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Folder z materiałami dla osób pełnoletnich
+18 Ten folder Chomika zawiera materiały, które mogą być oglądane tylko przez osoby pełnoletnie.

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Zjazd do doliny.avi

shorty81 / DoKuMeNtAlNe / Zjazd do doliny.avi
Download: Zjazd do doliny.avi

398,45 MB

Czas trwania: 43 min

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Summer Flowers Painted Overlays 3474184 Artistic flowery design is beautiful, but time consuming. To help you achieve better results in less time, we provide you with our attractive flourishing template pack. Whether it’s an invitation to the wedding, Valentine’s Day poster or Mother’s Day greeting card - with these floral overlays you’ll get a perfect composition. You can use the files with most popular graphics and layout programs, such as Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop Elements, etc. All in all, these high-resolution excellent floral effects will specifically decorate your designs. With these illustrations, you will always have a suitable decorative element ready at hand! DETAILS: • 36 photo overlays high resolution with transparent background (5000x3330px - 300dpi - PNG) • Compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers ( Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, etc.) • Note to the Lightroom users - please, make sure you have a plugin that allows you to work with layers
Old Photo Effect Overlays Actions 2709006 A magnificent collection of 48 Old Photo Effect Overlays Actions to ensure that your photos have acquired a new charm, artistry and emotionality. INCLUDED: 24 Dust and Scratches JPG 4000x2700 24 Paper JPG 4000x2700 Overlay Actions.atn User Guide.pdf
8K High-Tech Hearts Overlays 2487569 You will get 20 High-Tech Hearts Overlays (8K, 600dpi each file). All the files are in JPEG format. They are easy to use. These overlays are compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers. Support is available within 24 hours.If you have any questions about the product please feel free to contact me through my profile page.
8K Poison Ink Overlays 2542789 + 5K Color Spirals Overlays 2044857 *8K* Poison Ink You will get 10 Poison Ink Overlays (8K, 600dpi each file). All the files are in PNG format. *5K* Spirals PNG | 5120x2880 You will get 20 overlays .png files, each 5K resolution, 300dpi. These backgrounds are compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers.
Fancy Golden Overlays Art Pack 1 2182537 Per request of a good person here at Creative Market, I’ve worked up a set of some of my favorite design elements as metallic gold pngs. These are quite ornate and I aimed to make a kit, so to speak, that can be used in many projects: layer them over photos, scrapbook papers, web design elements, printables….layer them over each other for extra interest as well. They are loosely designed for 12″ x 12″ pages at 300 dpi. Item name: Golden Overlays 1 Item description: 16 jpgs, gold on black; 16 transparent png gold overlays.
8K High-Tech Squares Overlays 2487688 You will get 20 High-Tech Squares Overlays (8K, 600dpi each file). All the files are in JPEG format. They are easy to use. These overlays are compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers. Support is available within 24 hours.If you have any questions about the product please feel free to contact me through my profile page.
Hearts overlays 478758 40 hearts & glittering bokeh effect overlays in four colours – white, red, pink, gold ( available as 40 separate high-res JPG-PNG-TIFF files 3500 x 2500px with black background) Instructions Place the overlay over your photo (in separate layer) and set the layer style to SCREEN Combine various colours and kinds of hearts & bokeh effects together Duplicate layers to make hearts more bright or decrease opacity of the layer for lower intensity use eraser (soft brush) or layer mask to clean for example facial parts Software requirements: any software that allows you to work with layers – Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, GIMP
Doves Overlays - 20 Overlays 1994291 DESCRIPTION: > 20 Files in png format with an individual dove image. The size of doves is different. > 300 dpi high quality. > Compatible with Photoshop & Photoshop Elements or with any graphic program that can read .png files. ! Note to the Lightroom users - please, make sure you have a plugin that allows you to work with layers
50 Bubble Overlays A8PGWU 5000×5000 res., 50 different bubble overlays How to use: Drop overlay .jpeg file on top of your image and set a layer blending mode to screen. Done! Tips: Duplicate layers to make the effect more intensive! Combine effects together! Use Filter – Sharpen – Unsharp mask to make overlay more sharpen Use Filter – Blur – (Blur of your choice) to add more motion & blur effects
Stormy Sky Overlays 2320169 Training video for the perfect application of clouds in Adobe Photoshop is available for free. Just select any cloud texture, authentically insert it into images, adjust color, dancing shadows and effects of light, and give your photos a natural look! High-quality stormy pack for Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, etc. will allow you to be on cloud nine and benefit from a natural character of your pictures. DETAILS: 60 Stormy Sky Overlays - 3500px x 2329px - 300 dpi Compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers ( Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, GIMP and etc.) • Lightroom users - you need a special plugin that allows you to work with layers.
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