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Abnett, Dan
Borde r Princ es
First and Only
Abulhawa , Susan
Morni ngs in Jenin
Achebe, Chinua
Thing s Fall Apart
Acker, Rick
When the Devil Whist les
Ackroyd, Peter
Albio n the Origi ns of the Engli sh Imagi
The House of Docto r Dee
Adams, C. T
Capti ve Moon
Cold Moon Risin g
Howli ng Moon
Hunte r's Moon
Moon' s Fury
Moon' s Web
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Timel ess Moon
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Touch of Evil
Touch of Madne ss
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Adams, Guy
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Adams, Jeanne
Deadl y Littl e Secre ts
Adams, John Joseph
Adams, Karen M
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Adams, Richard
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Heave n
Alcott, Louisa May
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Hotho use
Aldrich- Creasy, E. Marie
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Ali, Thalassa
Begga r at the Gate, A
Compa nions of Parad ise
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Alighier i, Dante
The Divin e Comed y
Allen, David
Getti ng Thing s Done
Allen, Sarah Addison
Garde n Spell s
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The Sugar Queen
Allen, Tim
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Doc Sidhe
Outca st
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Alper, Matthew
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Altshele r, Joseph A
Alvarez, Julia
In the Time of the Butte rflie s
Retur n to Sende r
Alvtegen , Karin
Shado w
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Ambrose, Starr
Our Littl e Secre t
Ambrose, Stephen E
Amis, Kingsley
Lucky Jim
The Old Devil s - A Novel
Amis, Martin
Anand, Mulk Raj
Untou chabl e
Anders, Lou
Maske d
Andersen , Hans Christia n
Fairy Tales
Hans Ander sens Fairy Tales
Anderson , Kevin David & Stall, Sam
Night of the Livin g Trekk ies
Anderson , Kevin J
Anderson , Poul
Andrews, Helena
Bitch Is the New Black a Memoi r
Andrews, Russell
Aphro dite
Andrus, James
The Perfe ct Woman
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I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Anghelid es, Peter
Anoth er Life
Pack Anima ls
Anonymou s
Ansay, A. Manette
Good Thing s I Wish You
Anthony, Jessica
The Conva lesce nt
Anthony, Mark
Gates of Winte r, The
Anthony, Michael
Mass Casua lties a Young Medic 's True St
Anthony, Piers
Anvil, Christop her
Inter stell ar Patro l
Pando ras Legio ns
Rx for Chaos
Appleby, Joyce
Archer, Alex
Archer, Jeffrey
Paths of Glory
Archulet a, David
Chord s of Stren gth a Memoi r of Soul, So
Ariely, Dan
The Upsid e of Irrat ional ity
Aristoph anes
Armstron g, Delson
Red Serpe nt the Falsi fier
Armstron g, Karen
Armstron g, Kelley
Armstron g, Lori
Mercy Kill - A Myste ry
Arsenaul t, Emily
The Broke n Teagl ass
Asa, Daniel
Larry 's Kidne y Being the True Story Of
Asaro, Catherin e
Prima ry Inver sion
Sunri se Alley
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Murde r for Chris t's Mass
Asher, Neal
The Techn ician
Ashworth , Adele
My Darli ng Carol ine
Asimov, Isaac
Asimov, Isaac & Silverbe rg, Robert
Night fall
The Posit ronic Man
Asprin, Robert
Anoth er Fine Myth
Atkins, Ace
Devil 's Garde n
Infam ous
Atkinson , Kate
Start ed Early , Took My Dog
Atwood, Margaret
Atwood, Margaret & Martin, Valerie
Handm aid's Tale, The
Auel, Jean M
Augarde, Tony
The Oxfor d Dicti onary of Moder n Quota tions
Auletta, Ken
Googl ed
Austen, Charles
Like Warm Sun on Nekki d Botto ms
Austen, Jane
Auster, Paul
Sunse t Park
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Axton, David
Baatz, Simon
For the Thril l of It Leopo ld, Loeb, and the Murde r That Shock ed Jazz Age Chica go
Bachman, Richard
The Runni ng Man
Bacigalu pi, Paolo
Pump Six and Other Stori es
The Windu p Girl
Bacus, Kathleen
Calam ity Jayne
Baggett, Jennifer
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Baggett, Nancy
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Baigent, Michael
Bailey, Elisabet h Tova
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eatin g
Bainbrid ge, Beryl
Anoth er Part of the Wood
Maste r Georg ie
Baker, Deb
Baker, E. D
The Frog Princ ess
Baker, Richard
Farth est Reach - The Last Mytha l
Final Gate - The Last Mytha l
Bakker, R. Scott
Disci ple of the Dog
Warri or Proph et, The
Baldacci , David
Baldwin, Rosecran s
You Lost Me There
Bale, Tom
Skin and Bones
Ball, Alan
Ameri can Beaut y
Ball, Toby
The Vault s
Ballard, J. G
Ballard, Mignon F
Shado w of An Angel
The Angel Whisp ered Dange r
Banks, Iain M
Banks, Ian M
Banks, Leslie
Banner, Catherin e
The Eyes of a King
Banville , John
Barber, Lynn
An Educa tion
Barbieri , Heather
The Lace Maker s of Glenm ara
Barbieri , Maggie
Extra curri cular Activ ities
Barclay, James
Elfso rrow
Elves Once Walke d With Gods
Barclay, Patrick
'foot ball - Blood y Hell! ' the Story Of
Barker, Clive
Barnhous e, Rebecca
The Comin g of the Drago n
Baron, Helen
Perfe ct Perso nalit y Profi les
Barone, Sam
Quest for Honou r
Barr, Nevada
Track of the Cat
Barr, Tracy
Livin g Well in a Down Econo my for Dummi e
Barrett, Julia
Beaut y and the Feast
Barrett, Raymond Charles
Short Story Writi ng
Barrie, James M
Peter Pan
Peter Pan in Kensi ngton Garde ns and Pete
Barron, Stephani e
Barry, Dave
Barry, John M
Risin g Tide the Great Missi ssipp i Flood
Barry, Lynda
Crudd y
Barry, Max
Barth, Wolfgang
Nagio s Syste m and Netwo rk Monit oring ,
Barton, Beverly
Don't Cry
Sanct uary
Silen t Kille r
Bass, Jefferso n
Flesh and Bone a Body Farm Novel
The Devil 's Bones a Body Farm Novel
Bast, Anya
Bastiani ch, Joe
Pasta Perfe ct
Bastiani ch, Lidia Matticch io
Lidia Cooks From the Heart of Italy a F
Battles, Brett
The Unwan ted
Bauer, Belinda
Darks ide - A Novel
Bauer, Joy
Joy Bauer 's Food Cures
Bauermei ster, Erica
The Monda y Night Cooki ng Schoo l
Baum, Lyman Frank
Baversto ck, Alison
How to Get a Job in a Museu m Or Art Gall
Baxendal e, Trevor
Somet hing in the Water
The Under taker 's Gift
Baxter, Stephen
Bayard, Louis
The Pale Blue Eye - A Novel
Bayly, Christop her
Bazell, Josh
Beat the Reape r - A Novel
Beale, Elaine
Anoth er Life Altog ether - A Novel
Bear, Greg
Beard, Henry
X-Tre me Latin Lingu a Latin a Extre ma Al
Becker, James
The Moses Stone
Becker, Robin
Brain s a Zombi e Memoi r
Beckett, Bernard
Genes is
Beckett, Galen
House on Durro w Stree t, The
Beckett, Samuel
Three Novel s Mollo y, Malon e Dies, the U
Begley, Louis
Warti me Lies
Bekoff, Marc
The Anima l Manif esto Six Reaso ns for Ex
Bell, Charles
Mysql High Avail abili ty
Bell, James Scott
Try Fear
Bell, Madison Smartt
All Souls ' Risin g
Devil 's Dream
Bell, Ted
Warlo rd An Alex Hawke Novel
Bellamy, Edward
Looki ng Backw ard From
Benatar, Pat
Betwe en a Heart and a Rock Place a Memo
Benford, Gregory
Times cape
Benjamin , Melanie
Alice I Have Been - A Novel
Bennett, Vanora
The Peopl e's Queen
Benson, Kristina
The Unoff icial Harry Potte r Encyc loped ia Harry Potte r a - Z
Benz, Derek
Grey Griff ins the Clock work Chron icles
Berg, Elizabet h
Berney, Lou
Gutsh ot Strai ght
Bernhard , Thomas, Et. Al
Loser , The
Bernhard t, William
Capit ol Threa t
Berry, Jedediah
The Manua l of Detec tion
The Manua l of Detec tion - A Novel
Berry, Stephen Ames
Berry, Steve
The Balka n Escap e
The Balka n Escap e (Shor t Story ) a Cassi (7757 )
The Charl emagn e Pursu it
Bertrand , J. Mark
Back on Murde r
Bester, Alfred
Betancou rt, Ingrid
Even Silen ce Has An End My Six Years Of
Betancou rt, John Gregory
Infec tion
Beukes, Lauren
Zoo City
Bevarly, Elizabet h
Indec ent Sugge stion
Bhalla, Jag
I'm Not Hangi ng Noodl es on Your Ears And
Bianchin , Helen
Publi c Marri age, Priva te Secre ts
Binding, Tim
Islan d Madne ss
Birkegaa rd, Mikkel
The Libra ry of Shado ws
Birken, Gary
Birken, Gary 1
Bishop, George
Lette r to My Daugh ter - A Novel
Biss, Gerald
The Door of the Unrea l
Bissell, Tom
Extra Lives Why Video Games Matte r
Bittman, Mark
Food Matte rs a Guide to Consc ious Eatin
Mark Bittm an's Kitch en Expre ss
The Food Matte rs Cookb ook
Bittner, Rosanne
Where Heave n Begin s
Black, Benjamin
Chris tine Falls
Elegy for April
The Silve r Swan
Black, Holly
Geekt astic
The Poiso n Eater s and Other Stori es
Black, Holly & Larbales tier, Justin
Zombi es Vs. Unico rns
Black, Lewis
I'm Dream ing of a Black Chris tmas
Black, Lisa
Takeo ver
Black, Nikita
The Reneg ade's Woman
Black, Sean
Lockd own
Blackwel l, Elise
An Unfin ished Score
Blair, Tony
A Journ ey My Polit ical Life
Blake, Ally
Datin g the Rebel Tycoo n
Blake, Anita
Blanc, Nero
Death on the Diago nal
Two Down
Blanding , Michael
Coke Machi ne the Dirty Truth Behin d the World 's Favor ite Soft Drink , The
Blanding , Michael 1
Coke Machi ne the Dirty Truth Behin d the World 's Favor ite Soft Drink , The
Blank-Ed elman, David N
Autom ating Syste m Admin istra tion With Pe
Blank-Ed elman, David N 1
Autom ating Syste m Admin istra tion With Pe
Blastlan d, Michael
Blatty, William Peter
The Exorc ist
Blatty, William Peter 1
The Exorc ist
Blatty, William Peter 2
The Exorc ist
Bledsoe, Alex
The Sword -Edge d Blond e
Blish, James
A Case of Consc ience
Bliss, Miranda
Block, Lawrence
Bloom, Amy
Love Inven ts Us
Blum, Jenna
Those Who Save Us
Blyton, Enid
Bobbitt, Philip
Shiel d of Achil les - War, Peace , and the Cours e of Histo ry, The
Boccacci o, Giovanni
The Decam eron
Boggs, Johnny D
North field
Bohjalia n, Chris
The Doubl e Bind
Bohjalia n, Christop her
Befor e You Know Kindn ess
Boinod, Adam Jacot de
The Meani ng of Tingo and Other Extra ord
Bolano, Roberto
Bolton, S.J
Blood Harve st
Bono, Edward de
Later al Think ing
Think ! Befor e It's Too Late
Booth, Stephen
Lost River
Boothman , Nicholas
How to Make Peopl e Like You In
Borges, Jorge Luis
Labyr inths
Borodale , Jane
The Book of Fires
Boulle, Pierre
Plane t of the Apes
Bourdain , Anthony
Bourne, J. L
Beyon d Exile Day By Day Armag eddon
Day By Day Armag eddon
Bourne, Sam
The Last Testa ment
Bova, Ben
Bowden, Mark
Black Hawk Down a Story of Moder n War
Killi ng Pablo the Hunt for the World 's
Bowen, Rhys
Bowick, David
How to Disap pear Compl etely
Bowley, Graham
No Way Down Life and Death on K
Box, C. J
Boyd, Gregory A
The Myth of a Chris tian Natio n How The
The Myth of a Chris tian Relig ion Losin g
Boyd, Noah
The Brick layer
Boyd, William
Armad illo
Boyle, Frankie
My Shit Life So Far
Boyne, John
The Boy in the Strip ed Pyjam as
Bracegir dle, P. J
Fiend ish Deeds
Bradbury , Ray
Bradby, Tom
The Maste r of Rain
Braddick , Michael
Bradford , Chris
Bradford , Sarah
Lucre zia Borgi a Life, Love and Death In
Bradley, Darin
Bradley, James
The Imper ial Cruis e a Secre t Histo ry Of
Bradley, Laura
The Brush -Off a Hair- Raisi ng Myste ry
Bragg, Rick
The Princ e of Frogt own
Brandeis , Gayle
Delta Girls
Brandret h, Gyles
Oscar Wilde and the Candl eligh t Murde rs
Brashare s, Ann
My Name Is Memor y
Braun, Lilian Jackson
Braun, Lilian Jackson 1
Brendon, Piers
Brendon, Piers 1
Brenna, Helen
Along Came a Husba nd
Brenna, Helen 1
Along Came a Husba nd
Brennan, Marie
A Star Shall Fall
Brennan, Marie 1
A Star Shall Fall
Brenner- Wonschic k, Hannelor e
The Girls of Room
Brenner- Wonschic k, Hannelor e 1
The Girls of Room
Bretton, Barbara
Laced With Magic
Bretton, Barbara 1
Laced With Magic
Brewer, Sonny
Corma c the Tale of a Dog Gone Missi ng
Brewer, Sonny 1
Corma c the Tale of a Dog Gone Missi ng
Bried, Erin
How to Build a Fire and Other Handy Thi
Bried, Erin 1
How to Build a Fire and Other Handy Thi
Briggs, Patricia
Bright, Elizabet h
Deadl y Greet ings a Card- Makin g Myste ry
Invit ation to Murde r a Card- Makin g Myst
Murde r and Salut ation s
Brin, David
The Postm an
Brin, David 1
The Postm an
The Postm an (4838 )
Brinkley , Alan
The Publi sher Henry Luce and His Ameri c
Britton, Pamela
Tempt ed
Brizendi ne, Louann
The Male Brain
Brock, Anne
Give Me Liber ty
Brock, Darrell L
Break ing the Da Vinci Code
Brockman n, Suzanne
Over the Edge
The Unsun g Hero
Brockway , Robert
Brokaw, Charles
The Atlan tis Code
The Child Thief
Bronson, Po
Nurtu resho ck New Think ing About Child re
Bronte, Anne
Agnes Grey
Bronte, Charlott e 1
Jane Eyre
Bronte, Emily Jane
Wuthe ring Heigh ts
Brookmyr e, Christop her
Panda emoni um
Brooks, Geraldin e
March - A Novel
Year of Wonde rs - A Novel of the Plagu e
Brooks, Helen
Milli onair e's Women
Brooks, Max
Brooks, Terry
Brothers , Grimm
Grimm 's Fairy Tales
Brown, Dan
Brown, Deborah M
Brown, Eric
Ketha ni
Brown, Graham
Black Rain a Thril ler
Black Sun a Thril ler
Brown, Harriet
Brave Girl Eatin g a Famil y's Strug gle W
Brown, Ian
The Boy in the Moon a Fathe r's Searc h F
Brown, Janelle
This Is Where We Live
Brown, Jennifer
Hate List
Brown, John
Serva nt of a Dark God
Brown, Mike
How I Kille d Pluto and Why It Had It Comin g
Brown, Pat
The Profi ler My Life Hunti ng Seria l Kil
Brown, Rita Mae
A Nose for Justi ce
Brown, Sandra
Tough Custo mer - A Novel
Browning , Robert
Child e Rolan d to the Dark Tower Came
The Pied Piper of Hamli n
Brownwor th, Lars
Lost to the West the Forgo tten Byzan tin
Bryant, Howard
The Last Hero a Life of Henry Aaron
Bryson, Bill
Buchanan , Cathy Marie
The Day the Falls Stood Still
Buchanan , Cathy Marie 1
The Day the Falls Stood Still
Buckell, Tobias S
Halo - The Cole Proto col
Buckley, Christop her
Flore nce of Arabi a
Thank You for Smoki ng
Buechele r, Christop her
The Blood That Bonds
Buffett, Jimmy
A Salty Piece of Land
Swine Not - A Novel Pig Tale
Bujold, Lois McMaster
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Bukowski , Charles
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