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Seafood Restaurant Mockup Set.zip

foto-photoshop / KREATORY / Seafood Restaurant Mockup Set.zip
Download: Seafood Restaurant Mockup Set.zip

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Seafood Restaurant Mockup Set

Seafood restaurant template - layered, editable psd file prepared to showcase your custom design, by simply editinng the smart object and color layers.
files works only in Photoshop (min. PS CS4);
pack includes 5 .psd files with 5 different placements, file specs: 4x 8500x6500 and 1x px 300dpi;
changeable colors, gradients (full range) and design (via smart objects);
backgrounds: 2 unique natural backgrounds, neutral and white (check preview);
Amazon ready: white background is always included;
well organized layers as in all of other Creatsy mockups.


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PSD with all items having prescaled proportions so you can get started quickly without wasting time on scaling items to fit to each other. Of course you can also use it for web purposes or without photoshop, since every item also comes as transparent PNG. ## FEATURES 130+ Items Isolated & Transparent Shadows PSD and PNG Files 7 Premade Scenes (Textures included) - 3000x2000 3 Seamless Fruit Patterns - 2000x2000 High Resolutionn Drag & Drop Placement Organized Layers ## FREE SCENE
♥ Kitchen Scene Generator ## DESCRIPTION "Kitchen Scene Generator" allows you to create beautiful food related images with ease. Set your creativity free and build tasty looking scenes simply by drag- & dropping items. It can be used for hero/header images, mockups, blog posts, print templates, advertisments and much more - the possibilities are endless. With over 675 items this product is the largest package of food related graphics available. The items are divided into 13 categories to keep everything organized while creating scenes. More than 200 of the items are customizable in details like colors, design or appearance. ## PRODUCT FEATURES 675+ Items 200+ Customizable Items (Color/Design/Style) 13 Categories Drag & Drop Placement Isolated Shadows High Resolution 27 Premade Scenes (3000x2000px) Transparency Effects PSD and PNG Files Organized Layers 23 Textures
Knock-knock Mockups FEATURES: Hi resolution images Easy editing Separated objects, backgrounds and shadows Top and isometric view WHAT'S INSIDE: 145 elements 50 prepared scenes Backgrounds and effects HOW TO USE: just double-click on layer named "replace", paste your artwork or logotype and hit "save".
22 UNIQUE MAGAZINES MOCKUPS SPECIFICATION • 22 Photorealistic Magazines Mockups • 6 Premade scene • High Resolution 3500×4500 px • 300 DPI, RGB Color Mode • Replaceable Background Texture • Scene Generator in 3 views • Changeable Background Color • Quick Replace Using Smart Object Unique magazines" is a series of high quality mockups. It includes 22 unique moсkup magazines in 3 views. 3 view give you endless opportunities for unique scenes creation.
Christmas Mock-Up Creator Premium quality, based on professional photos Christmas Mock-Up Creator. This file allows you easily create unique, eye catching Christmas Holiday cards, banners or wallpapers. Just drag and drop any item on stage, move, and scale them as you want, change items/background color and apply light setups to meet the mood of your scene, on top of it we created different style quotes, so you don’t bother with font styles, just select the one you need and drop to your scene Features 68 unique mock-ups & items 10 PSD scenes ready for use 24 different style quotes (quotes created with 3D Text Styles Advanced by designercow) All object & shadows fully separated Change items color with a single click Changeable background color and textures 6 background textures included Based on professional photos Adobe Photoshop CS4 or higher Resolution up to 4K displays – 4100×2733 in 300 dpi. Editable design via smart objects Simple file, easy to work with Illustrated user manual All font names are listed in User Manual PDF 3-rd. page
Christmas Top View Scene Creator Introducing Christmas Top View Scene Creator. This is a scene creator based on movable high-res isolated objects. You can create your unique scene in minutes. You can use it for your social media, online shop, blogs, print and more. All the objects and shadows are separated. 5 PSD Ultra High Res Files You can create scenes up too 6000 px | 300 dpi 30 Movable Elements (check previews to see all elements) 4 Backgrounds All elements are high res render images 300 dpi ready for print. You will need Photoshop CS4 or above to edit this file.
Halloween Scene Creators 8 Scene Creators Includes: 100+ Elements Lighting Effects Background Texture
Seafood Restaurant Mockup Set Seafood restaurant template - layered, editable psd file prepared to showcase your custom design, by simply editinng the smart object and color layers. files works only in Photoshop (min. PS CS4); pack includes 5 .psd files with 5 different placements, file specs: 4x 8500x6500 and 1x px 300dpi; changeable colors, gradients (full range) and design (via smart objects); backgrounds: 2 unique natural backgrounds, neutral and white (check preview); Amazon ready: white background is always included; well organized layers as in all of other Creatsy mockups.
Christmas Scene Creator Create your own professional mockups or last-minute Christmas cards with this beautifully crafted bundle! It covers both - traditional Christmas looks as well as frosty white Christmas (or even vintage "shabby chic") ones. BTW: These are also great for scrapbooking purposes of all kinds! Get ready to create and have fun! :) Here's what's inside: 4 HUGE psd-files (6000 x 9000 px each) with 60 unique holiday-themed items, photographed with a professional camera (Mk III) and studio lighting, carefully and precisely isolated editable (real!) shadows on separate layers The greeting cards, paper hangtags, the antique photo frame and the book were created as mockups: Easily edit them by pasting your own designs or texts into the smart objects! All parcels come with their ribbons/bows on an additional layer. 4 highly detailed backgrounds (larger than 3000 x 5000 px) for both styles 2 predesigned scenes - just to show you an example for what you can use these elements for. (Vintage/matte effects are separately grouped and removable.) But the possibilities are endless ... Go for your very own style!
Winter Holidays scene generator V.2 The Winter Holidays scene generator will equip you with everything you need to create Stunning Designs and Presentations. All 80+ items are in 300 DPI and they are Print Ready! You can design from scratch or use one 5 Ready-made scenes. Since every item is layered and well organized, you can create your unique presentation or design in just a few minutes. There are also 10 High-Res textures included, a perfect addition for any project.
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