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grecjana54 / !🖤PHOTOSHOP / OVERLAYS / STOCK_70_christmas_light_bokeh_photo_overlays_2998860.zip
Download: STOCK_70_christmas_light_bokeh_photo_overlays_2998860.zip

285,66 MB

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70 Christmas Light Bokeh Photo Overlays 2998860

Get style amazing holiday scene with fabulous atmosphere!

– 70 Christmas Light Bokeh Overlays
– JPG file format
– size 5000×3500 pixels


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
130 Mega Bundle Bokeh Transparent Photo Overlays You can easily create an unlimited pack by matching it with any product, Good for the web, Photoshop Action, flyers, posters, print, cards, photo background, business card, apps, as wallpapers, for presentations, etc.! INSIDE THE BUNDLE INFORMATION : 130 Transparent Png (download include) Help file 100 %HD quality Size: 4000 pix 2000 pix AND some of 3000pix, 2000pix 300 DPI Background any color mach
430+ Mega Overlays Bundle 5930862 PNG, JPG This set comes with a application guide: The overlays are in JPEG format, so just change the blending mode to soft light or overlay. 400 Files in JPG format. 300 dpi high quality. Compatible with Photoshop & Photoshop Elements or with any graphic program that can read .JPG files. Instruction in PDF format about how to easily use overlays. The List included: Film Texture – 50 JPG Overlays Falling Rain – 30 JPG Overlays Autumn Leaves – 40 PNG Overlays Bokeh Dust – 30 JPG Overlays Fog Overlays – 50 JPG Overlays Natural Light – 50 JPG Overlays Falling Snow – 30 JPG Overlays Light and Leak – 120 JPG Textures Film frame – 36 PNG Overlays
Sunshine Overlays Complete Bundle 2543088 Featuring all FOUR of the Sunshine Photography collections, and over 130 unique light overlays. You will create dazzling lighting effects with over 130 natural sunshine and light haze photography overlays. With just a few clicks you can transform lifeless images into eye catching photography, adding light leaks, sun flares, circle flares, light hazes, orbsand unique bokeh textures. Add drama and magic to any dull image with these easy to use overlays! Here’s what’s all included: ***Volume One 30 high-resolution JPEG images ***Volume Two 40 high-resolution JPEG images ***Volume Three 36 high-resolution JPEG images ***Sunset Edition 30 high-resolution JPEG images
20 Snow Overlay Textures – PSD + PNG Well its time to! With our set of 20 Snow Overlays for Adobe Photoshop. You can overlay these onto any artwork you want to induce a snowing effect instantly without having to create it yourself from scratch! In this set you get access to the following: 20 Snow Overlays in .PNG format ready to go! 20 Snow Overlays in PSD format with a smart object underneath for you to drop your images in! Readme.txt file for help
150 Sunset Sunrise Sky Overlays - 4109384 THE SET INCLUDES: 150 Sunset and Sunrise Sky Overlays size 5000x3500 pixels 300 DPI JPG format Open your image in Photoshop Drag and drop any sky overlay on top of your photo Increase or decrease size Select layer's blending mode to MULTIPLY Adjust opacity Erase unseful parts Done :)
50 Easter Photo Overlays 3182872 50 Easter photo overlays, spring photo overlay, photoshop overlay, clip art easter, flower frames overlays, png clipart easter, bunny ears This set include: 55 files: • 45 PNG • 5 JPEG - bokeh overlays. All images have a resolution of 300 DPI Enjoy and have fun! With Love, 2SUNS! Size archive 423 MB. Compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers ( Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, PicMonkey's Photo Editor, etc.) Note to the Lightroom users - please, make sure you have a plugin that allows you to work with layers
40 Gold Star Overlays 7 Golden Textures 2998931 Magic photo Overlays 47 High-Resolution! For use in any program that uses layers (Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, etc.) – 40 Magic stars photo Overlays (5000×3500 pixels) – 7 Gold Textures (3800×2100 pixels) – 6 Gold Hearts Overlays, BONUS (5000×3500 pixels) – JPG Files
50 Blue Cloud Sky Overlays Skies Texture 2998929 – 50 Blue Cloud Sky Overlays – JPG file format – size 5000×3500 pixels
60 Falling Confetti Overlays, Birthday 2998864 Confetti are an ideal way to add positive energy to your work and photos! For use in any program that uses layers (Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, etc.) THE SET INCLUDES: – 60 Confetti Photo Overlays – PNG file format – Transparent background – size from 3000×4500 pixels up to 8000×5400 pixels
58 Falling Confetti Photo Overlays 2998868 Confetti are an ideal way to add positive energy to your work and photos! For use in any program that uses layers (Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, etc.) – 58 Confetti Photo Overlays – JPG + PNG file format – size 4500×3000 pixels – 300 DPI
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