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►Wiersze i bajki czyta P.Fronczewski
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1 - Porady dla nowych Chomików
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100 битв, которые изменили мир(Rus)
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  • 45 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
WAR IS A LIE is a thorough refutation of every major argument used to justify wars, drawing on evidence from numerous past wars, with a focus on those wars that have been most widely defended as just and good. This is a handbook of sorts, a manual to be used in debunking future lies before future wars have a chance to begin.

About the Author
David Swanson is an American author, blogger, and anti-war activist. He served as press secretary for Ohio congressman Dennis Kucinich's 2004 presidential campaign. He was a key figure in making the Downing Street Memo known across America. The memo, the leaked minutes of a meeting of the British war cabinet, exposed the lies behind the war in Iraq and was a key element in turning the majority of American people against the war in Iraq.


  • 183 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
Contemporary legal doctrine holds that corporate managers have obligations, first and foremost, to maximize profits for their shareholders. This doctrine is based on the assumption that shareholders alone bear the financial risks and contribute the equity necessary for production. But what if other groups contribute assets and also risk losing their investments? What if other groups actually shelter shareholders from financial risks? Such is the case with the nation's prime defense contractors. By examining the case of defense contracting, where the federal government and, indirectly, the taxpayers assume most of the risks and costs of producing weaponry, Rachel Weber critiques the assumptions underlying our system of corporate governance.


  • 37,0 MB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11


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  • 27 gru 13 21:11
The winter holidays are usually a quiet time for news, but the December 2005 revelations of the Bush administration's extensive, off-the-books domestic spying program by New York Times reporters James Risen and Eric Lichtblau made headline after headline, raising criticism from both sides of the aisle and an immediate, unapologetic response from President Bush himself. On the heels of those scoops comes Risen's State of War, which goes beyond his Times stories to provide a wide-ranging, if anecdotal, "secret history" of U.S. intelligence following 9/11.

Risen's description of what he says was called "the Program"--the ongoing eavesdropping operation, done with almost no judicial or congressional oversight, on the phone calls and emails of hundreds of Americans (and potentially millions more)--is only a chapter in his larger tale of the recent missteps and oversteps of U.S. intelligence. His evidence ranges from insider White House accounts of Donald Rumsfeld, "the ultimate turf warrior," outmaneuvering his rivals to make the Defense Department the dominant voice in foreign policy, to on-the-ground reports of the administration's willful ignorance of crucial intelligence on the dormancy of Saddam's weapons programs, Saudi support for al Qaeda, and the startlingly rapid transformation of Afghanistan into a "narco-state" under American authority. Some of the episodes he recounts--Saudi security officials with Osama bin Laden screensavers, an Iraqi scientist who had told the CIA his country had no nuclear program watching Colin Powell testify to the UN that they did--would be comical were the stakes less high.

Risen's loyalties are not with the opposition party--he's sharply critical of Clinton's disinterest in the CIA--but with the career field agents who are his best sources. Those agents and their expertise, he argues, have been cast aside, along with the long centrist tradition of U.S. foreign policy and the basic checks and balances of the American system of government, by the Bush administration's radical politicization and militarization of intelligence. He covers a lot of ground in a book of just over 200 pages, some of it familiar from other accounts, and at times his tradecraft anecdotes can be hard to assess without context. But his specific revelations and his well-sourced, angry overview of the way the battles against terror have been fought make for startling, newsmaking reading.


  • 0,6 MB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
Here's the ultimate WWII bomber depicted from stem to stern, inside and out in over 400 full-color photos of two of the world's best-preserved and restored B-17Gs. As usual, complete technical illustrations and historical photos cover all variations of B-17. All captions and commentary in English and Japanese. 26cm x 25.5cm format. Soft-cover. 96 pages.


  • 43 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
When the novel Brave New World first appeared in 1932, its shocking analysis of a scientific dictatorship seemed a projection into the remote future. Here, in one of the most important and fascinating books of his career, Aldous Huxley uses his tremendous knowledge of human relations to compare the modern-day world with his prophetic fantasy. He scrutinizes threats to humanity, such as overpopulation, propaganda, and chemical persuasion, and explains why we have found it virtually impossible to avoid them. Brave New World Revisited is a trenchant plea that humankind should educate itself for freedom before it is too late.


  • 292 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
From the bestselling, prize-winning author of THE LAST TYCOONS and HOUSE OF CARDS, a revelatory history of Goldman Sachs, the most dominant, feared, and controversial investment bank in the world

For much of its storied 142-year history, Goldman Sachs has projected an image of being better than its competitors--smarter, more collegial, more ethical, and far more profitable. The firm--buttressed by the most aggressive and sophisticated p.r. machine in the financial industry--often boasts of "The Goldman Way," a business model predicated on hiring the most talented people, indoctrinating them in a corporate culture where partners stifle their egos for the greater good, and honoring the "14 Principles," the first of which is "Our clients' interests always come first."

But there is another way of viewing Goldman--a secretive money-making machine that has straddled the line between conflict-of-interest and legitimate deal-making for decades; a firm that has exerted undue influence over government since the early part of the 20th century; a company composed of "cyborgs" who are kept in line by an internal "reputational risk department" staffed by former CIA operatives and private investigators; a workplace rife with brutal power struggles; a Wall Street titan whose clever bet against the mortgage market in 2007--a bet not revealed to its clients--may have made the financial ruin of the Great Recession worse.

As William D. Cohan shows in his riveting chronicle of Goldman's rise to the summit of world capitalism, the firm has shown a remarkable ability to weather financial crises, congressional, federal and SEC investigations, and numerous lawsuits, all with its reputation and its enormous profits intact. By reading thousands of pages of government documents, court cases, SEC filings, Freedom of Information Act papers and other sources, and conducting over 100 interviews, including interviews with clients, competitors, regulators, current and former Goldman employees (including the six living men who have run Goldman), Cohan has constructed a vivid narrative that looks behind the veil of secrecy to reveal how Goldman has become so profitable, and so powerful.


  • 155 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
The encyclopedia contains more than 250 entries, from Abolitionism/antislavery movement to Zionism. Many of the entries concern individuals who had any connection with propaganda, such as Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and several U.S. presidents. Various countries of the world and their connection to propaganda are also discussed. Other entries cover events (Gulf War, Reformation and Counter-Reformation ), institutions (CNN, KGB), documents and artifacts (Triumph of the Will, Uncle Tom's Cabin ), movements (Civil Rights Movement, Environmentalism ), and techniques (Advertising, Censorship, Television). Each entry contains a definition of the topic and its connection to propaganda and is enhanced by cross-references and references to source material. The index is quite extensive.


  • 50 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
An illustrated publication devoted DVM Lugers. The history of the creation, modification, typical features, markings, diagrams, photos, drawings.


  • 47,4 MB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11


  • 50 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
An illustrated publication devoted early Colt pistols. The history of the creation, modification, typical features, markings, diagrams, photos, drawings.


  • 18 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
Choć ten niezwykły tom esejów powstał niemal pół wieku temu, do dziś jest zadziwiająco aktualny i interesujący. Poeta odbył długą podróż po Europie, po czym opublikował zbiór szkiców zainspirowanych tą wędrówką. Niewiele tu jest informacji praktycznych, choć znajdzie się parę uwag na temat tego, jak należy zwiedzać Sienę czy smakować toskańskie wino. Przede wszystkim jednak jest to przewodnik po historii oraz kulturze Włoch i Francji.

Pierwszym włoskim miejscem, które przykuło uwagę Herberta, jest położone na południu kraju Paestum, a w nim kompleks świątyń greckich. Poeta daje się porwać dziejom tego miejsca. Opowiada o cywilizacji, która stworzyła zapierające dech w piersiach budowle. Daje pasjonujący wykład historii sztuki, wyjaśnia starożytne zasady budowania świątyń, omawia istotne cechy stylu doryckiego, nie zapomina wspomnieć nawet o kamieniach, które stworzyły to miejsce.

Potem wraz z poetą przenosimy się do Orvieto, małego miasteczka położonego między Rzymem a Florencją, które swą sławę zawdzięcza katedrze. Cóż to jest za budowla! Herbert staje przed nią jak wszyscy oszołomiony bogatą fasadą, ale potem zwiedza ją już po swojemu – spokojnie, w ciszy i z ogromną wiedzą na temat tego, co widzi. Na nasze szczęście autor chętnie dzieli się swoją wiedzą, więc dzięki jego szkicom i my możemy dowiedzieć się czegoś o budowniczych katedr i malarzach fresków, którzy wypełniali wnętrza kościołów.

Najciekawsza i najbardziej różnorodna jest wędrówka Herberta po Sienie, której poświęca cały rozdział swojej książki. Czegoż w nim nie ma. Jest włóczenie się kamiennymi uliczkami, przypominanie sobie poplątanych losów miasta, podziwianie dzieł sztuki, które wyszły spod pędzli najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli szkoły sieneńskiej. Jest czas na picie wina i czytanie poezji włoskich mistrzów. I jest miłość do tego miasta, która jest tak silna, że udziela się czytelnikom.

Swą literacką podróż po Italii kończy Zbigniew Herbert pięknym szkicem na temat życia i twórczości renesansowego malarza włoskiego Piera della Francesca. Wędruje po miastach i miasteczkach Włoch, by podziwiać surowe malowidła w ich naturalnym otoczeniu. Zachwyca się delikatnymi kolorami na freskach, opowiada o osobach i wydarzeniach, które uwiecznił wielki malarz. Malarstwo Piera della Francesca nie jest łatwe, ale dzięki Herbertowi staje się jeszcze piękniejsze.

„Barbarzyńca w ogrodzie” nie jest lekturą dla leniwych. Tu nie ma wytyczonych tras, poeta nie pisze, co koniecznie trzeba zobaczyć, a w którą uliczkę nie skręcać. On opowiada nam o swoich fascynacjach. A robi to tak pięknie i mądrze, że na pewno chętnie podążymy za nim – najpierw w książce, a potem może w rzeczywistości.


  • 410 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
Zbeletryzowany opis działań polskiej Brygady Bombowej, a zwłaszcza jej dwóch dywizjonów wyposażonych w bombowce PZL P-37 „Łoś”.


  • 103 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
Fabularyzowany opis walk nad Bugiem i Narwią we wrześniu 1939 roku.


  • 358 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11

Тут что ни блюдо, то история. Шулпа, куллама, чумар  это - всё оттуда, из rлубины веков. А выпечка - эчпочмаки, перемячи, кыстыбыи... Татарская кухня - она словно привет из детства, коrда любимым лакомством были пирожки, приrотовленные бабушкой. Потом вырос человек, уже без бабушки, без её пирожков, перешёл на другую диету, одни воспоминания остались. А в татарской кухне пирожки остаются с человеком на всю жизнь. И жизнь от этоrо становится лучше а человек-  добрее.
А ведь есть ещё и чак-чак..

Татарская кухня


  • 51 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
In Liberty Defined, congressman and #1 New York Times bestselling author Ron Paul returns with his most provocative, comprehensive, and compelling arguments for personal freedom to date.

The term "Liberty" is so commonly used in our country that it has become a mere cliché. But do we know what it means? What it promises? How it factors into our daily lives? And most importantly, can we recognize tyranny when it is sold to us disguised as a form of liberty?

Dr. Paul writes that to believe in liberty is not to believe in any particular social and economic outcome. It is to trust in the spontaneous order that emerges when the state does not intervene in human volition and human cooperation. It permits people to work out their problems for themselves, build lives for themselves, take risks and accept responsibility for the results, and make their own decisions. It is the seed of America.

This is a comprehensive guide to Dr. Paul's position on fifty of the most important issues of our times, from Abortion to Zionism. Accessible, easy to digest, and fearless in its discussion of controversial topics, LIBERTY DEFINED sheds new light on a word that is losing its shape.

About the Author
Dr. Ron Paul is a physician and twelve-term congressman from Texas who ran for president in 2008. He is the chairman of the domestic monetary policy subcommittee, and the author of eight books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Revolution: A Manifesto and End The Fed. An advocate of sound money, personal liberty, free markets, and international peace, he is chairman of the FREE Foundation, founder of the Campaign for Liberty, and distinguished counselor to the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He and Carol, his wife of fifty-three years, have five children, eighteen grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.


  • 41 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
Tytułowym bohaterem jest Henryk von Brühl. Poznajemy go jako kilkunastoletniego pazia na saskim dworze Augusta II Wettyna. Nikt zapewne nie przypuszcza wtedy, iż ten niepozorny, uległy, ujmujący dworskością, grzecznością, posłuszeństwem człowieczek będzie niegdyś faktycznie rządził Saksonią.

Bohater powoli, lecz konsekwentnie wspina się po szczeblach dworskiej kariery. Wykorzystuje w tym celu swój spryt, pomysłowość, zdolność do intryg. Bezwzględnie niszczy konkurentów i wszelkich rywali stojących mu na drodze do szczęścia. Staje się ulubieńcem Augusta II Mocnego. Gdy na tron wstępuje jego syn, August III, pozycja Brühla się umacnia. W wyniku szeregu dobrze zaplanowanych działań doprowadza on podstępnie do oskarżenia i w efekcie wygnania królewskiego ulubieńca - hrabiego Józefa Sułkowskiego, sam zajmuje jego miejsce i faktycznie rozpoczyna rządy w Saksonii w zastępstwie słabego, nieudolnego, nieinteresującego się zupełnie sprawami państwowymi Augusta III.

Czy jednakże Brühl jest człowiekiem do końca złym? Fakt, ma uczucia, kocha bowiem pewną kobietę. Wydaje się, że naprawdę gorąco i szczerze. I choć poślubia ją, to jednak miłość jego nigdy nie zostanie odwzajemniona. Dlaczego?

Polecam "Brühla". Książka jest dobrze napisana, chociaż nie ma w niej scen batalistycznych, pogoni, ucieczek, pojedynków. Kraszewski jednak doskonale uwypuklił obraz psychologiczny tytułowego bohatera. To grzeczny, usłużny, posłuszny i miły dworak, który wydaje się nie mówić tego, co naprawdę myśli, ma świetny zmysł obserwacji i dzięki niemu umie doskonale wykorzystać słabości innych. Czytając powieść ma się wrażenie, iż każde jego działanie jest perfekcyjnie przezeń wyreżyserowaną i jeszcze lepiej odegraną sceną. Brühl jest wręcz mistrzem intrygi i obłudy. To doskonała powieść opisująca mechanizmy kariery, dochodzenia "po trupach" do zamierzonego celu.


  • 47 KB
  • 27 gru 13 21:11
A true story as exhilarating as a great spy thriller, as turbulent as today’s headlines from the Middle East, 2010 National Best Books Award-winning A Time to Betray reveals what no other previous CIA operative’s memoir possibly could: the inner workings of the notorious Revolutionary Guards of Iran, as witnessed by an Iranian man inside their ranks who spied for the American government. It is a human story, a chronicle of family and friendships torn apart by a terror-mongering regime, and how the adult choices of three childhood mates during the Islamic Republic yielded divisive and tragic fates. And it is the stunningly courageous account of one man’s decades-long commitment to lead a shocking double life informing on the beloved country of his birth, a place that once offered the promise of freedom and enlightenment—but instead ruled by murderous violence and spirit-crushing oppression.
Reza Kahlili grew up in Tehran surrounded by his close-knit family and two spirited boyhood friends. The Iran of his youth allowed Reza to think and act freely, and even indulge a penchant for rebellious pranks in the face of the local mullahs. His political and personal freedoms flourished while he studied computer science at the University of Southern California in the 1970s. But his carefree time in America was cut short with the sudden death of his father, and Reza returned home to find a country on the cusp of change. The revolution of 1979 plunged Iran into a dark age of religious fundamentalism under the Ayatollah Khomeini, and Reza, clinging to the hope of a Persian Renaissance, joined the Revolutionary Guards, an elite force at the beck and call of the Ayatollah. But as Khomeini’s tyrannies unfolded, as his fellow countrymen turned on each other, and after the horror he witnessed inside Evin Prison, a shattered and disillusioned Reza returned to America to dangerously become “Wally,” a spy for the CIA.
In the wake of an Iranian election that sparked global outrage, at a time when Iran’s nuclear program holds the world’s anxious attention, the revelations inside A Time to Betray could not be more powerful or timely. Now resigned from his secretive life to reclaim precious time with his loved ones, Reza Kahlili documents scenes from history with heart-wrenching clarity, as he supplies vital information from the Iran-Iraq War, the Marine barracks bombings in Beirut, the catastrophes of Pan Am Flight 103, the scandal of the Iran-Contra affair, and more . . . a chain of incredible events that culminates in a nation’s fight for freedom that continues to this very day.


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