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  • 29 mar 18 21:47
Kishi felt her body temperature rising even though the spring morning was quite cool. Her temper was always just under the surface these days, and she was growing weary of being told what to do and how to think. Today that would all change, and nothing would ever be the same. She would do what she wanted regardless of what her sister chose to do. Her father, the king, would not have the satisfaction of using her as leverage against Kira. The lands of Tuwa are once again embroiled in conflict. Ancient councils are convened as old partnerships break apart, and new, tenuous alliances are forged. The threat of war is spreading throughout the land, and no one is sure what will become of the once peaceful land. The Guardians have been compelled to intervene as one of their own breaks sacred laws in search of forbidden powers. Lives will be lost, deception will abound, and life as the people know it will cease to exist. As events escalate, families will be forced to face off as circumstances spiral out of control. Former enemies will unite against common foes while the dark forces combine to fight for their right to rule. Heroes will be forged in the heat of battle on both sides. Prepare for battle...war will find you in the midst of The Broken Council.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:47
Young surgeon Dr George Phillips is invited to meet Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Charles Babbage, Charles Darwin and Joseph Bazalgette at an undisclosed location in London, 1857. A meeting of the greatest minds of the age. There the Lazarus Club meets to discuss ideas so unorthodox they cannot be voiced in public, so advanced they will change the course of history. A brotherhood of questionable morality. Meanwhile, mutilated bodies washed up from the murky Thames lead police to Dr Phillips' door: can he help solve some brutal murders? A dark and twisted conspiracy. Soon Dr Phillips realises that the Lazarus Club is being used by a member for some evil purpose. Can he discover who in time to prevent an extraordinary invention falling into the wrong hands?

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:46
Forget everything you think you know about faeries. . . .

Creatures full of magic and whimsy?

Not in the Oakenwyld. Not anymore.

Deep inside the great Oak lies a dying faery realm, bursting with secrets instead of magic. Long ago the faeries mysteriously lost their magic. Robbed of their powers, they have become selfish and dull-witted. Now their numbers are dwindling and their very survival is at stake.

Only one young faery - Knife - is determined to find out where her people's magic has gone and try to get it back. Unlike her sisters, Knife is fierce and independent. She's not afraid of anything - not the vicious crows, the strict Faery Queen, or the fascinating humans living nearby. But when Knife disobeys the Faery Queen and befriends a human named Paul, her quest becomes more dangerous than she realizes. Can Knife trust Paul to help, or has she brought the faeries even closer to the brink of destruction?

Talented newcomer R. J. Anderson creates an extraordinary new fantasy world and weaves a gripping tale of lost magic, high adventure, and surprising friendship in which the fate of an entire realm rests on the shoulders of one brave faery rebel.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:46
obrazek Modern fantasy novel that inspires young people to pursue faith, courage, and love, to dig deep within to find their God-given strengths no matter how difficult the circumstances.

Genre: Fantasy

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:43

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:43
obrazek Tears of a Dragon is the fourth installment in the Dragons in our Midst series. This contemporary fantasy gives young readers all the adventure and excitement they love while opening their eyes to great themes such as faith, courage, wisdom, and redemption. Compared to The Chronicles of Narnia for its spiritual power and The Lord of the Rings for its depth of scope, this series has the makings of a classic.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:43
Locke Vinetti is a high school junior, disenchanted and more than a little hostile. In fact, for years he's had a lousy social life because of a problem he has with his anger--a force he calls "the venom." Ever since he was eight years old and bit off a piece of a classmate's nose, he's been something of a loner. But all that is about to change when he goes out with his one friend, Randall, to meet some of Randall's crew hanging out at Riverside Park. Because in addition to meeting his kindred spirit, Casey--who has his own problems with his own kind of venom--Locke meets the spikey blue fairy-haircut Goth girl of his dreams. And if their relationship is going to work, he knows he has to rid himself of the venom once and for all. Interspersed with comic book adventures of the fantasy anti-hero alter-ego Locke has invented for himself, Venomous is a fast-paced, funny, and ferocious read about one teenage boy's struggle with his inner demons.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:42

Georgia loves horses and hates Russell, her step-brother. It seems Russell's main aim is to make Georgia miserable, whereas all Georgia wants to do is to go horseriding whenever she can get the opportunity - and to avoid Russell. When Georgia finally saves up enough money to buy the little model of a winged horse she has admired in an antiques shop window, she knows she has to keep it well out of Russell's way in case he realises it is important to her. But what Georgia doesn't know is that the little horse offers her an escape to another world and another time, that of sixteenth-century Remora, a city that is similar to Siena in Italy, but that has evolved quite differently... Sequel to the acclaimed Stravaganza: City of Masks, readers will once again be bewitched by the dangerous, treacherous world of Talia. Filled with romance, a touch of magic and fiercely clashing loyalties, Georgia will have to work out her role in this exhilarating yet at times terrifying new world.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:41
Set in Talia, a parallel-world version of Italy, the Stravaganza series combines Renaissance court intrigue with time travel, subterfuge, romance, and revenge. In this new story arc, we meet Matt, a painfully dyslexic and insecure boy (despite a beautiful and clever girlfriend!). Matt has just discovered that he is a Stravagante - someone capable of traveling between two worlds. A leather-bound book transports Matt from our world to Talia, where he meets Luciano. Luciano has killed the head of the powerful di Chimici family in a duel, and has gone into hiding. The di Chimici are on the verge of making a terrifying breakthrough into our world, and it will fall to Matt, Luciano, and the other Stravaganti to stop them….

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:41
A modern fanasty novel that inspires young people to believe in the promises made by trustworthy friends, to discern between good and evil, and to use their God-given strengths to fight against evil and set the captives free.

Genre: Fantasy

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:41
Read the editorial reviews on this one, Jordan, Martin, and Hobbs, be wary. A new Fantasy Master has finally released his long written wares...

Deemed one of the top 10 indie Fantasy releases of 2010 by Fantasy Book Critic, and listed in the first ever Publishers Weekly Indie Select issue, this 235k word epic title was originally written in longhand in a Texas prison cell by M. R. Mathias.

When the Royal Wizard of Westland poisons the king so that his puppet prince can take the throne and start a continental war, a young squire is forced to run for his life carrying the powerful sword that his dying monarch burdened him with from the death bed.

Two brothers find a magic ring and start on paths to becoming the most powerful sort of enemies, while an evil young sorceress unwillingly falls in love with one of them when he agrees to help her steal a dragon's egg for her father. Her father just happens to be the Royal Wizard, and despite his daughter's feelings, he would love nothing more than to sacrifice the boy.

All of these characters, along with the Wolf King of Wildermont, the Lion Lord of Westland, and a magical hawk named Talon, are on a collision course toward Willa the Witch Queen's palace in the distant kingdom of Highwander. There the very bedrock is formed of the powerful magical substance called Wardstone.

Who are the heroes? And will they get there before the Royal Wizard and his evil hordes do?

Whatever happens, the journey will be spectacular, and the confrontation will be cataclysmic.

Genre: Fantasy

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:40
"You told me I would inspire fear from the shadows, yet you would be the light to banish all shadows. You still can. Be stronger than them. Be stronger than any of us. Prove to Veldaren that you can stand against the darkness, without mask or cloak, and live."

Haern is the King's Watcher, born an assassin only to become the city of Veldaren's protector against the thief guilds.

When Lord Victor Kane attacks the city, determined to stamp out the thief guilds in revenge for past crimes, foreign guilds pour into the city to take advantage of the chaos in an attempt to overthrow the current lords of the underworld. And when a mysterious killer known as the Widow begins mutilating thieves, paranoia spreads until it engulfs the city.

Haern knows someone is behind the turmoil, pulling strings, and if he doesn't find out who, and soon, his beloved city will burn.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:40
obrazekIn a glamorous castle full of Llyvraneth's elite, Celyn Contrare serves as a lady-in-waiting to shy young Merista Nemair. Her days are spent dressing in velvet, attending Lady Merista, navigating court gossip, and charming noblemen over lavish feasts.

And at night, she picks locks, steals jewels, forges documents, and collects secrets. Because Celyn isn't really a lady-in-waiting; she's not even really Celyn Contrare. She's Digger, a sneak-thief on the run from the king's Inquisition, desperate to escape its cruel instruments and hatred of magic. If she's discovered, it will mean her certain death.

But life as a lady-in-waiting isn't safe either. . . . The devious Lord Daul knows her secret, and he's blackmailing her to serve as his personal spy in the castle. What she discovers -- about Daul, about the Nemair, even about her own Lady Merista -- could signal civil war in Llyvraneth. And for a thief trained never to get involved, taking sides could be the most dangerous job yet.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:39
obrazekThe Tragedy of Arthur is an emotional and elaborately constructed tour de force from bestselling and critically acclaimed novelist Arthur Phillips, 'one of the best writers in America' (The Washington Post).

Its doomed hero is Arthur Phillips, a young man struggling with a larger-than-life father, a con artist who works wonders of deception but is a most unreliable parent. Arthur is raised in an enchanted world of smoke and mirrors where the only unshifting truth is his father's and his beloved twin sister's deep and abiding love for the works of William Shakespeare - a love so pervasive that Arthur becomes a writer in a misguided bid for their approval and affection.

Years later, Arthur's father, imprisoned for decades and nearing the end of his life, shares with Arthur a treasure he's kept secret for half a century: a previously unknown play by Shakespeare, titled The Tragedy of Arthur. But Arthur and his sister also inherit their father's mission: to see the play published and acknowledged as the Bard's last great gift to humanity. . . .

Unless it's their father's last great con.

By turns hilarious and haunting, this virtuosic novel - which includes Shakespeare's (?) lost King Arthur play in its five-act entirety - captures the very essence of romantic and familial love and betrayal. The Tragedy of Arthur explores the tension between storytelling and truth-telling, the thirst for originality in all our lives, and the act of literary mythmaking, both now and four centuries ago, as the two Arthurs - Arthur the novelist and Arthur the ancient king - play out their individual but strangely intertwined fates.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:39
obrazekFilled with action,danger, and suspense this book is sure to keep readers in their seats, following Billy and Bonnie to the exciting conclusion. This is the third saga in a four book series.

Genre: Fantasy

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:38
obrazekThis stunning first novel from Nebula Award and Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award finalist Ted Kosmatka is a riveting tale of science cut loose from ethics. Set in an amoral future where genetically engineered monstrosities fight each other to the death in an Olympic event, The Games envisions a harrowing world that may arrive sooner than you think.

Silas Williams is the brilliant geneticist in charge of preparing the U.S. entry into the Olympic Gladiator competition, an internationally sanctioned bloodsport with only one rule: no human DNA is permitted in the design of the entrants. Silas lives and breathes genetics; his designs have led the United States to the gold in every previous event. But the other countries are catching up. Now, desperate for an edge in the upcoming Games, Silas's boss engages an experimental supercomputer to design the genetic code for a gladiator that cannot be beaten.

The result is a highly specialized killing machine, its genome never before seen on earth. Not even Silas, with all his genius and experience, can understand the horror he had a hand in making. And no one, he fears, can anticipate the consequences of entrusting the act of creation to a computer's cold logic.

Now Silas races to understand what the computer has wrought, aided by a beautiful xenobiologist, Vidonia João. Yet as the fast-growing gladiator demonstrates preternatural strength, speed, and - most disquietingly - intelligence, Silas and Vidonia find their scientific curiosity giving way to a most unexpected emotion: sheer terror.

Genre: Science Fiction

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:38
The latest story in the Stravaganza series unravels amid ever-more-dangerous politics and intrigue. Sky, a new Stravagante, is whisked away from his dreary life in London to Giglia, the Talian version of Florence. Featuring favorite characters from the first two titles in the series, including Georgia and Falco, as well as a host of exciting new characters, this breathtaking adventure will not disappoint.

But beware-in the beautiful City of Flowers, much that seems beautiful is in fact poisonous...

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:37
'I am Grimalkin, and I have already chosen those I will kill...' Grimalkin has made it her lifetime ambition to destroy the Fiend, avenging the brutal murder of her son. Having grudgingly joined forces with the Spook and his apprentice, Tom, and assisted them in the binding of the Fiend, she is now on the run. And her mission is deadly. She has to help them bind the Fiend's spirit for ever no matter who - or what - comes after it ...This latest chilling instalment in the "Wardstone Chronicles" follows Grimalkin, the terrifying witch assassin, feared wherever she is known.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:37
Sixteen-year-old Rayna sees angels, and has the medication and weekly therapy sessions to prove it. Now, in remission, Rayna starts fresh at a new school, lands a new job, and desperately tries for normalcy. She ignores signs that she may be slipping into the world she has tried so hard to climb out of. But these days, it’s more than just hallucinations that keep Rayna up at night. Students are dying, and she may be the only one who can stop it. Can she keep her job, her sanity, and her friends from dying at the hands of angels she can't admit to seeing?

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:33
"Spear-age, sword-age:
shields are shattered.
Wind-age, wolf-age:
before the world founders
no man will show mercy to another."

Wuruyaaria: city of werewolves, whose raiders range over the dying northlands, capturing human beings for slaves or meat. Wuruyaaria: where a lone immortal maker wages a secret war against the Strange Gods of the Coranians. Wuruyaaria: a democracy where some are more equal than others, and a faction of outcast werewolves is determined to change the balance of power in a long, bloody election year.

Their plans are laid; the challenges known; the risks accepted. But all schemes will shatter in the clash between two threats few had foreseen and none had fully understood: a monster from the north on a

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:33
Memories of his past incarnations haunt Demascus, even as he searches for stolen portraits that contain the trapped souls of demigods. Meanwhile, drow creep beneath the city of Airspur, intent on precipitating war between Akanûl and a rival nation. As Demascus attempts to win freedom from the ghost of his murdered lover, he agrees to thwart the drow’s secret scheme, sending him on a trail that stretches between the Demonweb, Airspur, and an island that appears on no map.

Spinner of Lies is a sequel to Sword of the Gods, and is also tied to the Rise of the Underdark, an event that will have bold, sweeping ramifications across (and under) the Forgotten Realms.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 29 mar 18 21:33
obrazekA breathtaking new vision of a legendary tale. Snow White is the only person in the land fairer than the evil queen who is out to destroy her. But what the wicked ruler never imagined is that the young woman threatening her reign has been training in the art of war with a huntsman who was dispatched to kill her.

z chomika pchlaszachraika

  • 25,5 MB
  • 29 mar 18 21:33
obrazekA mysterious island.

An abandoned orphanage.

A strange collection of very curious photographs.

It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading experience. As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow - impossible though it seems - they may still be alive.

A spine-tingling fantasy illustrated with haunting vintage photography, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children will delight adults, teens, and anyone who relishes an adventure in the shadows.

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

z chomika pchlaszachraika

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  • 17 mar 18 21:23

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  • 17 mar 18 21:23

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  • 17 mar 18 21:23

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kosiar70 napisano 22.11.2021 12:32

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Lesniczy_49, albo czytnikami fizycznymi (Kindle i inne), albo programami do ebooków (windows - np. Calibre, android -np. Moim Teaser)

kapalo3500 napisano 27.03.2022 13:05

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Arcyprzebogaty supermega chomik.Rewelacja i respekt

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Pozdrawiam i wielkie dzięki, super chomik!!

M.K-16 napisano 27.05.2023 09:32

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Witam , pozdrawiam i zapraszam do siebie. Trzeba do mnie napisać wiadomość. 🔐Hasło. UnicornVIP🔐

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