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APOSTOLOS NIKOLAIDIS Stadium for FIFA 15 by Svence.rar

habaz17 / fifa 15 DODATKI / APOSTOLOS NIKOLAIDIS Stadium for FIFA 15 by Svence.rar
Download: APOSTOLOS NIKOLAIDIS Stadium for FIFA 15 by Svence.rar

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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
With the FHL-BH-Editor you can see, which files of the fifa-big-files are activated in the bh-files (fifa will not look after them in the folders) and wich files are deactivated (fifa will look after them in the folders). You can activate and deactivate them with checkboxes by easy. Anyway there are two buttons: Regenerate all bh-files with and without looking after the extern files in the directories. Further there are two buttons to do the same thing but only for a selected bh-file, not for all (works much faster and can be usefull if you edited files of only one big file). The fifa-main-path will be read out automaticly like in all tools made by MyFHL-Editing, so you have not to change it. New features: - all BH files from FIFA included (not just the main directory) - included command line parser Command-Line syntax: FHL-BH-Editor.exe available values: care = regenerate (take care of extern files) ignore = regenerate (ignore extern files) name of the bh-file without extension or the string "all", if you want to regenerate all files with the selected option. You can get a developer key via E-Mail or private message, if you send Bernd an url to your patch-thread. Example: FHL-BH-Editor.exe YOUR_KEY care data_audio1_extra or FHL-BH-Editor.exe YOUR_KEY ignore all
FIFA 15 PC TV LOGO CHANGER is a small tool lets you customize and import TV LOGO ON-THE-FLY to FIFA 15 PC. II) INSTALLATION ============== - Install “02_Microsoft_Text_To_Speech”. + 01_msttsL.EXE + 02_spchapi.EXE - Install “03_FIFA_15_PC_TV_LOGO_CHANGER_1.0_BUILD_23.09.2014”.
A multilanguage suite which has only one goal: to make life easier for those who want to venture into the wonderful world of editing! It is thought to be useful for people which for years, have turned the game inside and out, and to those who for the first time decided to try to change or add even a simple team kit! Features - The Switcher, to manage up to five different installations and launch the game for the online or offline playing. - The Installer to place all edited files into the game. - The Regenerator to synchronize your editings and to correct indices errors. Made by iard68 The tool is compatible with Online Modes and Saved Career files!
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności