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Wielka Encyklopedia Zwierząt 15 Zadziwiające podróże - 15 Amazing Journeys.avi play
Zobacz, jak dziesiątki milionów motyli z rodziny danaid ...
Wielka Encyklopedia Zwierząt 16 Kanion Zion.Skarb Bogów - 16 Zion Canyon. Treasure Of The Gods.avi play
"Skarb bogów" zabiera nas w podróż po tajemniczych zakąt ...
Wielka Encyklopedia Zwierząt 17 Yellowstone - 17 Yellowstone.avi play
"Podążaj za rwącym biegiem rzek, spotkaj się oko w oko z ...
Wielka Encyklopedia Zwierząt 18 Wyprawy oceaniczne Jean-Mi...- 18 Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures. Voyage To Kure.avi play
"Wyprawy ceaniczne" to wspaniała seria filmów dokumental ...
Wielka Encyklopedia Zwierząt 20 Wyprawy oceaniczne Jean-Mic...- 20 Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures. Sharks At Risk.avi play
Zła reputacja rekinów, których boi się chyba każdy, uleg ...
Wielka Encyklopedia Zwierząt 21 Wyprawy oceaniczne Jean-Mic... Cousteau Ocean Adventures. The Grey Whale Obstacle Course.avi play
Ekipa Cousteau tym razem tropi wieloryby szare, które od ...
Wielka Encyklopedia Zwierząt 22 Wyprawy oceaniczne Jean-Mi...eau Ocean Adventures. Americas Underwater Treasures part 1.avi play
Ekipa Cousteau tym razem tropi wieloryby szare, które od ...
Wielka Encyklopedia Zwierząt 23 Wyprawy oceaniczne Jean-Mic...eau Ocean Adventures. Americas Underwater Treasures part 2.avi play
System Narodowego Rezerwatu Morskiego to różnorodne i je ...
Wielka Encyklopedia Zwierząt 25 Łowcy jadu - 25 Nigel Marvens Venom Hunters.avi play
Czy eksperymenty naukowe przeprowadzane w najlepszych la ...
Wielka Encyklopedia Zwierząt 29 Antarktyka - 29 Antarctica.avi play
Antarktyda jest siódmym kontynentem naszego globu. Mimo, ...
Folder zawiera przede wszystkim pozycje o buddyzmie, jako najważniejszej filozofii świata. Poza tym jest dział filozofii europejskiej i odrębnie jej założyciel czyli Arystoteles. Poza tym nieco literatury amerykańskiej.
Polecam moją stronę o filozofii kwantowej związaną pośrednio z religiami Wschodu.
  • 31 KB
  • 26 cze 14 22:40

z chomika Bodhisattwa

  • 110 KB
  • 26 cze 14 22:40

z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40


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z chomika Planetar81

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z chomika Avatatrishia

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z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40
Naropa był profesorem na słynnym buddyjskim uniwersytecie w Nalandzie, jednak samo studiowanie nauk Buddy i intelektualne podchodzenie do nich nie owocowało bezpośrednim doświadczeniem Umysłu. Naropa udał się w końcu do jogina Tilopy i został jego oddanym uczniem. Po wielu ciężkich próbach jakim był poddawany, Naropa w końcu sam doświadczył Oświecenia. Jednym z jego uczniów był Tybetańczyk Marpa, który przeniósł nauki Diamentowej Drogi z Indii do Krainy Śniegów.

z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40
Turkusowa grzywa śnieżnego lwa - stanowi zbiór ponad 150 autentycznych buddyjskich legend z Królestwa Tybetu, swoistych opowieści służących nauczaniu. Niektóre pochodzą z czasów Buddy, inne relacjonują zdarzenia bardziej współczesne. To urzekające historie, baśnie i przypowieści - do dziś przekazywane uczniom przez tybetańskich lamów - oddające przejmującą mądrość starej, lecz wciąż żywej tradycji ustnego przekazu. Urokliwe niczym baśnie, a przenikliwe jak biblijne przypowieści, przekazy te z jednej strony pełne są himalajskiego folkloru i magii, rubaszności i fascynującej egzotyki orientu, z drugiej zaś przepełnia je niespotykana duchowa mądrość i zdrowy rozsądek - zawierają mity, które uczą, jak żyć.

"Wiele spośród tych historii nie zostało nigdy wcześniej spisanych; były przekazywane ustnie uczniom przez nauczycieli. Surja Das zebrał opowieści, które słyszał od napotkanych lamów, i spisał je po angielsku. Jestem mu wdzięczny za to, że utrwalił ten zachwycający aspekt naszej tradycji, i wierzę, że czytelnicy będą czerpać z nich tyle samo radości, co pokolenia Tybetańczyków." - Tenzin Gjaco, Dalaj Lama XIV


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  • 26 cze 14 22:40

Reveals powerful mahamudra practices for realizing the mind's fundamental nature. The advice and instructions on the ground, path, fruition, view, meditation and action of mahamudra are both complete and beautiful.

"All students of the Kagyu traditions are familiar with Karmapa III Rangjung Dorje's beautiful prayer, known as the Aspiration of Mahamudra, recited daily in countless Tibetan temples, retreats and homes. Lama Sherab Dorje offers an accurate and highly readable translation of this masterwork that is to be read with profit both by those who wish to learn something about the system of Mahamudra and by those practicing within the tradition--it deserves to be studied until the intentions of the author have become fully integrated with one's own meditations."

z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40
Roger Jackson provides accurate, accessible translations of three classics of medieval Indian Buddhist mysticism: the "couplet-treasuries" of the great tantric masters Saraha, Kanha, and Tilopa. Since their composition around 1000 CE, these poems have exerted a powerful influence on spiritual life, as well as poetry and song, in India, Nepal, and Tibet. Jackson's fresh translations allow the poetry to shine through, capturing the sense and spirit of the poems in the original. Jackson offers a thorough introduction that deftly summarizes the latest scholarship, situating the poems in their historical context and making them accessible not only to scholars but also to students and practitioners.

z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40

Nāgārjuna's primary contribution to Buddhist philosophy is in the further development of the concept of śūnyatā, or "emptiness," which brings together other key Buddhist doctrines, particularly anatta (no-self) and pratītyasamutpāda (dependent origination). For Nāgārjuna, it is not merely sentient beings that are empty of ātman; all phenomena are without any svabhāva, literally "own-nature" or "self-nature", and thus without any underlying essence; they are empty of being independent. This is so because they are arisen dependently: not by their own power, but by depending on conditions leading to their coming into existence, as opposed to being.

z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40

The Great Perfection (rDzogs chen in Tibetan) is a philosophical and meditative teaching. Its inception is attributed to Vairocana, one of the first seven Tibetan Buddhist monks ordained at Samye in the eight century A.D. The doctrine is regarded among Buddhists as the core of the teachings adhered to by the Nyingmapa school whilst similarly it is held to be the fundamental teaching among the Bonpos, the non-Buddhist school in Tibet. After a historical introduction to Tibetan Buddhism and the Bon, the author deals with the legends of Vairocana (Part I), analysing early documents containing essential elements of the doctrine and comparing them with the Ch'an tradition. He goes on to explore in detail the development of the doctrine in the tenth and eleventh centuries A.D. (Part II). The Tantric doctrines that play an important role are dealt with, as are the rDzogs chen theories in relation to the other major Buddhist doctrines. Different trends in the rDzogs chen tradition are described in Part III. The author has drawn his sources mainly from early unpublished documents which throw light on the origins and development, at the same time also using a variety of sources which enabled him to explicate the crucial position which the doctrine occupies in Tibetan religions.

z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40
ChomikImage.aspx?k=1334946&t=633934050133242157&id=180164624&vid=180164624The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History - Dudjom Rinpoche

Written by a great modern Nyingma master, Dudjom Rinpoche's The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism covers in detail and depth both the fundamental teachings and the history of Tibetan Buddhism's oldest school. This, the first English translation of His Holiness' masterwork, constitutes the most complete work of its type in the West.

An absolute treasure for students of the tradition, it is also an indispensable reference for anyone with an interest in Buddhism. The book includes chronologies and glossaries that elucidate Buddhist doctrine, and it provides fascinating insights into the Buddhist history of Tibet. Two treatises form the present volume, namely the Fundamentals of the Nyingma Schooland the History of the Nyingma School. Among the most widely read of all His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche's works, these treatises were composed during the years immediately following his arrival in India as a refugee. His intention in writing them was to preserve the precise structure of the Nyingma philosophical view within its own historical and cultural context.

This is the first time this text has been available in a trade edition. Beautifully presented, this single-volume edition represents a truly wonderful gift, and features illustrations in black and white and in color, plus maps, bibliographic information, and useful annotations

z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40
ChomikImage.aspx?k=1352964&t=633934457381475599&id=180372731&vid=180372731Maitreya's Uttaratantra: A Treatise on Buddha-Essence - Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

A commentary by Thrangu Rinpoche on the Uttara Tantra Shastra of Maitreya. The Uttaratantra elucidates the teachings from the Buddha's Third Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. The first turning was the Four Noble Truths, the second the Prajnaparamita and the third was on the subject of Buddha nature - the essential qualities and potential for enlightenment present in all beings. As the root verses of the text are in prose they require an oral transmission and commentary to explain their vast and profound meaning.

"The elucidation of this potential, emptinesss and luminosity inseperable, is the bridge between the sutra and tantra paths, the view of vajrayana and the ground of mahamudra, thus it is an essential text for all practitioners of the Buddhadharma. In addition to the theoretical transmission is the meditative approach to this text, the lineage of which continued through the Kagyu tradition, received first by the Third Karmapa and continuing unbroken to the present day. This is what is transmitted here through the great wisdom and compassion of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche." Lama Karma Shedrup

z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40
How Things Exist: Teachings on Emptiness
"Sometimes you might think, 'What's the use of teachings on emptiness? How does this philosophy help me when I have problems in everyday life?' However, if you can think [about emptiness], it's the most powerful meditation to shatter the hallucinations. It's like an atomic bomb. Problems happen in your daily life because you believe the hallucinations to be real. The most powerful, immediate way to stop problems is to remember emptiness. You should especially remember emptiness when you are in situations where there's a danger of giving rise to strong anger or uncontrolled desire and creating heavy negative karma and causing great harm to others."

In this small book Lama Zopa Rinpoche covers an incredible amount of ground. He starts by emphasizing the importance of compassion and universal responsibility and how to make life meaningful, then gives a brief explanation of the nature of the enlightened mind and how we can attain it, and finally offers an amazing and extensive explanation of emptiness, the ultimate nature of reality, analyzing the way various phenomena exist and teaching how to meditate on emptiness. Within these teachings, Rinpoche also touches on several of the other main points of the path to enlightenment, such as bodhicitta, the three scopes and impermanence. But, in the end, this wonderfully practical book is a manifestation of Rinpoche's peerless wisdom realizing emptiness and a testament to the personal experience of this rare and precious teacher.

z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40

by Lama Choedak Yuthok
This is a series of lectures on the precious Lamdre teachings of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, given by Lama Choedak Yuthok. Lamdre is a complete path to enlightenment. The extraordinary qualities of Lamdre teachings are based on the Hevajra Tantra. They were initially received by the 7th century Indian Mahasiddha Virupa, who founded the lineage and transmitted the teachings to a line of disciples in India. Virupa also wrote pith instructions known as Vajragatha.

z chomika Planetar81

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  • 26 cze 14 22:40
by Dr Peter Della Santina
Nagarjuna holds an almost unequaled place among the ranks of those Buddhist saints who expounded the teaching of the Buddha Sakyamuni for the benefit of the world. Nagarjuna revolutionized the interpretation of the doctrine of the Enlightened One which was current at his time and lent it a vitality and dynamism which has continued to sustain it even to our day among the votaries of the Mahayana. The revolution which Nagarjuna accomplished within the fold of Buddhism was not a radical departure from the original doctrine of the Buddha Sakyamuni. On the contrary, the adherents of the Madhyamaka school are undoubtedly justified in asserting that their interpretation represents the true import of the doctrine of the Buddha and the essence of Buddhism.

z chomika Planetar81

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