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  • 2,97 GB
  • 24 mar 14 0:54


Kelby Training - 6 DVDs Learning Adobe Photoshop from Essential to Advance Level

Corey is the newest education and curriculum developer for the National Association of Photoshop Professionals. He is a graduate of the Ringling School of Art & Design in Sarasota, Fl, with a degree in Illustration. Over the years, Corey has worked as a graphic artist in a variety of disciplines such as illustration, commercial design, large format printing, motion graphics, web design and photography. His expertise in Photoshop and Illustrator have earned him numerous awards in illustration, graphic design and photography. Using Photoshop since Version 2, his expertise and creativity have evolved exponentially with every new version, which makes Corey an invaluable addition to the NAPP team.
  • 2,01 GB
  • 8 sty 14 16:25


Spend some time with Scott Kelby and crew as they share a day in the life of professional photographer Joe McNally (Time, LIFE, Sports Illustrated, National Geographic, etc.).
Start in Joe’s studio as they pack for the day’s shoot and travel with Joe and Scott to a photo shoot in NYC. You’ll get an up-close insight on commercial photography – the kind that a photographer reveals when having a conversation with a good friend – and learn not only the “how” of a job, but also the “why” from choice of subject to motivation. Plus, if you’ve ever seen Joe and Scott interact before, you know you’re going to enjoy yourself and laugh a little along the way.

Joe McNally is an internationally acclaimed photographer whose career has spanned 30 years and included assignments in over 50 countries. He has shot cover stories for TIME, Newsweek, Fortune, New York, Entertainment Weekly, The New York Times Sunday Magazine, and Men's Journal. He has been at various times in his career a contract photog...
  • 1,80 GB
  • 8 sty 14 0:08


Jim DiVitale has spent his entire career working as a commercial ad photographer. The skills and techniques he has honed over the years apply not to just studio photography, but to all other types of photography as well. In this two-part course, Jim goes through a series of product shots and demonstrates his workflow; everything from lighting and shooting in the studio to post production on the computer. In part one, Jim works through the challenges of product shots of jewelry, carbonated soda, perfume bottles and more. Follow along with this course and let him show you how it is done.

Jim DiVitale

Jim DiVitale has been an Atlanta commercial advertising Photographer for over three decades specializing in product photography and computer photo illustration. He is a PPA Master Photographer, Master of Electronic Imaging, Photographic Craftsman, Fellow of the American Society of Photographers and a sponsored instructor for Canon.
  • 1,62 GB
  • 7 sty 14 23:52


Scott teaches this course using his personal, conversational style of instruction. He goes through a variety of setups and equipment and teaches the whole course from inside a studio, so viewers can watch while Scott demonstrates how to use the equipment he is talking about. He goes over strobes and spider lights, soft boxes, flags, reflectors, beauty dishes and much, much more. Scott’s goal in this course is to teach his viewers about the tools they need to have in the studio, when to use them, and more importantly, how to use them.

Scott Kelby

Scott is the President and CEO of KelbyOne, is also the original “Photoshop Guy”, is the editor and publisher of Photoshop User Magazine, Conference Technical Chair for the Photoshop World Conference & Expo, Training Director and instructor for KelbyOne Live Seminars, and author of a string of bestselling technology and photography
  • 1,37 GB
  • 5 sty 14 20:30


The video series follows one of the industry’s best photographers as he explains some of his techniques for creating spectacular lighting.

Eddie Tapp is an award-winning photographer, lecturer, consultant and author on digital imaging issues. As an award-winning photographer with over 20 years of experience in computer technology. Eddie has been actively involved in educating and consulting with corporations, studios, and agencies in the applications of digital imaging workflow, color management, pre-press, and digital photography globally. Clients include Epson, Eastman Kodak, Foveon, Polaroid, Apple Computer, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Dynacolor Graphics, Marathon Press, H&H Color Lab, CPQ Color Lab, PhotoLogic (Ireland), PGC (Japan), DOD, DOE, US Army, US Navy, and other Government agencies along with a list of photographic studio operations.
  • 0,99 GB
  • 5 sty 14 19:47


In this video series, wedding photographer David Ziser goes over the standard poses and lighting setups for wedding portrait photography.

David Ziser, an internationally-renowned wedding photographer, has shared his knowledge with tens of thousand's of photographers in five languages and in 14 countries worldwide. Studio Photography acclaimed "Award winning photographer, David Ziser, is showing the world how to take wedding pictures." The Dallas Morning News extolled Ziser as "wedding photographer extraordinaire." David is one of 97 worldwide who hold the highest honor of "Fellow" bestowed by the American Society of Photographers.
  • 793,1 MB
  • 5 sty 14 15:07



Join Corey Barker as he shows designers some fun and creative ways to manipulate text in Photoshop. Along with a healthy dose of design tips, viewers will also learn about where to find free fonts on the web, sources for type-design inspiration, how to design with smart objects, color effects, and layer styles. The last few lessons of this course cover how to design with the new 3D tools in Photoshop CS5 Extended. These final lessons are specific to CS5 Extended, but there is plenty of information in this course for every version of Photoshop. Whether you work in print or web, text effects are important design elements for users in every area and at every skill level. Course outline on next page.

1. Introduction and Key Concepts (07:08)
2. Hollywood Effects, Part 1 (09:47)
3. Hollywood Effects, Part 2 (09:54)
4. Displaced Textures (06:41)
5. Surfer Style Text (11:52)
6. Warping Effects (13:05)
7. Type Brush Effects (12:48)
8. Text, Paths, and Styles (12:08)
9. Words and Shapes (10:57)
10. 3D Word Cloud (11:17)
11. 3D Reflection Effects (14:14)
12. 3D Hollywood Effects, Part 1 (11:20)
13. 3D Hollywood Effects, Part 2 (10:23)
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125 plików
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moyade8805 napisano 3.02.2023 01:48

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Super chomik

marlenamaria1964 napisano 15.03.2023 20:12

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Witaj. Szukam w jezyku niemieckim Simona Toyne : Sanctus , Sacramentum , Purgatorium. Bardzo dziekuje za wszystkie inne ksiazki. Pozdrawiam

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ss_argus napisano 9.01.2024 14:51

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ss_argus napisano 14.08.2024 05:10

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Najlepsze !!! *** Audiobooki *** *Słuchowiska * Komiksy * Ebooki * IIWŚ * Wgrane Okładki * W Paczkach * Luzem * "Żywy" Lektor * Uporządkowane A-Z * Własny Upload * Foldery Tematyczne * *FREE Transfer *** * Zapraszam serdecznie *

admix75 napisano 20.12.2024 08:54

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KevinPL4902 napisano 25.12.2024 01:55

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