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Foundations of Engineering Acoustics Frank J. Fahy.pdf

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Foundations of Engineering Acoustics Frank J. Fahy

Foundations of Engineering Acoustics takes the reader on a journey from a qualitative introduction to the physical nature of sound, explained in terms of common experience, to mathematical models and analytical results which underlie the techniques applied by the engineering industry to improve the acoustic performance of their products. The book is distinguished by extensive descriptions and explanations of audio-frequency acoustic phenomena and their relevance to engineering, supported by a wealth of diagrams, and by a guide for teachers of tried and tested class demonstrations and laboratory-based experiments.
Foundations of Engineering Acoustics is a textbook suitable for both senior undergraduate and postgraduate courses in mechanical, aerospace, marine, and possibly electrical and civil engineering schools at universities. It will be a valuable reference for academic teachers and researchers and will also assist Industrial Acoustic Group staff and Consultants.
Comprehensive and up-to-date: broad coverage, many illustrations, questions, elaborated answers, references and a bibliography
Introductory chapter on the importance of sound in technology and the role of the engineering acoustician
Deals with the fundamental concepts, principles, theories and forms of mathematical representation, rather than methodology
Frequent reference to practical applications and contemporary technology
Emphasizes qualitative, physical introductions to each principal as an entrée to mathematical analysis for the less theoretically oriented readers and courses
Provides a 'cook book' of demonstrations and laboratory-based experiments for teachers
Useful for discussing acoustical problems with non-expert clients/managers because the descriptive sections are couched in largely non-technical language and any jargon is explained
Draws on the vast pedagogic experience of the writer


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
obrazek Elektroniczne modyfikatory dzwieku - Stanislaw Dinter Książka zawiera opisy (w bardzo przystępnej formie) układów elektronicznych, zwanych modyfikatorami dźwięku lub przystawkami defektowymi. Jest to kompletny materiał instruktażowy podstawowych efektów stosowanych przez instrumentalistów (16 układów od najprostszych do bardziej skomplikowanych). Opisy, rysunki i zdjęcia gotowych układów mogą być wykorzystane przez uczniów w pracowniach elektronicznych, kołach zainteresowań, hobbystów i zawodowych elektroakustyków. Mogą też stanowić materiał inspirujący. Wszystkie zaprezentowane układy zostały praktycznie wykonane (zdjęcia) i wyróżniają się dobrymi walorami użytkowymi.
obrazek Loudspeaker Recipies - Vance Disckason The sequel to the classic Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, Recipes takes advantage of the latest techniques both theoretical and practical to help you successfully build a variety of two-way systems. Loudspeaker recipes, book 1, provides a powerful tool for any music lover who wishes to build a technically outstanding and satisfying loudspeaker system for home listening. By Vance Dickason
obrazek Przetworniki ultradźwiękowe - Jagodziński Zenon Kompleksowe i wyczerpujące przedstawienie przetworników ultradźwiękowych. Omówienie podstaw teorii drgań mechanicznych, drgań i fal w izotropowych środkach ciągłych, drgań brył oraz układów elektromechanicznych, metod pomiarów parametrów oraz sprawności i szerokości pasma przenoszenia przetworników ultradźwiękowych.Charakterystyka materiałów i przetworników piezoelektrycznych oraz piezomagnetycznych, opis przemiany mechanooptycznej i przetworników odbiorczych.
obrazek Testing Loudspeakers - Joseph D'Appolito This book is an invaluable reference for the dedicated speaker builder. Not intended for the novice, it covers in-depth driver testing, low frequency system electrical impedance tests, frequency response acoustical testing of single and multiple drivers, and techniques for deriving Thiele-Small parameters using both analog and PC based methods. Written by Dr. Joseph D'Appolito, contributing editor for Speaker Builder magazine. He also pioneered the extremely popular "D'Appolito" woofer-tweeter-woofer driver configuration, seen in many successful loudspeakers systems. This soon-to-be-classic clearly explains the proper way to acoustically test and measure a loudspeaker. If you own "The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook" then this book should be the next addition to your technical library. 174 pages.
Self on Audio - Douglas Self Douglas Self offers a tried and tested method for designing audio amplifiers in a way that improves performance at every point in the circuit where distortion can creep in without significantly increasing cost. Through the articles in this book, he takes readers through the causes of distortion, measurement techniques, and design solutions to minimise distortion and efficiency. Most of the articles are based round the design of a specific amplifier, making this book especially valuable for anyone considering building a Self amplifier from scratch. Self is senior designer with a high-end audio manufacturer, as well as a prolific and highly respected writer. His career in audio design is reflected in the articles in this book, originally published in the pages of Electronics World and Wireless World over a 25 year period. * An audio amp design cookbook, comprising 35 of Douglas Self’s definitive audio design articles * Complete designs for readers to build and adapt * An anthology of classic designs for electronics enthusiasts, Hi-Fi devotees and professional designers alike
obrazek The Audiophile Loudspeaker anyone can build - Gene Healy The Audiophile Loudspeaker: Anyone Can Build" is a profusely illustrated "How-to" book that describes in easy-to-understand language how simple it is to build a world-class stereo loudspeaker system for the home. No hard-to-understand concepts or difficult terminology, just clear directions & fun. This easy-to-read book describes a fascinating project that will reward the reader with years of extraordinary listening pleasure. The market for "The Audiophile Loudspeaker: Anyone Can Build" is as broad as the consumer audio industry is vast.

The 17 chapters of "How to Gain Gain" give a detailed insight into a collection of the most common gain producing and constant current generating possibilities (28) of triodes for audio pre-amplifier purposes. These chapters also offer complete sets of formulae to calculate gain, frequency and phase responses of certain building blocks built-up with this type of vacuum valve (tube). In all cases detailed derivations of the gain formulae were also presented. All what is needed are the data sheet valve characteristic figures of the triode's mutual conductance, the gain factor and the internal plate (anode) resistance. To calculate frequency and phase responses of gain stages the different data sheet based input and output capacitances have to be taken into account as well. To calculate transfer functions for any kind of triode driven gain stage, including all its bias setting, frequency and phase influencing components, example MathCad worksheets as a second part of each chapter allow easy follow-up and application of the respective formulae. In addition, to demonstrate the differences of feedback and non-feedback relationships, in the last chapter and on MathCad basis, a very extensive and complete calculation example for a three stage linear pre-amplifier as well as a three stage RIAA equalized phono amplifier plays the wind up role of the book.

obrazek Podręcznik akustyki przeznaczony dla studentów I lub II roku wydziałów matematyczno-fizycznych uniwersytetów i wyższych szkół pedagogicznych bądź kierunków związanych z elektroniką, mechaniką, budownictwem czy architekturą (politechniki). Autor z dużym zacięciem dydaktycznym stara się wyjaśnić takie zagadnienia, jak: źródła dźwięku z ciągłym rozkładem pobudzenia na powierzchni, ugięcia fali, fal stojących, układów akustycznych, akustyki pomieszczeń, rozpraszania, refrakcji i pochłaniania, ruchomych źródeł dźwięku. Korzystanie z podręcznika nie wymaga znajomości zaawansowanych metod matematycznych, a stosowane metody są w tekście szczegółowo wyjaśniane. Większość ćwiczeń ma charakter czysto rachunkowy, a ich celem jest oswojenie czytelnika z opisem najczęściej spotykanych źródeł i fal akustycznych.

W broszurze omówiono amatorską budowę wzmacniacza małej częstotliwości do odbiornika detektorowego oraz podano ogólnie zasadę działana takiego wzmacniacza. Broszura jest przeznaczona dla początkujących radioamatorów.

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