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Dane Rudhyar is considered by many to be the foremost astrologer of the 20th century. Rudhyar's philosophical foundation resides in Theosophy and Eastern philosophy. His astrological perspective was also profoundly influenced by the occultist and astrologer Marc Edmund Jones, by the book Holism and Evolution authored by the South African statesman and philosopher Jan Smuts, and by the depth psychology of Carl Jung.

Rudhyar coined the term Humanistic Astrology and published a condensed version of the Sabian Symbols in his groundbreaking first astrology book The Astrology of Personality, which has been in print continuously since 1936. At the time, Paul Clancy, originator of American Astrology Magazine, described the book as "the greatest forward step in astrology since the time of Ptolemy." Over the following decades, Rudhyar published enormous numbers of astrologically related articles and books, a number of which were translated into other languages. Many of these books are still available today for free online access as part of the Rudhyar Archival Project, while others are still in print and available through Aurora Press.

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
An in-depth examination of the place astrology has occupied in the broader human potential and consciousness movements, and a look at what the future of these might be.

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
This is Part 2 of a talk recorded in 1961. Part 1 was not recorded. This is a basic exposition of Rudhyar's approach to astrological knowledge.

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
The monthly lunation cycle is the archetype upon which the concept of planetary aspects was formed, based on our experience of the mysterious, ever-changing shape of the Moon throughout her monthly cycle. This concise talk describes how the permutations of the relationship of the Sun, Moon, and Earth is the basis for understanding all cycles, and he does so in a clear and basic lecture. This is a fine companion to Rudhyar's book The Lunation Cycle.

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
Preliminary considerations when approaching the interpretation of birth charts such as chart shapes, planetary gestalt, and hemispheric emphasis. Explore chart interpretation in more depth in Rudhyar's accessible free online book The Practice of Astrology.

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
A clear introduction to cyclic processes, so important to the understanding of Rudhyar's approach to astrology. Rudhyar covers cycles of position, cycles of relationship, and the cyclic nature of the zodiac. For both new and advanced astrological students. Learn more about Rudhyar's process oriented approach to cycles in his book Astrological Aspects, written in conjunction with Leyla Rael.

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
In this engrossing talk, Rudhyar describes how his approach to astrology differs from the more popular approaches today. He discusses how both the scientific approach (through which statistical analyses tries to prove the validity of astrology) and what he calls the ethical approach (identifying situations, or particular planetary activity as "good" or "bad"), isolate series of events to find causal connections—finding out "more and more about less and less." Rudhyar describes his approach to astrology as a philosophical approach which sees all of existence in totality, noting the rhythm and flow of recurrent events in which the sky as a whole reveals the order inherent in our existence. From this perspective, the birth chart reveals one's "celestial nature" or "God's idea for you." This is vintage Rudhyar—one of the earliest recordings—made in 1960.

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
A prophetic pre-Watergate discussion of America's prospects, which also illustrates various technique applications. Rudhyar's description of the rationale behind Sibley's 13° Sagittarius rising U.S.A. chart is as relevant today as it was when Rudhyar presented this talk, and makes an excellent companion to the free online version of Rudhyar's book The Astrology of America's Destiny. You can also read an article by Rudhyar that predates the book by several years called The Riddle of the USA Horoscope.

View the United States' birth chart so that you can follow along during the talk:

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
How to use the Sabian Symbols to better understand one's life and experiences. Understanding symbols in general and the Sabian Symbols in particular, the use of oracles, ancient and modern, is also discussed.

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
While many view astrology as the study of events, in this concise and accessible lecture Rudhyar describes astrology as a study of the potential shown in the birth chart, and how that potential can be actualized through the exercise of free will. Rudhyar beautifully describes how the study of astrology, if approached from this perspective, can help a person develop a new way of understanding the meaning of any event within the context of the whole of their life, leading one to become a "chord in the sublime symphony of the whole cosmos." A basic lecture that makes a fine study companion to Rudhyar's book Person Centered Astrology.

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
In this fascinating and well structured talk Rudhyar moves us from the macrocosm to the microcosm by addressing, among other things, the concept of holarchies and the relationship between the greater and the lesser whole from a Theosophical perspective. He begins by stating that astrology was originally the basis “of all science, all culture, and all civilization,” and reveals how the duality between the seemingly divine order of heaven and our chaotic earthly existence led to the observation of planetary movement which eventually evolved into modern science. Rudhyar describes astrology as the “myth that relates man to the Universe” and characterizes the birth chart as the blueprint or seed revealing ones dharma or "truth of being"—so that astrology’s purpose moves from controlling ones chart to fulfilling it.

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
The roles of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in crises of personal transformation. Viewing these powerful outer planets as symbols of a potential a new level of awareness entering an individual's life through personal crisis and, ultimately, enabling the evolution of humanity. A listening experience companion to Rudhyar's books, The Galactic Dimension of Astrology and From Humanistic to Transpersonal Astrology.

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
The meaning and value of the Sabian Symbols and their use in interpreting birth charts and as an oracle. Rudhyar challenges the significance of the concept of synchronicity as a justification for the operation of oracles. Accompanies the book An Astrological Mandala.

z chomika qmar

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  • 18 lis 13 14:41
This presentation received a standing ovation at the Astrology and the Helping Professions Conference in San Francisco in September, 1977. While the sound quality could be better, this talk is well worth hearing. Rudhyar describes the distinction between classical astrology whose purpose was to predict, scientific astrology whose purpose is to make astrology respectable by proving it's validity, and modern astrology used to provide psychological help—none of which accurately describe astrology's use in "New Age Guidance." This, Rudhyar says, needs a different approach which he describes. He also discusses the importance of the moment of birth, and why the time of the astrology consultation is equally significant. This is a fascinating overview of Rudhyar's approach to astrology.

z chomika qmar

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