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Wojownicy sarmaccy.jpg

Sarmatians Zapomniany  lud starożytnych Sarmatów Horsey Vikings of  the Eurasian Steppe - Wojownicy sarmaccy.jpg
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Middle Sarmatian - Suslovo cultures, late 2nd century B.C. - 2nd century A.D.
The Middle Sarmatian culture covered the steppes of Eurasia from the Danube River to the southern Ural Steppes. During this time a sharp decrease in the population occurred in the region because of deteriorating climatic conditions in the southern Ural area and the tribal migration to the west and southeast.

Late Sarmatian - the Alan or Shipovskaya cultures, 2nd - 4th century A.D.
Late Sarmatian sites were first identified by P.D. Rau, who also associated the Late Sarmatian sites with the historical Alans. At the beginning of the 1st century A.D., the Alans another Iranian group of nomads had occupied lands in the northeast Azov Sea area, along the Don. Based on the archaeological material they were one of the Iranian-speaking nomadic tribes began to enter the Sarmatian area between the middle of the 1st and the 2nd century A.D. The written sources suggest that from the second half of the 1st to 4th century A.D. the Alans had supremacy over the tribal union and created a powerful confederation of tribes. They continued to rule in the North Black Sea steppes until they were invaded by the Huns in the late 4th century A.D. Most of the Alans were absorbed by the Huns while a small number of them fled to the North Caucasus or went west and reached the shores of Gibraltar.

One of the most characteristic traits of the Late Sarmatian culture was the artificial deformation of skulls. This was probably accomplished by tying a soft cloth around the infant's head forcing an elongation of the cranium. This cultural trait was specific to the populations living east of the Don River and included the Southern Ural population. In contrast to the Middle Sarmatian culture, the predominant orientation of the deceased was to the north.


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Tamgi - znaki rodowe starożytnych Sarmatów
Herby - znaki rodowe polskiej szlachty


Znakomita mapa: Ziemie ukraińskie III w. n.e. - Sarmaci

Sarmatischen Auxiliars (Amazonka)

Sarmatische Panzerreiter fliehen vor der römischen Kavallerie.

Goths and Sarmatian, eastern Europe, 4th century AD


Western Roman soldiers by the end of Aurelianus' reign. (konny wojownik reprezentuje styl


Żelazny miecz - rzadki okaz uzbrojenia Sarmatów, koczowniczego plemienia, które rozprzestrzeniło się po Europie pomiędzy 300 a 600 r. p.n.e. Zdjęcia rentgenowskie i inne nowoczesne techniki badawcze pozwalają stwierdzić, że tego rodzaju destrukty pierwotnie cechowała niezwykle wysoka jakość materiału i wykonania.

Jászság (Jazygia) Hungary

Rzymski jeżdziec
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin
W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności