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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
jv16 PowerTools 2010 jest bardzo rozbudowanym programem umożliwiającym przeprowadzanie wielu zaawansowanych operacji na rejestrze systemowym np. podgląd i usuwanie poszczególnych pozycji z: pełnej listy zainstalowanych w systemie programów, programów uruchamianych przy starcie systemu, programów z listy "dodaj/usuń programy" oraz "otwórz za pomocą". Ponadto jv16 PowerTools 2010 oferuje monitorowanie rejestru, zarządzanie typami plików, wyszukiwanie i usuwanie duplikatów plików, naprawę Menu Start, czyszczenie listy historii, tworzenie kopii bezpieczeństwa i wiele innych pożytecznych funkcji. ================================================= jv16 PowerTools is the ultimate Windows Optimization, System Cleaning and Error Fixing Utility Suite. The bottom line is that it keeps your computer running smooth and fast and greatly improves its overall stability. The program allows users to remove hidden traces of previously uninstalled software, to clean the Windows registry for optimal performance and stability, and to fix many registry-based problems with a single mouse click. The highly improved multilingual user interface allows the software to be used in all major languages, while automatic backup and safety features make the program very safe to use. jv16 PowerTools is a full Windows optimization utility suite containing 27 different main tools. Each of these tools is carefully crafted with the experience of 10 years of extensive Windows utility and registry cleaning experience to form a solid foundation to a smoother and faster system. jv16 PowerTools 2010 optimizes, repairs and maintains Windows-based PCs making them running fast, safe and free of problems. Even the smallest details in the product have been designed with your ease of use in mind. The Windows Control Panel like user interface and the intuitive graphic tabs for example make the product easy to learn. And, the automatic backup creation makes it safe to use - even if you are learning by trying and make a mistake sometime, you can always just restore the backup created by the program and you're safe again. With jv16 PowerTools you can: * Instantly make your Windows run faster and smoother, by disabling certain features which have no useful function and by modifying a few key aspects of the system's behavior. * Automatically clean your Windows registry from obsolete and unneeded data. * Automatically fix many kinds of registry errors, such as broken file references. * Easily uninstall leftover traces of software you have thought you have already uninstalled ages ago. * Detect and remove unneeded history data and MRU (most recently used) lists that can contain sensitive information about you. * Locate and delete unneeded files, including temp files and duplicate files. * And much, much more! jv16 PowerTools has main tools: • Clean and fix my computer (New feature!) • Speed up my computer • Control which programs start automatically • Fully remove software and leftovers • Verify my downloads are safe to run (New feature!) Supports: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7. Includes a full support also for 64 versions of Windows.
jv16 PowerTools 2010 Final [PL] [License] jv16 PowerTools is the ultimate Windows optimization and tuneup utility suite. The bottom line is that it keeps your computer running smooth and fast and greatly improves its overall stability. The program allows users to remove hidden traces of previously uninstalled software, to clean the Windows registry for optimal performance and stability, and to fix many registry-based problems with a single mouse click. The highly improved multilingual user interface allows the software to be used in all major languages, while automatic backup and safety features make the program very safe to use. jv16 PowerTools is a full Windows optimization utility suite containing 27 different main tools. Each of these tools is carefully crafted with the experience of 10 years of extensive Windows utility and registry cleaning experience to form a solid foundation to a smoother and faster system. jv16 PowerTools 2009 optimizes, repairs, and maintains Windows-based PCs making them running fast, safe, and free of problems. Even the smallest details in the product have been designed with your ease of use in mind. The Windows Control Panel like user interface and the intuitive graphic tabs for example make the product easy to learn. And, the automatic backup creation makes it safe to use - even if you are learning by trying and make a mistake sometime, you can always just restore the backup created by the program and you're safe again. With jv16 PowerTools you can: * Instantly make your Windows run faster and smoother, by disabling certain features which have no useful function and by modifying a few key aspects of the system's behavior. * Automatically clean your Windows registry from obsolete and unneeded data. * Automatically fix many kinds of registry errors, such as broken file references. * Easily uninstall leftover traces of software you have thought you have already uninstalled ages ago. * Detect and remove unneeded history data and MRU (most recently used) lists that can contain sensitive information about you. * Locate and delete unneeded files, including temp files and duplicate files. * And much, much more! Key features: • Clean Windows registry • Uninstall software • Optimize Windows • Improve your privacy • Recover deleted files • Safe to use - automatic backup feature • Multilingual user interface
Najnowsza wersja najlepszego programu do rozpoznawania tekstu, przekształca zeskanowane dokumenty, cyfrowe zdjęcia dokumentów i pliki PDF na postać edytowalną. Jest to wersja PROFESSIONAL VOLUME EDITION, nie potrzebna jest aktywacja ani numer seryjny. Po prostu zainstaluj i używaj. Oczywiście program w polskiej wersji językowej. POLECAM
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności