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Matrix Energetics - Cards.zip

teresa-22 / Bartlett Richard -Fizyka cudów / Matrix Energetics - Cards.zip
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Science has spent centuries trying to define the laws of the universe. But in this modern era of breakthroughs and quantum physics, what have we finally learned? “It turns out that the laws of the universe are just waiting for us to break them,” explains Richard Bartlett. With The Matrix Energetics Experience, this extraordinary teacher invites you to learn the art of rewriting any rule of your reality—about your health, your happiness, or even your understanding of what is physically possible.

What is Matrix Energetics? Born from a set of potent energetic treatments that Bartlett discovered in his chiropractic practice, Matrix Energetics has evolved into a “technology of consciousness” for insight, healing, spiritual growth—and living a life unbound by the limits we have been trained to believe in. “Once you learn to catch the wave of Matrix Energetics, it can become whatever you let it,” Bartlett explains. “Some of my students have developed abilities I’ve never dreamed of having.”

As quantum physics implies, we live in a universe made of consciousness and light, where what we think of as “real” can shift as quickly as our minds let it. Now Richard Bartlett takes you on a freewheeling, playful,and possibility-expanding journey that will shatter your preconceptions about the seemingly “solid” universe we live in—and how unlimited your potential to change it truly is. If you are ready to embrace a reality where anything goes, miracles happen, and nothing is beyond your reach, then you are ready for The Matrix Energetics Experience.

A Multi-Format Experience of Matrix Energetics

* Six audio sessions of Richard Bartlett’s Matrix Energetics workshop—an unforgettable tour de force of wisdom, science, humor, and the art of transforming your life in the blink of an eye
* An 87-page workbook featuring the Two-Point Technique for healing and discovery, the 21 Fundamental Frequencies of the universe, and exercises for breaking down your subconscious limitations
* A 49-minute DVD of Matrix Energetics in action, including live demonstrations and an eye-opening interview with Richard Bartlett
* Forty one cards with details of the properties of the 21 Fundamental Frequencies and 20 inspiring and mind-expanding contemplations
*** Also includes the pdf of Dr. Bartlett's book: Matrix Energetics
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności