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Jesus miał 6 lat gdy pod opieką starszego brata Enrique rozpoczął tworzyć pierwsze kompozycje. Po zakończeniu Wojny Domowej w Hiszpanii kontynuował naukę w Real Conservatorio de Madrid, kończąc naukę gry na pianinie, a równolegle uczył się prawa i pisał popularne opowiadania - pisał je pod pseudonimem David Khume. W tym też czasie zdecydował się wstąpić do Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematográicas (IIEC), gdzie przez dwa lata zajmował się reżyserią i grał jako aktor. Później wyjechał do Paryża, gdzie na Sorbonie studiował techniki reżyserskie. Pracował tam jako kompozytor i asystent wielu znamienitych reżyserów. Początkowo reżyserował filmy krótkometrażowe o tematyce kulturalnej.
Jest jednym z największych reżyserów kina grozy i ma w swym dorobku zarówno filmy artystyczne, filmy klasy B, ale i kino typowo erotyczne. Jego dzieła zawsze były produkcjami niskobudżetowymi, ale były dopracowane i kręcone z pełnym zaangażowaniem. Jest bardzo twórczym autorem. Bywało że kręcił równocześnie kilka filmów, z udziałem podobnych zespołów aktorskich.
Nakręcił ponad 180 filmów i praktycznie w każdym z nich grywał małe role - adwokata, portiera, muzyka - za każdym razem postacie dziwne i komiczne zarazem.
Jego twórczość wywarła wpływ praktycznie w całej filmowej Europie, a także w USA - kontaktował się min. z Rogerem Cormanem. Jest jednym z najbardziej niepokornych reżyserów hiszpańskich i dzięki swej pracowitości udało mu się osiągnąć niezależność , jakiej zawsze pragnął. Nadal pracuje, tworząc na przekór trendom, choć z powodu podeszłego wieku coraz mniej.
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  • 450,7 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17

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  • 21 paź 23 9:17

The Killer Barbies (Silvia, Billy, Muerte, Jeyper-man, and guest Bela Blasko) are playing at Tivoli World, a Wild West park in Spain. Komrade Irina [Lina Romay] and Komrade Ivan Ivanovich [Viktor Seastrom] arrive from Transylvania, bringing with them the "dead" Count Dracula [Kike Sarasola] to be placed on display. After hearing the Killer Barbies, however, Dracula awakens, falls in love with Silvia (who looks like Charo on a bad hair day), and decides to make her his own. Realizing that they have a vampire on their hands, park owners Pepe Morgan and Martin Fierro call in the world famous, blind vampire hunter, Dr Seward [Dan van Husen]. While Seward tries to track Dracula with his nose, Dracula manages to knock off a few cast members -- a faux Dracula, Bela, an acrobot with orange hair, and both Komrades Ivan and Irina. When Dracula tries to bite Silvia during a performance, Dr Seward decides to use Silvia as bait. He sends her out walking alone. When Dracula follows, they pursue and stake him. Dracula metamorphs into a white rabbit and hops away.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 700,3 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
Abigail Philipps martwi się losami swojej siostry, która przebywała w klinice psychiatrycznej. Żeby tam się dostać musi przyjąć się na pacjentkę ów szpitala. Jednak, gdy już tam wchodzi, jej życie diametralnie się zmienia. Oznajmia sobie, że to będzie najtrudniejszy czas w jej życiu. Wszystkie tortury są nie do wytrzymania i w dodatku nie można się stamtąd wydostać, ponieważ na straży stoi bezlitosna Greta. Jednak Abigail będzie próbować różnych sposobów, żeby się stamtąd wydostać...

z chomika Gonzob

  • 625,2 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
A young doctor kills himself after a medical committee terminates his research into human embryos, considering it too inhumane. His wife then seeks revenge on those who drove her husband to his death by luring each member of the committee into compromising situations and then killing them one by one.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 700,3 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
Extremely bizarre Jess Franco flick about an actress (Lina Romay) who puts on sex shows with a story involving aliens who kidnap girls and knock them up. The first gag is that the women, due to the super sperm, can deliver 600 babies an hour. The second gag is that real aliens see this and decide to get in on the action. This is probably the best sex comedy I've seen from Franco but I had to view it in Spanish without any subs so with subs I might like it even more. Romay, when she's not showing off her sex talent, can be very funny with a light comic touch and she gets to deliver that several times throughout the film. The sex scenes are all very soft and it's rather funny seeing Franco, a sex director, show why "sex is crazy" to look at. The alien make up at the start of the film is cheap but very effective looking.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,3 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
16-year-old Maria is forced into Serra D'Aires convent, secretly run by Satanists. Her confessor
is in collusion with the Mother Superior. Maria is tortured, forced into sex with men, women, and
the horned Devil, and told that it's all a bad dream. She writes a letter to God, and a Knight
rescues her, only to fall into the hands of the Inquisition, put on the rack, and condemned to
death like Joan of Arc.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 698,4 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
In Puerto Rico, a down-on-his-luck private detective is hired by a woman to take compromising photos of her husband, a notorioous nightclub owner. After he finishes the job, he finds himself hauled in by the police, who inform him that the nightclub owner has been murdered... and that he is the prime suspect.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 602,4 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
Lina Romay plays a bored housewife who goes out and gets sexual pleasure from anyone she comes into contact with.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 745,0 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
"Fury in the Tropics" is Jess Franco's ninth women-in-
prison film proper, although many of his other 150+ films
have women-in-prison-type themes and situations. Lina
Romay stars as the proverbial prostitute with a heart of
gold who lives and works in a bamboo-built brothel,
regularly servicing the freedom fighters who stroll
through. She falls in love with one of her customers, and
she and one of her sister call girls are sent to a women's
prison, where they are promptly stripped and whipped in
the prison yard in front of the other prisoners -- the two
are whipped with a riding crop more than fifty times!
Shortly thereafter the women are stripped and hung by their
wrists and then have their breasts and private areas poked
by a sword. The women plot their escape, but cannot be
saved from an incredibly brutal gang rape, even vicious by
Franco's standards and even more protracted than the similar
scene in Franco's WIP film "Ilsa, the Wicked Warden." Yes,
Jess certainly knows how to please his audience.

This film was shot in the early 1980's during a very low
budget period in Franco's career, and as a result we really
do not see one convincing prison set in this entire film,
some of which looks as though it could have been shot in the
back lot of a store or a mall. Nevertheless, no one who is
going to watch this film is looking for the scenery. The
cheap, sadistic WIP thrills are here in abundance, and unlike
"Sadomania" or even the four-way female sex scene in "Women
in Cell Block 9", there is absolutely no humor in "Fury in
the Tropics", just torture, rape, a fat dictator general, a
vicious lesbian wardress, and heavy drama. The acting is also
quite good. Fans of Franco's other WIP films should not miss,
though be aware that the alternate version of the film,
entitled "Outlaw Women", is missing most of the prison S&M but
has an extended escape ending not in the main version. A
hardcore version, "Orgasmo Perverso", supposedly exists, but
I don't believe it has ever turned up on video."

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,8 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
Three couples are staying at a hotel and all are having sexual issues. One day a professional porn star (Lina Romay) shows up and teaches everyone how to do it. This hardcore film is once again from Spanish director Jess Franco and this one here is certainly the best of the three I've seen. Again, I'm really not sure how to rate this stuff but Romay, when not sexually servicing everyone, has a lot of nice, comedic moments, which is why I rank this the highest. It's also nice seeing Susan Hemmingway, although it took me a while to get use to seeing her in hardcore scenes.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 673,2 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
Lina Romay, best known as Jess Franco's wife and cult actress, directed this one. Franco wrote the story, the music, and did almost everything else. So what can we expect?

Well humor has never been absent from Franco's work, so be prepared to laugh. I've seen the spanish version so I didn't get all the jokes, but overall the hardcore sex mixes well with the touching comedy moments Romay has directed.

A direct parody of Falcon Crest, this movie is brilliant porn, not so exciting but still very interesting. I've even spotted one of the zombies of VIRGIN AMONG THE LIVING DEAD during the scene where Sado Sommers is raped.

And when you'll find out what's the secret behind Falo Crest's excellent wine, your wine drinking evenings will never feel the same...

z chomika Gonzob

  • 699,7 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
Sex comedy from Jess Franco actually has the same source of Luis Bunuel's Diary of a Chambermaid but this here goes for way more laughs. The police raid a brothel and a prostitute (Lina Romay) escapes into the countryside. The woman, Celestine, ends up at a rich folks house where she ends up sleeping with two of the servants who then get her a job as a maid. Before long Celestine is sleeping with everyone trying to bring some joy to their lives. I was really letdown with this film after reading some positive reviews for it. Romay is cute and charming as always but the supporting cast, including Pamela Stanford, Monica Swinn and Howard Vernon are rather dull. The best scene is when Romay is trying to rest in the morning but at least seven people show up for sex. Each time a new one knocks at the door she must try and hide the one she's currently sleeping with.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 700,6 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
Italian spoken, hardcore import version of aka 'Al Otro Lado del Espejo/Lo Specchio del Piacere' the obscure 1973 film from Jess Franco. When Ana (Emma Cohen) decides to get married, her lesbian sister Marie (Lina Romay) commits suicide by plunging a dagger into her chest. From that moment onward Ana feels the impulse of killing all the men who intend to have a love affair with her while under the spell of her sister's ghost. This is the rarely seen Italian spoken hardcore version of the film and contains an abundance of hard lesbian action. This uncut/hardcore version has never been available in English language. This version of the film is a definite must for any true Jess Franco fan. With Emma Cohen, Lina Romay, Howard Vernon, Alice Arno, Francoise Brion and Philippe Lemaire.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 697,5 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
Maria (Lina Romay) is sentenced to life in prison for the murder of her sexually abusive father (Jess Franco). Upon her arrival at the prison, she meets the cold-blooded, sadistic wardress (Monica Swinn) and the spineless and equally sadistic Dr. Costa (Paul Müller). Together the two systematically torture and abuse the inmates, including Maria, who organizes a plan to rebel and escape...
Barbed Wire Dolls is one of Jess Franco's more infamous films. Produced by Swiss exploitation mogul Erwin C. Dietrich, the thinly plotted potboiler allows Franco to wallow in sadism, nudity and sleaze to an almost pathological degree, thus creating an atmosphere of Sadean cruelty. The end result may seem like a pointless exercise in exploitation, but Franco's treatment of the material transforms it into a dark meditation on the evil side of human nature. Though not the best of Franco's many forays into the "women in prison" or WIP genre (that would have to be the Harry Alan Towers-produced 99 Women, with a name cast that includes Herbert Lom and Maria Schell) it is perhaps the most direct in delivering up-front titilation and sadistic thrills. The camera lingers lovingly on the beautiful bodies of the various participants, notably Lina Romay and Martine Stedil, but the darker elements prevent the film from being a mere sex fest, it's difficult to imagine viewers becoming overly, um, stimulated by so dark and downbeat a film.
Key to the film's success is the expert performance of Paul Müller (Lady Frankenstein, Eugenie de Sade) as the pathetic Dr. Costa, a recurring name — if not identical character — in other Franco films. (Howard Vernon plays a more gleefully sadistic incarnation in Women in Cellblock 9.) Müller portrays Costa as a closet masochist under the control of the sadistic wardress (a wonderful caricature from Monica Swinn, made up to look far less fetching than she really is), who yearns for freedom and is unwilling to admit his own baser instincts. He falls in love with Romay's character, a move that proves fatal for him in a film where love, in any form, is either forbidden or deadly. As noted by producer Dietrich, the film is sloppy on the technical front — so much so that he considered shelving it without giving it any release; he fortunately reconsidered and made a big profit from it, leading to a 14 more collaborations with Jess Franco. What Franco goes for here is a sense of reality that ignores pretty photography and technical finesse — this gives the film something of a home movie feel, which adds to the disturbing quality. Though somewhat at odds with the campy tone of the wardress and some of the action, this stylistic decision gives the film a nervous energy that keeps it moving at a nice pace. It may not be a masterpiece, but it is an expert and surprisingly intelligent slice of exploitation from a man whose erotic cinema is less concerned with carnal stimulation than capturing and evoking a sense of sadness and futility.

z chomika Gonzob

  • 706,9 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17

z chomika Gonzob

  • 787,8 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
The rich but lonely Doriana Grey (Lina Romay) lives in an old castle together with her servant
Ziros. An American reporter (Monica Swinn) visits her to write an article which might also help
Doriana uncover a mysterious secret buried in her past. The secret turns out to be a twin sister
who is hidden in a psychiatric hospital, run by the mysterious Dr. Orloff. Born as Siamese twins
but separated after birth, Doriana suffered some sort of sexual trauma, while her sisters became
mentally defective. Doriana is a frigid sex vampire, telepathically connected to her twin sister who actually experiences the orgasms which elude Doriana. Ziros supplies Doriana with victims. Drawn to their sexual activity, Doriana appears to suck the life force out of her victims genitalia in search of the ultimate sexual climax. Doriana finally sees only one solution to her
suffering. She visits her twin sister to make love to her and suck out her vitality and sexual

z chomika Gonzob

  • 686,9 MB
  • 21 paź 23 9:17
Two young girls trying to escape the American attack on Manila are shipwrecked on a (not so) deserted island...

z chomika Gonzob

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