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  • 11 mar 12 22:21

The reign of Manuel I (1143-1180) marked the high point of the revival of the Byzantine empire under the Comnenian dynasty. It was however followed by a rapid decline, leading to the sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade in 1204. This book, the first devoted to Manuel's reign for over 80 years, reevaluates the emperor and his milieu in the light of recent scholarship. It shows that his foreign policy was a natural response to the Western crusading movement and the expansionism of the German emperor Frederick Barbarossa. It also shows that what he ruled was more than the impoverished rump of a once great empire, or a society whose development had been arrested by a repressive regime. The twelfth century is presented here as a distinctive, creative phase in Byzantine history, when the empire maintained existing traditions and trends while adapting to a changing world.


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21

In 1204 the army of the Fourth Crusade sacked the great city of Constantinople. In earlier historiography the view prevailed that these Western barons and knights temporarily destroyed the Byzantine state and replaced it with a series of feudal states of their own making. Through a comprehensive rereading of better and lesser-known sources this book offers an alternative perspective arguing that the Latin rulers did not abolish, but very consciously wanted to continue the Eastern Empire. In this, the new imperial dynasty coming from Flanders-Hainaut played a pivotal role. Despite religious and other differences many Byzantines sided with the new regime and administrative practices at the different governmental levels were to a larger or lesser degree maintained.


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21

This 2007 study was the first to systematically investigate Byzantine imperial ideology, court rhetoric and political thought after the Latin conquest of Constantinople in 1204 - in the Nicaean state (1204-61) and during the early period of the restored empire of the Palaiologoi. The book explores Byzantine political imagination at a time of crisis when the Empire ceased to be a first-rate power in the Mediterranean. It investigates the correspondence and fissures between official political rhetoric, on the one hand, and the political ideas of lay thinkers and churchmen, on the other. Through the analysis of a wide body of sources, a picture of Byzantine political thought emerges which differs significantly from the traditional one. The period saw refreshing developments in court rhetoric and political thought, some with interesting parallels in the medieval and Renaissance West, which arose in response to the new historical realities.

"This volume, which began as a doctoral dissertation, succeeds in presenting a very comprehensive, clear and scholarly picture of Byzantine political thinking in a moment of crisis. It is a remarkable scholarly achievement, and it reads very well. Angelov's book is an important contribution to Byzantine studies and a paradigm of research." --Comitatus

"Recommended." -Choice

"Angelov presents a lucid, intelligent, and pioneering study of a time when Byzantine writers discarded ossified ideology to produce important political philosophy." -Warren Treadgold, The Historian

"This book is a most welcome addition to recent scholarship on Byzantine intellectual thought, and it covers a difficult subject with dexterity and with a sure touch." -Peter Frankopan, Speculum


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
Konstantyn Wielki był jednym z władców, którzy zmienili świat. Gdy zasiadał na tronie, cesarstwo rzymskie było podzielone na dwie części. Konstantyn sprawował władzę nad Wschodem i Zachodem. Wkrótce po objęciu władzy cesarz wybrał się nad zatokę Złoty Róg, do Byzantionu, greckiej kolonii handlowej, gdzie włócznią wyrysował na ziemi granice miasta-stolicy. Nazwał je Konstantynopolem. Powstawało według planów rzymskich architektów. Położone na wzgórzach miasto podzielono na 14 dzielnic, połączonych szerokimi ulicami. Zaopatrzenie w wodę zapewniały akwedukty i cysterny służące do gromadzenia deszczówki. Konstantyn był wybitnym władcą, choć miał na rękach krew - zlecił zabójstwo syna, ponieważ podejrzewał go o romans z macochą; ona także poniosła śmierć z rozkazu cesarza. Na łożu śmierci władca przyjął chrzest: we śnie miał zobaczyć na niebie krzyż, a obok napis: "Pod tym znakiem zwyciężysz".


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
Zdobycie Konstantynopola przez Turków osmańskich w 1453 roku uznaje się bądz za wydarzanie wyznaczające c ostateczny kies cesarstwa rzymskiego, bądz tez jedynie za akt wchłonięcia zbędnego reliktu historii przez nowe, ekspansjonistyczne imperium. Oba tu poglądy są w istocie błędne; należy też pamiętać, że nie wolno rozpatrywać tego wydarzenia z jednej tylko perspektywy. Faktyczne znaczenie klęski Konstantynopola w 1453 roku wiąże się nie z upadkiem starożytnego porządku, lecz z narodzinami czegoś zupełnie nowego: imperium osmańskiego w pełnym jego kształcie, państwa,, które miało przetrwać aż do 1922 roku.


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
Drawing on material housed in the Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Photograph and Fieldwork Archives, this catalog records two periods of work that uncovered the mosaics of Hagia Sophia after having been covered with whitewash and plaster for 400 years. The photographs and drawings record the procedures used and the results of these projects carried out in 1848-49 by the architects Gaspare and Giuseppe Fossati and later in 1931­49 by the Byzantine Institute. These records have proved to be important for the study of these major works of Byzantine art and for documenting the efforts exerted in preserving these mosaics and disseminating information about them.


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
Byzantine Empresses provides a series of biographical portraits of the most significant Byzantine women who ruled or shared the throne between 527 and 1204. It presents and analyses the available historical data in order to outline what these empresses did, what the sources thought they did, and what they wanted to do.


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
The Perfect Servant reevaluates the place of eunuchs in Byzantium. Kathryn Ringrose uses the modern concept of gender as a social construct to identify eunuchs as a distinct gender and to illustrate how gender was defined in the Byzantine world. At the same time she explores the changing role of the eunuch in Byzantium from 600 to 1100.


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
In a large number of rural churches in Cyprus wallpaintings have survived which are not only of great value in themselves but also provide a most precious documentation of the development of Byzantine art Every period and style from the sixth to the eighteenth century is represented. Many are precisely dated. No other area of comparable size Can offer so comprehensive a series.
Andreas and Judith Stylianou are internationally recognised as great experts on this subject. They have devoted a lifetime of research to it. not only in Cyprus but throughout the area of surviving Byzantine culture. Both of them have written monographs and essays on Byzantine art and presented papers to international congresses. Andreas Stylianou was responsible for the introduction to the volume c'vprus, Byzantine Mosaics
and Frescoes, published in the UNESCO World Art Series in 1963. The Painted Churches oj Cyprus is the culmination of their long and careful studies which have finally restored the work of Cypriot painters to its proper place among the cultural achievements of the world.
It is the authors' aim, while providing the fullest scholarly documentation of the whole range of Byzantine mural painting in Cyprus, to give lovers of art in general an insight into the special merits of that school of art.
A full bibliography of their publications is included in this book. Their most recent production is a monumental work on The History of the Cartography of Cyprus, the result of pioneering research in European libraries.
The present work has been sponsored by the A.G. Leventis Foundation. an organisation with the purpose of assisting, among other thing.~, the publication of works of scholarly value related to the cultural heritage of Cyprus.
Over 300 illustracions


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
The Scholarly Committee, consisting of Cecile Morrisson, Charalambos Bouras, Nicolas Oikonomides, and Constantine Pitsakis, collaborated in exemplary fashion on theorganinzation and realization of the project. Along with their contribution to general issues, members of the committee had editorial supervision of specific chapters: N. Oikonomides of the chapters on the agrarian economy, Ch. Bouras of those on the urban economy, C. Morrisson of the chapters on commerce, and C. Pitsakis of the chapters that treat legal issues. I am particularly grateful to C. Morrisson, who gave generous and valuable help, reading and commenting on chapters for which she was not formally responsible. I bear the responsibility for the supervision of the entire work.

I should like to thank a number of economists—Vassilis Droukopoulos, Georgios Krimbas, Georgios Liodakis, and Stavros Thomadakis—who, at an early stage of the project, participated in a workshop and contributed, with their knowledge of the science of economics, to the better conceptualization of the topics with which we were dealing.

Given the large number of participants, the work of coordination was immense and difficult. I should like to thank the staff of MIET, and most particularly Olga Drosinou, forthe assistance they provided. Agamemnon Tselikas and Demetrios Kyritses helped with the illustrations, and I am grateful to them. I should also like to thank Charles Dibble for his contribution to the onerous task of checking the translations. Finally, I should like to thank all of the authors for their contribution to this collective effort. Their scholarship, their enthusiasm for the project, and the patience they showed throughout our lengthy collaboration made a difficult task pleasant and productive.

Angeliki E. Laiou


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
Although we know little of the details of the process by which the western provinces of the Empire became German kingdoms, one fact stands out. The change of masters was not the result of anything that could be called a cataclysm. The German peoples, who were much fewer in numbers than is often imagined, at first settled in the provinces as dependents, and a change which meant virtually conquest was disguised for a shorter or longer time by their recognition of the nominal rights of the Emperor. Britain, of which we know less than of any other part of the Empire at this period, seems to have been the only exception to this rule. The consequence was that the immense revolution was accomplished with far less violence and upheaval than might have been expected. This is the leading fact which it is the chief duty of the historian to make clear.

When we come to the age of Justinian we know better how and why things happened, because we have the guidance of a gifted contemporary historian whose works we possess in their entirety, and we have a large collection of the Emperor's laws. The story of Justinian's Italian wars was fully related by my friend the late Mr. Hodgkin in his attractive volume on the Imperial Restoration; and, more recently, Justinian and the Byzantine Civilisation of the Sixth Century have been the subject of a richly illustrated book by my friend M. Charles Diehl. I do not compete with them; but I believe that in my second volume the reader will find a fuller account of the events of the reign than in any other single work. I have endeavoured to supply the material which will enable him to form his own judgment on Justinian, and to have an opinion on the "question" of Theodora, of whom perhaps the utmost that we can safely say is that she was, in the words used by Swinburne of Mary Stuart, "something better than innocent."

The present work does not cover quite half the period which was the subject of my Later Roman Empire, published in 1889 and long out of print, as it is written on a much larger scale. Western affairs have been treated as fully as Eastern, and the exciting story of Justinian's reconquest of Italy has been told at length.

I have to thank my wife for help of various kinds; Mr. Ashby, the Director of the British School at Rome, for reading the proof-sheets of Vol. I; and Mr. Norman Baynes for reading those of some chapters of Vol. II. I must also record my obligations, not for the first time, to the readers of Messrs. R. and R. Clark, whose care and learning have sensibly facilitated the progress of the book through the press.

J. B. Bury


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
By the second half of the 14th century, the once mighty Byzantine Empire had been reduced to little more than the city of Constantinople. In 1391 the Ottoman ruler Sultan Bayazid I 'The Lightning' besieged the city. Pope Boniface IX preached a crusade and a French-led army of 10,000 marched east. At Nicopolis they met the Ottoman army in battle. Ignoring the advice of their Hungarian and Transylvanian allies the Crusaders charged the Turks and were in turn smashed by the Ottoman heavy cavalry. This book details how the last Crusade ended on the banks of the Danube as the Crusaders desperately sought to escape from the pursuing Turks.


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
A. A. VASILIEV. Justin the First. An Introduction to the Epoch of Justinian the Great. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1950. Pp. viii + 439. (Dumbarton Oaks Studies, I.)

To the many works of fundamental importance which he has produced in nearly sixty years of devoted scholarship, A. A. Vasiliev, the eminent and revered dean of Byzantinists, has now added a definitive study of the reign of Justin I (518-527). Careful interpretation of a wide range of sources, searching critical analysis of complicated problems, some of which are treated with almost monographic thoroughness, and convincing conclusions whenever they are possible, these are the merits of a book which should be a source of gratification and pride to a great scholar. Occasionally the machinery of investigation intrudes into the text and interrupts the smooth flow of the narrative, but the author's lively interest in his subject and his lucid exposition are assurance that the reader's attention will be stimulated and maintained. Aside from Ernest Stein's long article, "Justinus," R.-E., X (1919), cols. 1314-29, no special study until now has been devoted to the elderly emperor Justin, who has been overshadowed by his brilliant nephew and successor, Justinian. Vasiliev gives a portrayal of Justin against a background so broad that the book is also a reconstruction of the whole period. He shows how Justin was dominated by Justinian, whose rule from behind the throne began from the moment of Justin's elevation. When, in 527, Justinian became emperor, he continued policies unquestionably inaugurated under his influence during the nine years of his uncle's reign. Justinian's principal ideas, his ambitious plans for the reconquest of the west, his religious orientation as one of the foundations for his future western campaigns, his conception of a great legislative work, his building activities, all these were definitely formulated during Justin's reign. Professor Vasiliev's book, is, therefore, as the subtitle indicates, an introduction to the epoch of Justinian, and as such it will be a necessary point of departure for any new study of that period. The book consists of a brief sketch of the historical background; eight chapters devoted respectively to Justin's rise from swineherd to emperor, his domestic rule, religious policy, foreign policy (in two chapters), economic conditions, and legislation; an epilogue describing his death and burial; an excursus on the Archangel Ivory in the British Museum and the coins of Justin; and an excellent index of names and subjects, including sources and modern writers. Scholars will be grateful for the extensive notes which provide full bibliographical data. The longest, and in many respects the most interesting, chapter considers Justin's religious policy. Justinian's influence on the development of that policy is demonstrated, and the imperial efforts to enforce the Chalcedonian creed and to restore normal relations with the Pope, after the breach of 482, are very carefully analyzed. The chapter includes a translation of contemporary documents of observers at the Synod of Constantinople in 518.


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
“Vasiliev’s survey of Byzantine history is unique in the field. It is complete, including a sketch of literature and art for each period, while all other works of the kind, even the most recent, either are restricted to a shorter time, or neglect some side of eastern civilization. . . . This widely known and highly prized History of the Byzantine Empire needs not the commendation of any reviewer. Written originally in Russian, it has been turned into English, French, Spanish, and Turkish. It has always been a favorite with students.”


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
This book describes the role of the medieval Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire (c.600-c.1453). As an integral part of its policy it was (as in western Christianity) closely linked with many aspects of everyday life both official and otherwise. It was a formative period for Orthodoxy. It had to face doctrinal problems and heresies; at the same time it experienced the continuity and deepening of its liturgical life. While holding fast to the traditions of the fathers and the councils, it saw certain developments in doctrine and liturgy as also in administration.
Part I discusses the landmarks in ecclesiastical affairs within the Empire as well as the creative influence exercised on the Slavs and the increasing contacts with westerners particularly after 1204. Part II gives a brief account of the structure of the medieval Orthodox Church, its officials and organization, and the spirituality of laity, monks, and clergy.


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
This book is a concise narrative of Byzantine history from the time of Constantine the Great (AD 306) to the fall of Constantinople in 1453.

* Argues that Byzantium was important in its own right but also served as a bridge between East and West and ancient and modern society.
* Uses the chronological political history of the empire as a narrative frame.
* Considers social and economic life and the rich culture of the Byzantine Empire.
* Integrates visual documents, such as photographs of art, architecture, and implements from daily life.
* Makes the latest scholarship accessible to a wide audience.
* Includes a chronological list of emperors, a glossary and maps.


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  • 11 mar 12 22:21
Rosser (history, Boston Coll.), an active participant in field research related to Byzantine archaeology, begins this volume with a chronology that summarizes the history of Byzantium from its beginnings in 324 C.E. to the fall of its last outpost in 1461. This is followed by an introduction that provides concise overviews of Byzantine civilization. The dictionary proper covers people, events, and important aspects of Byzantine culture, such as art and economics, with a useful bibliography wrapping up the text. While the present volume cannot compete in scale with the three-volume Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium (LJ 8/91), it does possess the advantage of access to the latest archaeological discoveries and the coherence of approach that comes from its compilation by a single author.


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