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Thomas F. Madden - Crusades, the illustrated history (2004).pdf

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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - Osprey - Fortress 021 - David Nicolle - Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1097-1192 2003.jpg
The Crusaders that landed in the Middle East in the late ...
The Crusaders that landed in the Middle East in the late-11th century brought with them their own traditions of military architecture, but it was not long before their defensive construction began to reflect a broad array of local influences. Most early Crusader structures were relatively small, and tended to increase the existing natural and defensive features of a site. The basic forms comprised freestanding towers, castra, and hilltop and spur-castles, but urban centres, religious sites and rural dwellings were also fortified. From the 1160s, bigger, stronger and more expensive castles began to appear, in response to developments in Islamic siege weaponry. This title examines the early fortifications erected by the Crusaders in modern-day Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and south-eastern Turkey.
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - Helen Nicholson David Nicolle - Gods Warriors, Cr...ders, Saracens and the battle for Jerusalem 2005.jpg
Combines material previously published as Campaign 19: H ...
Combines material previously published as Campaign 19: Hattin 1187, Warrior 10: Saracen Faris 1050-1250, Warrior 91: Knight Templar 1120-1312, with new images, and a new introduction and conclusion.This book tells the story of the momentous campaign that led to the Muslim capture of Jerusalem in 1187, following the disastrous Crusader defeat at Hattin, where Saladin’s troops destroyed the Christian army. These events resulted in the collapse of the kingdom of Jerusalem and sparked off the Third Crusade under Richard I. The authors take a close look at the two most intriguing warrior types involved in the conflict: the Knight Templar and the Saracen Faris. Their motivation, training and combat experiences are examined, as the authors explore what it was really like to fight in the Crusades.
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - John France - Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300 2006.jpg
This authoritative and concise work surveys the range of ...
This authoritative and concise work surveys the range of warfare in the high Middle Ages while reflecting on the society that produced these military struggles. The book brings together for the first time a wealth of information on such topics as knighthood, military organization, weaponry and fortifications, and warfare in the East. In 1095 with the launching of the First Crusade, Europeans established a great military endeavour to save the Holy Land, an undertaking that remained a central preoccupation until the end of the thirteenth century. While the expeditions that went forth to fight the Muslims involved armies of exceptional size, much of the warfare within western Europe itself was conducted by small armies on behalf of landowners who were often neighbours and kin. In his approach to his subject, John France considers political, social, and economic development in the age of the crusades. He emphasizes the significance of four factors in shaping medieval warfare: the dominance of land as a form of wealth, the limited competence of government, the state of technology that favoured defence over attack, and the geography and climate of western Europe. His coverage of the castle and the knight in armour depicts the role of landowners in producing these characteristic medieval instruments of war. In addition, France provides an extensive analysis of battles in which he reconstructs a series of encounters in superb detail.
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - Osprey - Fortress 11 -  S.R. Turnbull - Crusader ... The Red Brick Castles of Prussia 1230-1466 2003.jpg
The Teutonic Knights were the most warlike of the religi ...
The Teutonic Knights were the most warlike of the religious orders, and this is reflected in the architecture they left behind. The Teutonic memorials are the magnificent castles they built as a result of their conquest of Prussia. They were all built of brick, and raised during a period of less than a century and a half between 1230 and 1380. Many of these dramatic fortresses still exist today in what is now Poland, and provide a unique example of an architectural style that is both well defined and very closely reflects the nature of the men who created it. This book details the history of these spectacular fortresses from their inception through to their eventual decline and fall. About the Author Stephen Turnbull is the world's leading English language authority on medieval Japan and the samurai. He has travelled extensively in the far east, particularly in Japan and Korea and is the author of 'The Samurai - A Military History' and Men-at-Arms 86: 'Samurai Armies 1550-1615'. Peter Dennis was born in 1950 and, having been inspired by contemporary magazines such as 'Look and Learn', studied illustration at Liverpool Art College. He has since contributed to hundreds of books, predominantly on historical subjects.
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