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China.Rises 1of4 Getting Rich XviD (Discovery Channel).avi

michal14b / Discovery / China Rises - 4x / China.Rises 1of4 Getting Rich XviD (Discovery Channel).avi
Download: China.Rises 1of4 Getting Rich XviD (Discovery Channel).avi

702,12 MB

Czas trwania: 44 min

1.0 / 5 (1 głos)
Part 1: Getting Rich
In just 25 years, this land of 1.3 billion people has achieved the most rapid economic advance of any nation in history by scrapping its fanatical devotion to collectivism and embracing private enterprise with all the ruthless zeal of 19th century robber barons. Learn how the poor are coping with the cost of China's success and how piracy, pollution and a looming energy crisis could derail the country's "economic miracle."

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China Rises
Experience one of the most fascinating phenomena of our times - the rapid evolution of the world's most populous nation from a secluded land of mystery to an economic powerhouse welcoming the modern world. In this compelling four-part series, China Rises takes you inside this dynamic country - from jeep joyriding in the Gobi Desert to a factory floor in Zhejiang Province, from walking the red carpet at the Shanghai Film Festival to staging a pop concert at the Great Wall, from police rescuing abducted women to experts training astronauts, from celebrating Chinese Central Television's new state-of-the-art headquarters to transforming controversial Tiananmen Square. Already a modern superpower, the nation of China is poised to wield great influence on the global economy of the 21st century. CHINA RISES explores the shifts in the country's culture and government that have allowed for such growth, and anticipates the changes that may be in store for its massive population in the years to come.

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Part 3: Food is Heaven From the steamy kitchens of Canton to the arid moonscape of the north, food is the very heart and soul of China. But increasing development and dwindling water supplies threaten the nation's ability to feed itself. Meet the men and women who celebrate the glory of authentic Chinese cuisine – while working to preserve a healthy food supply for future generations. darmowy hosting obrazków
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Part 4: Party Games With preparations for the 2008 Summ ...
Part 4: Party Games With preparations for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games already underway, the people of Beijing seem eager to invite the world to witness their country's social and political progress. But with a peasant population of over 900 million and a growing disparity between rich and poor, the Chinese are hoping that Olympic fever will translate into an economic boom. darmowy hosting obrazków
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Part 2: City of Dreams In Shanghai – the 21st century s ...
Part 2: City of Dreams In Shanghai – the 21st century symbol of a rejuvenated China – a generation of Chinese now lives in a style that would not look out of place in New York, Berlin or Toronto. They're hip, they're happy and they enjoy more personal freedom than at any point in their country's history. But while middle class Chinese make the most of their prosperity, Shanghai's poor find little reason to celebrate. darmowy hosting obrazków
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności