A Grey.jpg
[01].Hemi-Sync.-.MetaMusic.-.Angel Paradise -
[02].Hemi-Sync.-.MetaMusic.-.Ascension -
[06].Hemi-Sync.-.MetaMusic.-.Chakra Journey -
[115].Hemi-Sync.-.Human Plus.-.Relax -
[118].Hemi-Sync.-.Metamusic.-.Flow -
[127].Hemi-Sync.-.MindFood.-.Meditation -
[16].Brain Sync - Ecstasy -
[17].Hemi-Sync.-.MetaMusic.-.Higher -
[2012] Bruno Mars - Unorthodox Jukebox -
[2012] Linkin Park - Living Things -
[2012] Mika - The Origin of Love -
[2012] Mika - The Origin of Love(1) -
[2012] Tenacious D - Rize Of The Fenix -
[2013] Dido - Girl Who Got Away -
[2013] OneRepublic - Native -
[2013] Paramore - Paramore -
[25].Brain Sync - Positive Thinking -
[39].Brain Sync - Total Relaxation -
[39].Brain Sync - Total Relaxation(1) -
[43].Brain Sync - (new) Clear Wave Creativity -
[44].Brain Sync - (new) Dream Wave Meditation -
[45].Brain Sync - (new) Pure Focus -
[48].Hemi-Sync.-.Mind Food.-.The Visit -
[60].Awaking.HSync.Meta.-.Octaves of Light -
[62].Awaking.HSync.Meta.-.Beneath the Moon -
[63].Awaking.HSync.Meta.-.Holomovement -
Alfa Synchro Theta II (7Hz-4Hz) -
Angel Paradise -
Ascension (Wzniesienie się) -
Beyond the Golden Light -
Brain Sync - Deep Meditation -
Breath of Creation Solo Huaca -
Cable Car Ride -
Catnapper -
Chomik -
Eckhart Tolle -
Hemi-Sync -
Hemi-Sync.-.MetaMusic.-.Cloudscapes -
Meditation -
Mirabai Ceiba- Awakened Earth -
Monroe Institute.-.Journeys Out Of The Body -
Mooji -
MP3 -
Różne Filmy -
Sztuka obecności -- 'Żyjąc z wdzięcznością' -
The Gateway Experience MONROE -
Transparent Knives -
Wegetarianizm -
White Gold Alchemy Tools For Transformation -
Geoffrey Hodson (born 12 March 1886 in Lincolnshire, died 23 January 1983 in Auckland, New Zealand) was a occultist, Theosophist, mystic, philosopher and esotericist, and a leading light for over 70 years in the Theosophical Society. He was educated in England.
He served with distinction in the British Army as an Officer during the First World War, which experience seems to have prompted him to spend his life attempting to eradicate the causes of wars and suffering through his teachings and insights.
He was the author over fifty books (many still in print) on psychic powers, Theosophy, Spiritualism, mysticism, fairies, angels, meditation, clairvoyance, health and disease.
He also wrote over two hundred articles and radio talks. He travelled the world extensively lecturing for The Theosophical Society.
Hodson also served as the Director of Studies of the School of the Wisdom at the International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, India, for four sessions, and was a guest lecturer at the Krotona School of Theosophy in Ojai, California.
He was awarded the Subba Row Medal in 1954 for his contributions to Theosophical literature.