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Cornering Carmen (Dragon Lords of Valdie - S. E. Smith.mobi

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obrazek This book is a prequel to the Ringworld series (200 Years before the Discovery of Ringworld) The newly liberated humans of the Fleet of Worlds now face a new threat besides the sly Puppeteers: the Pak, a very smart and utterly ruthless species who are fleeing the exploding galactic core in an armada of ships at near light speed. The Pak are headed towards the Fleet of Worlds, having destroyed entire planets in their wake. Sigmund Ausfaller, who had been transported by the Puppeteers from Earth to the Fleet, is now sent with his human allies to reconnoiter and divert the Pak. A Pak is captured, but even a well-guarded Pak prisoner can be lethal. Sigmund and the human colonists must cope with many unpleasant surprises between the manipulative Puppeteers, the brilliant, violent Pak, and a new species called the Gw'oth, who seem to be allies but have their own agenda.
obrazek Nic, co anielskie, diabelnie nie jest nam obce. Te żarna przemielą Waszą wiarę w zaświaty. Aniołowie paktują z diabłami. Grzeszą pychą. Piją, bywają w burdelach i kasynach. Knują, zabijają, umierają. Z niebiańskiej doskonałości pozostał im głównie doskonały wygląd . Stworzeni na obraz i podobieństwo człowieka, nie są wolni od naszych słabości. Jak anioł ćpun uzależniony od trawki z Fatimy, anioł stróż czujący niechęć do człowieka, którym przyszło mu się opiekować czy anioł zagłady, który nieszczególnie lubi niszczyć. Nie inaczej z mieszkańcami piekieł. I oni są niepokojąco... ludzcy.
obrazek Zdobywczyni HUGO, NEBULA, LOCUS 2010 To najbardziej oczekiwana powieść fantastyczna roku. Bacigalupi czerpie pomysły ze swoich wielokrotnie nagradzanych opowiadań i je rozwija, badając je głębiej i dokładniej niż dotąd. Wyniki są imponujące. Już nigdy nie da się patrzeć na przyszłość tak samo, jak przedtem. C. C. Finlay, autor serii "Traitor to the Crown". "Pompa numer sześć" Debiut Paolo Bacigalupiego - ten zbiór opowiadań pokazuje siłę i zasięg opowiadania fantastycznego. Sednem twórczości Paolo jest krytyka społeczna, polityczna przypowieść i dyskurs ekologiczny. Każde z zawartych tu opowiadań ostrzega i jednocześnie zachwyca się tragikomedią ludzkich przeżyć. Utwory Paolo ukazywały się już w różnych dorocznych antologiach, były nominowane do Nebuli i Hugo oraz zdobywały nagrodę Theodore Sturgeona za najlepsze opowiadanie fantastyczne.
obrazek Who will own the greatest treasures of all...? In the darkness of 13th Century Europe, the most precious wonders of the Christian world lie in a small church in the great ruined city of Constantinople, the spoils of a failed Crusade. The crown of thorns, the spear that pierced Jesus' side, the shroud bearing the imprint of Christ - all lie in the mysterious Chapel of Pharos, untouchable treasures beyond earthly price. On the other side of the globe, Petroc of Auneford sails into the sprawling Pool of London for the first time. He has left his old monastic world behind for that of the enigmatic Captain de Montalhac - purveyor of fine relics and other exotic trinkets to anyone with sufficient money and desire. But for Petroc, the trip is soon blighted by tragedy. Grief, however, is no guard against greed, and with rumours of the sale of the relics of Pharos growing, the Captain needs Petroc's help. The great powers of Christendom are gathering - all covet the power of the relics - and Petroc finds himself right in the eye of the storm. Stretching from the streets of London to the brothels of Venice and all the way to ruined palaces of Constantinople, THE VAULT OF BONES is an epic tale of faith, power, money and revenge.
obrazek The colonies of Mistria are in turmoil. They face wars between the competing empires and and insurrection from natives and colonists alike. Prince Vladamier is a Norillian noble, and Nephew to King Richard. He has little political power, but struggles to ensure the colonists interests are represented back in the court. The one thing he does have is a wurm... one of the few existing "dragons" from a clutch of eggs discovered in the old world, hundreds of years ago. As Mistria swirl into chaos, Vlad is married off to an old world princess. This new alliance is supposed to help supply money and mercenaries to help put down the various insurrections. Nobody suspects that Vlad's wurm is about to undergo a change that will impact the worlds delicate political balance...
obrazek Fresh off the most challenging case of her career, The 7th Victim heroine and renowned FBI profiler Karen Vail finds herself ordered to take some time off after a controversial shooting incident. In no position to argue, she travels with her new beau, Detective Robby Hernandez, to the Napa Valley for a week of wine-tasting and sightseeing. But shortly after arriving, a victim is discovered at a high-end winery, in the deepest reaches of their exclusive wine cave. The murder has all the telltale signs of a serial killer, virtually unheard of in wine country. Vail offers her skills in evaluating the crime, but the local police, led by Detective Redmond Brix, are resistant to her involvement. Their thinking soon changes, however, when a second, brutally murdered victim is unearthed. When Vail is named to the Napa County Major Crimes Task Force, she soon learns she got more than she bargained for. As Vail and her task force colleague, Roxxann Dixon, peel back the investigative onion, clues lead them to a decades-long history of feuding wine families, secretive organizations, and underhanded deals that may hold answers to what they are seeking. Crush is impressively researched, with the same attention to detail as The 7th Victim. National bestselling author Alan Jacobson once again delivers a suspenseful high-velocity thriller.
obrazek Indevan Algara-Vayir was born the second son of a powerful prince, destined to stay at home and defend his family's castle. But when war threatens, Inda is sent to the Royal Academy where he learns the art of war and finds that danger and intrigue don't only come from outside the kingdom.
obrazek In this book by author Melanie Dickenson, the story of Sleeping Beauty is retold through the life of Rose, the young daughter of a woodcutter, who has fallen in love with the perfect man for her, only to be kept away from him due to a curse.
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