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Thomas F. Madden - Crusades, the illustrated history (2004).pdf

piotrzachu69 / Crusaders (Krzyżowcy)(2) / Thomas F. Madden - Crusades, the illustrated history (2004).pdf
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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - Osprey - Fortress 021 - David Nicolle - Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1097-1192 2003.jpg
The Crusaders that landed in the Middle East in the late ...
The Crusaders that landed in the Middle East in the late-11th century brought with them their own traditions of military architecture, but it was not long before their defensive construction began to reflect a broad array of local influences. Most early Crusader structures were relatively small, and tended to increase the existing natural and defensive features of a site. The basic forms comprised freestanding towers, castra, and hilltop and spur-castles, but urban centres, religious sites and rural dwellings were also fortified. From the 1160s, bigger, stronger and more expensive castles began to appear, in response to developments in Islamic siege weaponry. This title examines the early fortifications erected by the Crusaders in modern-day Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and south-eastern Turkey.
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - Amin Maalouf - Les Croisades vues par les arabes 1999.jpg
En partant pour les croisades, ces preux chevaliers avai ...
En partant pour les croisades, ces preux chevaliers avaient bonne conscience : ils portaient leur croix sur le dos et la divine parole en Orient. L’Orient, c’était la terre promise. Ils pillèrent la terre, violèrent les femmes, massacrèrent les hommes, au nom de la chrétienté. Ces barbares furent combattus tout ausi férocement du côté de l’islam, où se trouvait la civilisation la plus avancée, mais aussi les rivalités et « la torpeur du monde arabe ». Et Jérusalem, Damas, Beyrouth, connurent l’enfer
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - Osprey - Fortress 032 - David Nicolle - Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1192-1302 2005.jpg
The debacle of the Second Crusade in 1148 caused the Cru ...
The debacle of the Second Crusade in 1148 caused the Crusader States to realise the necessity of developing a more cautious strategy. The original expansionist spirit largely disappeared, and the Crusader States made priorities of strengthening their existing fortifications and towns and building new castles. These structures encompassed core aspects of Western European military architecture with the integration of rapidly developing Arab and Islamic traditions.Following Fortress 21: 'Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1097–1192', this book examines the design, development and defensive principles of some of the best-known Crusader fortifications and castles, including Crac des Chevaliers, Castel Blanc, Arsuf, Margat, Atlit, Montfort and Acre.
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