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Alfta Reginleif - Religious Practices of the Pre-Christian and Viking Age (2002).pdf

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Wikingowie3 - Osprey - Men-at-Arms 85 -Terence Wise - Saxon, Viking and Norman 1979.jpg
If there is one thing we can be sure of concerning the S ...
If there is one thing we can be sure of concerning the Saxons, Vikings and Normans who inhabited the medieval world, it is that they were a good deal more advanced than some writings would have us believe. This fascinating book by Terence Wise explores the history, organisation, clothing, equipment and weapons of Saxon, Viking and Norman peoples, covering wide-ranging topics such as Anglo-Saxon shields, Viking raiding ships and the organisation of Norman armies.The absorbing and readable text is enriched by numerous illustrations and museum photographs with commentaries, plus eight superbly drawn full page colour plates by renowned military artist Gerry Embleton.
Wikingowie3 - Osprey - Fortress 13 - Christopher Gravett - Norman S...n Stone Castles 1, The British Isles 1066 - 1216 2003.jpg
It has been argued that the English castle began with th ...
It has been argued that the English castle began with the Anglo-Saxons (who by 1066 should perhaps be more properly termed the Anglo-Danes), pointing out that they sometimes occupied defensive structures. However, an opposing viewpoint holds that the English castle began with the Normans. Since a castle is a home as well as a stronghold, the communal burhs seen in England before the Norman Conquest, and designed to protect a number of people, do not qualify. Only a thegn's private dwelling, with ditch and palisades, suggests possible continuities with the castles of the Normans. Contemporaries of the Normans, such as Orderic Vitalis, certainly thought of castles as a novelty and the lack of them in pre-conquest England as a contributing factor to defeat; yet it may be only their use as centres of seigneurial administration by the Normans that truly sets them apart from the defended houses of the English thegns. The use of a tower to display the lord to his subjects, evident in some early Norman stone gateways, certainly seems to echo the Anglo-Saxon burhgeat with an opening in its upper storey.
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