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pbis / ps3 firmware / Rogero_CFW_V3.1.PUP
Download: Rogero_CFW_V3.1.PUP

170,54 MB

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
Use / Compatibility:

Can be used for the downgrade directly using a flash hardware as Progskeet / E3 Flasher / Teensy + +, etc..
Can be used to update a system with normal as any other CFW / FW, that is to say from the XMB or recovery mode.

Internal structure:

New features:

Integration of a spoof 4.11 to avoid an accidental update of the system (this does in no way to connect to SEN)
Added a patch NoBD to enable it to install with the Blu-Ray offline (including for downgrade)
Contains other fixs to avoid a black screen or a problem loading the payload encountered on some PS3.

Standard features:

Lv2 the CFW kmeaw patched with the patches needed to support patches Peek / Poke (the game compatibility is the same as for kmeaw CFW)
Audits of LV1 to bypass disabled hashes Syscon for consoles downgradées
Privacy Patch applied to block all communications with servers Sony.
Custom boot logo
Integration of a dynamic theme “Heavy Rain”

This version is better optimized than the previous published MFW. This is a CFW compiled manually by patching and recontruisant files and PUP final. This has been possible thanks to the well-known tools for team “failoverflow” and through the base of CFW kmeaw, unlike the previous version which was compiled using the famous FW Builder application and a database of OFW 3.55.


Fix for BSOD on some machines after this downgrade


After Several days and more testing of the first FW released for downgrading from 3.70 -> 3.55 I Had Some users feedback from # progskeet That Some PS3-support machines are HAVING Either the Registry Corrupted / Blue Screen or Black Screen After just downgrade That required re-installing MFW from the Recovery Menu or reflashing the NOR In Some boxes.

Further research about the patches and the V2 donwgrade no_check.PUP with some more testing Showed That has kmeaw based LV2 Seems To Have better compatibility with the Downgrade patches Applied to the NOR image was then built with MFW has patched LV2, so I Decided to build a new version Manually Which is a custom firmware patches LV2 kmeaw That combined with no-check Dospiedras Lv1 Having patches and the minimum / Necessary set of patches to preserve the best overalls Stability.

Thanks to the all the beta testers Especially Blakcat & Marlboro1

NB: please note That Rogero Manager v8.5 (to be released soon) or newer are only compatible with this CFW CFW Because The V2 Have the spoofed version built in to 3.70 and older versions of the Manager (8.4 and lower) can not Recognize and it Will not Be Able to load the payload Necessary.


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Changes: Better system stability ReActPSN offline patch added Full Changelog / Features: 1. Made out of 4.46 ofw 2. Have install package files and app_home 3. Have ReActPSN compatibility 4. Patched lv0 to disable coreos ecdsa check 5. Patched lv2 to add peek / poke supoort 6. Patched lv1 to disable lv2 protection 7. Patched lv1 to add peek / poke support 8. It can run games signed with keys up to 4.46 9. Can be updated over any cfw 10. Can be updated over 3.55 ofw 11. Added no bt/bd patches 12. RSOD bypass 13. ReActPSN offline patch added 14. Better system stability Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/ps3-cfw-mfw/habib-cex-4-46-v1-10-ps3-cfw-custom-firmware-is-now-available/#ixzz2YjMmuljy
Changelog Rogero CFW4.41 v1.00: ReactPSN patch to work offline without the need to log into PSN at all. noBD/noBT patches to allow installation on consoles with broken BluRay Drive or Bluetooth board. This CFW can be installed fine from XMB Update over OFW3.55 or any CFW ver: 3.55/4.21/4.30/4.40/4.41 HDD can be swapped/changed and the CFW will re-install without any problem. Patched LV1 to disable LV2 Protection. Patched LV1 to add peek/poke support. Patched LV1 Core OS Hash Check (to prevent Bricking on non-dehashed downgraded consoles) Patched LV2 to add peek/poke support. QA Flag enabled by default to allow for easier downgrading using Recovery Menu. RSOD screen bypass patch for RSOD machines (it won't fix the RSOD but allows the PS3 to boot fine into XMB) PSN/SEN access is available but it's not recommended. It can run games signed with Keys up to version 4.41 without any Eboot/Sprx patching needed. The CFW can be used directly for Downgrading with Hardware flashers using the new tool PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v0.05
Changelog Rogero CFW4.40 v1.03: Rebuilt the CFW with minimal patches needed for similar OFW Stability, also adding full compatibility with multiMAN Tools. All known issues from v1.02 are fixed now (XMB PS2 Game Saves, Sequential Video Playback, Media Server always on) Removed Cinavia Patch used on v1.02 because of some compatibility issues (When DEX4.40 is public it will be added properly again) Added the ToolBox to [app_home/PS3_GAME] to restore multiMAN/StealthMAN launch mode from ToolBox. Updated the ReactPSN patch to work offline without the need to log into PSN at all (Credits to Team Rebug for their original 4.30.1 Patch) Added both noBD/noBT patches to allow installation on consoles with broken BluRay Drive or Bluetooth board.
Rogero CFW4.30 v2.05 Changed the [app_home/PS3_GAME] IPF Name and Icon to show as "ToolBox" now so we don't have duplicate "IPF" entries on XMB. Added the Cinavia Patched Video Player module to disable the Cinavia Protection on HDD based content ( Credits to Team Rebug for the module ) Added the new patches for the Original "*Install Package Files" and "Install All Packages", Credits to Szalay and "hidden Man". Updated Dean's "app_home\*Install Package files" (Toolbox in v2.05) to the latest version, it doesn't requires additional HDD space or restart. All the previous features of version 2.03 are all preserved.
Update v.2.03 Zawiera: * Przebudowane pliki z OFW 4.30 (brak plików DEX/SEX) * Wszystkie problemy z XMB jak lagi ikon czy tryb demonstracyjny zostały usunięte * Przywrócono oraz poprawiono aplikację "Install Package Files". Opcja ta posiada inną ikonę niż w DEX, tak aby była w 100% poprawna z OFW 4.30 * Po włączeniu PS3, wybieramy ikonę "app_home/PS3_GAME" i wtedy zmieni się ona automatycznie na "Install Package Files" * Jeżeli załadujesz grę z multiMAN'a to nadal będzie ona widoczna w "app_home/PS3_GAME" zamiast "Install Package Files" * Po załadowaniu gry możesz zrestartować PS3, aby znowu uzyskać dostęp do "Install Package Files" * Możesz także zainstalować aplikację od dewelopera Deank'a aby mieć permanentny dostęp do "Install Package Files" [*Install Package Files] obsługuje: --- Do 256 plików z rozszerzeniem *pkg --- Łączenie plików z rozszerzeniem *pkg --- Sortowanie --- Wskazanie kolejki instalacji plików --- Stan progresu kopiowania/transferu --- Skanowanie lokacji : /dev_usb***/dev_hdd0/dev_bdvd w /PKG/packages oraz folderów root --- Łączenie formatów plików - 0-.63 /.66600 -.66663 /.001-.064 * Struktura CFW została dopasowana do struktury OFW 4.XX : --- Nigdy więcej problemów ze zniszczonymi plikami podczas instalacji z XMB lub Recovery Menu --- Te CFW może być instalowane z XMB bez konieczności procesu downgradu z CFW 4.XX --- Można zmienić dysk HDD, nie będzie występował problem podczas instalacji nowego CFW * Spatchowany LV1, aby dezaktywować protekcję LV2 * Spatchowany LV1 dodaje wsparcie dla Peek/Poke do zamiany hvc 182/183 (multiMAN Direct Disc Access teraz działa poprawnie z CFW 4.30 v2.03) * Spatchowany LV1, aby dezaktywować SYSTEM MANAGER INTEGRITY CHECK (do zabezpieczenia przed brick'iem) * Spatchowany Sprawdzanie Rdzenia OS w LV1 (do zabezpieczenia przed brick'iem na niezdehashowanych konsolach) * CFW może zostać zainstalowane bezpośrednio podczas procesu Downgrading'u z Hardware Flasher'em * Spatchowany LV2 posiadający wsparcie dla Peek/Poke * Spatchowany VSH, aby aktywować kompatybilność z ReActPSN (dopuszcza niepodpisane pliki act.dat i pliki z rozszerzeniem *.rif, Wyłącza odlinkowywanie/usuwanie pliku act.dat) * Posiada Spoof'a do ostatniej dostępnej wersji OFW - 4.31 * Dostęp do PSN/SEN jest dostępny tak długo, dopóki nie zostanie wydany OFW 4.32 * Ładowanie gier z ikony "App_home" zostało poprawione * Wspiera gry, które wymagają kluczy 4.30 i niższych * Gry mogą być ładowane z ikony dysku (z oryginalną grą w napędzie BD) lub z "App_home" (bez płyty, lecz nie wszystkie gry) * Homebrew pisane pod CFW 3.55 nie będą działać pod nowym CFW, więc muszą zostać przepisane na nowo.
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