Cocteau Twins 1985 -
1977 - Songwriter -
1980 - Night Flight -
1985 - Moving Mountains -
1989 - Classic Blue -
1995-04-07 CNZ King Crimson -
1995-04-08 W rajsko-grobowym nastroju -
1995-04-14 CNZ Moody Blues -
1995-04-22 Z wnętrza trumny -
1995-05-06 The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway -
1995-05-26 CNZ UFO -
1995-06-02 CNZ The Moody Blues -
1995-06-03 TPK -
1995-06-09 CNZ Siouxsie & the Banshees -
1995-06-10 Twin Peaks -
1995-06-16 CNZ Elton John -
1995-06-17 TPK -
1995-06-23 CNZ Jethro Tull -
1995-06-24 TPK -
1995-06-30 CNZ The Doors -
1995-07-01 Wszechobecny duch Jima Morrisona -
1995-07-15 Londyńskie relacje -
1995-07-22 TPK -
1995-07-29 TPK -
1995-11-04 TPK -
1996 - Moody Blues Classic Hits -
1996 - The View from the Hill -
2013 - Spirits Of The Western Sky -
Angora 2015 -
C# i -
Czasempiszą -
Justin Hayward -
Kasia Rosinska - K8 o'clock -
kurs podstawowy -
Laura Fygi - Rendez-Vous -
Marillion -
MC 2006-11-24 -
MC 2008-01-25 -
MC 2008-01-26 -
MC 2008-03-21 -
MC 2009-04-10 -
NMP 167 2003.07.04-05 -
Sade - Promise (1985) -
SJC 2007-06-26 -
SJC 2007-07-03 -
SJC 2007-07-10 -
SJC 2007-07-17 -
SJC 2007-07-24 -
Twin Peaks -

1982 - Garlands
1983 - Head Over Heels
1984 - Treasure
1986 - Victorialand
1986 - The Moon And The Melodies
1988 - Blue Bell Knoll
1990 - Heaven or Las Vegas
1993 - Four Calendar Cafe
1996 - Milk & Kisses
2005 - Lullabies To Violaine
EP 1982 - Lullabies
EP 1983 - Peppermint Pig
EP 1983 - Sunburst and Snowblind
EP 1984 - The Spangle Maker
EP 1985 - Aikea-Guinea
EP 1985 - Tiny Dynamine
EP 1985 - Echoes in a Shallow Bay
EP 1986 - Love's Easy Tears
EP 1995 - Twinlights