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christianity at the crossroads (madden, thomas f.) | faith and reason - the philosophy of religion (kreeft, peter) | from here to infinity_an exploration of science fiction literature (drout, michael d.c.) |
from jesus to christianity - a history of the early church (madden, thomas f.) | history of the english language (drout, michael d.c.) | islam and the west (nasr, seyyed hossein) |
judaism, christianity and islam - the monotheists (peters, frank e.)) | masters of enterprise - american business history (brands h.w.) | one, holy, catholic and apostolic (madden, thomas f.) |
religion myth and magic - the anthropology of religion (johnson, susan) | religions of the east, paths to enlightenment (prothero, stephen) | resolute determination_napoleon and the french empire (sutherland, donald m.g.) |
the anglo-saxon world (drout, michael d.c.) | the catholic church in the modern age (madden, thomas f.) | the life and times of benjamin franklin (brands h.w.) |
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