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Anthology - On the Hunt.pdf

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New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter, Shannon K. Butcher, Jessica Anderson, and Deidre Knight present a steamy collection of all-new novellas featuring sexy paranormal hunters.

With shadowy creatures, intoxicating magic, vivdly imagined worlds, and sizzling passion, this is an anthology no fan of paranormal romance will want to miss.


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika

In this engrossing book, Paul Barber surveys centuries of folklore about vampires and offers the first scientific explanation for the origins of the vampire legends. From the tale of a sixteenth-century shoemaker from Breslau whose ghost terrorized everyone in the city, to the testimony of a doctor who presided over the exhumation and dissection of a graveyard full of Serbian vampires, his book is fascinating reading.

Pozycja obowiązkowa dla tych, którzy chcą wiedzieć więcej - szkoda, że nie przetłumaczono jej na polski


Torn - Julie Kenner

Lily is in trouble of the deepest kind. Having been tricked by the forces of evil, she killed what she thought were 'demons' at will. Now, she knows better, and with a little help from half-angel, half-demon Deacon Camphire, she must try to take down the bad guys from within as a double agent. nareszcie jej już mnie dziś od niej nie odciągnie:P thz Ola:)) ehh czy ja wytrzymam do 25.12 kiedy wypuszczają kolejną część?:P oto jest pytanie
obrazek Malibu, California-home to rock-and-roll gods and movie stars, the beautiful, the rich . . . and vampires. Powerful and charismatic, Raphael is a Vampire Lord, one of the few who hold the power of life and death over every vampire in existence. Thousands call him Master and have pledged absolute loyalty on their very lives. But when, in a brazen and deadly daylight attack, a gang of human killers kidnaps the one female vampire he'd give his life for, Raphael turns to a human investigator to find his enemies before it's too late. Cynthia Leighton is smart, tough and sexy, a private investigator and former cop who's tired of spying on cheating spouses and digging out old bank accounts. When Raphael asks for her help in tracking down the kidnappers, Cyn's happy to accept. But she soon realizes her greatest danger comes not from the humans, but from Raphael himself. Battling Russian mobsters and treacherous vampires, and betrayed by those they trusted, Cyn and Raphael find themselves fighting for their lives while caught up in a passion of blood and violence that is destined to destroy them both.
obrazek Local vampire leader, Raven Montgomery, is on the verge of an impossible accomplishment among female vampires, gaining her full power without the aid of a mate. Under pressure from her creator and the threat of death, she is forced to entertain the attentions of Astor, the French suitor chosen for her. As blood daemon, Jareth is the hired help. As her bodyguard, he must follow her through this journey of lovers and hide his true feelings for the woman he’s always protected. Can Raven accept her fate as someone’s trophy wife? Or will Jareth’s jealousy be too much for them both?
obrazek The Gray Armageddon has destroyed most of humanity. Vampires have slinked out of hiding, penning the few human survivors as blood cattle. Young Julia Poe survives the horror. She has dodged the undead since she was eight years old in downtown Los Angeles and has the only untapped vein in the new realm. Now she celebrates her 22nd birthday as a cattle rustler, fighting the vampire factions alongside a gun-toting nun with an even bigger vendetta. Kaleb Sainvire, the master vampire and architect responsible for `milking cattle,' is first on Poe's list. That is, if she isn't taken by his vampiric allure.
obrazek Honie Deveian is willing to do almost anything to regain the lost pieces of her memory, even work for Central Command. When she's assigned to escort a small group of shifters into Central Command space to retrieve some stolen shifter artifacts, she's nervous. Her worst fears are realized when she discovers that she's been sent to meet her mate's thent. The very people who'd left her in the prison where part of her memory had been stolen from her. For the last four years, Mace Fallin has thought that his mate was dead. When he discovers she's alive, he's elated. He knows she's angry and supsicious, but isn't willing to let this second chance slip away from him. But their mission will take them straight into danger. They'll have to face their enemies to have a chance at a future together.
obrazek Every weekend, former army man, Richard Rollins watches his new neighbors throw their decadent sex parties without feeling anything. All he does is watch, just as the neighbors do. The past has numbed his emotions, save one. Guilt. Until one night, Niki waves to him. Niki and Bryan are intrigued by the man, who watches them, more than the people screwing in front of them. Their parties have become boring. So, they decide to find out just who this man is. Their way. With vibrators and remotes and lube. And each step takes them closer to knowing Richard and wanting to know more. Suddenly under the aroused attention of his neighbors, Rich thinks it's a game, but plays along. Putting the control of their sexual exploits in his hand tempts Rich more than anything else has in a long time. But when self-reproach seeps back into Rich about his past from when he served in Afghanistan and Iraq, Niki and Bryan will have convince him he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by falling in love.
obrazek A blacksmith has never seemed so sexy to the vampire Henri until he meets Nathan, the son of a dying friend. Nathan's everything he isn't. Impulsive and carefree, poetry in motion, and yet, there's an incredible power lurking inside those muscular depths: the critical ability to draw off emotions. Beyond the growing bond between them, trouble lurks. For another vampire, Bellario, has discovered what Nathan can do and wants it for himself. He'll use anything to get it, including Nathan's neighbors and a former lover, who's bent on revenge, against Nathan. Henri's determined not to lose Nathan like he lost his last student. But his blood lust threatens, and if he can't contain it, people will die. Nathan's siphoning powers help, but they're no match for Henri's emotional rush. Making him a vampire will increase those powers, Henri has sworn not to turn him unless his life is in danger. That condition is filled when Bellario's riled up mob comes to burn Nathan out. But will Nathan and Henri be able to fight the crush and forge the currents of lust into something more lasting?
obrazek Freelance photographer, Theo, is snapping pictures downtown when he takes something he didn't bargain on, a picture of a man leaning over a woman. When a woman is found dead in that area, Theo knows he has the face of a killer in his pictures. Anna Grace arrives in Richmond to track Titius, a deadly vampire, who thinks humans are only good for one thing: food. And now her nemesis has let himself be photographed over the body of a kill. When Anna Grace goes to retrieve the incriminating pictures before they are made public, Theo catches her. He's a human with the ability to push other's minds into what he wants them to do, including hers. He also does what no man has been able to do since she was made into a vampire: dominate her in sizzling sex. From there, it's a race to what Titius seeks to complete plans, and there's a few losses along the way. This night's journey must result in victory for the organized stable vampires, or humanity and many vampires, and the passion between Anna Grace and Theo will be casualties of war.
obrazek Roses are red... blood red. Lang hungers for power. He wants a Conduit and thinks he's found one in Crimson Daly. He hires mercenary vampire Rojo Rose to quietly bring her in. But when Rojo meets her, and she kisses him, bites his lip and shoves him away, Rojo realizes bringing her to Lang might be his most difficult assignment ever. She intrigues him more than anyone else... until he finds out Lang wants to use her in the way Rojo fears the most. Crimson dreams of roses, blood and killing, not a good thing when the vampire you're in lust with's last name is Rose. They can't stay away from each other. Their passion explodes everyplace they go. Then Crimson is betrayed, and Rojo must face his darkest fear to become her Rose and save her life.
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