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John J. Robinsin - Dungeon, Fire and Sword; The Knights Templar in the Crusades (1994).pdf

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Over the past thousand years, the bloodiest game of the king-of-the-hill has been for supremacy on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the site of the ancient Temple of Solomon. This book recounts the stirring saga of the Knights Templar, the Christian warrior-monks who occupied the sacred Mount in the aftermath of the butchery of the First Crusade. Recruited to a life of poverty, chastity and obedience intended to lead only to martyrdom on the battlefield, they were totally dedicated to the pious paradox that the wholesale slaughter of non-believers would earn the eternal gratitude of the Prince of Peace. The Templars amassed great wealth, which they used to finance their two hundred years of war against Muslims on the desert, in the mountains, and up the broad sweep of the Nile valley. The Templars' reward for those two centuries of military martyrdom was to be arrested by pope and king, tortured by the Inquisition, and finally decreed out of existence. But their legend and legacy just would not die. In telling the incredible story of the Knights Templar, the author's clear explanation of the cultural and religious differences among the Templars' enemies and friends in the Middle East gives fresh understanding of the people who populate this restless region. Here are the Sunnies and the Shiites, the Kurds and Armenians, the Arabs and Turks, who figure so prominently in today's headlines. The similarity of their antagonisms today and those of eight hundred years ago are often so striking as to be eerie. Dungeon, Fire & Sword is a brilliant work of narrative history that can be read as an adventure story...

PART ONE: The First Crusade and the Birth of the Temple
1. Holy War (1052 to 1099)
2. The Kingdom of Jerusalem (1100 to 1118)
3. The Knights of the Temple (1118 to 1139)
4. Allahu Akbar!
PART TWO: At War in the Holy Land
5. St. Bernard's Crusade (1126 to 1148)
6. The Breach at Ascalon (1149 to 1162)
7. The Coming of Saladin (1163 to 1174)
8. The Horns of Hattin (1174 to 1187)
9. The Fall of Jerusalem (1187)
10. Frederick Barbarossa (1187 to 1190)
11. The Lion Heart (1190 to 1191)
12. Impasse (1191 to 1192)
13. The Sons of Saladin (1193 to 1199)
14. A Crusade Against Christians (1200 to 1204)
15. The Albigensian Crusade (1205 to 1214)
16. A Cardinal Sin (1215 to 1229)
17. The Emperor Frederick (1221 to 1229)
18. The Disorder of the Temple (1229 to 1239)
19. Tibald of Champagne (1239 to 1240)
20. Triumph and Tragedy (1241 to 1247)
21. The Man Who Would Be Saint (1244 to1250)
22. King-of-the-Hill (1250 to 1261)
23. The Khan of Khans (1167 to 1260)
24. The Revenge of Baibars (1260 to 1274)
25. The Pope of Good Intentions (1271 to 1274)
26. A Kingdom Coming Apart (1275 to 1289)
27. The Fall of Acre (1289 to 1291)
28. "Jesus Wept" (1292 to 1305)
PART THREE: Torture and Trial
29. Friday the Thirteenth (1306 to 1307)
30. A Faith to Die For (1307 to 1311)
31. The Destruction of the Temple (1311 to1314)
32. Legacy Lists of Templar Grand Masters, Popes, Kings of Jerusalem, France, England, Germany, and Holy Roman Emperors


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obrazek The reign of Manuel I (1143-1180) marked the high point of the revival of the Byzantine empire under the Comnenian dynasty. It was however followed by a rapid decline, leading to the sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade in 1204. This book, the first devoted to Manuel's reign for over 80 years, reevaluates the emperor and his milieu in the light of recent scholarship. It shows that his foreign policy was a natural response to the Western crusading movement and the expansionism of the German emperor Frederick Barbarossa. It also shows that what he ruled was more than the impoverished rump of a once great empire, or a society whose development had been arrested by a repressive regime. The twelfth century is presented here as a distinctive, creative phase in Byzantine history, when the empire maintained existing traditions and trends while adapting to a changing world.
obrazek In 1204 the army of the Fourth Crusade sacked the great city of Constantinople. In earlier historiography the view prevailed that these Western barons and knights temporarily destroyed the Byzantine state and replaced it with a series of feudal states of their own making. Through a comprehensive rereading of better and lesser-known sources this book offers an alternative perspective arguing that the Latin rulers did not abolish, but very consciously wanted to continue the Eastern Empire. In this, the new imperial dynasty coming from Flanders-Hainaut played a pivotal role. Despite religious and other differences many Byzantines sided with the new regime and administrative practices at the different governmental levels were to a larger or lesser degree maintained.
obrazek This book offers a fascinating insight to the final siege of the First Crusade. The most extraordinary siege in medieval history began with the arrival of a Christian army at Jerusalem on the dawn of 6 June, 1099. There were other sieges that lasted longer, involved greater numbers of troops and deployed more siege engines, but nothing else in the entire medieval period compares to the extraordinary journey that the besiegers had made to get to their goal and the heady religious enthusiasm among the troops. This was the culmination of the First Crusade, a military pilgrimage that had seen hundreds of thousands of men, women and children leave their homes in Western Europe, march for three years over thousands of miles and undergo tremendous hardship to reach their longed-for goal: Jerusalem.No other medieval army had made such a journey to reach its goal. And no other army had such a peculiar makeup. There were hundreds of unattached poor women, gathered from the margins of Northern French towns by the charity of the charismatic preacher Peter the Hermit and given a new direction to their lives by the expedition to Jerusalem. There were farmers who had sold their land and homes, put all their belongings in two-wheeled carts and marched alongside their oxen. Bards came and earned their keep composing songs about the events they were witnessing, from the heroic charges of the nobles to bawdy satires on the lax behaviour of some of the senior clergy. Knights and foot soldiers were at the heart of the fighting forces, naturally. But even here there was a strange fluidity to the army, with the status of a warrior rising or falling depending on his ability to keep his horse alive and his armour in good order.Here is a vivid and engaging account of the events of that siege: the key figures, the turning points, the spiritual beliefs of the participants, the deep political rivalries and the massacre of the inhabitants that left such a deep scar in the horrified imagination that it still evokes passionate feelings nearly a thousand years later.
obrazek Heritage, while it often constitutes and defines the most positive aspects of culture, is a malleable body of historical text subject to interpretation and easily twisted into myth. When it is appealed to on a national or ethnic level in reactions against racial, religious, or economic oppression, the result is often highly-charged political contention or conflict. The extraordinary theme of this unique book is how the rise of a manifold, crusade-like obsession with tradition and inheritance--both physical and cultural--can lead to either good or evil. In a balanced account of the pros and cons of the rhetoric and spoils of heritage--on the one hand cultural identity and unity, on the other, potential holy war--David Lowenthal discusses the myriad uses and abuses of historical appropriation and offers a rare and accessible account of a concept at once familiar and fraught with complexity. David Lowenthal is Emeritus Professor of Geography at University College London, and the author of the bestselling The Past is a Foreign Country (Cambridge, 1985) - A brilliant, wide-ranging and entertaining general study of the ‘heritage industry’ - Written by David Lowenthal, the very successful and acclaimed author of the well-known book The Past is a Foreign Country (1985) - First published by Penguin Group (in their Viking imprint, 1997) and now available for the first time in paperback
obrazek Narratives of crusading have often been overlooked as a source for the history of women because of their focus on martial events, and perceptions about women inhibiting the recruitment and progress of crusading armies. Yet women consistently appeared in the histories of crusade and settlement, performing a variety of roles. While some were vilified as 'useless mouths' or prostitutes, others undertook menial tasks for the army, went on crusade with retinues of their own knights, and rose to political prominence in the Levant and and the West. This book compares perceptions of women from a wide range of historical narratives including those eyewitness accounts, lay histories and monastic chronicles that pertained to major crusade expeditions and the settler society in the Holy Land. It addresses how authors used events involving women and stereotypes based on gender, family role, and social status in writing their histories: how they blended historia and fabula, speculated on women's motivations, and occasionally granted them a literary voice in order to connect with their audience, impart moral advice, and justify the crusade ideal. Dr NATASHA R. HODGSON teaches at Nottingham Trent University.
obrazek The first systematic attempt to reconstruct from original manuscript sources and early printed books the medieval doctrines relating to the just war, the holy war and the crusade. Despite the frequency of wars and armed conflicts throughout the course of western history, no comprehensive survey has previously been made of the justifications of warfare that were elaborated by Roman lawyers, canon lawyers and theologians in the twelfth and thirteenth century universities. After a brief survey of theories of the just war in antiquity, with emphasis on Cicero and Augustine, and of thought on early medieval warfare, the central chapters are devoted to scholastics such as Pope Innocent IV, Hostiensis and Thomas Aquinas. Professor Russell attempts to correlate theories of the just war with political and intellectual development in the Middle Ages. His conclusion evaluates the just war in the light of late medieval and early modern statecraft and poses questions about its compatibility with Christian ethics and its validity within international law.
obrazek The six volumes of A History of the Crusades will stand as the definitive history of the Crusades, spanning five centuries, encompassing Jewish, Moslem, and Christian perspectives, and containing a wealth of information and analysis of the history, politics, economics, and culture of the medieval world. Kenneth M. Setton was professor of history at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey. I. Painter. Sidney. "Western Europe on the Eve of the Crusades." 3-30 II Conflict in the Mediterranean before the First Crusade A. Wheeler, Benjamin W. "The Reconquest of Spain before 1095." 31-39 B. Krueger, Hilmar C. "The Italian Cities and the Arabs before 1095." 40-53 C. Lopez, Robert S. "The Norman Conquest of Sicily." 54-67 D. Runciman, Steven. "The Pilgrimages to Palestine before 1095." 68-80 III Gibb, Hamilton A. R. "The Caliphate and the Arab States." 81-99 IV Lewis, Bernard. "The Isma'ilites and the Assassins." 99-134 V Cahen, Claude. "The Turkish Invasion: The Selchükids." 135-76 VI Charanis, Peter. "The Byzantine Empire in the Eleventh Century." 177-219 VII Duncalf, Frederic. "The Councils of Piacenza and Clermont." 220-254 VIII Duncalf, Frederic. "The First Crusade: Clermont to Constantinople." 253-79 IX Runciman, Steven. "The First Crusade: Constantinople to Antioch." 280-307 X Runciman, Steven. "The First Crusade: Antioch to Ascalon." 308-42 XI Cate, James Lea. "The Crusade of 1101." 343-67 XII Fink, Harold S., "The Foundation of the Latin States, 1099-1118." 368-409 XIII Nicholson, Robert L. "The Growth of the Latin States, 1118-1144." 410-48 XIV Gibb, Hamilton A. R. "Zengi and the Fall of Edessa." 449-63 XV Berry. Virginia G. "The Second Crusade." 463-512 XVI Gibb, Hamilton A. R. "The Career of Nur-ad-Din." 513-27 XVII Baldwin, Marshall W. "The Latin States under Baldwin III and Amalric I, 1143-1174." 528-62 XVIII Gibb, Hamilton A. R. "The Rise of Saladin, 1169-1189." 563-89 XIX Baldwin, Marshall W. "The Decline and Fall of Jerusalem, 1174-1189." 590-621
obrazek I Wiruszowski, Helene. "The Norman Kingdom of Sicily and the Crusades." 3-44 II Painter, Sidney. "The Third Crusade: Richard the Lionhearted and Philip Augustus." 45-87 III Johnson, Edgar N. "The Crusades of Frederick Barbarossa and Henry VI." 87-122 IV Hussey, Joan M. "Byzantium and the Crusades, 1081-1204." 123-54 V McNeal, Edgar H. and Robert Lee Wolf. "The Fourth Crusade." 153-87 VI Wolf, Robert Lee. "The Latin Empire of Constantinople, 1204-l261." 187-234 VII Longnon, Jean. "The Frankish States in Greece, 1204-1311." 235-76 VIII Evans, Austin P. "The Albigensian Crusade." 277-324 IX Zacour, Norman P. "The Children's Crusade." 325-43 X Strayer, Joseph R. "The Political Crusades of the Thirteenth Century." 343-77 XI Van Cleve, Thomas C. "The Fifth Crusade." 377-428 XII Van Cleve, Thomas C. "The Crusade of Frederick II." 429-63 XIII Painter, Sydney. "The Crusade of Theobald of Champagne and Richard of Cornwall, 1239-1241." 463-87 XIV Strayer, Joseph R. "The Crusades of Louis IX." 487-521 XV Hardwicke, Mary Nickerson. "The Crusader States, 1192-1243." 522-56 XVI Runciman, Steven. "The Crusader States, 1243-1291." 557-99 XVII Furber, Elizabeth Chapin. "The Kingdom of Cyprus, 1191-1291." 599-629 XVIII Der Nersessian, Sirarpie. "The Kingdom of Cilician Armenia." 630-60 XIX Cahen, Claude. "The Turks in Iran and Anatolia before the Mongol Invasions." 661-92 XX Gibb, Hamilton A. R.. "The Aiyubids." 693-714 XXI Cahen, Claude. "The Mongols and the Near East." 715-34 XXII Ziada, Mustafa M. "The Mamluk Sultans to 1293." 735-58
obrazek I Atiya, Aziz S. "The Crusade in the Fourteenth Century." 3-26 II Geanakoplos, Deno. "Byzantium and the Crusades, 1261-1354." 27-68 III Geanakoplos, Deno. "Byzantium and the Crusades, 1354-1453." 69-103 IV Topping, Peter. "The Morea, 1311-1364." 104-40 V Topping, Peter. "The Morea, 1364-1460." 141-66 VI Setton, Kenneth M. "The Catalans in Greece, 1311-1380." 167-224 VII Setton, Kenneth M. "The Catalans and Florentines in Greece, 1380-1462." 225-77 VIII Luttrell. Anthony. "The Hospitallers at Rhodes, 1306-1421." 278-313 IX Rossi, Ettore. "Hospitallers at Rhodes, 1421-1523." 314-39 X Luke, Harry. "The Kingdom of Cyprus, 1291-1369." 340-60 XI Luke, Harry. "The Kingdom of Cyprus, 1369-1489." 361-95 XII Bishko, Charles Julian. "The Spanish and Portuguese Reconquest, 1095-1492." 396-456 Online at http://libro.uca.edu/bishko/spr1.htm XIII Hazard, Harry. "Moslem North Africa, 1049-1394." 457-85 XIV Ziada, Mustafa M. "The Mamluk Sultans, 1291-1517." 486-512 XV Sinor, Denis. "The Mongols and Western Europe." 513-44 XVI Johnson, Edgar N. "The German Crusade on the Baltic." 545-85 XVII Heymann, Frederick G. "The Crusades against the Hussites." 586-646 XVIII Atiya, Aziz S. "The Aftermath of the Crusades." 647-66
obrazek I Holmes, Urban Tignor. "Life among the Europeans in Palestine and Syria in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries." 3-35 II Savage, Henry L. "Pilgrimages and Pilgrim Shrines in Palestine and Syria after 1095." 36-68 III Ecclesiastical Art in the Crusader States in Palestine and Syria A. Boase, T S, R. "Architecture and Sculpture." 69-116 B. Boase, T S, R. "Mosaic, Painting, and Minor Arts." 117-139 IV Boase, T S, R. "Military Architecture in the Crusader States in Palestine and Syria." 140-65 V The Arts in Cyprus A. Boase, T S, R. "Ecclesiastical Art." 165-96 B. Megaw, A. H. S. "Military Architecture." 196-208 VI The Arts in Frankish Greece and Rhodes A. Wallace, David J. and T S.R. Boase. "Frankish Greece." 208-28 B. Boase, T S, R. "Rhodes." 229-50 VII Folda, Jaroslav. "Painting and Sculpture in tile Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 1099-1291." 251-80 Folda, Jaroslav. "Crusader Art and Architecture: A Photographic Survey." 281-354
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