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!!!!Angielski - Szybki Kurs Mowienia
!!!!Angielski-Szy bki_Kurs_Mowienia -Audiobook-PL-200 9
@@@ Ewa May - Technika Uzdrawiania Pola Życia
@@@ Klucz do niezwykłej mocy podświadomości
01.2011r Żyj świadomie - Technika lustra
09.2011 Żyj świadomie
09.2011 Żyj świadomie(1)
1 Canto Śrimad Bhagavatam
10.2010 Żyj świadomie
11.2010 Żyj świadomie - 7 nawyków
12.2010 Żyj świadomie - Techniki terapeutyczne na co dzień
2 Canto Śrimad Bhagavatam
2210 - Upadek cywilizacji
6 Canto Śrimad Bhagavatam
7 zasad Huny
A5 Grid notes
afrykańskie - bebny, djembe
Afrykańskie rytmy
Akademia Sukcesu
Ancient Knowledge
Andrzej Niwiński
Anthony Robbins - Unlimited Power (NLP)
Astrologia Chinska
Audio - Laserowa koncentracja
Audiobooki - POLECAM!!
Ayahuasca-Inne Światy
B. Wisely - Złodzieje czasu
B. Wisely - Złodzieje czasu(1)
Batko Dębski Hipnoza DVD (hasło hpzbd6)
Beata Pawlikowska - W dżungli miłości (audio i e-book)
Beata Pawlikowska - W dżungli życia ( audio i e-book )
Bhakti Yoga -Film dokumentalny
BOGATY ALBO BIEDNY. Po prostu różni mentalnie audiobook
bonus - Indukcje hipnotyczne
Brutalne kulisy agencji modelek
Budujemy dom w harmonii z fazami Księżyca - Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe
C.G. Jung
Caitanya Caritamrta
Chaitow - diagnostyka i leczenie mięśniowo-powięzi owych punktów spustowych - książka + DVD
Cialdini.Robert.B .-TAK.60.sekretow .nauki.perswazji. czyt.R.Michalak
Colin Tipping audycja w trojce
Ćwicz kręgosłup
Cywilizacja przyszłości - Serial dokumentalny
Czakry - Harmonia człowieka
Czy wiesz, co pijesz
czym jest małzenstwo
Czytanie mapy stóp - Wanda Budzanowska-Bratk o
D.Bergner - Czego pragną kobiety
Daniel Goleman - Inteligencja emocjonalna
Daniel Goleman Inteligencja Emocjonalna audiobook lektor PL
David Allen - Getting Things Done czyli sztuka bezstresowej efektywności
Djembe - ćwiczenia
dla OFFICE i windowsów aktywator
DMT-Molekuła Duszy
Dobre MANIRY czlowieka
Duhigg Charles
Dźwięk alfa
Ekspert Perswazji. Czyli techniki wpływu i manipulacji na 10 płytach CD
Face to face with Jung -Twarzą w twarz z C. G. Jungiem (Napisy pl)(1)
Florence Littauer - Osobowość Plus
George Paschalidis & Niko Lazaridis
getting things done czyli sztuka bezstresowej efektywności
Hipnoza 16 cd
horoskop numerologiczny
Inspirujący wykład, który może zmienić Twoje życie - Gary Yourofsky
Inspirujący wykład, który może zmienić Twoje życie - Gary Yourofsky(1)
SuperMemo UX Pełny Kurs Angielskiego
Jestem Bruce Lee
Jordan B. Peterson - 12 życiowych zasad
K. Król, J. Gajos - ABC pewności siebie i atrakcyjności
Ken Blanchard - Jednominutowy menedżer
Kod Uzdrawiania audiobook mp3 całość
Kurs języka angielskiego -1000 godzin nauki PL
Larsson Stieg - Mezczyzni, ktorzy nienawidza kobiet
M. Czekaj - Komunikacja naprawdę skuteczna. Niezawodny sposób dotarcia do klientów, pracowników i znajomych
M.Czekaj - Zostań Jej Obsesją. Rozkoszne Techniki Seksualne (audiobook)
M.Manson - Subtelnie mówię Fuck - Sprzeczna z logiką metoda na szczęśliwe życie
Magia umysłu [2010-11] PL
Mahabharata audiobook mp3
Maksimum pewnosci siebie 1 z 5
Maksimum pewności siebie 2 z 5
Maksimum Pewności Siebie 3 z 5
Mapy ciała
Marek Stączek - Prezentacja. Mówca i jego rozwój
Maria Curie. 1991. Lektor
Maria Skłodowska - Curie FILM
Medycyna chińska - meridiany
Metafizyka chińska
Mowa Ciała
Mówiąca Księga Przemian I Ching
Mózg i umysł(1)
Mózg na dopingu (2011)
N. Hill - Między marzeniem a spełnieniem
N. Hill - Pięć reguł sukcesu według Myśl i bogać się. Przemień marzenia w bogactwo
Najskutecznoejsze sposoby uczenia
Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill - Myśl i Bogać Się
Napoleon Hill - Prawa Sukcesu
Neil Fiore - Nawyk samodyscypliny
Obudź się i zacznij żyć
P. Osobowości
Palikowski Jacek o Malrzenstwie
Pamięci techniki doskonalenia
Perfect Dating - Mowa Ciała (Krzysztof Król)
Pilnuj swojego interesu
Piotr Mart - Mężczyzna od A do Z
Porozumienie bez przemocy
Przejawianie kobiecości
psychologia książki
Pułapki umysłu - S02E
R. Brett - Bóg nigdy nie mruga. 50 lekcji na trudniejsze chwile w życiu
R. Brett - Jesteś cudem. 50 lekcji jak uczynić niemożliwe możliwym
Radykalne Wybaczanie
Richard Bandler Transformacja
Robert Krakowiak
S. Scott - Piętrzenie nawyków. 97 małych zmian, które odmienią Twoje życie
S. Sinek - Zaczynaj od DLACZEGO. Jak wielcy liderzy inspirują innych do działania
S.J. Scott - Nawyk nieodwlekania
S.J. Scott, B.Davenport - Uporządkuj swój umysł. Jak pozbyć się negatywnych myśli, odnaleźć spokój i szczęście
S.Zbikowski - Bajki z sukcesem w tle
T. Niwiński - JA czyli jak zmienić siebie
Tad James - FasTrak NLP Practitioner - 16 DVDs
Tadeusz Niwiński - Ja
Techniki samodoskonalenia
Techniki zapamietywania
tekken 4
The Acharia-Mistrz Duchowy
The Mahabharata Soundtrack [FLAC]
The Silva Intuition Training System
Timothy Leary
Tkanka laczna watroba stawy i inne
Toksyczne słowa
Tom Kenyon
Tomasz Jachimek - Handlarze czasem
Tonny Robbins - Niewzruszony
Trening Alpha
Trening autogenny
Trening Ćwiczenia izometryczne
Troy potęga magii 2014
Urodzeni biegacze
Vasant Lad - Ayurveda. Starożytna wiedza Dalekiego Wschodu
Warsztat Mistrz Manipulacji- Szkolenie NLP
wstęp do prawoznawstwa
Wykłady A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Mp3
Yoga tybetańska
Zaawansowana hipnoza
Zjedz tę żabę
Zmień swoje myśli by zmienić siebie
Znaczenie imion
Zrobię to dzisiaj! [Audiobook]
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Tad James & Adriana James: FasTrak NLP Practitioner Collection 16 DVD
English | ~24h30min | DX50 | 720x400 | 25.00fps 1298 Kbps | MP3 160 Kbps 48.0khz | 15.12GB
Genre: eLearning
Our NLP Practitioner DVD set is here ready to ship! For years weve been searching for ways to allow more people to see demonstrations of the NLP techniques up close and personal. Well we finally found a way and in this new DVD set Drs. Tad James and Adriana James demonstrate every single pattern of NLP Practitioner including some you may never have seen before.

Unlike other DVD sets you may find this one INCLUDES Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis. Just like the live training. A MUST have!
Welcome to the Time Line Therapy website. We hope that while you are here you will discover the true empowerment that emotional freedom can bring. If you want more information about our Time Line Therapy trainings and seminars please also look at our sister web site NLPcoaching.com the home of Tad James.
Has anyone ever told you that you overreacted to a situation but you did not agree* Have you ever missed out on events such as family gatherings because of negative emotions?
Have you ever set goals in the future and had them not happen?
Our past experiences and the memories that go with them affect how we approach present day situations.
When preventing us from expressing ourselves in an appropriate way these experiences and memories stop us from achieving the results we want.
Time Line Therapy techniques can assist us to change all that.
Time Line Therapy is a process that assists us:
1. To let go of Negative Emotions from the past
2. To let go of Limiting Decisions from the past
3. Create our future the way we want it.
These are the three major techniques that comprise Time Line Therapy they are easy to do and make a significant change in a persons life.
Time Line Therapy techniques allow freedom from undesired negative emotions; such as fear anger sadness and anxiety by releasing these emotions from the memories that harvest them. You are then able to react freely to future situations without the emotional baggage of the past.

Limiting Decisions:
Limiting decisions and beliefs prevent you from achieving your potential. These decisions and beliefs have come about as a result of past experiences but may have stayed with you till today and have limited your life in many ways. Time Line Therapy techniques allow you to leave these decisions and beliefs in the past where they belong and to learn from your experiences. Thus enabling you to create useful and empowering alternatives.

Creating Your Future:
Finally having resolved the unresolved issues in the past Time Line Therapy gives us a specific way of creating our future dreams and goals in a simple process that produces results. The process involves using our imagination to create a compelling future that is inspirational and which brings about the desired outcomes.
Throughout history humankind has been aware of the passage of time. Aristotle was the first to mention the stream of time in his book Physics IV. William James spoke of linear memory storage as early as 1890. Finally the concept nearly forgotten was revived in the late 1970′s with the advent of Neuro Linguistic Programming. The Time Line Therapy techniques in use today are a consequence of that.
The future is not a gift it is an achievement.
Every generation helps make its own future.
This is the essential challenge of the present
Robert F Kennedy

The Creator of Time Line Therapy Techniques:
In 1985 Tad James M.S. Ph.D. applied a therapeutic process to this concept of an internal memory storage system. The result was a collection of techniques which produces long-lasting transformation very quickly-faster than what is currently called Brief Therapy. These powerful Time Line Therapy techniques are becoming the method of choice to make fast effective long-term changes in behavior.
Your Time Line is how you unconsciously store your memories or how you unconsciously know the difference between a memory from the past and a projection of the future. Behavioral change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level. People dont change consciously. The Time Line Therapy process allows you to work at the unconscious level and release the effects of past negative experiences and change inappropriate programming in minutes rather than days months or years.
After years of development working with clients and publishing Time Line Therapy and The Basis Personality Tad has become known worldwide for his Time Line Therapy model. It is a revolutionary new approach which has become so popular because of its ability to create quick long lasting results.
Be free from your past create your future! Make it so with Time Line Therapy techniques:

Time Line Therapy is a collection of techniques that allow you to gain emotional control over your life. Inappropriate emotional reactions such as bursts of anger periods of apathy depression sadness anxiety and chronic fear are responsible for preventing people from achieving the quality of life they desire. Limiting decisions such as Im not good enough Ill never be rich or I dont deserve a great marriage create false limitations and hamper your ability to create reachable and attainable goals and outcomes. Created by Dr. Tad James Time Line Therapy¨ techniques enable you to eliminate many types of issues in your past thus allowing you to move forward toward your goals and desires.

Applications of NLP and Time Line Therapy:
Achieving Professional Excellence: Whether youre already succeeding in your profession having some difficulties or if youre transitioning into a new position NLP and Time Line Therapy techniques can help you achieve maintain and enhance excellence.

What our Graduates are saying about Time Line Therapy:
Counseling patients was like taking random shots in the dark before. With Time Line Therapy techniques my patients can now achieve more consistent and long-lasting emotional resolution and significant improvement in their physical well being. Dr. Susan Chu Family Physician & NLP Trainer.
Time Line Therapy techniques are the foundation of quantum healing. They empower the patient to release uncomfortable emotions change limiting beliefs and create the future they want and deserve. Because of their effectiveness and time efficiency theyre the key to working with managed care. Dr. Bill Martin Ph.D.
Time Line Therapy¨ techniques are a giant leap forward for the psychological community. By quickly getting to the heart of ones issues Tads work significantly cuts down long-term psychotherapy. Dr. Joe Kovach Psy.D. Calumet College of St. Joseph
Ive been a physician for 30 years and Id investigated many psychological programs. Time Line Therapy¨ techniques are the very best that I have ever seen. Its incredible what it can do. James Taylor M.D. Redondo Beach California
Click here to read about the use of NLP & Time Line Therapy Techniques in treating Depression
Why Study NLP & Time Line Therapy?
While many people take NLP and Time Line Therapy trainings for their own personal growth and development they are also of the utmost value to the professional. Some professions using NLP include Salespeople Business Executives Managers Business Owners Lawyers Teachers Trainers Counselors Educators Doctors Chiropractors Massage Therapists Consultants Hypnotherapists Psychologists Athletes Entertainers and Performers. Regardless of profession the majority of NLP participants are searching and finding better and more effective ways to increase their performance and improve their effectiveness.

How will studying NLP and Time Line Therapy techniques benefit me?
Through using these techniques your personal happiness and professional success will be much more consistent and much more predictable. Your effectiveness working with others will be dramatically increased and your ability to empower yourself for optimum results will be increased. You will be able to generate empowering emotional states within yourself at will eliminate any negative emotions or limiting decisions identify and change limiting beliefs inspire yourself with a compelling future that will have much better chances of coming true and create patterns of excellence from any role model you choose.

Achieving Professional Excellence:
Whether youre already succeeding in your profession having some difficulties or if youre transitioning into a new position NLP and Time Line Therapy techniques can help you achieve maintain and enhance excellence. Managers and Entrepreneurs use the information to develop strong teamwork and relationships and to foster positive interpersonal skills. Negotiations and problem solving sessions are enhanced to create solution-oriented win-win approaches. Salespeople learn to build deep levels of rapport elicit and fulfill the criteria and values of clients and develop effective methods for handling buyers remorse or future objections so the sales relationship is long-term and mutually satisfying. Trainers and Educators learn new paradigms for inspiring and engaging students as well as effective techniques for dealing with challenging learning environments. . Mental Health Professionals learn new skills and techniques that supplement their repertoire and gain additional insights into helping clients make the changes that support their own process of healing. Medical Professionals learn techniques to better elicit information from clients and to help the client be more comfortable with and receptive to treatment thus supporting them to heal in a more responsive way.
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