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Aliens - Defiance 004 (2016).cbr

pati94blackangel / Komiksy ENG / Aliens - Defiance (2016) KOMPLETNE / Aliens - Defiance 004 (2016).cbr
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"Keeps well within what Alien is known for. So if you have a hankering for survival horror, this will satisfy your craving..." - Geek Sushi

Colonial Marine Private Zula Hendricks is AWOL deep in space along with the combat synthetic Davis 01, chasing the trail of the xenomorph threat. But in the eerie quiet of a space graveyard the ghosts of her past are catching up with her, and Weyland-Yutani isn't far behind.


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Inne foldery z plikami do pobrania
Aliens - Defiance #1-12 (2016-2017) KOMPLETNE
#01 Aliens - Defiance (2016) April 27, 2016
#02 Aliens - Defiance (2016) May 25, 2016
#03 Aliens - Defiance (2016) August 17 2016
#04 Aliens - Defiance (2016) August 31 2016
#05 Aliens - Defiance (2016) September 28 2016
#06 Aliens - Defiance (2016) October 26 2016
#07 Aliens - Defiance (2016) December 7 2016
#08 Aliens - Defiance (2016) December 28 2016
#09 Aliens - Defiance (2017) January 25 2017
#10 Aliens - Defiance (2017) March 29 2017
#11 Aliens - Defiance (2017) April 26 2017
#12 Aliens - Defiance (2017) June 21 2017

Colonial Marines arent trained for this . . . Battling demons from her past while fighting for her life, Colonial Marine Private First Class Zula Hendricks, in the company of Weyland-Yutani synthetics, is forced to question her strength and loyalty when the discovery of an insidious alien species on a derelict hauler sends her on a dangerous journey across the stars. Brian Wood brings his sharp storytelling to Aliens. Rising star Tristan Jones draws the scariest xenomorph youve seen in years . . .
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
After her return to Earth, Zula Hendricks fully expects to answer for her defiance. But instead of military tribunals, what she experiences is a chilling look into the future of warfare, courtesy of Weyland-Yutani’s R&D labs. Her mission may not be over just yet. “Defiance . . . has the potential to be the new benchmark. Go get it.”—Hulking Reviewer
The mangled Europa is in a state of free fall in Earth's atmosphere with Zula, Davis, Hollis, and a previously frozen xenomorph onboard. Davis battles the alien threat while Hollis and Zula scramble to the escape hatch. Impact is unavoidable; survival is doubtful. "Brian Wood is on the verge of one [of] the best-written Alien stories in a long time."—Hulking Reviewer
An attack on the Europa by space pirates leaves Zula, Davis, and Hollis on a barely functional ship. They now must return to Earth, where the Weyland-Yutani corporation is waiting and ready to put an end to their rogue mission.
A fledgling alien, kept alive in a deep freeze for the purpose of learning its weaknesses, wages a psychological war on Zula, Davis, and Hollis. They try to keep it together, but an attack on the Europa by space pirates forces the trio to weaponize what they seek to destroy. “The team at Dark Horse impress with an interesting and faithful rendition of a popular and familiar franchise.”—Project Nerd
Keeping a baby xenomorph alive, even in a frozen state, contradicts all the survival instincts that Zula and Hollis have. But by studying the alien in cryostasis, Davis believes he can discover how to exterminate it and the rest of its forsaken, vile race permanently. Is he dooming the mission in the name of science?
“Worth checking out for the brilliant writing alone.”—Big Comic Page In the aftermath of the intense battle against the Colonial Marines, Zula Hendricks and Davis have gone from being merely AWOL to full-blown traitors. As they drift into a quiet part of space to recover and regroup, new crew member Dr. Hollis discovers something in the medical bay that changes everything. Sometimes evil comes from within. * The second arc begins here!
"The art from Tristan Jones is unbelievably good."—Comic Trash When Zula and Daviss plan to deny the Colonial Marines a xenomorph sample hits a snag, their only remaining course of action may be something they can never come back from. "Aliens: Defiance exists to play with your expectations."—We the Nerdy
"Keeps well within what Alien is known for. So if you have a hankering for survival horror, this will satisfy your craving..." - Geek Sushi Zula Hendricks and Davis are about to take on the xenomorph threat as well as a squad of hardened Colonial Marines intent on capturing a specimen in a large midspace fueling station. How far is Zula willing to go to stop her fellow combatants?
Mutiny aboard the Europa. After accessing a Weyland-Yutani network buoy which reprograms their directives, several Davis synthetics seek to take down the mysterious Davis 01 unit and take the ship back to Earth. Colonial Marine Zula Hendricks and Davis 01 must survive an organized tactical assault in deep space. Brian Wood brings his sharp storytelling to Aliens.
Colonial Marine Hendricks and the Weyland-Yutani synthetic Davis break protocol, navigating the Europa to a distant science station discovered in the once-derelict ship’s data records—a station that recently went dark. Following the trail of the alien species, they dive deeper into a conspiracy, uncovering just how much is riding on their choices. “With high-profile work on Star Wars and Mad Max: Fury Road, respectively, Wood and Jones are no stranger to the unique challenges of licensed comic storytelling.”—Comic Book Resources
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