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E-book Library
[A] Books
A.E. Watson Books
Light Trilogy
A.K. Michaels Books
Abbi Glines Books
Addison Cain
Alpha’s Control Series
Alpha's Claim Series
Irdesi Empire Series
Adrian Phoenix Books
Nightfal l - The Maker's Song Series
Adrienne Woods Books
Dream Caster Series
Aimee Easterling
Wolf Rampant Series
Alanea Alder Books
Bewitche d and Bewilder d Series
Kindred of Arkadia Series
Alexa Dare Books
Children of the Elements series
Alisa Woods Books
Alison G. Bailey Books
Perfect Series
Alivia Anders Books
Illumine Series
Allyson James Books
Dragon series
Mortal series
Stormwal ker series
Tales Of The Shareem
Alyson Noel Books
Riley Bloom series
The Immortal s series
The Soul Seekers series
Alyssa Day Books
Alyssa Rose Ivy books
The Crescent Chronicl es
Amanda Bouchet books
Endeavor Series
Kingmake r Chronicl es
Amanda Carlson Books
Jessica McClain series
Phoebe Meadows Series
Amber Argyle Books
Fairy Queens series
Amber Jaeger Books
Hemlock Bay Series
Amelia Hutchins Books
Fae Chronicl es
Amy Plum Books
Revenant s series
Andrea Cremer Books
1. Nightsha de series
2. Nightsha de Prequel series
3. Nightsha de Legacy series
Andrea Irving Books
The Program Book Series
Angela Knight Books
Magevers e Series
Ann Gimpel Books
Earth Reclaime d Series
Anna Lowe Books
Twin Moon Ranch Series
Anne Bishop Books
Anne Rice Books
New Tales of the Vampires series
The Vampire Chronicl es series
Anthony Francis Books
Skindanc er Series
Averi Hope Books
Alternat ive Futures Series
[B] Books
[C] Books
[D] Books
[E] Books
[F] Books
[G] Books
[H] Books
[I] Books
Ilona Andrews Books
Isobelle Carmody Books
Obernewt yn Chronicl es
[J] Books
[K] Books
[L] Books
[M] Books
[N] Books
[O] Books
[P] Books
[Q] Books
[R] Books
[S] Books
[T] Books
Trina M Lee books
[U] Books
[V] Books
[W] Books
Wendy Higgins books
Eurona Series
[X] Books
[Y] Books
[Z] Books
Galeria & Media
[Jenny Han] To All the Boys I've Loved Before Series Audiobooks
[Kassie West] audiobooks
Home and Away
Home and Away Season 1
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  • 1,1 MB
  • 4 sie 18 1:11
Stormwalker book 1
by Allyson James

Book One of a the Stormwalker series. Allyson James also writes as NYT Bestselling author Jennifer Ashley

Half-Navajo Janet Begay possesses extraordinary power which is tied to the storms that waft across the desert. The only person who can control her when she's caught in the storm's evocative power is Mick, a dark-haired, blue-eyed biker Janet can't seem to touch with her powers. He can wield fire and not get burned, and Janet's never sure where he goes when they're not together.

Together they investigate mysterious disappearances, which Janet fears are tied to her mother's people, the mythical gods from below the earth. They are helped along the way by Coyote and Crow, but these shapeshifting gods have their own agendas.
  • 0,9 MB
  • 4 sie 18 1:11
Firewalker book 2
by Allyson James

Janet Begay's Crossroads Hotel has attracted the supernatural from the day it opened. Witches, Changers, and a mouthy magic mirror have decided to make it their home. But a new, dark power is rising—this time inside Janet herself.

Her boyfriend, Mick, a sexy dragon shape-shifter the Navajo call a Firewalker, knows what terrifying magic is threatening to overwhelm Janet and her Stormwalker powers. He watches over her, ready to fight for her, to do anything to keep her safe.

But then a mysterious corpse is found near the Crossroads Hotel—and Janet becomes Sheriff Nash Jones' main suspect. Trouble is, even she can't be sure she didn't do it. Now Janet and Mick must uncover what really happened, and their investigation leads to the most perilous decision of their lives: Mick must choose between protecting his own people or guarding Janet, the woman he loves, from the many forces amassing against her
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  • 4 sie 18 1:11
Shadow Walker book 3
by Allyson James

Winter descends on the town of Magellan, and new evil comes to call.

Racing her motorcycle down a lonely winter highway, Stormwalker Janet Begay feels the ground collapse beneath her feet. After tumbling two hundred feet into an underground cavern, she manages to escape with help from her sexy dragon-shifter boyfriend, Mick—but not before they disturb some dark forces.

As Janet contends with a hotel inspector intent on putting her out of business, as well as her grandmother, who's taken up residence, Mick's behavior becomes strange and erratic, until he is a clear danger to Janet and her friends. Janet's drag-queen, attitude-ridden magic mirror insists that Mick has been touched by shadows, and the Stormwalker realizes that someone is out to enslave her dragon. Now she must free Mick before he kills her
  • 1,1 MB
  • 4 sie 18 1:11
Nightwalker book 4
by Allyson James

Stormwalker Janet Begay, proprietor of the Crossroads Hotel, a place where the paranormal stop for a safe night’s rest, discovers the hard way that a slayer is targeting Ansel, a Nightwalker who’s become the hotel's more-or-less permanent resident.

When Janet and her lover Mick intervene to save Ansel’s un-life, they find that the attack is the beginning of an oncoming storm. Janet has her hands full already with the upcoming marriage of her father, the return of a woman who claims to be Coyote’s wife, her crazy half-sister, a couple dragons on her back, and her worry about Mick, who’s behaving strangely again.

But it seems that everyone is after Ansel, who fears he killed the woman he loves in a Nightwalker frenzy. Janet must choose between protecting Ansel, or facing the most powerful magical beings in the world, who are willing to destroy Janet, Mick, her hotel, and everyone she cares about to get to Ansel and his secrets.
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  • 4 sie 18 1:11
Dreamwalker book 5
by Allyson James

All is quiet at Janet Begay’s Crossroads Hotel, where the paranormal is normal, until Emmett Smith, the most powerful mage in the world, arrives to announce his intent to steal Janet’s smart-mouthed magic mirror.

Janet already has her hands full trying to keep her sister Gabrielle under control as well as plan her upcoming wedding to her dragon-Shifter boyfriend Mick and taking care of the weird creatures that suddenly turn up at Barry’s biker bar.

When Janet is knocked out fighting the creatures, she wakes up seemingly in the past, when she and Mick had first met and traveled across country by motorcycle, alone and free. The dream seems so real that Janet begins to forget it isn’t.

The dreams call her back, each one more powerful than the last, until she can no longer distinguish between past and present—and she’s not the only one affected. Janet and her friends—Mick, Cassandra, Nash, Gabrielle, Coyote, and the dragon—must band together to thwart this greatest of magics before it splits them into fragments and leaves the world vulnerable to the most evil of evils.
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  • 4 sie 18 1:11
Dragon Bites book 6
by Allyson James

While Janet and friends try to relax in Vegas, Janet discovers that one of Mick's old nemeses has called in a debt, which is bound to result in Mick's death. This is a problem for dragons, and Janet and Gabrielle have to convince Drake and Colby to assist them before it's too late.
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