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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
It was a match not made in heaven, but in pound notes - an arranged engagement between a girl of thirteen and a lord's younger son. Since then, thirteen years have passed, and as her betrothed has been sowing his wild oats, Penny has grown up, grown impatient, and grown resentful. In fact, she's vowed never to marry the man who blighted her life and destroyed her dreams.

Viscount Westfield is happy enough to return the bridal dowry. But one look at Penny and Westfield knows he can never, ever let her go.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02


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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
You're terrified I'll force myself upon you. And worse, that you'll enjoy it.”

Aisling Ó Brannon should hate the Vikings who raided her village...especially after she’s captured as a gift for King Magnus by warrior Tharand Hardrata. But while her head says one thing, her body says quite another. Her attraction to the fierce and forbidding warrior cannot be ignored...even though she’s intended for another man’s bed.

Tharand has vowed not to conquer Aisling, saving her for the king instead. But the beautiful Irish noblewoman awakes a powerful desire in him. He can’t stop himself from arousing her, bringing her to the peak of pleasure while trying to honor his promise. As they near Magnus’s domain, Tharand’s restraint is tested beyond endurance. Soon he must choose: please his king...or keep his captive love-slave for himself.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Set in the year 1214 on English soil, near the border. Dominic Dragon of Pendragon was one of King John's most trusted knights. Even so, the Dragon Lord was surprised when the king gave him Ayrdale. King John had executed the Baron of Ayrdale for treason. Dominic was to immediately take up residence and marry either the widow or the daughter of the deceased Lord.

Lady Rose was all thorns on the outside! Trained as a warrior she guarded her mother, twin sister, and people until such time as her father returned. Instead of her father, the Dragon Lord arrived. Knowing the knight would want a meek wife and would chose her twin, Starla, to wed, Rose tricked him into believing the warrior sister was named Starla. Right after the wedding, Starla and their mother left for the convent. Newly married, Rose stayed home (now named Dragonwyck) to deal with Dominic.

Except when in bed, the two clashed! Things worsen when her uncle, Murdoc MacTavish, arrived with his men to claim the castle. Rose's marriage would not deter him. He and his step-son, Gunn, would do anything necessary to claim Dragonwyck as his own!

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
obrazek 1998
Aimee Fortune LaMotte hated Nick Drummond with good reason. The rogue gambler had swindled her father out of everything he owned. And then had demanded a passionate night with Aimee to pay off her own gambling debts, leaving her with an illegitimate child. Years later, Nick enters the burning South as a Union officer. And though Aimee's heart cries out for revenge, she is undone by the gentleness and nobility of the man who had wronged her years before.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
obrazek 2008
In the ninth century, Wulfric the Ruthless has no time to grieve the loss of his wife and their unborn child; killed during a Danish raid on his farm. His heart and head are filled with one thought, revenge.

The Norsemen abduct beautiful Reyna, who vows vengeance on the Viking Warrior who kidnapped her. She is beyond anger when she is dumped as a slave to Wulfric, whom initially she thought was the ruthless man who stole her from her home, but quickly realized she was wrong though the Viking she hates looks similar to her master. Wulfric does not want her on his farm. However, as they begin to know one another, they begin to fall in love. He must open his heart to love while she must trust her heart to love if they are to overcome their respective past

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Twenty-five year old Isabel currently lives in England at her late grandmother's cottage as she recovers from a miscarriage and a divorce. England is not a strange land for Isabel as her English mother has lived there following the death of her American husband (Isabel's father) three years ago.

Isobel wanders a cemetery filled with the gravestones of her ancestors when the weather turns nasty. She seeks shelter, which Isabel finds in a dilapidated castle. There she notices a beautiful chalice.

Not long afterward, Isobel realizes something is not right in her world. She is no longer amidst ruins, but instead is inside a thriving castle. Stranger yet is the body that her mind resides in as she learns she is married to Hunter and living in Windermere Castle as his wife Detra in 1315. As she adapts to a new body and century (a bit too easily) she falls in love with her spouse who wonders if his wife is beginning to love him though he worries about her sanity

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
England, Late 1100s: A witch foretells to Lord Faulk Brookstone that there is only one woman in existence capable of giving him heirs. She is golden of hair, golden of eyes, and sports the marking of the rose. The witch gives him a final warning: "As she comes through the water, so can the water take her away." Faulk shrugs the old woman off and continues on his way, putting her declaration from his mind.

Flash forward six years: Recently back from battle, Faulk is riding along the beach when he happens upon the unconscious body of a golden haired woman that is barely clinging to life. He picks up the mystery lady and carries her inside of his keep where his nursemaid Mildred attends to her. Mildred is the only other person Faulk ever confided in about the witch's prophesy, so when she finds an intricate drawing of a rose on the shoulder of the unconscious woman while undressing her, she immediately rushes to Faulk with the news. Faulk is momentarily stunned, but quickly recovers with a new and fierce determination. This mystery woman will heal and she will marry him, whether she wants to or not...

England, Present Day: After returning from a visit with her family in France, Nadine du Monte arrives at her flat in England only to be given some horrific news: her parents have been killed in a car crash. She makes immediate plans to head back to France, but since it is late in the evening the only available mode of transportation is the ferry. Grief-stricken, Nadine books passage and sets sail across the English Channel. At some point during the trip, she is overcome with a dizzy spell that knocks her off balance and sends her plunging into the cold waters of the channel.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02


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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
No one can tell the hot-blooded Scottish lass whom to marry! But the much-feared man Nora runs to for protection may be more perilous to her heart than any unwanted groom...

And much more difficult to tame.


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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Fiercely devoted to her people and her land, Queen Adara refuses to let a power-mad usurper steal her crown. But the only way to protect what is hers is to seek out the man she married in childhood.

A proud, tormented warrior, Christian of Acre owes allegiance only to the mysterious Brotherhood — and has no wish to be king over anyone but himself. Now a bold and beautiful stranger has appeared in his rooms, tempting him with an irresistible seduction and demanding he accompany her back to their kingdoms ... or, at the very least, provide her with an heir to her throne. Though he cannot abandon the brave regal lady to her enemies, Christian dares not give in to his traitorous body's desires. Yet how can he deny the passion that is rightfully his and the ecstasy that awaits him in Adara's kiss?

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
In this first novel in the Ryland Brothers series, Devlin Ryland, Waterloo war hero has returned to London in triumph, acclaimed for his courage and daring as he saved the life of one of England's officers. Devlin is embarrassed by the attention, as he wants no part of this, his newfound glory, nor reminders of a war and the part he played in it. A very good friend (from ELUSIVE PASSION) invited him to a house party on the outskirts of London, mentioning that he might be interested in looking at a property nearby to settle down in. It was at this house party that he would discover a woman who kindled his interest and desires like none he had ever met before the sister of his host, the tall and beautiful Lady Blythe Christian.

Unfortunately, the lady who brings all his yearnings to the forefront, and stirring passions and feelings he is too afraid to recognize, wants nothing at all to do with England's heralded champion. This hero, Devlin, saved the life of the man who was Blythe's betrothed...who after he recovered, heartlessly married another. No matter how devastatingly handsome, kind and gentle he appears to her, Devlin is a constant reminder of the pain and humiliation she felt at being betrayed. As a result of this betrayal, Blythe, has sworn to never marry, never trust her heart to another man only to run the risk of having it broken again. Devlin, dealing with his own feelings of inadequacy for all the adulation of being a hero, didn't believe he knew what love was. The only thing he knew was that no one made him feel like this and with Blythe, for the first time he found himself wanting something more.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Lady Sophia Aberley swore she would never let Julian Rexley, Earl of Wolfram, in her home or in her sight again. Though years have passed, she has not yet forgotten the humiliation of scandal -- having been banished to the country. But she cannot abandon a friend in need, even if that friend is Julian's sister. And now Sophia's back in London, awash in unwanted emotions ... including a lingering desire for the dashing rogue responsible for her ruin.

Julian can't believe his headstrong young sister has brought Sophia into his home, especially when he knows that she is the "anonymous" author of a tell-all about their past. And he's even more shocked to find out that he still aches to touch the exquisite lady, even though she refuses to admit that it was he who was wronged. Perhaps it's a good thing Sophia dislikes him so. Otherwise he'd find himself surrendering to the intoxicating lure of her kiss -- and they both know the kind of trouble that can lead to!

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
When love is threatened by truth, every moment counts... Circle of Friends, Book 2 Steve Sommers is having a gut-wrenching week. His fiance has left him, the woman who broke his heart is back in town-and they're all gathered at the bedside of his best friend, who's in a coma. The emotional ties between them are strained to the breaking point. Like it or not, it's up to Steve to find the strength and compassion to support the four of them through the toughest ordeal of their lives. In the midst of the turmoil and trauma, passion unexpectedly flares anew between Steve and the woman he loves. Suddenly the future he'd believed lost lies within his reach. But she still carries the secret that once tore them apart, and determined to protect Steve from the truth, she fights their rekindled relationship every step of the way. Now the fragile bond they've developed hangs in the balance, threatened by a reality that love may not be strong enough to overcome... Warning: This book might just make you cry, but it'll make you smile as well. The story will probably get you all hot and bothered too. It contains naughty activities in the car, sex on the kitchen counter (and up against the wall), a quickie in the garden, a little experimenting with scarves-oh, and some hot loving in the bedroom.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
How do you choose between love and honor? Menage and More Anthology Madeline Jones is having the time of her life with Gabriel Carter, a man who fulfills every one of her sexual fantasies. She's sure it can't get any better than this.until Gabe introduces her to his best friend. When Connor Regan enters the mix, sparks fly. Suddenly Maddie wants more than just Gabe, she wants Connor, too. The two men seem happy to oblige. But threesomes have a way of getting complicated. Hearts can be broken. Although Gabe and Connor play by a strict set of rules designed to minimize the damage, true love does not always adhere to the guidelines. Sometimes, to fulfill the dream of having the love of a lifetime, even the most comprehensive codes of honor have to be challenged. Warning: This book contains spicy sex scenes, uninhibited voyeurism, m-f-m passion, anal play, and a new sandwich recipe.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Can friends become lovers.can lovers remain friends? A prequel to Ask Adam. Daniel Tanner's through with being loved like the proverbial brother. He intends to make his best friend, Amy Morgan, blaze with the same desire he feels for her. The plan? Initiate a series of escapades that will have Amy falling into his arms-and into his bed. When her trusted buddy suddenly turns up the heat, Amy finds it impossible to resist his sexy advances. But as his best friend, she knows a thing or two about Daniel. While he may be charming and gorgeous, he's also commitment phobic. If she trusts her heart to him, she's sure he'll leave it-and their friendship-shattered in a million pieces. This book has been previously published and has been revised from its original release. Warning: Contains smoking hot love scenes between two best friends who can't seem to keep their hands off each other.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
In love with Richard Lennox, Earl of Downe, since childhood, Letitia Hornsby pursues him relentlessly. To her, he is a gift from God; to him, she is a hellion. Eventually, of course, he realizes what a treasure she is, but there are plenty of hilarious "Letty-caused" disasters to be enjoyed before this knowledge sinks in. Barnett (Bewitching, Pocket Bks., 1993) has produced a funny, charmingly told tale filled with witty dialog, delightful characters, and a healthy dash of magic.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
She was blessed with a gift of temptation.

Violet, Lady Carrington, possesses everything a spirited woman could want out of life. Money (and lots of it). The freedom to make her own choices, with no husband to rule her. And a delightfully attentive young lover, Lord Peter St. Johns, to satisfy her every wild whim. But Peter desires more than Violet's lascivious attentions. He's desperate for her heart-and her hand in marriage.

Yet with a toss of her russet curls, Violet refuses. A man like Peter belongs with a naive, blushing beauty, not a luscious lady with a talent for sin, and she would rather die than be beholden to anyone. But try as she might, she cannot convince him-or herself-that their tantalizing dalliance is a mere trifle. Perhaps Lady Carrington has finally met her match-a man who will love but not control her, a man who can meet her wickedness with a fierce passion of his own . . .

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
A sweeping novel set in war-torn 1928 China, with a star-crossed love story at its center.

In a city full of thieves and Communists, danger and death, spirited young Lydia Ivanova has lived a hard life. Always looking over her shoulder, the sixteen-year-old must steal to feed herself and her mother, Valentina, who numbered among the Russian elite until Bolsheviks murdered most of them, including her husband. As exiles, Lydia and Valentina have learned to survive in a foreign land.

Often, Lydia steals away to meet with the handsome young freedom fighter Chang An Lo. But they face danger: Chiang Kai Shek's troops are headed toward Junchow to kill Reds like Chang, who has in his possession the jewels of a tsarina, meant as a gift for the despot's wife. The young pair's all-consuming love can only bring shame and peril upon them, from both sides. Those in power will do anything to quell it. But Lydia and Chang are powerless to end it.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Juliana MacKay had absolutely no desire, and was dead-set against traveling to Eilean Creag Castle to repay the Black Stag laird, Duncan MacKenzie, a debt. Juliana had her own opinion of the infamous laird and it wasn't favorable. Her mother lay dying, and with her labored breath begged Juliana to see it done - repay the debt and carry a missive to the laird that would hopefully right a wrong committed so many years ago.

About the same time Robbie MacKenzie, the sole heir to the Black Stag clan, after a ten-year absence of sowing his wild oats, was on his way home to dutifully marry his betrothed from a rival clan. Along the way, he happened upon and was struck dumb by the vision that was Juliana MacKay. As it happened, Juliana had been struck herself - in the head - while trying to save a drowning ewe. Unfortunately, the blow to her head had knocked her senseless and removed most of her memory as to where she was going, and why.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Lady Caterine Keith of Dunlaidir is in need of a champion to defend her strategically located castle. She's been widowed twice and doesn't want another husband. Well, maybe a pretend one would do. Her matchmaking sister, Linnet, the bride of Duncan MacKenzie, sends Sir Marmaduke Strongbow to her aid. He is a battle-scarred warrior who is valiant and true, but will only accept her offer if she will marry him and be a true wife to him. In addition, Marmaduke has to fight off some viscous suitors and help a young laird find his rightful place in Dunlaidir. He has his work cut out for him. You will love his techniques in love and battle. Oh, what a knight!

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Rome, 68 B.C.
In a bid to save her father's reputation when he falls ill, Lydia Veratia makes the mistake of selling Falerian wine which had been promised to Fabius Aro. It's a mistake she may come to regret because Fabius isn't about to leave empty-handed and is threatening to expose the senator as a debtor which would ruin him. The only thing they have that would interest him is Lydia herself.

Known as the Sea Wolf, Fabius Aro is determined to honor the vow he made to his father on his deathbed - to restore the Fabii family as one of the first families of Rome. The money he would have received from the shipment of wine would have enabled him to carry out the final stages of his plans. Imagine his disappointment when he learns that the senator's daughter, Lydia, has sold the wine without her father's knowledge or approval.

Fabius is furious over the loss of the wine cargo which he'd been promised. Lydia knows that she's erred and rather than allow her father to take the blame or risk Fabius exposing her father as a debtor and ruining him, she ventures to tell Fabius that if anyone should be punished it should be her, which gives him an idea for a way to restore his family's name without buying his way in - marriage to Lydia, a patrician woman.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Viken Haakon Haroldson comes to Lindisfarne, Northumbria with his felag to do business and more importantly to get the money lawfully owed him. In a flash of a second mayhem breaks out. A monk kills his man Erik and a blood lust drives Bjorn into a frenzy. Annis and her maidservant Mildred fled to hiding but no one is safe from the maddened beserker or the secret of what really happened in that room. As a business deal with the church turns into a raid, this strange handsome Viken protects Annis and then absconds with her, taking her to his homeland planning to ransom her and the captive monks. Haakon delivers the high born Annis of Birdoswald into the hands of his stepmother Gudrun and her maidservant Tove. Removed from all that she held dear, Annis must work with the other Viken women as she waits for the ransom that she knows may never come. Forced to work at demanding tasks, can she find joy in her captivity as she forms friendships and tries to maneuver among the internal household politics especially when her Lindisfarne home is so far away? As a Christian women whose uncle was Abbot of Lindisfarne, duty and faith compels her to protect the captive monks but her trust might just endanger herself and the monks! As the truth of the raid events comes to light can Haakon prevent a blood feud and protect the captive woman who has claimed his heart? Will one kiss lead to love?

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
A heavily pregnant young woman is leaving the shopping mall to head home on a horribly hot day in Texas. Her normal life of shopping, husband, children, with the extra excitement of the imminent baby, stretches before her. And then she is bundled into a car and kidnapped by a desperate young man. What does he want? Where are they going? In scenes that alternate between the desperate husband, pursuing by car and helicopter with an alarmingly laid-back FBI man, who may or may not be as good as he thinks he is at rescuing hostages, and the more and more threatened wife, Eleven Hours is a tour de force of storytelling power from an author with a proven track-record of delivering the goods.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
It's Beauty and the Beast in the Garden of Eden, when Lady Demelza (Melly) Ahern, and Tristan (Drake) Hannaford, Earl of Shelldrake clash head-on at Drake's Lair, the earl's Cornwall estate. Drake, returning from five years at war on the Peninsular, finds Melly gathering herbs on his lush, burgeoning land, confiscates her gathering basket, and forbids her to gather there again.

Melly, impoverished by her father's gambling debts, and shunned by the ton after his subsequent suicide, turns to her love of making herbal preparations for her livelihood. Evicted by the strange, brooding earl without explanation, she is determined to find out the reason that no one will tell. Sparks fly when they fall in love. But is love enough to bear the earl's dark secret? Can two so totally different and strong-willed souls at cross purposes ever join, or will that secret tear them apart?

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
In 1815, on the coast of Cornwall stands the forbidding estate Ravencliff Manor. At her rapid approach via carriage, it's new baroness, Sara, is not quite sure what she's gotten herself into. A marriage by proxy, while not wholly uncommon, was still a rather odd way to secure a husband. The phrase `beggars can't be choosers' holds true in Sarah's case as her husband literally purchased her freedom from the bowels of the Fleet, London's notorious debtors prison. The air of intrigue and mystery only thickens when she meets her devastatingly handsome husband, Nicholas and the two settle into an uncomfortable routine. Frequent visits by a dog, Nero, triggers a chain of events that embroil Sara into a world of mystery and danger. All is not right in the dark, twisted maze of Ravencliff Manor, and Sara is quite capable of shaking the tenuous control Nicholas thinks he wields.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Dean MacLeod is an independent woman; she runs her family ranch and knows what she wants and will let nothing stand in her way to get it. Ten years ago Jake Reynolds, her first and only love, left her without a second glance. Dean loved Jake passionately and has never loved another in those long and lonely years. No one has ever made Dean feel the way Jake did and when he arrives back in Arizona, Dean is determined to show him what he has been missing all these years. She quickly loses control when the sexual attraction between her and Jake becomes to hot and too much to ignore.

Jake, a Customs Agent, is back in Arizona after transferring from California to be close to his ailing mother -- and maybe to have a second chance with Dean. In the years they have been apart Dean has never been out of Jake's thoughts or his heart, and he knows how wrong he was to leave her. He's not going to make the same mistake twice. When Jake learns about the cattle rustling going on at Dean's ranch and those ranches around her, Jake is even more determined to stick close to Dean, to keep her safe and to win her trust and love again.

A wild ride! Cheyenne McCray delivers a seductive, titillating, highly erotic romance with two fascinating, endearing and electrifying characters. I love Dean MacLeod right from the beginning, she is a women that all women everywhere wish to be. Dean is very comfortable with her body, her sexuality and is full of humor, sassiness and stubborn pride. She shows in many different ways how much she wants Jake but will guard her heart from this one man who could destroy her all over again.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
Hi this is one hot and steamy contemporary romance. It is set on an island for adults who want to have their fantasies fulfilled. Enter one bored and afraid to show her sexuality woman and one male who writes adult romances and the sparks start to fly. You can't go wrong by purchasing this book Jaci is a wonderful author and you will love these characters and you will be glad to know its the first of a wonderful series. So there will be more to come what more could you want.

z chomika shadows78

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  • 16 maj 14 12:02
This is an insatiable story of tasting the forbidden fruit. Liana has been chosen by the Sorcerer. She cannot mate with anyone other than him. The Sorcerer has got to get her before moon change... but Aric, the king of the Nordain, beings that transform from human to bird form, captures Liana before this happens. Liana cannot believe that the object of her fantasies and desires has come to her rescue. Aric, too, is attracted to Liana and he finds it difficult to resist the beautiful faerie girl with the moonlight tresses and luminous beauty. But Aric cannot succumb to Liana's seduction, for he'd endanger the fate of his people. But will he be able to resist the forbidden fruit?

I just loved the erotic descriptions in this novel. This novel contains several of the best erotic scenes ever. They're delectable beyond words. And this is also one of the most unique love stories I've ever read. This novel takes fantasy into new heights! I just couldn't put this novel down. It enthralled me from beginning to end. The other parts of this series haven't been released in paperback, but I hope that Ellora's Cave releases them soon. I have become addicted to this author's work! I cannot recommend this beautiful fantasy romantica enough!

z chomika shadows78

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