poglądów politycznych w erotyczną fascynację.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,05 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Carmen (M.Detmers) jest młodą kobietą należącą do grupy przestępczej szykującej napad na bank. Podczas skoku zakochuje się w niej ochroniarz banku, Joseph (J.Bonnaffe). Pomaga on dziewczynie w ucieczce, po czym udaje się wraz z nią na wybrzeże, do domu jej wuja (J.L. Godard).Tam ich romans rozkwita.
Niespodziewanie, po kilku dniach pojawia się szef Carmen. Dziewczyna jest mu potrzebna: gang planuje bowiem porwanie bogatego biznesmena. Pod pretekstem kręcenia filmu dokumentalnego grupa pojawia się w hotelu, gdzie przebywa ofiara.
Towarzyszy im Joseph, który początkowo niechciany przez szefa, szybko zostaje zepchnięty na drugi plan.
Gdy przestępcy rozpoczynają porawnie sytuacja zaczyna się komplikować.

Film stanowi swoistą interpretację XIX-wiecznej powieści Porspera Merimee "Carmen" i słynnej opery Bizeta pod tym samym tytułem. Godard porusza w niej kwestie problemów społeczeństwa lat 80., nawiązuje do słabej kondycji ówczesnego kina, wyśmiewając jednoscześnie młode pokolenie, kapitalizm i towarzyszący mu konsumpcyjny tryb życia.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 700,0 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
A young university professor returns to his home on the Venetian island of Murano after suffering a nervous breakdown, where he lives with his brother, the local priest. One stormy night, the priest witnesses a woman being strangled in the street by a masked assailant. Shortly afterwards, both brothers are threatened by notes demanding that they keep quiet or suffer the same fate. As the body count rises, the two brothers are haunted by half-forgotten memories from their childhood and a mounting sense of guilt. Who is the killer? Where will he or she strike next?

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,09 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
By the nineties, the Giallo subgenre had almost completely dried up, and only a handful were released in this time; The Strange Story of Olga O being one of them. The film takes a lot of influence from it´s seventies counterparts, and director Antonio Bonifacio has just about succeeded in making the film work something like a tribute to the earlier films. The Strange Story of Olga O features a number of Giallo staples; things such as a black gloved killer, a razor blade and a black leather-clad biker to name a few; but somehow, the film doesn´t manage to come together as a ´proper´ Giallo. The story was written by Giallo ace Ernesto Gastaldi, and takes influence more from the ´slower´ side of Giallo (films like Short Night of the Glass Dolls and Orgasmo) and features a distressed former dancer at its centre, who as you would expect is called Olga. She is tortured by a dream in which she finds her mother covered in blood and shoots her father in the face. It later transpires that her father committed suicide and Olga blames herself for it. Her past continues to haunt her when she moves back to her old town; and that isn´t the only thing haunting her, as she begins to receive threatening phone calls...

z chomika Gonzob

  • 554,4 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Sprawnie zrealizowane kino akcji, z fabułą osadzoną w środowisku płatnych zabojcow w HK. Jest to historia młodej dziewczyny, Kitty, która probuje wziąć krwawy odwet na mordercy swego ojca. Na szczescie dla niej, podczas tej niezbyt udanej próby morderstwa, w pobliżu znajduje się Siostra Cindy, znakomicie wyszkolona płatna zabójczyni, która pomaga dziewczynie dokończyć sprawe i uciec z miejsca przestepstwa. Ukrywa ja w swym domu, uczy swego fachu i daje jej calkowicie nowa tozsamosc. Wszystko komplikuje sie, gdy przestepstwa popelnione przez kobiety zaczyna badac policjant - dawna sympatia Kitty, ktory rozpoznaje dziewczyne w trakcie sledztwa pomimo jej nowego image'u. Zabojcze piekne kobiety, sceny martial arts, miłość, troche sexu i brutalnosci oraz sprawnie opowiedziana historia - to wszystko znajdziecie w tym filmie.horrory.com.pl

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,09 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
After a wild night on the town, a dashing British airline pilot is attacked by thugs, and when he wakes in hospital he finds himself being cared for by a beautiful Doctor, Emy Wong. He falls in love with her, but Emy gravely informs him that, in the ancient Asian custom, she is betrothed to a man that she has never met.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 0,78 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
In Der Bomberpilot (1970) Schroeter displays a similar disrespect for historical ‘truth’ in his treatment of post Second World War Germany. In this film he tells the stories of three fictional women who had performed in Nazi revues during the war. Rather than attempting an ‘authentic’ recreation of historical post-war Germany, Schroeter uses these three figures to provide the viewer with a sense of the disorder, crisis and repression that beset the German population after the war and resulted, according to Margarete and Thomas Mitscherlich in a popular forgetfulness regarding the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime. (5) Schroeter does this by attributing to these women a kind of ‘false’ memory regarding the recent past and through the somewhat ‘faulty’ gestures they perform while recreating their revue show performance. The viewer is lead to question how these three somewhat clumsy individuals could possibly have conformed to the order, discipline and regularity that characterised the products of the Nazi culture industry, and we are by extension also asked to question ‘official’ versions of that history.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 684,9 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Harry jest młodym milionerem na wakacjach. Wybiera się swoim jachtem na grecką wyspę, gdzie zatrzymuje się w rezydencji swojego przyjaciela, hrabiego Orloffa. Hrabia organizuje ucztę, która trwa 3 dni i 3 noce, gdzie postanawiają uczcić kult bogini Afrodyty. Harry chce tu spotkać Pauline, młodą kobietą, która staje się jego boginią ...


z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,27 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Marcella po śmierci ojca dziedziczy jego firmę taksówkową, co staje się wyzwaniem jej życia. Jest bardzo zaangażowana, z każdym nowym kursem taksówki przytrafiają się jej przygody, jeśli nie erotyczne to kryminalne. fdb.pl

z chomika Gonzob

  • 728,5 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Film bazuje na autentycznej historii Pietro Paccianiego - tzw. Potwora z Florencji, seryjnego mordercy polującego na zakochane pary w trakcie nocnych schadzek. Dla wielbicieli "The New York Ripper" i "Giallo a Venezia" pozycja obowiązkowa. Scena w namiocie to seksualny sadyzm do n-tej potęgi.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 693,0 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Przystojny i jednocześnie przesiąknięty złem do szpiku kości doktor Phineas Gorgon zawiera układ z samym Szatanem. Dzięki piekielnej mocy może pozbawić życia niemal każdą istotę na Ziemi. Za cenę swojej duszy Phineas rozpoczyna eliminację swoich najgorszych wrogów - od niewiernej żony, poprzez dwulicowych przyjaciół aż po poniżającego go w pracy szefa. W roli głównej Phil Lewis z zespołu L.A. Guns.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,8 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
A banker has died. He trafficked in nuclear material, so French intelligence assign two agents to find his list of contacts, which are on a flash drive: Muriel - the boss, acerbic, willing to sleep with any man, wondering if she should have a child - and Philippe, younger, boyish, meticulous, bothered by Muriel's frank sexual interest. They watch Constance, the banker's widow: a naïf, friendly, open, trusting. She's taking opera lessons, so the French spies join the class, which Muriel enjoys. It seems that other spies are after the same USB, and some of them sing as well. Singing, spying, and sex lead to duets of all kinds as well as to an eventual showdown.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,4 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Trzy siostry "pomagają" inspektorowi policji w rozwiązaniu zagadki makabrycznego morderstwa. W jednej z głównych ról wystąpiła Kasia Figura. Ech co to za kobieta.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 698,9 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Ricardo is a Photographer who goes to the Province of Nagawa where he sees Dolls a native girl . He is attracted by her beauty and photographs her and shows it to her . Fascinated by her own beauty , she accepts to become a model and goes to Manila , although it pains Nelson with whom she has been engaged . He reluctantly lets her go . There in Manila , she is moved my the affection shown by Ricardo and decides to marry him.Until when Nelson arrives there as a servant to the house.What are the consequences of the relationship of the three? Do Ricardo know of their past? ...

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,32 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57

Dwie dziewczyny jadą do Amsterdamu w poszukiwaniu mocnych wrażeń. Znajdują je, a jakże ...

z chomika Gonzob

  • 694,5 MB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
Młody cieśla François (Jean-Claude Drouot) jest w pełni szczęśliwy w związku ze swoją żoną Thérèse (Claire Drouot). Pewnego dnia, przypadkiem, mężczyzna spotyka na poczcie Émilie Savignard (Marie-France Boyer). Nowa znajomość rozwija się dość pomyślnie dla obojga. Mimo tego François nie potrafi zapomnieć o Thérèse, darzy ją nadal równie wielkim uczuciem i zaufaniem, co dawniej. Podczas jednego z rodzinnych wyjazdów na wieś postanawia zatem zwierzyć się żonie ze swojego nowego szczęścia...

z chomika Gonzob

  • 1,36 GB
  • 9 sty 14 18:57
The name of the murder victim found with a candle in his mouth suggests that he is an outsider in Hungary. The lead detective, Lieutenant Sapphire, is a gypsy, who despite being adopted and raised by "regular" Hungarians, has his nose rubbed in his minority status every day. His sidekick is Jewish, the prime suspect is another gypsy sleeping with the murdered man's wife, and for good measure, there are despised Romanians among the petty criminals and potential witnesses. These are some of the principals in Gabor Detter's brilliant examination of a society brimming with ethnic resentments, told within the conventions of a police procedural.

z chomika Gonzob

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