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Fenrir - Lachlan_ MD_.mobi

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obrazekThe Vikings are laying siege to Paris. As the houses on the banks of the Seine burn a debate rages in the Cathedral on the walled island of the city proper. The situation is hopeless. The Vikings want the Count's sister, in return they will spare the rest of the city. Can the Count really have ambitions to be Emperor of the Franks if he doesn't do everything he can to save his people? Can he call himself a man if he doesn't do everything he can to save his sister? His conscience demands one thing, the demands of state another. The Count and the church are relying on the living saint, the blind and crippled Jehan of St Germain, to enlist the aid of God and resolve the situation for them. But the Vikings have their own gods. And outside their camp a terrifying brother and sister, priests of Odin, have their own agenda. An agenda of darkness and madness. And in the shadows a wolfman lurks. M.D. Lachlan's stunning epic of mad Gods, Viking and the myth of Fenrir, the wolf destined to kill Odin at Ragnorok, powers forward into a new territories of bloody horror, unlikely heroism, dangerous religion and breathtaking action.


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obrazek Zdobywczyni HUGO, NEBULA, LOCUS 2010 To najbardziej oczekiwana powieść fantastyczna roku. Bacigalupi czerpie pomysły ze swoich wielokrotnie nagradzanych opowiadań i je rozwija, badając je głębiej i dokładniej niż dotąd. Wyniki są imponujące. Już nigdy nie da się patrzeć na przyszłość tak samo, jak przedtem. C. C. Finlay, autor serii "Traitor to the Crown". "Pompa numer sześć" Debiut Paolo Bacigalupiego - ten zbiór opowiadań pokazuje siłę i zasięg opowiadania fantastycznego. Sednem twórczości Paolo jest krytyka społeczna, polityczna przypowieść i dyskurs ekologiczny. Każde z zawartych tu opowiadań ostrzega i jednocześnie zachwyca się tragikomedią ludzkich przeżyć. Utwory Paolo ukazywały się już w różnych dorocznych antologiach, były nominowane do Nebuli i Hugo oraz zdobywały nagrodę Theodore Sturgeona za najlepsze opowiadanie fantastyczne.
obrazek When Katie Kitrell is shipped off to boarding school by her distant father and overbearing mother, it doesn't take her long to become part of the It Crowd. She's smart, she's cute, and she's an Olympic-bound swimmer who has a first class ticket to any Ivy League school of her choice. But what her new friends, roommate, and boyfriend don't know is that Katie is swimming away from her past, and from her schizophrenic older brother, Will, who won't let her go. And when he does the unthinkable, it's all Katie can do to keep her head above water.
obrazek "You never know when you'll luck out." Max Frei's novels have been a literary sensation in Russia since their debut in 1996, and have swept the fantasy world over. Presented here in English for the first time, The Stranger will strike a chord with readers of all stripes. Part fantasy, part horror, part philosophy, part dark comedy, the writing is united by a sharp wit and a web of clues that will open up the imagination of every reader. Max Frei was a twenty-something loser-a big sleeper (that is, during the day; at night he can't sleep a wink), a hardened smoker, and an uncomplicated glutton and loafer. But then he got lucky. He contacts a parallel world in his dreams, where magic is a daily practice. Once a social outcast, he's now known in his new world as the "unequalled Sir Max." He's a member of the Department of Absolute Order, formed by a species of enchanted secret agents; his job is to solve cases more extravagant and unreal than one could imagine-a journey that will take Max down the winding paths of this strange and unhinged universe.
obrazek When Captain Alex Marcase heard his father had died, he expected his inheritance would fund his deep space expedition. When that legacy turned out to be a genetically altered slave named Evan, it spelled the end of Alex's normal, orderly life. The pair head into deep space with their enemies in hot pursuit, Alex's chief rival ahead of them, and a saboteur onboard. Book 1 in the KEEPER Series
obrazek In the depths of night, customs officers board a galley in a harbor and overpower its guards. In the hold they find oil and silver, and a naked boy chained to the bulkhead. Stunningly beautiful but half-starved, the boy has no name. The officers break the boy's chains to rescue him, but he escapes. Venice is at the height of its power. In theory Duke Marco commands. But Marco is a simpleton so his aunt and uncle rule in his stead. They command the seas, tax the colonies, and, like those in power before them, fear assassins better than their own. In a side chapel, Marco's fifteen-year old cousin prays for deliverance from her forced marriage. It is her bad fortune to be there when Mamluk pirates break in to steal a chalice, but it is the Mamluks' good luck - they kidnap her. In the gardens beside the chapel, Atilo, the Duke's chief assassin, prepares to kill his latest victim. Having cut the man's throat, he turns back, having heard a noise, and finds a boy crouched over the dying man, drinking blood from the wound. The speed with which the boy dodges a dagger and scales a wall stuns Atilo. And the assassin knows he has to find the boy. Not to kill him, but because he's finally found what he thought he would never find. Someone fit to be his apprentice.
obrazek Pisząc powieści "Bohaterowie umierają" i "Ostrze Tyshalle'a", Matthew Stover stworzył nowy typ powieści fantasy i dostosowany do niego nowy rodzaj bohatera - Caine'a, niegdysiejszego ulicznego bandytę, obecnie supergwiazdę przemysłu rozrywkowego. Caine żyje w przyszłości, w której reality show odbywają się w innym wymiarze, w świecie, gdzie istnieje magia, a bogowie stąpają po ziemi.
obrazek Gideon Dixon was a good solider but bad at everything else. Now the British Army doesn't want him any more. So when he hears about the Valhalla Project it seems like a dream come true. They're recruiting from service personnel for execellent pay with no questions asked to take part in unspecified combat operations. The last thing Gideon expects is to finding himself fighting alongside the gods of the ancient Norse pantheon. The world is in the grip of one of the worst winters it has ever known, and Ragnarok-the fabled final conflict of the Sagas-is looming. Gideon Coxall was a good soldier but bad at everything else, until a roadside explosive device leaves him with one deaf ear and a British Army half-pension. So when he hears about the Valhalla Project, it’s like a dream come true. They’re recruiting former service personnel for excellent pay, no questions asked, to take part in unspecified combat operations. The last thing Gid expects is to find himself fighting alongside ancient Viking gods. The world is in the grip of one of the worst winters it has ever known, and Ragnarök – the fabled final conflict of the Sagas – is looming. This is a headlong, full-blooded military-SF adventure.
obrazek Riley Blackthorne just needs a chance to prove herself - and that's exactly what the demons are counting on. Seventeen-year-old Riley, the only daughter of legendary Demon Trapper, Paul Blackthorne, has always dreamed of following in her father's footsteps. The good news is, with human society seriously disrupted by economic upheaval and Lucifer increasing the number of demons in all major cities, Atlanta's local Trappers' Guild needs all the help they can get - even from a girl. When she's not keeping up with her homework or trying to manage her growing crush on fellow apprentice, Simon, Riley's out saving distressed citizens from foul-mouthed little devils - Grade One Hellspawn only, of course, per the strict rules of the Guild. Life's about as normal as can be for the average demon-trapping teen. But then a Grade Five Geo-Fiend crashes Riley's routine assignment at a library, jeopardizing her life and her chosen livelihood. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, sudden tragedy strikes the Trappers' Guild, spinning Riley down a more dangerous path than she ever could have imagined. As her whole world crashes down around her, who can Riley trust with her heart - and her life?
obrazek The Olympians appeared a decade ago, living incarnations of the Ancient Greek gods on a mission to bring permanent order and stability to the world. Resistance has proved futile, and now humankind isunder the jackboot of divine oppression. Then former London police officer Sam Akehurst receives an invitation too tempting to turn down, the chance to join a small band of geurilla rebels armed with high-tech weapons and battlesuits. Calling themselves the Titans, they square off against the Olympians and their ferocious mythological monsters in a war of attrition which not all of them will survive!
obrazek An alternate history of the world where the Egyptian gods have defeated all others and have carved up the planet between themselves. Only a band of Freedom Fighters and their enigmatic leader can free the Earth from their divine tyranny.
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