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Sanderson Brandon - Siewca wojny.rar

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Siewca wojny to opowieść o dwóch siostrach, które urodziły się księżniczkami, o Królu-Bogu, który ma poślubić jedną z nich, pomniejszym bóstwie, które nie wierzy w siebie, i o nieśmiertelnym człowieku, starającym się naprawić błędy, jakich dopuścił się setki lat


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
obrazek Fleeing the ghosts of their violent past, two former revolutionaries - the roguish, rakish Gwynn and the taciturn Raule - escape from the desert Copper Country to the tropical city of Ashamoil. As they salvage new lives from the rubble of the old, they discover past ghosts are future ghosts too. obrazek
obrazek Ghost Town is the hottest amusement park in the country, offering state-of-the-art chills and thrills involving the paranormal. The park's main ride is a haunted mansion that promises an encounter with a real ghost. When Maia Peters visits during her senior year of college, she's not expecting to be impressed. Maia grew up as the only child of a pair of world-renowned "ghost hunters," so the paranormal is nothing new. In fact, the ride feels pretty boring until the very end. There, a face appears from the mist. The face of Jordin Cole, a girl who disappeared from campus a few months ago. Convinced what she saw wasn't a hoax and desperate to find answers to Jordin's disappearance, Maia launches into a quest for answers. Joined by Jordin's boyfriend--a pastor's kid with very different ideas about the spirit realm--Maia finds herself in a struggle against forces she never expected to confront.
obrazek The first instalment of a thrilling new epic fantasy trilogy from the rising star of the genre. Led by Loethar, an ambitious and ruthless tyrant, a terrifying army of mercenaries and renegades from the great southern steppes threaten to overwhelm the Kingdom of Penraven, having already overthrown its two neighbouring realms, leaving a trail of devastation and broken lives in their wake. Penraven is Loethar's most desired prize, not only because of its wealth, safe harbour, extensive coastline, and abundant natural resources. This time the tyrant wants more than a crown. Driven by dreams of empire, fuelled by his increasing obsession with magic, Loethar's plan to overthrow King Brennus of Penraven, 9th of the Valisars, was cemented the hour upon when he learned that Brennus possessed the power of coercion. All of the Valisar heirs have been blessed down the ages with the sinister ability to bend people entirely to their will and Loethar is convinced that if he consumes these empowered people he will then be imbued with their skills and magics! and be unstoppable.
obrazek Zdobywczyni HUGO, NEBULA, LOCUS 2010 To najbardziej oczekiwana powieść fantastyczna roku. Bacigalupi czerpie pomysły ze swoich wielokrotnie nagradzanych opowiadań i je rozwija, badając je głębiej i dokładniej niż dotąd. Wyniki są imponujące. Już nigdy nie da się patrzeć na przyszłość tak samo, jak przedtem. C. C. Finlay, autor serii "Traitor to the Crown". "Pompa numer sześć" Debiut Paolo Bacigalupiego - ten zbiór opowiadań pokazuje siłę i zasięg opowiadania fantastycznego. Sednem twórczości Paolo jest krytyka społeczna, polityczna przypowieść i dyskurs ekologiczny. Każde z zawartych tu opowiadań ostrzega i jednocześnie zachwyca się tragikomedią ludzkich przeżyć. Utwory Paolo ukazywały się już w różnych dorocznych antologiach, były nominowane do Nebuli i Hugo oraz zdobywały nagrodę Theodore Sturgeona za najlepsze opowiadanie fantastyczne.
obrazek There's a nasty flu going round. An epidemic, they call it. The posters say to cover your mouth when you sneeze, and throw away the tissue. But such simple measures won't stop this flu. Because when you catch the flu, armed police come and lock you in your house to die alone. When you catch this flu, it kills you in days. And when you catch this flu, two hours after it's killed you, your eyelids snap open again...
obrazek Who will own the greatest treasures of all...? In the darkness of 13th Century Europe, the most precious wonders of the Christian world lie in a small church in the great ruined city of Constantinople, the spoils of a failed Crusade. The crown of thorns, the spear that pierced Jesus' side, the shroud bearing the imprint of Christ - all lie in the mysterious Chapel of Pharos, untouchable treasures beyond earthly price. On the other side of the globe, Petroc of Auneford sails into the sprawling Pool of London for the first time. He has left his old monastic world behind for that of the enigmatic Captain de Montalhac - purveyor of fine relics and other exotic trinkets to anyone with sufficient money and desire. But for Petroc, the trip is soon blighted by tragedy. Grief, however, is no guard against greed, and with rumours of the sale of the relics of Pharos growing, the Captain needs Petroc's help. The great powers of Christendom are gathering - all covet the power of the relics - and Petroc finds himself right in the eye of the storm. Stretching from the streets of London to the brothels of Venice and all the way to ruined palaces of Constantinople, THE VAULT OF BONES is an epic tale of faith, power, money and revenge.
obrazek Thomas Ligotti is often cited as the most curious and remarkable figure in horror since H P Lovecraft. His work is noted by critics for its display of an exceptionally grotesque imagination and accomplished prose style. In his stories, Ligotti has followed a tradition that began with Edgar Allan Poe, portraying characters that are outside of what might be called 'normal life' and rendering a grim vision of human existence as a perpetual nightmare. The stories collected in Teatro Grottesco feature tormented individuals who play out their doom in various odd little towns as well as in dark sectors frequented by sinister and often blackly comical eccentrics.
obrazek The colonies of Mistria are in turmoil. They face wars between the competing empires and and insurrection from natives and colonists alike. Prince Vladamier is a Norillian noble, and Nephew to King Richard. He has little political power, but struggles to ensure the colonists interests are represented back in the court. The one thing he does have is a wurm... one of the few existing "dragons" from a clutch of eggs discovered in the old world, hundreds of years ago. As Mistria swirl into chaos, Vlad is married off to an old world princess. This new alliance is supposed to help supply money and mercenaries to help put down the various insurrections. Nobody suspects that Vlad's wurm is about to undergo a change that will impact the worlds delicate political balance...
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