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Ukryj opis
!non-fictio n
+lecture s
jorge luis borge s
th is cr af t of ve rs e
ken jennings
becau se i said so! the truth behin d the myths , tales , and warni ngs every gener ation passe s down to its kids [read by ken jenni ngs]
!popularno- naukowe
the modern scholar
chris tiani ty at the cross roads (madd en, thoma s f.)
faith and reaso n - the philo sophy of relig ion (kree ft, peter )
from here to infin ity_a n explo ratio n of scien ce ficti on liter ature (drou t, micha el d.c.)
from jesus to chris tiani ty - a histo ry of the early churc h (madd en, thoma s f.)
histo ry of the engli sh langu age (drou t, micha el d.c.)
islam and the west (nasr , seyye d hosse in)
judai sm, chris tiani ty and islam - the monot heist s (pete rs, frank e.))
maste rs of enter prise - ameri can busin ess histo ry (bran ds h.w.)
one, holy, catho lic and apost olic (madd en, thoma s f.)
relig ion myth and magic - the anthr opolo gy of relig ion (john son, susan )
relig ions of the east, paths to enlig htenm ent (prot hero, steph en)
resol ute deter minat ion_n apole on and the frenc h empir e (suth erlan d, donal d m.g.)
the anglo -saxo n world (drou t, micha el d.c.)
the catho lic churc h in the moder n age (madd en, thoma s f.)
the life and times of benja min frank lin (bran ds h.w.)
!słuchowisk a
a.s. byatt
the children 's book (read by rosalyn landor)
alastair reynolds
revelati on space [read by john lee]
alfred bester
the demolish ed man [read by jordan law]
ali smith
first person
alice munro
runaway [read by kymberly dakin]
allegra goodman
the cookbook collecto r [read by ariadne meyers]
anne enright
the gatherin g
aravind adiga
the white tiger
arthur c. clark
the city and the stars
charles dickens
great expectat ions (abridge d, read by hugh laurie)
charlotte bronte
jane eyre (read by amanda root)
chimamanda ngozi adichie
half of a yellow sun [read by adjoa andoh]
the thing around your neck [read by adjoa andoh]
christian lander
stuff white people like [read by victor bevine]
christina stead
the man who loved children
connie willis
doomsday book [read by jenny sterlin]
cormac mccarthy
no country for old men [read by tom stechsch ulte]
the road [read by tom stechsch ulte]
david brin
startide rising [read by george wilson]
david lynch
catching the big fish_ meditati on, consciou sness, and creativi ty [read by david lynch]
david mitchell
black swan green [read by kirby heyborne ]
cloud atlas
david sedaris
let's explore diabetes with owls [read by david sedaris]
me talk pretty one day [read by david sedaris]
denis johnson
jesus' son [read by will patton]
tree of smoke [read by will patton]
dennis lehane
shutter island [read by tom stechsch ulte]
don delillo
falling man [read by john slattery ]
donald barthelme
the dead father [read by dennis holland]
douglas adams
the salmon of doubt
e.l. doctorow
homer and langley [read by arthur morey]
emma donoghue
ernest hemingway
for whom the bell tolls (read by alexande r adams)
the sun also rises
eudora welty
delta wedding [read by sally darling
flann o'brien
the third policema n
gary shteyngart
super sad true love story [read by adam grupper and ali ahn]
gene wolfe
the shadow of the torturer
george orwell
animal farm (read by timothy west)
george r.r. martin
a song of ice and fire
greg bear
h.p. lovecraft
the call of cthulhu [read by garrick hagon]
harper lee
to kill a mockingb ird [read by sally darling]
harry harrison
the stainles s steel rat
henry miller
tropic of cancer
henry rollins
get in the van
hilary mantel
wolf hall
iain m. banks
the player of games [read by peter kenny]
j.d. salinger
the catcher in the rye [read by michael rolly]
james joyce
dubliner s
portrait of the artist as a young man [read by peter bobbe]
jane austen
jane austen & seth grahame-smi th
pride and prejudic e and zombies [read by katherin e kellgren ]
jedediah berry
the manual of detectio n
jeffrey eugenides
middlese x [read by kristoff er tabori]
the virgin suicides [read by nick landrum]
jennifer mcmahon
promise not to tell
jhumpa lahiri
the namesake [read by sarita choudhur y]
unaccust omed earth [read by sarita choudhur y & ajay naidu]
joe abercrombie
red country [read by steven pacey]
the first law
the first law 01 the blade itsel f [read by steve n pacey ]
the first law 02 befor e they are hange d [read by steve n pacey ]
the first law 03 last argum ent of kings [read by steve n pacey ]
john barth
giles goat-boy
the sot-weed factor
john cheever
the john cheever audio collecti on [read by meryl streep, george plimpton and others]
the stories of john cheever
john dos passos
three soldiers
john updike
jonathan franzen
the correcti ons [read by george guidall]
julian barnes
arthur and george [read by nigel anthony]
khaled hosseini
the kite runner [read by khaled hosseini ]
kurt vonnegut
larry niven & jerry pournelle
lucifer' s hammer [read by marc vietor]
margaret atwood
miranda july
no one belongs here more than you [read by miranda july]
neal stephenson
the diamond age [read by jennifer wiltsie]
neil gaiman
neverwhe re [read by neil gaiman]
odd and the frost giants [read by neil gaiman]
nicole krauss
great house [read by alma cuervo, george guidall, celeste ciulla, paul hecht, robert ian mackenzi e]
paul theroux
dark star safari [read by norman dietz]
great railway bazaar [read by frank muller]
the mosquito coast [read by david aaron baker]
philip jose farmer
to your scattere d bodies go [read by paul hecht]
philip k. dick
the three stigmata of palmer eldritch [read by tom weiner]
robert a. heinlein
citizen of the galaxy [read by lloyd james]
the door into summer [read by patrick lawlor]
roddy doyle
paddy clarke ha ha ha [abridge d, read by aidan gillen]
salman rushdie
sebastian faulks
birdsong [read by peter firth]
stephen fry
the stars tennis balls [read by stephen fry]
william shakespeare
jorge luis borges
klaus kinski - kinski spricht werke der weltliterat ur
klaus theweleit - das raf-gespens t
thomas mann - der zauberberg
angielskie napisy
bez napisów
polskie napisy
języki obce
gumilinski & cn roundhouse kick & topograph! zemlemer
2010 - split cd
gumilinski & thomas saves the day
2009 - split
helga & the death of her money
2010 - split

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cuszka napisano 4.09.2012 14:08

zgłoś do usunięcia

seriale4y napisano 29.12.2012 01:09

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Atlas Chmur - Cloud Atlas - dobra jakość z napisami PL. zapraszam

loca20 napisano 2.03.2013 10:36

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synek1984 napisano 24.08.2013 01:14

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Sezar18 napisano 17.10.2013 11:14

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darmowe_fragmenty napisano 9.11.2013 18:21

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"Posiadanie marzenia to pierwszy krok na drodze ku jego realizacji. Kiedy już uporasz się z przeszłością, zaakceptujesz siebie samego oraz zobowiążesz do samospełnienia, następnym krokiem będzie puszczenie wodzy fantazji. Zaplanuj podróż ku marzeniom. Wyobraź sobie ich realne spełnienie. Kiedy już ośmieliłeś się zamarzyć o czymś, podążanie w kierunku spełnienia tej rzeczy stanie się koniecznością . W przeciwnym razie marzenie zacznie zżerać cię od środka. Nic nie zabija nas tak, jak świadomość tego, że posiadało się marzenie, które nigdy nie doczekało się spełnienia. Uznaj zatem, że podążanie ścieżką marzeń jest koniecznością."

Les Brown


magdalenka95 napisano 15.03.2015 19:51

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wagnerka9595 napisano 27.04.2021 17:57

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jegah58199 napisano 21.12.2022 08:06

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