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Reinecke, Davison (ed.) - Comparative Treatments of Depression.pdf

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This volume comprehensively compares and contrasts alternative models of, and treatment approaches to, clinical depression. Each contributor, a recognized expert in his or her modality, analyzes the same case and provides:
- an overview of the treatment model
- empirical evidence for both the model and treatment derived from it
- treatment strategies and interventions, including termination issues, relapse prevention, and recommendations for follow-up care

Among the 12 approaches presented are Object Relations, Cognitive Therapies, Schema-Focused, Couple and Family, Integrative Psychotherapy, and Psychopharmacology. A significant contribution to this volume is the chapter on cultural considerations for understanding, assessing, and treating depression.


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obrazek The Essential Guide to Overcoming Avoidant Personality Disorder is the only book available to guide both patients and those trying to help them. This thorough and much-needed volume explores the development of AvPD and presents a holistic view of its causes from the psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioral, and interpersonal perspectives. It offers an extensive section on diagnostic criteria that will be useful to sufferers and therapists, and it discusses the various therapies for AvPD. Finally, and perhaps most critically, the book provides a section intended as a guide for psychiatrists—and a self-help guide for sufferers—including a day-by-day, one-step-at-a-time, monthly guide on how to overcome AvPD. Features - A resource section acts as a guide for therapists and a self-help manual for sufferers - A bibliography lists the basic literature on AvPD Highlights - Distinguishes AvPD from social phobia, a related disorder that requires an entirely different therapeutic approach - Presents diagnostic criteria for therapists looking to make a correct diagnosis and for patients wanting to know if this is what’s wrong with them—and what to do about it - Revises Dr. Kantor’s earlier book Distancing: Avoidant Personality Disorder with a new infrastructure, expanded with new case histories, a new section on sexual avoidance, and a new self-help program for coping and overcoming AvPD
obrazek Kantor focuses on a misunderstood but common condition that brings severe and pervasive anxiety about social contacts and relationships. He offers psychotherapists a specific method for helping avoidants overcome their fear of closeness and commitments, and offers a guide for avoidants themselves to use for developing lasting, intimate, anxiety-free relationships.
obrazek If you grew up with an emotionally immature, unavailable, or selfish parent, you may have lingering feelings of anger, loneliness, betrayal, or abandonment. You may recall your childhood as a time when your emotional needs were not met, when your feelings were dismissed, or when you took on adult levels of responsibility in an effort to compensate for your parent’s behavior. These wounds can be healed, and you can move forward in your life. In this breakthrough book, clinical psychologist Lindsay Gibson exposes the destructive nature of parents who are emotionally immature or unavailable. You will see how these parents create a sense of neglect, and discover ways to heal from the pain and confusion caused by your childhood. By freeing yourself from your parents’ emotional immaturity, you can recover your true nature, control how you react to them, and avoid disappointment. Finally, you’ll learn how to create positive, new relationships so you can build a better life. Discover the four types of difficult parents: The emotional parent instills feelings of instability and anxiety The driven parent stays busy trying to perfect everything and everyone The passive parent avoids dealing with anything upsetting The rejecting parent is withdrawn, dismissive, and derogatory
obrazek A thoughtful and pragmatic guide for integrating meditationand yoga techniques into traditional psychotherapy Meditation and Yoga in Psychotherapy is an inspiring"how-to" guide grounded in the neuroscientific and clinicalevidence that supports the use of meditation and other yogapractices to improve clients' mental health. Drawing from the authors' decades of practice, teaching, andwriting, this inspiring book is focused on applying meditation,yoga, and Zen to therapy, with discussion of: The latest neuroscience findings, showing how the brain andlarger nervous system are altered by yoga methods Philosophical and psychological principles upon which yoga isbased The how, when, and why for use of specific techniques withcommon psychological problems Fundamental stretching exercises and meditation techniques
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obrazek Do certain eating disorders directly correlate with neglect and abuse? What do eating and growth disorders have in common? And, are some treatment methods more successful than others in treating such disorders? In Eating and Growth Disorders in Infants and Children Woolston examines the relevant literature on each major eating and growth disorder from infancy through childhood. Among the disorders considered are failure to thrive, psychosocial dwarfism, rumination, pica, obesity, and anorexia nervosa. The author describes the emergence and course of each specific disorder, discusses known or suspected risk factors, and alerts the reader to unresolved clinical and research issues. Woolston also stresses the advantages of using a multidisciplinary team approach --including a pediatrician, a nurse, a developmental psychologist, a social worker, and a nutritionist--and points out that all aspects and levels of risk should be considered. Comprehensive, yet concise, this book presents an excellent overview of the various aspects of each disorder. It is an indispensable volume for professionals and students in developmental psychology, clinical psychology, psychiatry, social work, and nursing.
obrazek Self-harm is thought by many to be a modern epidemic: a phenomenon of the late twentieth century, a symptom of extreme emotional turmoil in young people, particularly young women. Yet it was 150 years ago, within early asylum psychiatry, that self-mutilation was first codified as a category of behaviour, and explanations for a variety of self-injurious acts were conceived very differently. Psyche on the Skin charts the secret history of self-harm. The book describes its many forms, from sexual self-mutilation and hysterical malingering in the late Victorian period, to self-castrating religious sects, to self-mutilation and self-destruction in art, music and popular culture. Sarah Chaney's refreshing historical approach refutes the notion that self-harm has any universal meaning - that it necessarily says something specific about an individual or group, or that it can ever be understood outside the historical and cultural context of a particular era. Drawing on her personal experiences, written in an engaging style and containing many powerful images, Psyche on the Skin challenges the misconceptions and controversies surrounding self-harm.The book is crucial reading for professionals in the field as well as all those affected by this act.
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obrazek Are you ready to take your ACT practice to the next level? If so, Advanced Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a powerful resource that can help you streamline your approach and overcome common hurdles that present in therapy. At some point or another, you have probably encountered difficulty putting theory into practice when it comes to using ACT in sessions with clients. You aren t alone. Although ACT is a powerful treatment option for a number of psychological issues, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, eating disorders, and more, it is a complex, ever-evolving model, and as such it can often be difficult to deliver effectively. The truth is that even the most seasoned ACT therapist will face challenges in their client sessions from time to time.
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