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Nikt według Gandhiego nie zna absolutnej prawdy, nie powinien więc używać przemocy, by zmusić innych do zaakceptowania swego zdania.
  • 82 KB
  • 11 gru 12 19:14
The Romanian revolution was motivated by a desire for greater political and intellectual freedom and economic prosperity. It was the bloodiest of the eastern European transitions due to Ceausescu's cult of personality. However, many of the goals of the revolution are still unfulfilled. The lack of civil society, charges of political corruption, the failure to transform the economy, and concerns over the protection of ethnic minority rights are all factors in Romania's failure to become a fully integrated European country.
Tracing the country's political history and examining Romania's postcommunist politics, economic transition and foreign policy, this book contemplates the prospects for this country as it enters the twenty first century.


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  • 11 gru 12 19:14
The Russian Revolution of 1917 has been described as the most important political event of the twentieth century. In tracing its origins, the author takes as his starting point the emancipation of the Russian serfs and the `Great Reforms' of the 1860s. He analyzes the evolution of the revolutionary movement, showing how the traditions of popular rebellion, intellectual opposition and military revolt combined and culminated in the upheavals of 1917. Because of the importance of of its ultimate victory in gaining political power, particular attention is given to the development of the Bolshevik Party. A final section surveys the manner in which the Revolution has been treated by both Western and Soviet historians. The book has been revised and expanded for this edition.


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  • 11 gru 12 19:14
The pivotal years in the Chinese civil war, 1947-8, found America locked in battle with Mao Zedong and the Communists for the allegiance of China's democratic middle forces. The stakes were high for both sides. As the clouds of Cold War gathered, the US needed the liberals to provide legitimacy to Chiang Kai-shek's increasingly discredited-but staunchly anti-Communist-Nationalist government; the Communists needed the democrats so that the revolution under their leadership could advance from the countryside to the cities. In the polarized atmosphere then engulfing China, whoever lost the battle for the middle forces would face political isolation-and, ultimately, defeat. China's Inevitable Revolution explores this tumultuous and decisive battle. It tells the compelling story of assassination, repression, and protest in urban China. It reveals how America's fixation wtih the containing of Communism led in China to the constraining of democracy. In so doing, it demonstrates how America alienated the very democratic forces on which it pinned its hopes, thereby, ironically, contributing to the Communist victory.


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  • 11 gru 12 19:14
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Orthodox Christianity in Russia has enjoyed a remarkable resurgence. Many Russians are now looking to the history of their faith as they try to rebuild a lost way of life. Vera Shevzov has spent ten years researching Orthodoxy as it was lived in the years before the 1917 Revolution. In Russian Orthodoxy on the Eve of Revolution, she draws on a rich variety of previously untapped archival sources and published works unavailable in the West to reconstruct the religious world of laypeople. Shevzov traces the means by which men and women shaped their religious lives in an ecclesiastical system that was often dominated by bureaucrats and monastic bishops. She finds vivid displays of resistance to the official system and equally vivid affirmations of faith. focusing on various "centers" of religious life - the church temple, chapels, feasts, icons, and the Virgin Mary - she traces the rituals, beliefs, and communal dynamics that lent these centers meaning. Shevzov also presents the conflicting voices of ecclesiastical officials. She questions the notion that the only challenge to Orthodoxy at the end of the ancien regime came from outsiders such as Marxist revolutionaries, atheistic intellectuals, and urban factory workers. Instead, she shows that a different but equally great challenge emerged within the faith community itself. Indeed, the late nineteenth and early twentieth century is revealed as one of the most dynamic periods in the history of Russian Orthodoxy, characterized by debates analogous to the Reformation or the era of Vatican II. Russian Orthodoxy on the Eve of Revolution breaks new ground by giving voice to the previously ignored common people during this period immediately preceding one of the most important events of the twentieth century.


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  • 11 gru 12 19:14
The conclusion of the two-part documentary charting the events following Lenin's rise to power, as the anticipated multi-party democracy was overshadowed by totalitarianism. After an attempt on his life, Lenin imposed a ruthless police state that inspired opposition from imperialists and led to the assassination of the royal family

Part. 1. Freedom and Hope

History documentary about the Russian Revolution as the storming of the Winter Palace, the death of the Tsar and his family, the insurgency and the ensuing civil war are all shown in colour for the first time.

Part. 2. Fear and Paranoia

This concluding programme shows how the Kronstadt sailors' loyalty helped defend the revolution in its first few years and how their brutal defeat killed the last ray of hope for a more just society.

The Russian Revolution and Civil War were major watersheds of the 20th Century. Now, for the first time, the story of this bloodsoaked time is being told in full color. New footage from the battlefields, expert testimonies, and exciting colorized archives help to unfold the dramatic story of the Communist rise and seizure of power in 1917.


  • 235 KB
  • 11 gru 12 19:14
The End of the Communist Revolution puts Perestroika firmly in its long-term historical perspective as the final stage of a long revolutionary process, and within the context of Leninism, Stalinism and Breshnevism. Daniels puts forward a new interpretation of the striking events in the later half of the twentieth-century which led to the downfall of Gorbachev and Communism in the late Soviet Union. Embracing the whole Soviet experience since 1917, he argues that Gorbachev's reforms did not constitute a new revolution, but a `moderate revolutionary revival' with a return to the decentralist, anti-imperial principles that inspired the original moderate phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Emphasizing continuity with the past, Daniels questions conventional solutions about future political and economic alternatives in the region. By stressing the way that reform unfolded, not just in the Breshnev era, but in the long historical background, Daniels provides an original and integratedinterpretation of Soviet history.


  • 121 KB
  • 11 gru 12 19:14
The Cultural Revolution was a watershed event in the history of the People’s Republic of China, the defining decade of half a century of communist rule. Before 1966, China was a typical communist state, with a command economy and a powerful party able to keep the population under control. But during theCultural Revolution , in a move unprecedented in any communist country, Mao unleashed the Red Guards against the party. Tens of thousands of officials were humiliated, tortured, and even killed. Order had to be restored by the military, whose methods were often equally brutal. In a masterly book, Roderick MacFarquhar and Michael Schoenhals explain why Mao launched the Cultural Revolution, and show his Machiavellian role in masterminding it (which Chinese publications conceal). In often horrifying detail, they document the Hobbesian state that ensued. The movement veered out of control and terror paralyzed the country. Power struggles raged among Lin Biao, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, and Jiang Qing—Mao’s wife and leader of the Gang of Four—while Mao often played one against the other.After Mao’s death, in reaction to the killing and the chaos, Deng Xiaoping led China into a reform era in which capitalism flourishes and the party has lost its former authority. In its invaluable critical analysis of Chairman Mao and its brilliant portrait of a culture in turmoil, Mao’s Last Revolution offers the most authoritative and compelling account to date of this seminal event inthe history of China.


  • 74 KB
  • 11 gru 12 19:14
The Russian Revolution: 1917-1921 is a collection of documents and sources reviewing the ever-changing debate on the nature of the Russian Revolution. Such events as the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, that had indeed grown from the Revolution, have provided fresh perspectives from which to view it. The collection provides excerpts from newspapers, memoirs and literature, complete with commentary and background information on sources.

With a focus on thematic issues such as the actions of peasants and workers, Ronald Kowalski addresses the key question of whether the revolution was a coup foisted on the people or a popular movement. The book incorporates the latest scholarship and contains newly available documentary material translated into English for the first time.


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  • 11 gru 12 19:14
"Julia Sweig shatters the mythology surrounding the Cuban Revolution in a compelling revisionist history that reconsiders the revolutionary roles of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara and restores to a central position the leadership of the Cuban urban underground, the Llano. Granted unprecedented access to the classified records of Castro's 26th of July Movement's underground operatives--the only scholar inside or outside of Cuba allowed access to the complete collection in the Cuban Council of State's Office of Historic Affairs--she details the ideological, political, and strategic debates between Castro's mountain-based guerrilla movement and the urban revolutionaries in Havana, Santiago, and other cities.In a close study of the fifteen months from November 1956 to July 1958, when the urban underground leadership was dominant, Sweig examines the debate between the two groups over whether to wage guerrilla warfare in the countryside or armed insurrection in the cities, and is the first to document the extent of Castro's cooperation with the Llano. She unveils the essential role of the urban underground, led by such figures as Frank País, Armando Hart, Haydée Santamaria, Enrique Oltuski, and Faustino Pérez, in controlling critical decisions on tactics, strategy, allocation of resources, and relations with opposition forces, political parties, Cuban exiles, even the United States--contradicting the standard view of Castro as the primary decision maker during the revolution.


  • 157 KB
  • 11 gru 12 19:14
Konflikt międzynarodowy wywołany napaścią Korei Płn. na Płd. 1945r. Korea uwalnia się spod panowania Japonii. W 1948r. powstają dwa państwa różniące się ustrojem.
W 1948r. od płn. części Korea Płn. graniczy z ChRL (Chiny w tym czasie są pogrążone w III wojnie domowej wojna zakończona zwycięstwem Chińskiej Armii Ludowo – Wyzwoleńczej prowadzonej przez Mao Zedonga, który jest pod bezpośrednim wpływem Stalina.)
Korea Płd. Graniczy z Japonią, która jest okupowana przez USA. W odległości 300 km od brzegów Korei Płd. stacjonują wojska amerykańskie.
W celu opanowania pozostałej części Korei, Kim Ir Sen potrzebuje pozwolenia J. Stalina, (czyli wsparcia militarnego i ekonomicznego ZSRR w domyśle). Stalin niechętnie przystaje na tę propozycję aczkolwiek „nie można sądzić, iż kierowała nim niechęć ograniczenia ekspansji komunizmu” jak wielokrotnie podkreśla Bajanow .
W styczniu 1950r. Stalin angażuje się we wsparcie Korei Płd. Jednocześnie prowadzi tajne rozmowy z Mao Zedongiem, namawiając go do wzięcia udziału w wojnie. Jednak w maju 1950r., informuje, Kim Ir Sena i Mao Zedonga, iż operacja połączenia Korei nie może się odbyć, „jeżeli nie uzgodnią między sobą ścisłych elementów współpracy” i delikatnie wycofał się. Aby zrozumieć istotę samej wojny musimy wiedzieć, że podział kraju był związany z powstaniem amerykańskiej i radzieckiej strefy okupacji wzdłuż 38 równoleżnika.
Woja rozpoczyna się 25 VI 1950r. atakiem (wpływ ma również przekroczenie granicy 38 równoleżnika) armii północnokoreańskiej w sile 200 tys. żołnierzy na Republikę Korei. Do połowy września zostaje zajęte prawie całe państwo południowokoreańskie. W efekcie bojkotu Rady Bezpieczeństwa przez ZSRR (żąda dla ChRL miejsca w radzie) zwraca się ona z apelem o pomoc do państw członkowskich ONZ. 27 czerwca uchwala ona wysłanie wojsk międzynarodowych do Korei. Prezydent USA – Thurman wysyła najważniejsze amerykańskie siły wojskowe (udział wojsk innych państw jest symboliczny) dowodzone przez generała D. MacArthura. Ofensywa prowadzona przez Doughlasa doprowadza do przyparcia armii, Kim Ir Sena do granicy chińskiej. Wtedy do wojny przystępują wojska tzw. „ochotników chińskich” dowodzonych przez Peng Te – Huaja w sile 40 dywizji.
W wyniku planu użycia broni atomowej przeciw Chinom i Związkowi Radzieckiemu, gen. MacArthur zostaje zdymisjonowany. Zastępuje go gen. M. Ridgway, prowadząc dwuletnie jeszcze walki.


  • 5 KB
  • 11 gru 12 19:14
This timely and provocative study provides a reexamination of the achievements and failures of the Cuban revolution, placing it firmly within the context of twentieth century Cuban history. Beginning with the inauguration of the republic in 1902 and addressing Castro's triumphant entry into Santiago de Cuba in 1959, The Cuban Revolution highlights the factors which made Cuba susceptible to revolution, including its one-crop (sugar) economy and U.S. interference in Cuban affairs. While identifying nationalism and the struggle for social justice as the legitimate forces behind the revolution, Perez-Stable also provides insight into the problems facing Castro's Cuba. Arguing that the revolution actually ended in 1970, she blames its defeat on the regime's profitable yet doomed dependence on the Soviet Union. She further charges that Cuba's leaders failed to diversify the country's economy, to sustain development, or to create democratic institutions.

Now in its second edition, The Cuban Revolution has been updated to include an entirely new chapter on the changes affecting Cuba's policies and economy since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the failure of communism in general. The second edition also includes a new preface, an up-to-date bibliography, and a thoroughly revised concluding chapter summing up the prospects and possibilities of Cuba's future in the twenty-first century. Ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in Latin American history and politics, The Cuban Revolution offers students fresh insights into the successes and failures of the Cuban Revolution.


  • 24 KB
  • 11 gru 12 19:14
Through the use of recently released Chinese documents, conversations with People's Republic of China scholars, and in-depth interviews with people who were present at key decision-making meetings, this book aims to discover China and the USSR's roles in the outbreak of the Korean conflict.


  • 124 KB
  • 11 gru 12 19:14
'This is really an excellent study. I suspect that few 'bourgeois' economists would be even slightly persuaded by Yaffe's arguments, much less Guevara's, but considered as a monograph, Yaffe's book is exhaustively researched, interesting, coherent, well-organized and written, novel, and, frankly, quite provocative in places.' - Richard J. Salvucci, Economic History Review 'The importance of this book is in its knowledge of Che Guevara, and in improving the theory of socialist development, as a theory in construction and permanent enrichment given new contemporary experiences accumulating in difficult conditions in the 21st century. The result is a book that cannot be ignored, a book that should be translated into Spanish and other languages as soon as possible. It is not perfect, as no human work can be; but everyone who reads it should feel the duty of participating in the discussion and analysis that Helen Yaffe presents in this work, with the same rigour and objectivity with which she has done so.' - Dr Jesus Pastor Garcia Brigos, London School of Economics, IDEAS, Latin America Programme '!Helen Yaffe's Che Guevara: The Economics of Revolution must represent one of the most important contributions to debates about Marxist economics of recent years. As a highly original exposition of Guevara's personal thinking and achievements in the broader effort to create a revolutionary economy, Yaffe's work fills an important gap in the economic history of post-revolutionary Cuba. But as a reminder of the concrete commitment to revolutionary change that Guevara has been immortalised for in such idealistic terms, amid renewed debate about the form taken by global capitalism and the revival of state ownership and redistribution across Latin America, this book makes essential reading.' - Gavin O'Toole, Latin American Review of Books 'Thanks to Helen Yaffe, readers in the English-speaking world now have a chance to discover a Che who was a profound economic thinker and doer, not in addition to his life as a revolutionary, but as an inseparable part of it. Even a much longer review could not give an adequate idea of the scope of this work, based upon hundreds of books, documents, reports and interviews. It provides a mass of detail in areas from science to workers' participation, from investment to psychology, without ever losing track of the main threads or becoming bogged down. I can't think of enough superlatives to describe it.' - Allen Myers, Direct Action 'With the passion of an activist and the erudition of an academic, Helen Yaffe's new book examines Che's contribution to Cuba's economic development and socialist political economy.' -


  • 98 KB
  • 11 gru 12 19:14
Michael Dockrill's concise study of the early years of the Cold War between the Western Powers and Soviet Union has been acclaimed as a guide to the subject. In this second edition, he and Michael Hopkins bring the story up to the events of 1991, and also expand coverage of key topics.

Michael Dockrill's concise study of the early years of the Cold War between the Western Powers and Soviet Union has been widely acclaimed as an authoritative guide to the subject. In this second edition, he and Michael Hopkins bring the story up to the events of 1991, and also expand coverage of key topics.

* Editors' Preface
* Preface
* Introduction
* Origins,
* The Cold War Emerges,
* Global Stakes,
* From Crisis to Detente,
* The Cold War Declines,
* The Demise of Detente and the New Cold War,
* Renewed Detente and the End of the Cold War,
* Conclusion
* Bibliography
* Index


  • 84 KB
  • 11 gru 12 19:14
This book provides a wide-ranging history of every aspect of Stalin's dictatorship over the peoples of the Soviet Union. Drawing on a huge array of primary and secondary sources, The Stalin Era is a first-hand account of Stalinist thought, policy, and the effects of both of these. The book places the man and his ideology into context both within pre-Revolutionary Russia, Lenin's Soviet Union, and post-Stalinist Russia. The Stalin Era examines collectivization; industrialization; terror; government; the cult of Stalin; education and science; family; religion and the Russian Orthodox Church; and art and the state.


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  • 11 gru 12 19:14


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  • 11 gru 12 19:14
October 27, 1962, was known as Black Saturday in the Kennedy White House. With the Cuban missile crisis at its height, this was a day of nail-biting developments, when the hands of the metaphorical Doomsday Clock reached one minute to midnight and the world grew closer than ever before (or since) to nuclear apocalypse. On Black Saturday, the opposing Cold War leaders, John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, mobilized their forces to fight a nuclear war on land, sea and air. The watching world held its breath in terror. In Bobby Kennedy's words, 'There was a feeling that the noose was tightening on all of us, on Americans, on mankind, and that the bridges to escape were crumbling.'Michael Dobbs tells both the human and the political story of Black Saturday, taking the reader not just into the White House and the Kremlin but along the entire Cold War battlefront with the men who were preparing to fight. We see inside U-2s and nuclear submarines; the armies gathering in Florida and Cuba; American warships and Cuban anti-aircraft batteries; the CIA, the NSA and the KGB; Cold War radio stations and listening posts; the feverish conspiracies of Cuban exiles; Castro's headquarters; Khrushchev's dacha; the underground bunker being prepared for Kennedy; the streets of Washington, Moscow and Havana.Using a wealth of untapped archival material, Michael Dobbs brings a fresh perspective to this crucial moment in twentieth-century history, which witnessed one of the greatest mobilizations of men and equipment since the Second World War. His thrilling narrative features a cast of characters - including Soviet veterans never before interviewed by a western writer - that ranges from the ordinary to the larger than life, all with unique stories to tell.


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  • 11 gru 12 19:14
Drawing from contributions from 14 members of the Japan Society for the History of Economic Thought, the editors focus on Marx in the twenty-first century, contemporary problems in Marx studies, the reception of Marx into modern Japan, and new horizons of Marxology. The result is a collection with such topics as Marx and modernity, Marx’s economic theory and the prospects for socialism, Marx and the future of post-capitalist society, the influence of Marx on distributive justice and the environmental problem, reappraisals of Marx’s theories of history and labor money, a comparison of Marx and J. S. Mill on socialism, a bioeconomic Marx-Weber paradigm, Japanese cultural concepts of eclecticism and civil society, and amongst essays on new horizons, topics such as Louis Blanc and associationism in France, the Brussels Democratic Association and the Communist Manifesto and editorial problems in establishing a new edition of The German Ideology.


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  • 11 gru 12 19:14
Paul Wetherly provides a restatement and defence of the classical Marxist theory of the state, developing an analytical approach that draws on G.A. Cohen's functional interpretation of Marx's theory of history. Instrumentalist and structuralist arguments are conceived as related causal mechanisms within the functional approach, and the principle of economic determination is shown to be consistent with the relative autonomy of the state as an institution with its own interests and capacities. This old-fashioned interpretation is defended against rival approaches within contemporary Marxism, notably Jessop's strategic relational approach.


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  • 11 gru 12 19:14
Marx After Marxism encourages readers to understand Karl Marx in new ways, unencumbered by political Marxist interpretations that have long dominated the discussions of both Marxists and non-Marxists. This volume gives a broad and accessible account of Marx's philosophy and emphasizes his relationship to Hegel.


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