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The world of Edward Gorey (1996).pdf

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Authors: Clifford Ross, Karen Wilkin, Edward Gorey (Illustrator)
Hardcover: 189 pages
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams (September 1, 1996)
Language: English

Edward Gorey is an author and an illustrator who has carved a unique niche creating macabre graphic novels that are part satire and part social commentary--comics for adults. Though often relating lurid tales of Victorian crime, Gorey eschews blood and gore in favor of atmosphere and humor. Here the editors have collected a representative sample of his work. Ross, an artist, and Wilkin, an art critic, also provide a useful introductory essay on Gorey's work and an informative interview with him. The book includes a complete bibliography and photographs of Gorey's library and studio.

Habitual watchers of PBS TV's long-running Mystery! may constitute the largest number of Edward Gorey fans--provided, of course, that they all love the show's animated introduction, for it is Gorey's contribution. Long before the show, Gorey had attracted a staunch band of admirers with his gravely humorous rhymed stories set in an Edwardian never-never land and illustrated in children's picture-book fashion, one drawing per page or line of verse. If your child had a somewhat morbid sense of humor, they could be marvelous children's books, but they were basically for adults fascinated by Gorey's literary and artistic allusions and the droll dreariness of his densely crosshatched style (although he rarely uses color, his thicket of lines ineluctably conjures them in the mind's eye; of course, all are the hues of dusk). Besides a little gallery of his work, this sampler includes a literate admiration by Wilkin and a splendidly amusing tete-a-tete with the artist by Ross. Ray Olson


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Książki traktujące o komiksach: antologie, analizy, biografie, naukowe dysertacje...
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Sergio Toppi. Narratore d'immagini. di Gianni Brunoro obrazek "La storia attraverso le narrazioni, le emozioni, le evocazioni della opera grafica." This book looks at the work of the celebrated Italian comic illustrator Segio Toppi. It presents examples of his work accompanied by an extensive text (in Italian) which examines the story and the influences on his work.
obrazek Tito Faraci per scrivere fumetti. Teorie e tecniche. Diabolik, Dylan Dog, Lupo Alberto, Topolino Copertina flessibile – 1 mag 2004 Questo libro analizza e testimonia i diversi modi narrativi di Tito Faraci e fornisce alcuni strumenti teorici e pratici a chi si interessa di fumetto e sceneggiatura e volesse scoprirne i segreti tecnici e stilistici. Leggere un libro su uno sceneggiatore e le sue pagine scritte per lavoro, non fa diventare sceneggiatori, ma può illuminare la lettura dei fumetti e far riflettere su questa misconosciuta professione creativa. Davide Barzi ha pazientemente raccolto e selezionato brani da precedenti interviste su questi temi, e raccolto inedite osservazioni a commento delle varie sceneggiature che qui vengono presentate: da Topolino a Dylan Dog, da Diabolik a Lupo Alberto (anche nella versione animata).
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