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  • 19 KB
  • 2 lip 11 10:33
"Mr. Fetzer and Mr. Mowday's broad knowledge of the Civil War and their engaging style have succeeded in providing a close and personal look at Fort Delaware's creators and inhabitants."--Leland C. Jennings' Jr. Fort Delaware State Park During the American Civil War, Fort Delaware housed more than 30,000 Confederate prisoners over the course of three years. In this first-ever study of the POW camp, the authors delve into the issues that everyone on the island confronted: poor drainage, lack of provisions, overcrowding, boredom, disease, and worse. But the men and women forced to endure the harsh conditions also determined to carve out a community--to not only survive, but perhaps even thrive. This remarkable story of that community will shatter all previously held ideas about life in a Civil War POW camp. Dale Fetzer Jr. has been a technical adviser for numerous films, including Gettysburg, Glory, and Andersonville. He is the lead historical interpreter for Fort Delaware State Park.
Bruce E. Mowday, a contributing editor to Military Images magazine, is a journalist with more than 25 years of experience, having written thousands of newspaper and magazine articles.


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  • 2 lip 11 10:33
Rather belatedly, the United States Army in preparing for World War II investigated on an intensive and very large scale the chemical munitions that might be necessary or useful in fighting the Axis powers. This effort required the collaboration of a host of civilian scientists and research centers as well as a great expansion of the laboratories and proving grounds of the Chemical Warfare Service itself. A similar development, recounted at the beginning of this work, came too late to influence the outcome of World War I. In World War II, on the other hand, the Army not only prepared against gas warfare sufficiently well to discourage its employment by the enemy, but also developed a number of new chemical weapons that contributed materially to victory. The authors add perspective and interest to their story by telling very briefly about corresponding German and Japanese activity. The manufacture of chemical munitions in quantity was possible only through a rapid expansion of private industry to support and supplement the work of Army arsenals. Both necessity and choice led the Chemical Warfare Service to make widespread use of small industrial concerns throughout the United States, and the account of production in this work is especially pertinent to a consideration of the problems involved in military contracting with small business on a big scale. In this and other respects, From Laboratory to Field complements other volumes in the Army series dealing with problems of military procurement. Readers generally as well as members of the Chemical Corps particularly should find it instructive.


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  • 2 lip 11 10:33
General employment of toxic munitions in World War I made it necessary for the United States as a belligerant to protect its soldiers against gas attack, and to furnish means for conducting gas warfare. The postwar revulsion against the use of gas in no way guaranteed that it would not be used in another war; and to maintain readiness for gas warfare, Congress therefore authorized the retention of the Chemical Warfare Service as a small but important part of the Army organization. Between world wars, officers of the Chemical Warfare Service anticipated that in another conflict the Service would again be principally concerned with gas warfare, and they concentrated on defense and retaliation against it. The almost equal preparedness of the United States and other nations for gas warfare acted during World War II as the principal deterrent to the uses of gas. That it was not used has obscured the very large and vital effort that preparations for gas warfare required at home and overseas. This effort involved large numbers of American scientists and the American chemical industry as well as the Chemical Warfare Service, and served not only the Army but also the other armed forces of the United States and those of Allied nations. And in World War II the Chemical Warfare Service and its civilian collaborators came up with some new major weapons, notably the 4.2-inch mortar, generators for large-area smoke screening, flame throwers, and incendiary and flame bombs. The Service acquired in addition an entirely new mission, that of preparing the nation against the hazards of biological attack. In fulfilling its responsibilities the Chemical Warfare Service during the war compiled a record of achievement that readers of this subseries both in and out of the Army, will find instructive.


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  • 2 lip 11 10:33
This is the third and final volume of the Chemical Warfare Service subseries of The Technical Services in the series UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II. Concluding the chemical warfare story that was begun in Organizing for War and was continued in From Laboratory to Field, Chemicals in Combat records in meaningful detail the ultimate and most rigorous test of all things military: performance in battle. Entry of the United States into World War II found the nation's Armed Forces, like those of its principal allies and enemies, mindful of the possibility of gas warfare. The gas attacks of World War I did not recur, but the Chemical Warfare Service was in the position of being ready for a type of war that did not happen. Thus the CWS, the only technical service having combat troops armed with weapons it had specifically provided for itself, was forced to show its flexibility. The Service sought to fulfill its supporting role with smoke, flame, and incendiaries; with 4.2-inch mortars and flame throwers; and, having no gas to contend with, its decontamination companies provided front-line troops with the means for simple physical cleanliness. Chemicals in Combat recounts the administrative, logistical, and tactical problems arising from the Service's dual responsibility, and highlights the flexibility and ingenuity demanded of chemical troops in World War II. These are, of course, qualities that military men have and will always find essential.


  • 194 KB
  • 2 lip 11 10:33
Biographer of Phil Spector (He's a Rebel), among others, Ribowsky takes a dishy, insider look at Berry Gordy's making of the Supremes, with some nasty swipes at Diana Ross while elevating Flo Ballard as the trio's martyr. In his detailed look at how Berry engineered his Motown empire, thanks to his smart sisters and a lot of luck and fortuitous pairing of talent, Ribowsky nicely intersperses some hindsight reflections by the main players, such as the brothers Brian and Eddie Holland of the legendary songwriting team with Lamont Dozier, with comparative accounts by Mary Wilson, Ross and others in order to sift the truth from the legend. While the author constantly snipes at Ross for her popping eyes and naked ambition, it was largely her single-minded drive that garnered attention to the trio's early incarnation as the Primettes, and her high girl-woman singing voice that established the Supremes' distinctive sound. Moreover, Ross's influence on Gordy (and his faith in her future solo stardom) motivated him to keep pushing the group into the limelight, in spite of other girl groups that had a bigger top hit following, such as Martha Reeves and the Vandellas. In this engaging, vivacious account, Ribowsky energetically and thoroughly underscores the Supremes' significance as one of the first crossover successes.


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  • 2 lip 11 10:33
Using a mix of literary and social analysis, this book examines a broad range of modern Arab American literary fiction and illustrates how numerous socio-political phenomena have affected the development of the Arab American novel. Salaita argues that in the United States a variety of fictions about Arabs and Islam circulate frequently in both popular and academic cultures. He endeavors in turn to highlight the diversities inscribed in the Arab American community that render it more complex than generally is acknowledged in public discussion, an endeavor undertaken through critique of a cross-section of modern Arab American novelists, including Etel Adnan, Rabih Alameddine, Joseph Geha, and Laila Halaby. Arab American Literary Fictions, Cultures, and Politics is the first original book of Arab American literary criticism and offers reflections on the viability of developing an Arab American Studies.


  • 322 KB
  • 2 lip 11 10:33
The Nazis may have given eugenics its negative connotations, but the practice-and the "science" that supports it-is still disturbingly alive in America in anti-immigration initiatives, the quest for a "gay gene," and theories of collective intelligence. Tracing the historical roots and persistence of eugenics in the United States, Nancy Ordover explores the political and cultural climate that has endowed these campaigns with mass appeal and scientific legitimacy


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  • 2 lip 11 10:33
The election of Barack Obama has raised major expectations in Europe and opened up new opportunities for dealing with global challenges. Authored by leading experts from both sides of the Atlantic, this book provides an authoritative analysis of the most topical issues facing the agendas of the European Union and the United States. The volume addresses the global questions of multilateralism, the economy, disarmament, and climate change, as well as key regional issues including Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Africa, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The book concludes that it is imperative that Europeans and Americans seize the Obama momentA" in order to capitalize on the urgency of acting now. They will also need to move to a new paradigm of the EU-U.S. relationship and NATO's role within it-one that takes account of the fact that the West needs the RestA" to deal with the most pressing issues of our time. An important contribution to the debate on how we can renew our transatlantic partnership for a new age...This book lays out the challenges and choices we face. It deserves to be widely read.A "-Javier Solana, high representative for the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy A timely contribution to the much-needed dialogue regarding transatlantic relations. Both sides need to understand each other better and this volume helps its readers understand the causes of discord and the key issues to be addressed.A" -Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser to President Carter Contributors include Alexandra Bell (Ploughshares Fund), John Bruton (Ambassador, EU Commission to the United States 2004-09), Tom Cargill (Chatham House), Joseph Cirincione (Ploughshares Fund), James F. Dobbins (RAND), Nikolas Foster (SAIS Johns Hopkins University), Daniel S. Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Relations), Bruce Jones (Center on International Cooperation, NYU), Erik Jones (SAIS Bologna Center, Johns Hopkins University), Ibrahim Kalin (Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding), Andrew Kuchins (CSIS), Michael O'Hanlon (Brookings Institution), Rouzbeh Parsi (European Union Institute for Security Studies), Glen Ranwala (University of Cambridge), Pawel SA wieboda (demosEUROPA), and Alex Vines (Chatham House).


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  • 2 lip 11 10:33
"Best book written on ground tactics in English in the last fifty years" - Bruce I. Gudmundson


  • 31 KB
  • 2 lip 11 10:33
his is the best-selling Original Authorized Edition regularly featured by Glenn Beck to Fox TV viewers as a Must Read!

The nation the Founders built is now in the throes of a political, economic, social, and spiritual crisis that has driven many to an almost frantic search for modern solutions. The truth is that the solutions have been available for a long time -- in the writings of our Founding Fathers -- carefully set forth in this timely book.

In The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World, Discover the 28 Principles of Freedom our Founding Fathers said must be understood and perpetuated by every people who desire peace, prosperity, and freedom. Learn how adherence to these beliefs during the past 200 years has brought about more progress than was made in the previous 5000 years. These 28 Principles include The Genius of Natural Law, Virtuous and Moral Leaders, Equal Rights--Not Equal Things, and Avoiding the Burden of Debt. Published by the National Center for Constitutional Studies, a nonprofit educational foundation dedicated to restoring Constitutional principles in the tradition of America's Founding Fathers.

The National Center for Constitutional Studies...is doing a fine public service in educating Americans about the principles of the Constitution. -- Ronald Reagan, President of the United States

This is possibly the most comprehensive treatment of the genius of the American Founding Fathers which has ever been encompassed in a single volume. --Kenneth C. Chatwin, District Judge, Phoenix, Arizona


  • 246 KB
  • 2 lip 11 10:33
American independent cinema has always been a notoriously difficult concept to define. This is primarily because the label ‘independent’ has been widely used since the early years of American cinema by filmmakers, film critics, industry practitioners, trade publications, academics and cinema fans, to the extent that any attempt towards a definition is almost certainly destined to raise objections.
For the majority of people with a basic knowledge of American cinema, independent filmmaking consists of low-budget projects made by (mostly) young filmmakers with a strong personal vision away from the influence and pressures of the few major conglomerates that control tightly the American film industry. Far from the clutches of AOL Time Warner, Sony Columbia and Viacom Paramount, which are mainly in the business of producing expensive star vehicles and special-effects-driven films that bring larger profits from DVD sales and merchandising than from theatre admissions, independent filmmakers create films that stand against the crass commercialism of mainstream Hollywood while often pushing the envelope in terms of subject matter and its mode of representation.
As film critic Emmanuel Levy put it, ‘ideally, an indie is a fresh, low-budget movie with a gritty style and offbeat subject


  • 201 KB
  • 2 lip 11 10:33
No other city on the planet caters to kids like Orlando does; it’s the number one family vacation destination in the country. This brand new title helps you navigate through the maze of theme parks, family activities and other attractions in the Land that Mickey Built, so you can spend more time having fun and less time standing in line. Whether you're toting along toddlers or restless teenagers, you’ll find candid ratings and opinions--including several from a child’s point of view--as well as detailed itineraries for all age groups, and suggestions to make your Walt Disney Vacation a success. Walt Disney World & Orlando with Kids is full of incredibly detailed tips--right down to which hotels offer cribs and rollaway beds and which restaurants offer high chairs, kids' menus, and the opportunity to dine with Disney and other cartoon characters. You'll also get complete and up-to-date details on all the Universal Parks and Sea World, in addition to our comprehensive coverage of all the Disney attractions. The authors also provide a wealth of information about where to find hands-on, interactive museums and attractions (with suggested age ranges for each activity); child-appropriate entertainment; kid-oriented shopping; places to play outside the theme parks--all perfect for families with kids of any age (and any budget).


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  • 2 lip 11 10:33
This unique study looks at homeland security law and policy utilizing a comparative analysis methodology ideal for those interested in law and security.The spectre and fear of another terrorist attack looms large for most of the world's citizenry and for the domestic law agencies charged with protecting these citizens and countries. This book explores how various countries have dealt with or are dealing with homeland security in the aftermath of terrorist attacks such as 9/11, the underground tube attacks in London in 2005, the Madrid train bombing in Spain, and compares global approaches and lessons to the US and the world.This unique study looks at homeland security law and policy utilizing a comparative analysis methodology ideal for those interested in law and security.


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  • 2 lip 11 10:33
This volume will interest observers of urban and regional change, planning, and politics the world over; many of the book''s well-written and -selected chapters are among the most useful I''ve read, whether about Florida or other settings. Anyone interested in sprawl, affordable housing, impact fees, transportation, open space, or planning implementation will find something useful - even essential - here.Rolf Pendall, Cornell University, USAThis volume offers the first detailed assessment of the Florida growth management experience, a system that has received only piecemeal attention from researchers despite its historical significance and its state-mandated comprehensive planning approach. Because Florida''s approach is the most detailed system for managing growth in the US, one that embraces planners and planning in the day-to-day governance of all areas of the state, this book will be of great value to the planning profession as it offers an assessment of one of the most planning-affirmative policy approaches in the United States. With contributions from national experts on land use planning and growth management, this volume offers an assessment of the outcomes of the Florida''s approach to managing growth. Over the course of the book, the strengths and weaknesses of the state''s approach are identified, providing insights into how and when to manage land use change in a state continuously inundated by growth. In evaluating the successes and failures of the Florida approach, planners and policy makers throughout the United States will learn lessons about how and how not to implement growth management policies at both the state and local level.Overall, while the authors concur that growth management has had a positive impact on restricting growth in Florida, the economic, demographic, and political pressures for continued growth in Florida make it difficult to restrict growth in a way that has had a major impact on the state''s natural and built environment-Florida continues to be a sprawling state that is rapidly expanding its urbanized areas even though growth management appears to have had an impact on limiting the spread of growth still further.


  • 13 KB
  • 2 lip 11 10:33
To what extent do domestic politics affect the agreement reached in an international trade negotiation? In order to address this question, Christopher C. Meyerson develops an approach to analyzing the relationship between domestic politics and international relations in trade policymaking. This approach is used to analyze both American and Japanese trade policymaking and US-Japan trade negotiations, especially during the GATT Uruguay Round agriculture negotiations between 1986 and 1994. Meyerson not only develops an innovative approach to the analysis of the relationship between domestic politics and international relations in trade policymaking, but also, using publicly available GATT documents and publications, US Congressional hearings and Japanese-language sources, provides a strong narrative description of the roles of the United States and Japan in the GATT Uruguay Round agriculture negotiations.


  • 218 KB
  • 2 lip 11 10:33
In 1950, the U.S. military budget more than tripled while plans for a national health care system and other new social welfare programs disappeared from the agenda. At the same time, the official campaign against the influence of radicals in American life reached new heights. Benjamin Fordham suggests that these domestic and foreign policy outcomes are closely related. The Truman administration's efforts to fund its ambitious and expensive foreign policy required it to sacrifice much of its domestic agenda and acquiesce to conservative demands for a campaign against radicals in the labor movement and elsewhere.
Using a statistical analysis of the economic sources of support and opposition to the Truman Administration's foreign policy, and a historical account of the crucial period between the summer of 1949 and the winter of 1951, Fordham integrates the political struggle over NSC 68, the decision to intervene in the Korean War, and congressional debates over the Fair Deal, McCarthyism and military spending. The Truman Administration's policy was politically successful not only because it appealed to internationally oriented sectors of the U.S. economy, but also because it was linked to domestic policies favored by domestically oriented, labor-sensitive sectors that would otherwise have opposed it.
This interpretation of Cold War foreign policy will interest political scientists and historians concerned with the origins of the Cold War, American social welfare policy, McCarthyism, and the Korean War, and the theoretical argument it advances will be of interest broadly to scholars of U.S. foreign policy, American politics, and international relations theory.
Benjamin O. Fordham is Assistant Professor of Political Science, State University of New York at Albany.


  • 383 KB
  • 2 lip 11 10:33
Arranged regionally to give readers an overview of the distinct areas of the country, the State-by-State Atlas creates a clear and easy to understand way of learning American geography and culture. Each state's landscape, industry, agriculture, population, history, and folkways are explored in a vibrant information book children will want to use throughout their school age years.

This visually attractive guide to the states divides the nation into seven major regions. For each area, a short time line lists events as diverse as the Battle of Gettysburg and the completion of Mt. Rushmore. The spread for each state offers information on the bird, flower, tree, population, ranking in statehood, and land area. Two paragraphs of general description and history introduce the state, while additional bits of information in caption form are provided. A short profile of a historical figure or current celebrity is included, such as Madonna from Michigan and Susan B. Anthony from New York. Colorful maps, photos, and drawings alternate with the scattered text. As a supplemental source for state reports, this is an adequate work. Most online encyclopedias or state sites will provide more comprehensive information. School Library Journal

Divided by regions. Full color. Great pictures. Insets with state facts and color pictures of flower, bird, flag, and tree.


  • 217 KB
  • 2 lip 11 10:33
For seven years, Alison Arngrim played a wretched, scheming, selfish, lying, manipulative brat on one of TV history's most beloved series. Though millions of Little House on the Prairie viewers hated Nellie Oleson and her evil antics, Arngrim grew to love her character—and the freedom and confidence Nellie inspired in her.
In Confessions of a Prairie Bitch, Arngrim describes growing up in Hollywood with her eccentric parents: Thor Arngrim, a talent manager to Liberace and others, whose appetite for publicity was insatiable, and legendary voice actress Norma MacMillan, who played both Gumby and Casper the Friendly Ghost. She recalls her most cherished and often wickedly funny moments behind the scenes of Little House: Michael Landon's "unsaintly" habit of not wearing underwear; how she and Melissa Gilbert (who played her TV nemesis, Laura Ingalls) became best friends and accidentally got drunk on rum cakes at 7-Eleven; and the only time she and Katherine MacGregor (who played Nellie's mom) appeared in public in costume, provoking a posse of elementary schoolgirls to attack them.
Arngrim relays all this and more with biting wit, but she also bravely recounts her life's challenges: her struggle to survive a history of traumatic abuse, depression, and paralyzing shyness; the "secret" her father kept from her for twenty years; and the devastating loss of her "Little House husband" and best friend, Steve Tracy, to AIDS, which inspired her second career in social and political activism. Arngrim describes how Nellie Oleson taught her to be bold, daring, and determined, and how she is eternally grateful to have had the biggest little bitch on the prairie to show her the way.


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