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Fantastico Walt (2001).pdf

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Walt Disney Company Italia, 2001

"Fantastico Walt" è una raccolta delle più belle storie a fumetto Disney per celebrare il 're della fantasia' che, con i suoi indimenticabili lungometraggi, ha fatto sognare e divertire generazioni di spettatori in tutto il mondo. A cento anni dalla sua nascita Disney Libri dedica al papà della fantasia e della magia Disney il libro "Fantastico Walt", un volume che ripercorre le principali e più curiose tappe della vita di Walt Disney e dei suoi indimenticabili personaggi.


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Książki traktujące o komiksach: antologie, analizy, biografie, naukowe dysertacje...
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
obrazek Trina Robbins has spent the last thirty years recording the accomplishments of a century of women cartoonists, and Pretty in Ink is her ultimate book, a revised, updated and rewritten history of women cartoonists, with more color illustrations than ever before, and with some startling new discoveries (such as a Native American woman cartoonist from the 1940s who was also a Corporal in the women’s army, and the revelation that a cartoonist included in all of Robbins’s previous histories was a man!) In the pages of Pretty in Ink you’ll find new photos and correspondence from cartoonists Ethel Hays and Edwina Dumm, and the true story of Golden Age comic book star Lily Renee, as intriguing as the comics she drew. Although the comics profession was dominated by men, there were far more women working in the profession throughout the 20th century than other histories indicate, and they have flourished in the 21st. Robbins not only documents the increasing relevance of women throughout the 20th century, with mainstream creators such as Ramona Fradon and Dale Messick and alternative cartoonists such as Lynda Barry, Carol Tyler, and Phoebe Gloeckner, but the latest generation of women cartoonists―Megan Kelso, Cathy Malkasian, Linda Medley, and Lilli Carré, among many others. Robbins is the preeminent historian of women comic artists; forget her previous histories: Pretty in Ink is her most comprehensive volume to date.
obrazek I magnifici eroi - La protesta e la satira di costume - La fantascienza e il fantastico - i ragazzi terribili - L'avventura poliziesca - Le dolcezze della famiglia - Il mondo animale - Le eroine di carta - Il fumetto erotico - Guida ai personaggi. Testi di Carlo Della Corte, Ernesto G. Laura, Pier Carpi, Piero Zanotto, Orio Caldiron, et al. Completamente illustrato in nero e a colori. 2 volumi. 4to. pp. 340 + 340. Quest'opera antologica del fumetto presenta alcune storie classiche o inedite, riproponendo al lettore gli ''eroi di carta'' di ieri e di oggi: da Krazy Kat a Topolino, dall'Uomo Mascherato a Mandrake, da Flash Gordon a Jeff Hawke, da Dick Tracy a Li' l Abner, da Braccio di Ferro ad Arcibaldo e Petronilla, da Bibì e Bibò a Charlie Brown e C. Rilegato.
obrazek Titolo: Enciclopedia dei fumetti Casa editrice: Sansoni, FIRENZE Data di pubblicazione: 1970 Opera in due volumi, uscita nel 1970, ben realizzata con la collaborazione di personalità quali Carlo Della Corte ed Ernesto G.Laura, scrittori, giornalisti e critici esperti nella materia. Ogni volume (F.to 25x31 cm) 340 + 382 pagg. - con moltissime illustrazioni a colori e in B/N - copertina rigida cartonata rivestita in similpelle verde, offre una panoramica completa delle tipologie di comics in auge dalle origini sino all'inizio degli anni '70. Si tratta di un documento assai utile per gli appassionati del genere. I due volumi, considerata l'età, come si può vedere dalle foto allegate, sono in perfette condizioni, senza significative tracce di usura agli spigoli, ad esclusione di un leggero ingiallimento della carta.
obrazek José Alaniz explores the problematic publication history of komiks--an art form much-maligned as "bourgeois" mass diversion before, during, and after the collapse of the USSR--with an emphasis on the last twenty years. Using archival research, interviews with major artists and publishers, and close readings of several works, Komiks: Comic Art in Russia provides heretofore unavailable access to the country's rich--but unknown--comics heritage. The study examines the dizzying experimental comics of the late Czarist and early revolutionary era, caricature from the satirical journal Krokodil, and the postwar series Petia Ryzhik (the "Russian Tintin"). Detailed case studies include the Perestroika-era KOM studio, the first devoted to comics in the Soviet Union; post-Soviet comics in contemporary art; autobiography and the work of Nikolai Maslov; and women's comics by such artists as Lena Uzhinova, Namida, and Re-I. Alaniz examines such issues as anti-Americanism, censorship, the rise of consumerism, globalization (e.g., in Russian manga), the impact of the internet, and the hard-won establishment of a comics subculture in Russia Komiks have often borne the brunt of ideological change--thriving in summers of relative freedom, freezing in hard winters of official disdain. This volume covers the art form's origins in religious icon-making and book illustration, and later the immensely popular lubok or woodblock print. Alaniz reveals comics' vilification and marginalization under the Communists, the art form's economic struggles, and its eventual internet "migration" in the post-Soviet era. This book shows that Russian comics, as with the people who made them, never had a "normal life."
obrazek Catalog of an exhibition held at the Vancouver Art Gallery, May 17-Sept. 7, 2008 275 pages Comics! Cartoons! Anime! Manga! Graphic Novels! Video Games! This book, companion to a landmark exhibition, celebrates the variety and growing significance of visual culture. Illustrated with eye-popping art, KRAZY! investigates the uniqueness of these forms and the ways they interconnect. Put together by some of the genres' most influential artists and cultural producers, it features commentary and interviews with Maus author Art Spiegelman, Sims creator Will Wright and comic artist Seth, along with Tim Johnson (codirector of Antz and Over the Hedge), Kiyoshi Kusumi (a global authority on manga), media theorist and critic Toshiya Ueno and visual arts curator Bruce Grenville. “Excellent catalog.” (New York Times 2009-03-13) “Leaves the reader eager to explore aspects of each topic in greater depth.” (World Literature Today 2010-11-09) “What’s interesting about Krazy! is that it explores these art forms [and] present[s] them in a way in that forces the reader to never look at anime, manga, or video games [in the same way] again. . . . Bold, beautiful full-colored pictures illustrate it to give the reader the impression that they are at the exhibit themselves. . . . Embrace the kraziness.” (Pop Matters 2008-08-14) “The parade of animators and cartoonists is impressive. . . . Heart-stopping.” (Metro Newspapers 2008-08-13) “It is fascinating and satisfying to read essays that treat these forms of expression with the weight of both serious analysis and passionate appreciation.” (Arcade Journal 2009-06-01)
obrazek Title: The Comic Art Show Publisher: Whitney Museum of American Art Publication Date: 1983
obrazek Tintin mon copain est un ouvrage de Léon Degrelle, paru en 2000 de façon confidentielle plusieurs années après son décès, survenu en mars 1994, aux prétendues « éditions du Pélican d'or » (les éditeurs réels préférant rester anonymes afin d'éviter des poursuites judiciaires). Celui-ci y affirme avoir inspiré le personnage de Tintin à Hergé. Cet ouvrage est surtout une autobiographie apocryphe de Léon Degrelle. L’auteur utilise la notoriété d'Hergé et de ses personnages pour dire le mal qu'il pense de la démocratie et l'admiration qu'il porte au IIIe Reich. Originellement tiré à 1 000 exemplaires, l'ouvrage a été interdit de vente en Belgique et en France pour contrefaçon au droit d'auteur après une plainte des ayants droit, Moulinsart SA. 850 exemplaires du premier tirage auraient été saisis et détruits1. Bien que l'ouvrage ait été depuis réimprimé, il fait l'objet d'un juteux marché spéculatif auprès des collectionneurs de Tintin et de Léon Degrelle grâce à sa supposée rareté.
obrazek By Thierry Groensteen Translated by Ann Miller 240 pages (approx.), 6 x 9 inches, 88 b&w illustrations, introduction, index Thierry Groensteen, Brussels, Belgium, is a prominent comics scholar and author of numerous books including The System of Comics and Comics and Narration, both published by University Press of Mississippi. He has held a number of prestigious positions over the years: editor of Les Cahiers de la bande dessinée; director of the comics museum housed in the Cité internationale de la bande dessinée et de l'image in Angoulême, where he is now a project director and curator; editor in chief of 9ème Art; founder and editor of a comics collection for Actes Sud and lecturer on the comics masters course at the École européenne supérieure de l'image in Angoulême. Ann Miller, Oxford, United Kingdom, is University Fellow in French at the University of Leicester. Miller is joint editor of European Comic Art. She is author of Reading Bande Dessinée: Critical Approaches to French-language Comic Strip and coeditor of Textual Visual Selves: Photography, Film and Comic Art in French Autobiography and The French Comics Theory Reader.
obrazek Scénario : Collectif Dessin : Collectif Planches :400 Dépot légal : 06/1987 Editeur : Editions De Buck Catalogue de l'exposition du même titre au Musée d'art contemporain de Gand (4 juillet - 6 septembre 1987).
obrazek As a unique, one-volume encyclopedia of more than 1,000 characters created by DC Comics, this is the book that all comic book fans have been waiting for! Featuring some of DC's most creative artists and heroes and villains from the world famous to lesser known one-offs, this thrilling, one-of-a-kind guide has comic book history exploding off every page.
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