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Stephen J. Sniegoski - The Transparent Cabal - The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel (2008).jpg

dwlodek / Książki USA / Stephen J. Sniegoski - The Transparent Cabal - The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel (2008).jpg
Książki USA - Stephen J. Sniegoski - The Transparent Cabal - The Ne...Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel 2008.jpg
Download: Stephen J. Sniegoski - The Transparent Cabal - The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel (2008).jpg

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Although it is generally understood that American neoconservatives pushed hard for the war in Iraq, this book forcefully argues that the neocons' goal was not the spread of democracy, but the protection of Israel's interests in the Middle East. Showing that the neocon movement has always identified closely with the interests of Israel's Likudnik right wing, the discussion contends that neocon advice on Iraq was the exact opposite of conventional United States foreign policy, which has always sought to maintain stability in the region to promote the flow of oil. Various players in the rush to war are assessed according to their motives, including President Bush, Ariel Sharon, members of the foreign-policy establishment, and the American people, who are seen not as having been dragged into war against their will, but as ready after 9/11 for retaliation.

Dear friends, I hope that discussion of this book will not cause aggression and an ethnic animosity. I hope only for fruitful dispute, mutual respect and your common sense. Denying together with bad all that necessary that can approach us to true, we become blind men. Pleasant to you of reading!


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