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Ukryj opis
! # Wrzucone - sprawdzone i pełne Ebooki #
! # Wrzucone - sprawdzone i pełne Ebooki 2 #
! nowe literatura piekna
[1942] Nadberezyńcy
▬ Biografie
1. Książki 2021 do maja
1001 books you must read before you die
111 sciencia historica variae
19.Przegląd Historyczno-Wojsk owy 1929-38
1-Literatura historyczna
2. Ancient & Classical Civilizations
2. Kacper Ryx i król przeklęty (Czyta G. Mielcarek)
2011 Best Ebooks
2013 Best Ebooks
2022-02-13 rozne ksiazki
3. Kacper Ryx i Tyran Nienawistny (Czyta T. Sobczak)
Alexander the Great
All History
Anatomy for Artist
Angielskie eboki 2003-16
Anglo-Saxon England
Antoni Ferdynand Ossendowski
Klasyka starożytna
Appian z Aleksandrii
archiwum_audioboo ki
archiwum_czasopis ma
Armia Rzymska - 6,8 GB
Artbooki , obrazki
Arthurian Studies (90 Books)
Artykuł jak robić kałkan
Asia, Indo-Europe
audiobooki chomikuj
Białobocki Jan
Biblioteka calibre
Biografie w tym wladcy i ksiazeta polski
Bój o Lwów
Books about history of Poland
books english
Brian Azzarello 100 Bullets
Broń biała i uzbrojenie ochronne Zbigniew Fuński
Bronze Age
Bukowski Charles - Kobiety
Campaign - US Revolutionary War
CONAN (chyba wszystkie książki i opowiadania)
Conan Barbarzyńca
Conan Cymmeryjczyk
Crusaders (Krzyżowcy)(2)
Curwood James Oliver
Cykl Jack Reacher cały
Czajkowski Michał
Czermak, Wiktor
Dago - Robin Wood y Alberto Salinas & Carlos Gomez
Dago - Robin Wood y Alberto Salinas SPANISH
Dago (Edizione italiana) Robin Wood, Alberto Salinas
Dokumenty zrodla polskie
Dragonero (01-45) Sergio Bonelli Editore
Dumas Aleksander ojciec
Dylan Dog - Detektyw Mroku
Dylan Dog (001-371) Serie Mensile
Dzieje dawnych turków - Lew Gumilow
Dzień D komiks
eboki Dla dorosłych
eboki novae etc
Ebook (pdf) nove
Literatura piękna
Ebook (pdf) nove nove
Ebook 2022
eBOOKi 2021
eBooki rozne
ebooki rozne nowe i stare
Ebooks PL 29 Prawnicze,skrypty ,etc
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Enrique Breccia Collection
Eposy - Podania - Kroniki
Eposy - Podania - Kroniki(1)
Eposy - Podania - Kroniki(2)
epub rozne historia
Feliks Koneczny
Gajusz Juliusz Cezar
Gąsiorowski Wacław
Genealogia i inne
Georges Dumézil
Giertych Jędrzej
GRAFIKA (kolorowanie, lineart)
Graphic novels
Greece (Grecja) antigua
Grossman Wasilij-Życie i los
Halecki, Oskar
Herbarze i genealogie
Herbarze i genealogie(1)
Herman One Shots
Historia i historia sztuki - materiały
Historia - Mongolia i imperium Mongołów
Historia - Ubioru Mody
Historia Am.prekolumbijski ej i kolonialnej
Historia Chin
Historia del Far West
Historia Hiszpanii
Historia Polski
Historia Polski - nove et stare
Historia Polski - ponad 7400 książek
Historia Polski - ponad 7400 książek(1)
Historia Polski - publikacje przed 1939
Historia Polski średniowiecznej
historia polski txt
Historia Polski(1)
Historia Polski(2)
Historia Pomorza
Historia powszechna
Historia powszechna- unikatowe książki
Historia powszechna- unikatowe książki(1)
Historia powszechna Średniowiecza
Historia Powszechna(1)
Historia powszechna(2)
Historia starożytna
historia ustroju i prawa polskiego
Historia wojskowości
Siemaszko Ewa i Władysław
Historia. Gospodarka
History and archaeology
History and archaeology(5)
Historya powszechna konia przez Maryana hr Czapskiego 3 tomy (1874)
Husaria i jazda
Sikora - husaria
Jacek Kowalski - 20 CD
Husaria, Sarmatyzm, Polityka, Dzieje Rzeczypospolitej, Pamiętniki itd. (ebook)
I Giganti della Avventura (01-77) Seria Completata
Indie (cywilizacja)
IRC bookz 2022-n024-029
Jakus Sobieski Peregrynacja po Europie(1607-1613 ); Droga do Baden (1638)
James Fenimore Cooper
James Olivier Curwood
Jan Długosz, Roczniki czyli Kroniki Sławnego Królestwa Polskiego
Jan Ptaśnik
Jarochowski, Kazimierz
Jazda Konna(1)
Jeździectwo, konie
język grecki
język starogrecki
John Maddox Roberts
Joseph Campbell
Józef Mackiewicz
Józef Mackiewicz - Sprawa pułkownika Miasojedowa
Józef Mackiewicz-Watyka n w cieniu Czerwonej Gwiazdy
Julian Apostata
K. Górski Oblężenie Smoleńska i bitwa pod Kłuszynem
K. Górski Wojna 1792 r
Kaczkowski Zygmunt
Kałkan polski
Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W. Michael Gear
kindle ebooki nove 6-20
Kindle po angielsku
Klasycy starożytni ۩
Kołodziejczyk - ejalet kamieniecki (HawkeyePierce)
konie - książki angielskie
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
KRASZEWSKI J.I. - Mniej znane nowele i powieści
Królowie elekcyjni
kroniki - wyd przed 1939
Krzysztof Karoń
Książki 2020 epub, mobi, pdf
Książki Calibre baza 20.000 ebooków autorami (2018)
Książki USA
KSIĄŻKI variae
Księgi Wyjątkowe
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Lecznicze właściwości wody utlenionej
Literatura Grecji i Rzymu
Literatura piękna
Literatura piękna XII 2020
Livros 2016
Livros 2018
Livros 2019
Liwiusz Tytus
LOEB Classical Library(1)
LOEB Classical Library
Mackiewicz Józef
Magia - historia magii
Mały modelarz
Maria Rodziewiczówna
Materiały XVII wiek
Materiały XVII wiek(1)
Medieval Warfare Magazine
Mity i legendy Polski
Mówią wieki
Nadolski Andrzej
Epoka napoleońska
Military Illustrated
Neolithic neolit
New books 2018
New ebook packs for Aug 2019
nowe Ebooki do posortowania
nowe Ebooki do posortowania(1)
Nowości 09 24
nowości audio
audiobook [maks]
NSZ Powstanie etc -Książki i artykuły
Opracowania & Źródła ( nowe)
Opracowania & Źródła ( nowe)(1)
Opracowania & Źródła ( nowe)(2)
pamiętniki z wojen
Pamiętniki, życiorysy
Pierumow Nik
Plutarch z Cheronei
Poczet Polskich Królów i Książąt Rosik-Wiszewski 2002-2003
Polski Słownik Biograficzny (PSB)
polskie artykuły [польські статті]
polskie artykuły [польські статті](1)
powiesci awanturnicze
powiesci english
Powiesci historyczne
Powstanie Chmielnickiego - dokumenty, źródła
Powstanie Warszawskie (1 August - 2 October 1944)
Preacher (COMPLETE)
Pre-Columbian Civilizations
Produkcja i koszty uzbrojenia w Polsce w XVI wieku Aleksander Bołdyrew
Przeglad Historyczno-Wojsk owy 1929-1938
Przygody Sokolego Oka czyli Opowieści Skórzanej Pończochy
REALIZM rysnek malarstwo anatomia
Red Road
Relax komix
Remigiusz Mróz
Rody polskie
Roman Army - Rzymska Armia
RON Opracowania & Źródła ( nowe)
Różne Rzplita Obojga Narodow
Rycerstwo,kobiety w średniowieczu
RYSUNEK od A do Z kursy, ksiazki
Rzeczpospolita OB narodow Materiały Źródłowe 2021
Scythians_and_Sar matians
Scythians ( Scytowie - Nieposkromieni władcy stepu, Irańsko-języcz ni nomadzi )
Smolarski Mieczysław
Staroplszczyzna, klasyka polska
Starożytność - źródła
Studia i Materialy do Historii Wojskowosci
Studia z dziejów wojskowości
Studia z Dziejów Wojskowości, t. I
Sun Tzu
Świst Paulina - Przekręt
sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku (marstan)
Teksty źródłowe
Ten, który narodził sie dwa razy
The New York Times Best Sellers - March 29, 2020 [ePub]
The Walking Dead 001-151
Theology, philosophy and the history of ideas
Tradition Magazine
Tradition Magazine(1)
Trigan (Intégrale 12 Tomes) Editions Glénat
Turnieje rycerskie w średniowiecznej Polsce Stefan Krzysztof Kuczyński
ukraina variae
US army
Uzbrojenie we wczesnośredniowie cznej Małopolsce Piotr Strzyż
Uzbrojenie we wczesnośredniowie cznej Małopolsce Piotr Strzyż(1)
Uzbrojenie we wczesnośredniowie cznej Małopolsce Piotr Strzyż(2)
Vincente Segrelles - Najemnik. T. 1-13 (komplet) [Komiks][PL]
Vinland Saga EN (scanslated by MS, Spore, Fag, Binktopia & Hox)
Volkoff Vladimir
Volumina Legum
Volumina Legum(1)
Volumina Legum(2)
Walerian Nekanda Trepka - Liber Chamorum
Warhammer Historical
Warto przeczytać(1)
Watercolor Artist - 2018 Full Year Issues
Waterloo 1815 komplet !
01-WKKP-Odznak i kawalerii
Wielka Księga Kawalerii Polskiej
Wielka Księga Piechoty Polskiej
Wieniawa-Długoszo wski Bolesław - Wymarsz i inne wspomnienia [mp3@32] [Audiobook PL]
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Wydawnictwa militarne - polskie
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Źrόdła dziejowe
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Żydzi - PDF
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  • 2,1 MB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
Eden didn't expect Az.

Not his saunter down the beach toward her. Not his unbelievable pick up line. Not the instant, undeniable connection. And not his wings.


So long happily-ever-after.

Now trapped between life and death, cursed to spread chaos with her every touch, Eden could be the key in the eternal struggle between heaven and hell. All because she gave her heart to one of the Fallen, an angel cast out of heaven.

She may lose everything she ever had. She may be betrayed by those she loves most. But Eden will not be a pawn in anyone else's game. Her heart is her own.

And that's only the beginning of the end.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 416 KB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
Truly successful science fiction does two things: it gives credible glimpses into the future while entertaining the reader. With this in mind, noted anthologist Jonathan Strahan--who is also the reviews editor of Locus magazine--asked sixteen of today's most inventive, compelling writers to look past the horizon of the present day. Neil Gaiman (Anansi Boys), Kelly Link (Magic for Beginners), Garth Nix (the Abhorsen Trilogy), Scott Westerfeld (Uglies; Pretties; Specials) and their colleagues have crafted a dazzling range of stories. Whether on spaceships, in suburbia, or in simulated gaming worlds, whether about cloning, battle tactics, or corporate politics, the stories of The Starry Rift will give every reader something to consider. This original anthology is crucial reading for those who want to see where the future--and the future of science fiction--is headed.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 424 KB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
Dancing With Bears follows the adventures of notorious con-men Darger and Surplus: They've lied and cheated their way onto the caravan that is delivering a priceless gift from the Caliph of Baghdad to the Duke of Muscovy. The only thing harder than the journey to Muscovy is their arrival in Muscovy. An audience with the Duke seems impossible to obtain, and Darger and Surplus quickly become entangled in a morass of deceit and revolution. The only thing more dangerous than the convoluted political web surrounding Darger and Surplus is the gift itself, the Pearls of Byzantium, and Zoesophia, the governess sworn to protect their virtue.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 1,9 MB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
For over half a century, Richard Matheson has enthralled and terrified readers with such timeless classics as I Am Legend, The Incredible Shrinking Man, Duel, Somewhere in Time, and What Dreams May Come. Now the Grand Master returns with a bewitching tale of erotic suspense and enchantment..

1918. A young American soldier, recently wounded in the Great War, Alex White comes to Gatford to escape his troubled past. The pastoral English village seems the perfect spot to heal his wounded body and soul. True, the neighboring woods are said to be haunted by capricious, even malevolent spirits, but surely those are just old wives' tales.

Aren't they?

A frightening encounter in the forest leads Alex into the arms of Magda Variel, an alluring red-haired widow rumored to be a witch. She warns him to steer clear of the wood and the perilous faerie kingdom it borders, but Alex cannot help himself. Drawn to its verdant mysteries, he finds love, danger.and wonders that will forever change his view of the world.

Other Kingdoms casts a magical spell, as conjured by a truly legendary storyteller.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 0,6 MB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
Among inhospitable and unforgiving seas stands Khalakovo, a mountainous archipelago of seven islands, its prominent eyrie stretching a thousand feet into the sky. Serviced by windships bearing goods and dignitaries, Khalakovo's eyrie stands at the crossroads of world trade. But all is not well in Khalakovo. Conflict has erupted between the ruling Landed, the indigenous Aramahn, and the fanatical Maharraht, and a wasting disease has grown rampant over the past decade. Now, Khalakovo is to play host to the Nine Dukes, a meeting which will weigh heavily upon Khalakovo's future.

When an elemental spirit attacks an incoming windship, murdering the Grand Duke and his retinue, Prince Nikandr, heir to the scepter of Khalakovo, is tasked with finding the child prodigy believed to be behind the summoning. However, Nikandr discovers that the boy is an autistic savant who may hold the key to lifting the blight that has been sweeping the islands. Can the Dukes, thirsty for revenge, be held at bay? Can Khalakovo be saved? The elusive answer drifts upon the Winds of Khalakovo...

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 449 KB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
It's six months after the tumultuous events on Brighton, and Wren Natsworthy and her father Tom have taken to the skies in their airship, The Jenny Haniver. Wren is enjoying life as an aviatrix but Tom is troubled by matters of the heart - Hester's disappearance, and the old wound caused by Pennyroyal's bullet. Until a fluke encounter with a familiar face sets him thinking about the ruins of London and the possibility of going back...

Meanwhile the fragile truce between the Green Storm and the Traction Cities splinters and hostility breaks out again. Events are set on a collision course as things end where they began, with London...

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 1,2 MB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
The brilliant sequel to Mortal Engines and Predator's Gold. Anchorage has become a static settlement on the shores of the Dead Continent, and its inhabitants have been living peacefully for sixteen years. But now trouble is approaching - in a limpet sub, and fast. The Lost Boys are back, and they'll do anything to get what they want. Tom and Hester's daughter Wren is their eager dupe, bored and desperate for adventure. When the theft of the mysterious Tin Book of Anchorage goes wrong, Wren is snatched away in the limpet, who knows where. Tom and Hester set off to rescue her, but this is the end of their quiet life on Anchorage. The journey will stir up old needs, old secrets - and send them into perilous waters...

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 298 KB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
Private investigator and sword-for-hire Eddie LaCrosse is swept up in a web of mystery involving a brutally murdered royal heir, a queen accused of an unspeakable crime, and the tragic past he thought he'd left behind.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 0,8 MB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
Azalea is trapped. Just when she should feel that everything is before her . . . beautiful gowns, dashing suitors, balls filled with dancing . . . it's taken away. All of it.
The Keeper understands. He's trapped, too, held for centuries within the walls of the palace. And so he extends an invitation.
Every night, Azalea and her eleven sisters may step through the enchanted passage in their room to dance in his silver forest.
But there is a cost.
The Keeper likes to keep things.
Azalea may not realize how tangled she is in his web until it is too late.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 2,0 MB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
When Trei loses his family in a tragic disaster, he must search out distant relatives in a new land. The Floating Islands are unlike anything Trei has ever seen: stunning, majestic, and graced with kajurai, men who soar the skies with wings.

Trei is instantly sky-mad, and desperate to be a kajurai himself. The only one who fully understands his passion is Araene, his newfound cousin. Prickly, sarcastic, and gifted, Araene has a secret of her own . . . a dream a girl cannot attain.

Trei and Araene quickly become conspirators as they pursue their individual paths. But neither suspects that their lives will be deeply entwined, and that the fate of the Floating Islands will lie in their hands. . . .

Filled with rich language, and told in alternating voices, The Floating Islands is an all-encompassing young adult fantasy read.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 387 KB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
Ingram Bounty hunter Sebastian Nightingale Cain, freelance reporter Virtue Mackenzie, and art thief Swagman follow the legendary Santiago along an elusive trail through the realms of space to find him and claim the largest reward in history for his capture.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 1,0 MB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
"A vast canvas filled with thought-provoking ideas on the question of good and evil that engage us all."
Anne Perry

The gods, makers of worlds, seek to create balance - between matter and energy; and between mortals who strive toward the transcendent, and the natural perils they must tame or overcome. But one of the gods fashions a world filled with hellish creatures far too powerful to allow balance; he is condemned to live for eternity with his most hateful creations in that world's distant Bourne, restrained by a magical veil kept vital by the power of song.

Millennia pass, awareness of the hidden danger fades to legend, and both song and veil weaken. And the most remote cities are laid waste by fell, nightmarish troops escaped from the Bourne. Some people dismiss the attacks as mere rumor. Instead of standing against the real threat, they persecute those with the knowledge, magic and power to fight these abominations, denying the inevitability of war and annihilation. And the evil from the Bourne swells..

The troubles of the world seem far from the Hollows where Tahn Junell struggles to remember his lost childhood and to understand words he feels compelled to utter each time he draws his bow. Trouble arrives when two strangers - an enigmatic man wearing the sigil of the feared Order of Sheason and a beautiful woman of the legendary Far - come, to take Tahn, his sister and his two best friends on a dangerous, secret journey.

Tahn knows neither why nor where they will go. He knows only that terrible forces have been unleashed upon mankind and he has been called to stand up and face that which most daunts him - his own forgotten secrets and the darkness that would destroy him and his world.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 289 KB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
The exciting, suspenseful story of Miranda’s search for Prospero, the fabled sorcerer of The Tempest

The search of a daughter for her father is but the beginning of this robust fantasy adventure. For five hundred years since the events of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Miranda has run Prospero, Inc., protecting an unknowing world from disasters both natural and man-made. Now her father has been taken prisoner of dark spirits in a place she could only guess. Piecing together clues about her father’s whereabouts and discovering secrets of her shrouded past, she comes to an inescapable conclusion she has dreaded since Prospero was lost.

Prospero has been imprisoned in Hell, kept there by demons who wish to extract a terrible price in exchange for his freedom. As the time of reckoning for Miranda draws near, she realizes that hundreds of years of their family’s magic may not be enough to free her once-powerful father from the curse that could destroy them...and the world.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 2,4 MB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
Once upon a time, the plane of Alara was shattered into five planes, each distinctly populated with relative mono-magical culture that reflects each of the five colors. Now, the planes are beginning to realign and merge once more.

As nefarious forces work to hasten the cataclysmic realignment for their own gain, the populations of once ordered planes struggle to come to terms with a new planar order in which long separated struggles between opposite clash once more; martyrs face executioners, fire and water, earth and air, growth and decay, the innate versus the artificial.

Amid this chaos, Ajani, a fierce leonin planeswalker, struggles to bring justice and resolution to his brother's death. Noble warrior Rafiq searches for the source of the of this evil that has invaded his world. And Sarkhan Vol, planeswalker and dragon hunter, taps into a power so pure and ancient, it threatens to consume him even as he revels in its unadulterated totality.

An action packed story from the mind of one of the creators, Doug Beyer opens up the Shards of Alara(TM) set like no one else can.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 1,3 MB
  • 7 mar 21 15:31
DREAM OF LEGENDS journeys forward with several characters from the modern world, who discover that finding themselves in the fantastical lands of Ave was just the beginning. The assault upon the Kingdom of Saxany and the tribes of the Five Realms ignites, as the eyes of The Unifier turn southward, across the seas towards faraway Midragard. Within this maelstrom, some find themselves on a path of discovery, to uncover powers that lie within, while others must brave perilous journeys, to seek out the things said to exist only in the faded mists of myth and legend. Epic battles, plot twists, and new environments abound in DREAM OF LEGENDS.

Book Two of the Fires in Eden Series, DREAM OF LEGENDS is immersive, epic fantasy, for those who love to explore richly developed fantasy worlds alongside an ensemble of intriguing, diverse characters. Readers of the great epic fantasy authors such as Robert Jordan, George R.R. Martin, and J.R.R. Tolkien will find a wondrous trove of adventure, characters, and depth in this next step of the Fires in Eden series.

Working with Stephen for the first time, and taking on the editorial reins of the Fires in Eden Series to keep the dedicated yearly release schedule on course, was Karen Leet.

"Working with Stephen has been a joy. He is totally professional about his work, meets deadlines and edits cheerfully," Karen commented. "He makes editing easy for me, and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know his characters, who now seem to me like actual people with genuine depth. His plotlines stride across the pages on swift, sure feet and sweep the reader along with them."

“Having Karen as my editor on DREAM OF LEGENDS was a wonderful experience. She did a meticulous analysis of Crown of Vengeance to ensure full continuity of tone and style with the new book. I am fortunate to be working with two excellent editors on my two series. The new book is loaded with action, and there are some very big revelations in regards to the full series,” Stephen said. “DREAM OF LEGENDS builds strongly upon the foundation set in place by Crown of Vengeance, keeping storylines tight while introducing many new and exciting elements. I am confident that readers who enjoyed the first book are going to be elated with this new installment of the series.”

Continuing one of the most extensive collaborations between an artist and an author in the fantasy sphere, a brand new set of illustrations and cover art were created for DREAM OF LEGENDS by fantasy artist Matthew Perry. With the two Rising Dawn Saga books and the two Fires in Eden books, a growing body of over 50 full page illustrations have been created by Matthew for Stephen’s literary work.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 7 mar 21 15:31
Samuil Petrovitch is a survivor.

He survived the nuclear fallout in St. Petersburg and hid in the London Metrozone - the last city in England. He's lived this long because he's a man of rules and logic.

For example, getting involved = a bad idea.

But when he stumbles into a kidnapping in progress, he acts without even thinking. Before he can stop himself, he's saved the daughter of the most dangerous man in London.

And clearly saving the girl = getting involved.

Now, the equation of Petrovitch's life is looking increasingly complex.

Russian mobsters + Yakuza + something called the New Machine Jihad = one dead Petrovitch.

But Petrovitch has a plan - he always has a plan - he's just not sure it's a good one.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 7 mar 21 15:31
He wanted to see for himself what the war on the desert planet was like close-up. So he got himself to the frontline, repotring back live to Earth from inside the head of a G.I. super-soldier. Now the soldier's dead, and he will have to take over the dead man's body and fight his way home. And now he will see for himself what war on this desolate desert planet is really like.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 7 mar 21 15:31
The date is 1967 of the Galactic Era, almost three thousand years from now. The Republic, created by the human race but not yet dominated by it, is in the midst of an all-out war with the Teroni Federation. After his latest exploit saved millions of lives but embarrassed his superiors, Captain Wilson Cole, a man with a reputation for exceeding orders but getting results, found himself the victim of the media feeding frenzy, a political scapegoat despite years of dedicated military service. Faced with a court martial, he was rescued by the loyal crew of his ship, the Theodore Roosevelt. Now branded mutineers, the crew of the Teddy R. has quit the Republic, never to return.

Seeking to find a new life for themselves, Wilson Cole and comrades remake the Teddy R. as a pirate ship and set sail for the lawless Inner Frontier. Here, powerful warlords, cut-throat pirates, and struggling colonies compete for survival in a game where you rarely get a second chance to learn the rules. But military discipline is poor preparation for a life of pillaging and plundering, and Cole's principles naturally limit his targets. Seeking an education on the nature of piracy, Cole hunts more knowledgeable players. Enter the beautiful but deadly Valkyrie, Val for short, and the enigmatic alien fence known as David Copperfield. But hanging over everything is the fearsome alien pirate--the Hammerhead Shark.

With Starship: Pirate, five-time Hugo winner Mike Resnick continues the story begun in his very first military SF. Will the galaxy ever be the same?

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 7 mar 21 15:31
The date is 1968 of the Galactic Era, almost three thousand years from now. The Republic, created by the human race but not yet dominated by it, is in the midst of an all-out war with the Teroni Federation. Captain Wilson Cole, a man with a reputation for exceeding orders but getting results, found himself the victim of a media feeding frenzy, a political scapegoat despite years of dedicated military service. Faced with a court martial, he was rescued by the loyal crew of his ship, the Theodore Roosevelt. Branded mutineers, the Teddy R. has quit the Republic, never to return.

Seeking to find a new life, Wilson Cole first remade the Teddy R. as a pirate ship plying the spaceways of the lawless Inner Frontier. But military discipline and honor were a poor match for a life of pillaging and plundering, and Cole's principles naturally limited his targets. Seeking a better way of life, the Teddy R. becomes a mercenary ship, hiring out to the highest bidder. Whether it's evacuating a hospital before war can reach it, freeing a client from an alien prison, or stopping a criminal cartel from extorting money from a terrified planet, the crew of the Teddy R. proves equal to the task. Along the way they form a partnership with the once human Platinum Duke, team up with a former enemy, and make the unique Singapore Station their headquarters.

But the life of a mercenary is not always predictable, and eventually circumstance pits Cole and the Teddy R. against his right-hand woman, the former Pirate Queen known as the Valkyrie. Soon the fragile trust that has grown between these two legends is put to the test as they find themselves on opposite sides of a job.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 7 mar 21 15:31
The story you are about to read features James Enge’s wondrous character, Morlock Ambrosius. Morlock is a swordsman, an exile, a hunchback, a drunk, and a wizard, though he himself would use the term “Maker” and say he is a master of the two arts, Seeing and Making. He is a modern descendant of the sword and sorcery adventurer that was birthed in the pages of Weird Tales magazine, and Enge himself has been favorably compared to Fritz Leiber, Jack Vance, David Eddings, Steven Brust, and, interestingly, Raymond Chandler. His tales of Morlock the Maker have appeared in Black Gate magazine, in the anthology Swords & Dark Magic, and elsewhere, and Morlock features in the novels Blood of Ambrose, This Crooked Way, and The Wolf Age. Speaking of the novel The Wolf Age, Locus magazine wrote, “One of Enge’s great virtues as a writer is weirdness—he’s not afraid to do the unexpected, and his imagination is formidable. But there’s an underlying emotional power here, too. The author excels at depicting the bonds of friendship, the pain of betrayal, and the tragedy of well-laid plans going awry, and that emotional payload is what makes this novel into more than just an entertaining adventure story about a guy with a magical sword who fights monsters.” Which is not to say that there isn’t a magic sword, because there is, and where Morlock goes, rest assured there are always plenty of monsters. This story, “Travellers’ Rest,” is no exception. Chronologically, it takes place some years before the events of the novels. If you are new to Morlock, it should make a fine introduction to Enge’s creation, and if you are not, you will be pleased to see the return of at least one old friend. Either way, we hope that you enjoy it.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 7 mar 21 15:31
The universe shifts and changes: suddenly you understand, you get it, and are filled with a sense of wonder. That moment of understanding drives the greatest science-fiction stories and lies at the heart of Engineering Infinity. Whether it's coming up hard against the speed of light and, with it, the enormity of the universe, realising that terraforming a distant world is harder and more dangerous than you'd ever thought, or simply realizing that a hitchhiker on a starship consumes fuel and oxygen with tragic results, it's hard science-fiction where sense of wonder is most often found and where science-fiction's true heart lies. The exciting and innovation science-fiction anthology collects together stories by some of the biggest names in the field including Stephen Baxter, Charles Stross and Greg Bear.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 7 mar 21 15:31
"Brave... Innovative... Bold..." - Stefen Brazulaitis, reviewer and columnist, Australian Bookseller and Publisher.

"I stayed up all night!" - Sara Douglass.

Ossard is falling...

Growing up in a city of Merchant Princes, Juvela discovers she can see what others can't. The very currents of the celestial are open to her, and that includes the truths they hide: An escalating series of unsolved kidnappings have been haunting the city-state, leaving its shadows pooled deep with innocent blood.

Has Juvela been cursed with Witches' Kiss - or perhaps something worse?

Yet, more is to come, for not only has she witnessed an abduction, but she will have to endure a role in the victim's ritual death. For Juvela is about to become forsaken, and that's before she learns the real truth of not just the crimes plaguing Ossard's bloody streets, but the wider world: A world at war, and governed by gods whose highest pleasure is to sup on the taste of death.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 7 mar 21 15:31

War is coming to London. A daimyo of the Neon Court is dead and all fingers point towards their ancient enemy - The Tribe. And when magicians go to war, everyone loses.

But Matthew Swift has his own concerns. He has been summoned abruptly, body and soul, to a burning tower and to the dead body of Oda, warrior of The Order and known associate of Swift. There's a hole in her heart and the symbol of the Midnight Mayor drawn in her own blood. Except, she is still walking and talking and has a nasty habit of saying 'we' when she means 'I.'

Now, Swift faces the longest night of his life. Lady Neon herself is coming to London and the Tribe is ready to fight. At the heart of it all is a rumor of a 'chosen one,' a monster that burns out the eyes of all who look at it, and a walking dead woman. Swift must stop a war, protect his city, and save his friend - if she'll stop trying to kill him long enough for him to try.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 7 mar 21 15:31
From the bestselling author of 2005's critically acclaimed Panic, Fear is a gripping, timely, and entirely original thriller that will solidify award-winning author Jeff Abbott as the "latest master of the fine art of the page-turner" (Booklist starred review).

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 7 mar 21 15:31
The Enginemen once pushed the Bigships through the Nada Continuum, using the power of their minds to propel the ships at faster-than-light speeds. Now the Kielor Vincicoff gates, which twist space and bring distant planets closer, have made both the men and their ships redundant.

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Strefa_Usmiechu napisano 31.07.2021 20:06

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W Strefie Usmiechu Nowosci --- Zapraszam

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rivavog891 napisano 4.04.2022 11:39

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Super chomik

janoszka1971 napisano 29.05.2022 01:22

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Najnowsze AUDIOBOOK´s zapraszam serdecznie


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Polecam, książki o Wikingach, archeologia,rekonstrukcja średniowiecza, bazy znalezisk, wczesne średniowiecze: Hedeby, Archeologia wikingów

moyade8805 napisano 27.01.2023 09:08

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Super chomik

Batiar42 napisano 26.03.2023 23:14

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Super chomik, wartościowe pozycje dla emeryta 84!

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dzięki super zbiory zapraszam do siebie

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