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Hunted (Brides of the Kindred #2) by Evangeline Anderson.pdf

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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
obrazek When Barbary Pride lions are blamed for the brutal murder of a she-wolf shifter, animosity flares and tempers ignite. In a moment of desperation, the victim’s mate kidnaps Jizette and threatens to return her, one piece at a time, until the murderer is turned over to Timberline pack. Kage is afraid his grief-stricken friend will follow through with his grisly threat, so he hides the terrified cat, giving her pride time to investigate the murder. Jizette isn’t sure what to think of her rescuer. He’s gruff and aggressive, and stirs feelings she doesn’t want to feel. Interspecies couples are shunned. Forbidden. Yet, the flash of his eyes and the press of his muscular body, make her burn as never before. To protect her, Kage must take her beyond the walls of Alpha Colony, and expose her to a world she’s never experienced before. His rash plan might incinerate the sheltered beauty, or free her to become more than she ever dreamed possible.
obrazek Determined to move beyond his decadent past, Matt, the infamous Toymaker, embarks on a journey of self-discovery. He once created pleasure aids and sexual companions and is now a “replicant” himself. Though primitive and superstitious, the Perrlain Tribe holds the secret to his survival, or at least his sanity.After Serena’s highly erotic ascension to spiritual healer status, she grows uncomfortable surrendering herself to sexual release. The tribe’s high priestess sees an opportunity for Matt and Serena to help each other. Matt will reintroduce Serena to carnal pleasure and she will balance his soul stream.Matt and Serena’s attraction soon transcends physical pleasure, but mutual enemies reveal that Matt is a “soulless machine”. Serena has been taught that technology is evil, but her heart refuses to believe. Now she’s faced with an impossible choice, honor the sacred teachings or betray her tribe so she can be with the man she loves.
obrazek Rebel leader Corry Reah has a problem. His name is Ashton VinDerley. Though they are sworn enemies she cant make herself hate him. Compelling and powerful he fascinates and seduces her making her long for pleasures she has never known before. He teases and tempts caresses and challenges until she forgets who is captive and who is captor.Korbin is having no better luck than his sister Corry. He has promised to keep his hands off stunningly beautiful Danette but she haunts his dreams summoning a dark primitive part of his nature that he hasnt indulged in years. How can he resist a captive who wants nothing more than to submit? She offers her body without reservation and he is powerless to resist. She is crucial to the upcoming negotiations but Korbin is no longer sure he can set her free.
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