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Cixin Liu - Ciemny las
Cixin Liu - Koniec śmierci
Cixin Liu - Problem trzech ciał
Harari Yuval Noah - 21 lekcji na XXI wiek
Educative kursy
advanced system design interview prep crash course
build java projects with maven
decode the coding interview in java real world examples
developing microservic es with spring boot
domain driven design made easy
grokking coding interview patterns in java
grokking dynamic programming a deep dive using java
grokking the api design interview
grokking the behavioral interview
grokking the principles and practices of advanced system design
000-case studies standing on the shoulder s of giants
001-intr oduction to distribu ted file systems
002-intr oduction to gfs
003-gfs file operatio ns
004-deta iled design of gfs
005-work flow of create and read file operatio ns in gfs
006-work flow of write operatio ns in gfs
007-work flow of delete and snapshot operatio ns in gfs
008-rela xed data consiste ncy model
009-deal ing with data inconsis tencies in gfs
010-meta data consiste ncy model of gfs
011-eval uation of gfs
012-quiz on gfs
013-intr oduction to colossus
014-desi gn and evaluati on of colossus
015-quiz on colossus
016-intr oduction to tectonic
017-zipp ydb design
018-deta iled design of tectonic
019-mult itenancy in tectonic
020-tena nt specific optimiza tion in tectonic
021-empi rical evaluati on of tectonic s function al requirem ents
022-eval uation of tectonic
023-quiz on tectonic
024-intr oduction to distribu ted database s
025-intr oduction to bigtable
026-data model of bigtable
027-deta iled design of bigtable part i
028-deta iled design of bigtable part ii
029-desi gn refineme nts in bigtable
030-eval uation of bigtable
031-quiz on bigtable
032-intr oduction to megastor e
033-high level design for better availabi lity and scalabil ity
034-data model of megastor e
035-repl ication in megastor e
036-eval uation of megastor e
037-quiz on megastor e
038-intr oduction to spanner
039-deta iled design of spanner
040-data base buckets and data model of spanner
041-true time api in spanner
042-span ner truetime and the cap theorem
043-conc urrency control in spanner
044-data base operatio ns in spanner
045-eval uation of spanner
046-quiz on spanner
047-intr oduction to key value stores
048-moti vation and requirem ents for a many core approach
049-esti mations and limitati ons of a many core system
050-deta iled design of a many core system
051-eval uation of the many core system
052-quiz on many core systems
053-intr oduction to scaling memcache
054-sing le server level of memcache
055-clus ter level of memcache
056-regi onal level of memcache
057-cros s regional level of memcache
058-eval uation of memcache
059-quiz on memcache
060-intr oduction to silt
061-high level design of silt
062-a write friendly store for silt part i
063-a write friendly store for silt part ii
064-a write friendly store for silt part iii
065-inte rmediary store s in silt
066-a memory efficien t store for silt part i
067-a memory efficien t store for silt part ii
068-a memory efficien t store for silt part iii
069-requ est flows in silt
070-eval uating and extendin g the design of silt
071-quiz on silt
072-intr oduction to dynamodb
073-high level design of dynamodb
074-no fixed schema in dynamodb
075-part itioning and replicat ion in dynamodb
076-adap ting to traffic patterns in dynamodb
077-dura bility and correctn ess in dynamodb
078-ensu ring high availabi lity in dynamodb
079-quiz on dynamodb
080-intr oduction to concurre ncy manageme nt
081-intr oduction to two phase locking 2pl
082-anal ysis and evaluati on of two phase locking 2pl
083-quiz on 2pl
084-intr oduction to chubby
085-deta iled design of chubby part i
086-deta iled design of chubby part ii
087-deta iled design of chubby part iii
088-deta iled design of chubby part iv
089-the rational e behind chubbys design
090-eval uation of chubby
091-quiz on chubby
092-intr oduction to zookeepe r
093-deta iled design of zookeepe r
094-prim itives of zookeepe r
095-eval uation of zookeepe r
096-quiz on zookeepe r
097-intr oduction to big data processi ng systems
098-syst em design mapreduc e
099-high level design of mapreduc e
100-mapr educe detailed design
101-desi gn refineme nts in mapreduc e part i
102-desi gn refineme nts in mapreduc e part ii
103-mapr educe evaluati on
104-conc luding mapreduc e
105-quiz on mapreduc e
106-intr oduction to spark
107-requ irements of spark
108-high level design of spark
109-resi lient distribu ted datasets of spark
110-para llel operatio ns in spark
111-shar ed variable s in spark
112-deta iled design of spark
113-refi nements in spark
114-eval uation of spark
115-quiz on spark
116-intr oduction to kafka
117-high level design of kafka
118-deta iled design of kafka
119-effi ciency of kafka
120-dist ributed coordina tion in kafka
121-deli very guarante es of kafka
122-eval uation of kafka
123-quiz on kafka
124-intr oduction to consensu s in distribu ted systems
125-cons ensus prerequi sites and two generals problem
126-flp impossib ility
127-the byzantin e generals problem
128-quiz on consensu s fundamen tals
129-intr oduction to two phase commit 2pc
130-work ing of the two phase commit protocol
131-fail ures in the two phase commit protocol
132-quiz on two phase commit
133-intr oduction to state machine replicat ion
134-stat e machines
135-repl ication and coordina tion of state machines
136-orde ring requests part i
137-orde ring requests part ii
138-faul t toleranc e for outputs and clients
139-prot ocols for maintain ing fault toleranc e part i
140-prot ocols for maintain ing fault toleranc e part ii
141-smr in practice via a log
142-quiz on state machine replicat ion
143-intr oduction to paxos
144-basi c paxos protocol design
145-basi c paxos in action
146-the rational e behind paxos design choices
147-mult i paxos
148-quiz on paxos
149-intr oduction to raft
150-raft s basics and high level workflow
151-raft s leader election protocol
152-raft s log replicat ion protocol
153-raft s safety fault toleranc e and availabi lity protocol s
154-raft s cluster membersh ip changes
155-log compacti on and client interact ion in raft
156-quiz on raft
157-conc lusion
hexagonal software architectur e for web application s
java multithread ing for senior engineering interviews
software architectur e in java design development
system design interview prep crash course
system-desi gn
the complete guide to spring 5 and spring boot 2
the java interview handbook 300plus interview questions
the system design interview prep handbook

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