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Anonim - Zdobycie Ziemi Świętej przez Saladyna.pdf

piotrzachu69 / Crusaders (Krzyżowcy)(2) / Anonim - Zdobycie Ziemi Świętej przez Saladyna.pdf
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Oblężenie Jeruzalem zaczęło się 20 września. Miasto zostało otoczone ze wszystkich
stron przez niewiernych, którzy wystrzeliwali wciąż strzały w niebo. Przerażające było
ich uzbrojenie, hałas, jaki im towarzyszył oraz ryk trąb. Ze swego gardła wydzierali
jakieś słowa: "Hai, hai". Miasto było wzbudzone hałasem i krzykami barbarzyńców,
chrześcijanie z kolei wołali: "Prawdziwy i Święty Krzyż! Panie Jezusie Chrystusie,
któryś zmartwychwstał! Ocal miasto Jeruzalem i jego mieszkańców".


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - Thomas F. Madden - Crusades, the illustrated history 2004.jpg
Madden (The Fourth Crusade) has assembled an expert team ...
Madden (The Fourth Crusade) has assembled an expert team to produce a popular history of the Crusades. While it focuses on the Middle Eastern crusades, it also treats those that took place in Europe, including the suppression of the Cathar religion in southern France, the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula.While not as much in the public eye, these crusades were influential in shaping European history. The volume is attractively illustrated and has a great number of boxes and sidebars offering a more detailed examination of people and events that are mentioned in the main text.The work also includes ten essays on specific topics ranging from architecture to warfare. A timely last chapter looks at the current situation between Islam and the West. While this work downplays the severity of such events as the capture of Jerusalem during the First Crusade, it provides a useful introduction to the subject for students and interested readers alike.
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - Steven Runciman - A History the Crusades 1951.jpg
This book is intended to be the first volume of three, t ...
This book is intended to be the first volume of three, to cover the history of the movement that we call the Crusades, from its birth in the eleventh cen tury to its decline in the fourteenth, and of the states that it created in the Holy Land and in neighbouring countries. I hope in a second volume to give a history and description of the kingdom of Jerusalem and its relations with the peoples of the Near East, and of the Crusades of the twelfth century, and in a third a history of the kingdom of Acre and die later Crusades.Whether we regard diem as the most tremendous and most romantic of Christian adventures or as the last of the barbarian invasions, the Crusades form a central fact in medieval history.
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - Osprey - Warrior 33 - David Nicolle - Knight Hospitaller 1, 1100-1306 2001.jpg
Unlike their sometime rivals the Templars, the Order of ...
Unlike their sometime rivals the Templars, the Order of St John of the Hospital of Jerusalem (or the Hospitallers as they are better known) was not created as a result of the First Crusade in 1099: rather, it was probably established by a group of Italian merchants from Amalfi in the mid-11th century.However, as a consequence of the crusading movement, the Hospitallers became recognised experts in the military capabilities of opposing Islamic armies. This book, the first of two to examine the lifestyle, experiences and military role of the Hospitaller knight, covers the period from the foundation of the order to the invasion of Rhodes in 1306.
Crusaders Krzyżowcy2 - David Nicolle - Crusader Knight 1999.jpg
This work contains first hand accounts from primary sour ...
This work contains first hand accounts from primary sources detailing the life of the soldiers who defended the Holy Land. In these brutal wars, it was the local families of the Kingdom of Jerusalem who were the true Crusaders, fighting to preserve their land and holy places surrounded by enemies. Many books on the Crusades assume thai the Crusader states in the Middle East were .shadows of their former selves following Saladin's great victory at the battle of Hal tin in 1 187. (hitrcmcr, as medieval westerners called the remaining Latin or Catholic enclaves in the eastern Mediterranean, was no longer a threat to Islam and their military elites generally preferred to live in peace. Ionising on trade as much as the defence of Christendom's holv places. Following the Crusade of 1239-41 the Kingdom of Jerusalem expanded again, bill then fell back following the battle of I.a Forbie in 1244 — a disaster in thai it was more final than Hattin. Thereafter fear of an alliance between the Crusaders and the Mongol invaders convinced the Mamluks to destroy the Latin states once and for all. But the fall of Acre in 1291 was not the end of the storv. The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia survived for almost a century while the Crusader Kingdom of (Aprus outlasted the Middle Ages. Another Outremer had meanwhile been created around the Aegean and eventually into the Black Sea following the Fourth Crusade of 1204, In fact Ouireiner only survived because Furopeans dominated the seas while its gradual collapse usually resulted from insufficient manpower to hold fortified plans. Nevertheless ihis fall still came as a terrible shock to Christendom.
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